Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-6-1983 University News, October 6 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. \ III",111l' III b.,IIl' 21 ' , , Boise State's Student Weekly I hur-aluv , (kllll,ll'r 6, I'IXJ , , . IAClplan' feasibility .questioned t t 1; by Kelly Love I, The University News The question of feasibility set the tone of last Thursday's public hearing on the IACI (Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry) recommendations for improving higher education. A sparse gathering of 35 persons met at I the Hall of Mirrors in Boise to voice their concerns and question members of the Task I, Force on issues concerning those recorn- In this issue... mendations, Ii The public hearing in Boise wasthe last of eight public hearings and according to Master Zirrawill teach and choreograph ballet for AFE-Photo by Russ P. Markus. some, the least heated-of the meetings. The task force has made recom- 'j mendations about tuition, admission \ standards, community colleges, a gover- ! Master-Marins Zirra nance board, a board of regents for higher J education, and faculty salaries. \ Testimony at the hearing focused on the i New ballet 'school opens in Boise basic feasibility of the recommendations. "The task force has missed the total r point," said Larry Mills, .a former Idaho \ ARIUS ZIRRA, A FORMER by Valerie Mead legislator. "It hasn't addressed the key' \ . Bucharest Ballet dancer who The University News question of how to get these recommen- . defected to the Wesl over '30 dations through the legislature." M. years ago, became director of According to Mills, the recommen- the American Festival Ballet Dance Center, in jazz dance; modern dance and aerobics. dations will not go through the legislature BSU Theatre Artsprod.uction'·ofDeath of a a ballet school, in September. The teaching staff includes Zirra, Barbara unless the community "gets on this," Salesman, details' page '9 . '. Zirra, ongmallyof Romania, says he left Gile, Marla Hansen, and Heidi Bunting. which, in his opinion, has not been that country because he was tired of always Zirra also will do choreography for the. happening. dancing or directing classic ballets. "I did company, joining Betsy Wistrich and Sam. According to Mills, higher education in not ,!=.omE;.::lte~~_,for; m~tfOri!11,~~.~tl!,~', ~~_, L Ku~tjii!n i~ th~~ J;l!:p~ci~y.The firs~ pla~n:d .1t1ahQ,. can .not, afford to wait. for low · says. "1 came here (to:the"'Umted States) , I performance. of ZI!Ta's chor~ography IS'IO.. ;Jegi~JMiveaccept~nce.,~of.the. __recorn, because I wanted to do my ballets, ballets the spring repertory, which' wlU be per- menaations;,"Idahoans dori'rmove very for my soul, which 1 could not at home." formed in Boise at the MorrisonCenter. fast, and I don't think that we have this Before he came to ,pois'e, Zirra founded The ballet will be. Don Juan set to the much time," he warned. and was artistic director of Stage 7 Dance music of Richard Strauss. Zirrasays Idaho Mills says that there is no way to get theatre in San Diego. ·"1 began with 25 needs the "White Ballets", well-known quality education without spending money, children,just a school. But because we had classic stories, at this point in its cultural adding, "this state has not done that." class every day, and because they were so growth. Task force member Edward Osborne dedicated, in two years. they became a Through the dance center's apprentice admitted that the recommendations were in performing company. It was very difficult program,Zirra says, AFB will have the "a marketing phase." to leave them." extra dancers for a corps de ballet ensemble John Clute, chairman of the task force, . Zirra's reason for coming to Boise are which is necessary to stage classic ballets. responded by saying, "First things first." 'complex. "Firstly," he says, "I came to Shelton said that the apprenticeships will Once the final recommendations are out, he · help my friends, Betsy and Stephen." But not solve all the problems of trying to says, the task force will give thought to. Zirra also feels that it is timefor him to perform the large-cast classic ballets. implementing them. "put down some roots. Dancers are such Because AFB tours extensively, and mostly "We're getting a full day's time of the Russian Awareness Week at BSU features gypsies, but at my age, it's time to settle in small communities, there are often legislature," Clute said. "We will make films and lectures. More on page 9. down some." '. restrictions. due to space. ' sure that they understand as to why we're ,"With'the mountains here, it reminds me "In many of the communities where we making these