Mylestone Equine Rescue 6 0 0 Every horse we save makes a difference 2 G N I FINDING LIZZY ... R P S Katrina, one of our devoted vets, met me at a home that was look- S ing to get rid of an old pony. From the outside, garbage and debris were strewn all over; in the back was a barn in disrepair with a small corral that was overgrown. We didn’t see a pony, though the H elderly owner told us she was in the barn. Katrina and I proceed- ed to the barn, where a board hanging in part of the entranceway closed the doorway. There was manure all over the outside of the entrance. The barn was filthy and you could tell it had just been G cleaned out for our visit. The manure line along the walls was at I least a foot high.There tied to the wall was a small black pony with long curled up hooves. She pawed wildly at us, as if to say,“Get me the heck out of here.” She was covered in matted manure under- neath her left side and belly. She was thin but had been getting E some hay and grain they recently bought. Katrina and I agreed immediately we had to take her. My friend Maryanne arrived with her trailer and Lizzy dragged Katrina and I out of the barn and on to the trailer. Lizzy had been N alone and tied to the barn wall for at least 6 months. It is difficult to imagine day in and out being tied, barely able to turn around or lie down for all that time. Lizzy was happy to see other horses when she got here. We made a temporary area for her near our mini’s, Lucy and Peppermint Patty. But Lizzy became very stressed D out that she was not in the paddock with them, so rather than risk her hurting herself with her long hooves pacing, we put her in with the Lucy and Patty. Now the girls weren’t sure what to think of her. Lizzy quickly calmed down and soon became very attached N to Lucy. Our next step was to take X-rays of Lizzy’s hooves (con’t. pg 5) A THE FAB FAUX PLAY TO BENEFIT MYLESTONE! The Fab Faux will be making their Philadelphia area debut when they perform a benefit concert presented by Livestock at The Keswick S Theatre in Glenside, PA on Saturday, April 1, to raise money for Mylestone Equine Rescue. The Fab Faux bring together the talent of five of New York’s most accom- plished musicians: Will Lee of The Late Show with David Letterman, Jimmy R Vivino of Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Rich Pagano, who has performed with musicians including Rosanne Cash and Ray Davies, Jack Petruzzelli, who has worked with Joan Osborne and recently returned from touring E with Rufus Wainwright, and Frank Agnello, who has performed with Phoebe Snow and Marshall Crenshaw. As one of the most sought after Beatle’s tribute bands touring today,The Fab Faux have recently been featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, made a live K appearance on The Howard Stern Show, played on Little Steven’s ESPN Underground Garage New Years Eve Bash, and currently maintain an active touring schedule both nationally and internationally. “Best band, best show, best musicians, best rapport with the fans, best C everything! In short, we at the Cavern have a new answer to that same old I question,‘Which is the best Beatle band in the world?’ Finally we can say, hand on heart, The Fab Faux from New York City,”says Bill Heckle, owner of The Cavern Club and Producer of Beatleweek, Liverpool, UK. Mylestone is deeply grateful to Lori Rocker for organizing this Fab event to N help our horses. Lori and her husband John through their (cont’d Page 3) MY SIDE OF THE FENCE - Susankelly Thompson MYLESTONE EQUINE RESCUE I hope our latest newsletter finds you all well. Mylestone 227 Still Valley Road ended up having a very successful year thanks to you ... our Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 donors, sponsors and volunteers in 2005. (908) 995-9300 2006 has begun with a variety of issues, and we’re all glad spring is just around the corner! The horses are starting to www.mylestone.org shed their winter coats, and we end up covered with hair as we shed (brush) them out. Our volunteers have been a won- Susankelly Thompson derful help to us as my husband Bruce and I have faced some Founder, President very difficult medical challenges these past few months with BOARD OF DIRECTORS our son, Samuel. Family, friends and volunteers really pitched in to help us so we could drive back and forth to Children’s Susankelly Thompson Hospital of Philadelphia almost weekly. Samuel has been a Bruce Thompson real trooper through tests and procedures as we try to find the Mary Beth Hamorski,VMD answers to