hill Local Coverage CompUt. \ Newspaper Devoted Presented t>. I,, (lie Community Interest And Impartiallyy*' Mepenient - leaber Week XLVI-NO. 34 Entered » Second OIRBS MatMT WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1954 PRICE EIQ] •t ths Pout Offlcs, Woorttiridge, N. J. it II <W«n Stmt, WotfMdit, H. Press Start Woodbridge Township's Neu) High School is Beginning to Take Shape Booz Fafc Sweetness T and Of Building To Attem Light New School Sewer Quiz cHAW-ESB. GREGORY Constriction May Get Mavor Says Engineer fa- Under Way this Year; Be at Next Meeting lirre, I think I can v of daylight from Vote Approval Heavy Of Committee Oct. in which we found WOODBaiDOE—The proposed woommrooE — indtmuudri^ s because of the Ron- new Iselln School, which was ap- m-cr fin f^ that Iionls P. BOO|, i fiasco. proved Tuesday by the voters at a i'if> Trwirhtp's consulting *N /; special election by a vote or 2,027 nlnnfi- (Mi HIP muHi-wiiillon dotl& f* * • • * to 211, will be started In approxi- j'wor nvnlopf hnd fnllfd to put M/-'8 week, I spent much of mately three months. •ui P'-"ip<n-(inrp nt Township meet*^. : in preliminary ne- Construction cannot start until ;,," Tiiri-HTV to answer aue»Moitii which may turn then, as the architect must draw "iit'ti" tn thi> ccwer. Arnold 8.' . mtisfactoril'v for the up complete plans and specifica- ri'-'lvim po'inWicPTi Party chtr* v tions before bids can be received. "mi. silt' ho "would pxwet Mr. ,„ :iithough there is yet There Is considerable engineering TI'IOT in NP PTspnt, at th* next work—and argument and other detailed work to be m.w>firv". Ofntvr 18 or T will «%- come. In this under- completed before the board can ivct thp cnmmUtc* members to b« go whose completion receive bids. n>n('y to rw'wpr the questions." '••. ommittcd myself, I The school which will have 15 "I tv-ii lnfnrnv>rl hv mv MCtlV class rooms, a large kindergarten im-v vo5t(.vri!\v " Mr. Graham Said, much encourage- "•lint the Mavor had called Vwv- nt, lidp and industrious and an all-purpose room will cost t 8565,000 and will take over a year IIIT n me^aR* that Mr. Boffl I )|n i,ilion at times incon- to complete. '•pn'fi not be at the meeting to- ii, ui for all of us, from niirlil." •'•': The* vote by districts was as ^inr Vogel and Mayor follows: Ward 1: District 1, Muni- "T toiri your office," the mayaf . Id 1 v I was hoping I cipal Building, 50 yes. 2 no; dis- said. "Mr. BOOK could not B# ; revival the full details trict 6, Municipal Bulldinn, 29 Considerable progress is being made by the contractors in the tonstruction of the new high scliool, and at present tlioy arc a little ah^ad of cccrt hiit t,hi»t, T wmilrl fimtnt* mwtln" foT 10 o'clock Thursday , developments today, ves, 6 no; District 4, High School schedule. The picture above was taken yesterday and shows the construction progress to date. I ihin't feel at liberty to % to 2; district 5. Hlsh School, (J7 to 7; Strawberry Hill School, "Mr. Mayor," