EDISON 1 FORDS BEACON Woodbridgc, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelfrwn, Isclin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Senrarcn and Edison PiiWIiflrcl Wffltly Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, January 31, KnterM at 2nd cinw Mall Twenty Pages No. 49 <>n t'hursdny At P. O., Woodbrldg'e. N. J. Price Ten Cents S'1 * t Survey ol Township Census Work liy Block Is !\C«MI<*(1 lo Draw ,Recreation Department Ward Lines, He Says WOODBRIDGE-- DlscuffiW Oir m w ward allKiimcnts which Income effective with publica- tion elsewhere in this Issue of .Tlii' Independent - Leader, Miivnr Walter Zlrpolo said to- Outlines Inadequacies day (hut he "hopes to Ret the Kid'inl Bureau of Census to — come into the Township and I ;ike a tomplfte cmsus of Wi odbridse, blo<-k by block, so Fallon that there will be an adpquate bn.*w for dranlns Ward and v\oltlllV CHARITY: The WniHllirldgc Moris Club cave Ms annual nV District lines." i,, n,,' Mt. Ciii-mrl Nuriint Ciulld ihK week, l.i-ft t<i rinhi: Bernard F. i The mayor explained that Releases i I till I irsl Vlrr I'rrtadrnt; Rt. Krv. Monsimmr Charles (.. MeCorristin, the ecu'-us tracts used by the ,, l.uiUI .mil pastor of *t. lamn Chiirrh. Wnndhrldtr; Kr;,uris Mulligan. Federal bureau every ten years i.imn' Miuiirc committee and Earl Koenix, president, are "without any real form as far as Ward alignments are; Report concerned." Candidates Speak: However, he stated the Coun- WOODBRIDGE — "Even ty Election Board and the Uiou'th the total acreage of Township Clerk, who made up parks and playgrounds falls far the Ward Commissioners as short of jhc current recreation outlined by the new charter, standards, all are developed and \il. Lists Attainments; ihad "no alternative but to use: maintained in an adequate i the tools at their disposal." manner." I Under the law, the Township So states a report on a study may realign the wards again of the municipal park and rec- uponents Hit at Delay;kn five years, by resolution, reation system of Woodbridge j The map acoompanylnif to- made without charge by the State Department of Conserva- WOODBRIDOE - Sunm-nt* w.-iv ;- i'il today in behalf d*ys lei!al notice on the Warii re 1 nmcnl tion and Economic Develop- of the two Board o| Cducatlun ticket!, .i Ii field' The elec i ' 'H show* that Edgar ment, Division of Resource De- lion will be held W»dnrmlay. Frbmarv ! ..nd all the ^i HiU»ectlon of W™dbridRe. for- velopment, Bureau of Parks St< polling plan-* in the T, wnuhi-j will be op. merly In the Third Ward, IF now a part of the First Ward. and Recreation. In th# statement *tibmitf<i by Oif .s>.-c illed 'Board ticket" e 8t wberr3r H sretl n f The report was released to of Clifford J Hiindertinn, Bivsd president, Com-] ™ ™ "l P ° Edwin W. Cawy. .1;, and Wiiliam J. Witt, accon JThe ' Independent-Leader by 1 jCommitteenian Herman Fallon, ovti the ptifct year wrrr IIS'KI. They pointed, now chairman of Recveut.inn T* is !.he fact that thts your there me only six candidates, ;n com- s a section of the Sec- understood, that none of the Taken parUon to M in last year's ei'etion and in their opinion this ond Ward Westbur? Park de- other members of th" Town "w«iM ifi'm to be indicative of the general acceptance of the velopment in Iselin* up until llfSt Comihittee has received g copy 1' Towaslnp people H..tl the Board of Education h&s now a part of the Fourth Ward, . iiu;lori ROUND T WORLD: W'ilhmit leaving his arm chair, are members of the Avenel Radio Club of which he is a of the report as yet. d«r an MWllfiik jub in the pit <t year" !l!ral bll Ward. Austin "A Cnlona, has reached iron curtain member. Left to right: Mrs. Austin Wilson, Michael Mr! Fallon sa,idut w^^nrti- ! |v i -,'*tiO preffct to be knownj mlnO". e-fcw rtatw, no Ward! coorrtrint ail "ham" radio operator. Shown with him Clarson, Roy J, Eise Sr., Walter Gribbons and Mr. Wilsnn. fyinp." to him that J$f report brei.usV ot dfiulr aoriUDni on the ballot.' can differ in population, ac- notes that the playgrounds are in their .suttmrm struck out at what they called "the building | Continued on Page 2) "well developed and raain- nilK the program delay and the lack of leadership shown by the present |tnined." He also said that he Board" The "Independents" are- William Sohinki. Arthur •' I: (tllCt 11 Quick Snow-;/fe f Condition Doesn't was "pleased that the report .'