the problems with one of his legs. Through all of Kathleen Stanwood this, Samuel, just 9 years old, has endured constant pain. Lizzy Joan Cully In dealing with his issues I have fallen behind in paperwork, Diane Becker so please let us know if we have forgotten anything or anyone. And while trying to balance Suzanne Rinato the life of my family with the care of the horses and all that entails, I couldn’t believe it when I got a phone call about Lizzy two days before Samuel was scheduled for brain and spine WEBMASTER MRI’s. I felt so overwhelmed ... how could I possibly rescue another life? Yet with the help of Paige Roberto, Laura Rowe, Lori Schultz good friends Katrina and Maryanne we got Lizzy here. It was tragic to think that Lizzy’s other horse friends were removed together, leaving her all alone. There wasn’t enough room in the NICKERS AND NEIGHS trailer to take her so they just left her tied in the barn. She has now settled in very happily WRITERS/EDITORS with Patty and Lucy, so grateful to have friends. Lizzy and I have something in common; we Dillon are both very grateful for our friends who are there to help us out in our times of need! Thank Susankelly Thompson you all for your continuous support of Mylestone and the wonderful horses we rescue! Jeanne Balsam Kathy Stanwood HOLIDAYS MERRIER THANKS TO GLASSMAN FAMILY GRAPHIC DESIGN Jeanne Balsam PHOTOGRAPHY Jeanne Balsam, Lori Schultz Kathy Stanwood, Susankelly Thompson, HOURS OF OPERATION By appointment only Pictured in one of the lovely holiday rooms are from left to right: Kari Ann, Mrs. Glassman, Susankelly, Samuel, Suzanne and Kathy. The Glassman Family of Annandale NJ graciously invited Mylestone to their magnificent home for one of their Holiday House Tours, held on two weekends each December. OUR MISSION Mylestone was chosen by the Glassman’s daughter, Kari Ann Marshall to be the recipient of Mylestone Equine Rescue (“M.E.R.”) is donations from this year’s house tour. dedicated to abused and neglected The house is completely outfitted in spectacular holiday finery from top to bottom. Each room horses. M.E.R. works to educate the has a special theme, and as you wind your way through, you are treated to a winter wonder- general public about these land of special collectibles.There are tiny lit villages that feature movement, like ice skaters on unspeakable sufferings and promotes a pond; the town of Bethlehem complete with an audio of the story of Christmas; a room ded- the plight of unwanted horses. icated to Hannakah – beautiful in blue and silver; and an entire room of Disney holiday fig- Our goal is to place these once urines rivals Main Street USA at Disneyworld! A dining room table festively dressed invites magnificent creatures in homes that will guests to have a seat and enjoy. And of course there was an upside down Christmas tree! give them the love and care they Special thanks to Sue DeHart, Krista Strobel, Kathy Casey, Suzanne Rinato, Diane Becker and deserve. If suitable homes are not Kathy Stanwood who volunteered to greet guests at the start of the tour. We were able to have found, M.E.R. will be a permanent a table set up with Mylestone information and all kinds of goodies to sell. Everyone who came home for these horses. to take the tour was very generous. Thank you so much Glassman Family for your kind gen- erosity and most of all, your energy and patience, for without that this event could not take Mylestone is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organiza- tion. All donations are tax-deductible. place! 2 WITH GREAT DON’T MISS THIS FAB FUNDRAISER!! (cont’d from Pg.1) APPRECIATION ... organization, Livestock, have been incredibly generous in helping the horses in putting Mylestone wants to thank Jennifer Graham together this concert, another this spring at a small venue (already sold out!) with Jorma for her years of service as a devoted board Kaukonen, and last summer with a folk/blues concert on their property in Bedminster. If you member. Jennifer will continue to volunteer can possibly make the Fab Faux concert, it’s an event not to be missed! when needed. Mylestone works with Tickets to this event can be purchased by calling The Keswick Theatre at 215-572-7650 or can Jennifer and others to set up Lord Stirling's be ordered online at www.keswicktheatre.com. Retirement Program for the lesson horses at For more information on Livestock and Lori’s efforts to raise funds for charity, you can visit the stable that need new homes.
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