recommendations." of iny country," he says. "The climate in perform," Shelton says, "the only space southern California is nothing like my available is, say, the high school gym. We country." But he has other things planned. don't have the space for 20' dancers on Community colleges "Our purpose," Zirra says, "is to create ~ ZIRRA on page 12 Dr'. Charles Davis, chairman of the BSU art, and to sell the product of that art!' He ' English Department, also testified. says that he wants to create a strong "One has to be leery' if some of these tradition of art Jn Boise through the : recommendations are. accepted and others AmerlcanTestival Ballet company and ignored," he said. Davis said' that he through his experience in the arts. supported the report but was concerned Eventually, Zirra would like the school over the task force plan' to' build new · to be able to train dancers for the company. community colleges. .. According to John Shelton, management 'Building new community colleges, he director for AFB, that goal still is not said; would' be "showy and get more within reach because it takes three or four .' . attention," but it could prove counter- years for a dance school just to get ' .. productive but not using available money . established. on already established schools . "From the students we will form a junior . Davis also questioned the tuition Kurt Vonnegut, Jrdecturesat the College company," Zirra says. "And if this' junior . proposal changes saying that it might be of Idaho. See page 5 . company can become good enough, it will . too easy for the legislature to raise tuition become well-known. locally, then perhaps> to obtain additional funds ina fiscal i; regionally. Perhaps it will become known crunch. nationally, but that is far from likely." Davis did offer support for the task force Also ... proposal to raise faculty salaries and to Dance classes' . provide funds for sabbatical and travel Campus News Page 3: The first step in Zirra'splanis the dance expenditures, calling it:"essential. " . 'Employment Outlook Page 6 center's opening. According to Shelton, the Shirley; Deagle 'agreedwith Davis' test- ASBSU Elections ; Page 7 school already has over 150 students, and imony.that salaries, need to be increased, Out & About ., Pages 8 &.9 registt:ation is "expected to. continue ..well but she disagreed with the', task force' SpoI1s&fitness ; Page 10 into .October,· though.classes .already .bav,e, ' recommemiationson the governance board Academic Q& A ;.. ; ; Page 11 started. ..... ' . .... ,.. and community colJege funding. 0 •. Theschocloffersclasses in 'aU levels of . Deagle, who represented .. the State Oplnlon ~, ; ; ~ ,•• Page 14 bailer frolIlbeglnningthrough ..advanced; . Advisery Council on Vocational includingJ)eginlling7dlisses Jor .adults and pre.6alletclasses'for.children ages 3 t07: Iil:additloidcip811et, claS~eSare offered ..... Reader.·& Ad Sales people needed Applications at the info booth' in the SU:s Editor Josephine Jones . Managing Editor ~-- Kelly Everitt .: Copy Editor 675 Copllol Dlvd. Colleen Bourhill LaMay ParnassusBooks 344..7560 Dol••• Idaho _ 0.2·799' LJualil) U,~J Hardbound Advertising Manager Mon •• Thurs. 6·9 B""k, B"Ul(hl "" .S"IJ David Sneddon Sun 11," Ad Sales Margo Looney Literature. HbIOf\, Philosophv , Religion, Sherri Renner Cooking, Poetry, Drama, Children's. Maria Santos . Biograph), T ravel. Social, Natural Science. Tool Mart We Pete Winowitch ~h~ter), Espionage, and Suspense. 3701 Overland Buy Bookkeeper 343-1914 Tools Kathy Wharton 4 draw top box 3 draw roll away S 17Q 00 set hours Monday, Saturday 11:00 am ' 6:00 pm Writers 218. n. 9th Boise . Jeff Dearing And Much More Edith Decker PRlVATE POSTAL Jesse Faulkner Ann Heater , 'BOX Doreen Heinrich Paul Holt ~ $ z. 50 Month Kelly Love - Brian Mason Geta._ The Postal Station Valerie Mead i626 S. Orchard Steve Woychick GOOD-LOOK , (at Overland) ; Research Bonnie Seamons 343-2324 DEVELOPED Receptionist Margo Looney FRESH FROM rns Photo Chiefs IN ONE HOUR Russ P. Markus ORCHARD TO YOU Teresa L. Tamura Pure..cold apple cider Staff Photographer every Saturday (weather permitting) Kathleen Kohlwey Layout Chief Cider truck at Bob's Sandy Dutton Stop in and get a good Meat & beverage Layout look In one hour. Broadway & Rossi Miranda Albasini Diane Jenkins And D'allessandro's David Reynard bring your own jug & save Typesetters Mary DeMeyer Paula Sionecker Robison Fruit Ranch Karen Smith Maintenance Dann Dougal Sunny Slope 459·7987 Caldwell. Idaho Distribution After 1:00 Stephen LaFon The UniversityNews is Weddings begin '.at published weekly by the. Winfiel~<:-c .,..
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