.rion to de- dough and Rybak htkis la Open Olympic ar indicates there is a definite The complet Mic >o-c illPd statements, aiv a* follows: Bobsled Team FinalsRemoval Aim need in the Township for com- : Wood! ;1dKe By Mfsars. By Messrs, munity recreation centers and SOHINKI. (UKGII, RYBAK HANUKRHAN, CASKY. WITT WOODBRIDGE-Windsor WOODBRIDGE -- Poliee Di- programming" which he claimed J. Ukls president /of the Hamper Local Radio Ham We oujdiduu-s on the '2-4-8' In this year's School Board el- rector Joseph Galassi today J_ he has "been advocating." i in May of ticket are trying to awaken the ections only six candidates aic VIPS, the rroup which spon- urged Woodbridge residents to „.,.. ,, . , _^ Recommended for Tots sored a drive for funds for -il .'.dui' Hedevel-peoplr of Woodbrtd*? TovuUiip runhlnic for three positions and obey the snow removal All- Art \\ than, l.oloma j Among the recommendations •alec ,U) the fact* concernini' their this would seem to be indicative the Untied States Bobsled- nance ders, will represent Wood- made was that "Tot Lots" i ut ,tiuctunil Board of Education We have of the «eneral acceptance of the Finds He Has World ffnrrifi Entprpd in /V. should be considered "for fu- bridte Township at Saranw r:n]f in Wood- outlined no platform m which J Woodbridge Township peoule, Mr. Qalassi stated he has di- ,. „. p. ,. -11UI I Id UlllVIVU III if. ture development in the highly- llsl fc or 10 Lake over the Washington r-ntra! busl-i*' "Pecific things!that the Board of Education rected his department to en- M nlS fingertips developed areas of Colonia, do Blrthda» weekend when the oi d undoubt-!*'* *"' *Alher *P haw'has done an excellent Jol) in force strictly the ordinance, COLONIA— Very few people Competition by Jaycees Fords, and Port Reading. This !• in timfyinK'pn'mised action, public infor- the past year. Recalling that bobsled team will pay tribute which calls for the removal of,are awuie that genial Austin is a small area Intended for snow from sidewalks within 16;"Art" Wilson, 42 West Street I iwnshlp and matlon and educational lead-'n the 1862 elections there w«re to Woodbrid«e. WOODBRIDGE — 3. Buddy |- play primarily for pre-school hours of daylight" after the is a gentleman with a heart '"•»" lor com- ershlp. Wfj^ve done thh'iwnty candidates, there is no Aetordinj to John E. Mor- snow has fallen. condition that almost claimed Harris, selected as "Young Man children. This type of area is A .tfllw ftn-«>mply bccauM our interest to question that at that time there «MI, nunaier of the 1964 "Unshoveled sidewalks create his life. of the Year" by the Woodbridge usually two to five thousand square feet in size depending momic .study in education and theae are the *'«« a general dlasatisfac'ion of j Obmpie Bobsled Team, Mr. a safety hazard," Mr, Galassii Although Art has returned to Township Jaycees, has been Recruit Need ! tm> ftC on(! oi tne Iskik, a member nf The In- on available space. They v portion of features we feel are most Im- " P'«vious: - •• - - - - explained, "and it makes walk- his job as freight conductor entered in the New Jersey boards should be provided In the in- :<mr majoriporuni and mo»t lackinst in- - dependent-Leader staff, will Ing very difficult." with Pennsylvania Railroad, State Distinguished Service officially open the finals of terior of highly-congested res- cat«-|Our present Board, Looking over the accom-i The ordinance to which Mr. his activities are, in a sense, Award competition, It was an- ByGuardUnit the Olympic Tryouts for the idential areas away from main outMde the: "The Board titket in this, pigments of the past year It Qalassi referred also states that limited. His life however, is a nounced today by Joseph Vaz- 1 1964, Olympic team and at WOODBRIDGE Lieuten- thoroughfares." •; especially,race 1« runnlim on its record by is not difficult to understand where a residence is occupied full, rich one as he literally has zano, president of the local the conclusion, award wme ant Colonel Leonard J. Zanettt ••A' sti»u> italejthflr own admission. What U why the public has accepted the by two families or more, the oc- the world at his fingertips. Jaycees. Continuing the report states of the trophies to the win- cupant of the first floor Is res- It was In January, I960 that announces that there are at there Is a definite inadequacy •'.:• c! the ex-,thl« record? Delay and lack of;present jjoarti of Education as Mr. Harris will be honored ners. ponsible for Femovlng the snow Art qualified to become a ham present 150 opportunities forin Township-owned facilities,, • girted. Op- leadership! Delay in getting one of the best in receut years, by the Township unit Saturday A soluble tribute will also or where this is not feasible radio operator and was issued enlistment in the Woodbridge {or indoor community center •nrt-ctore exiit'&'tajted on School #1.
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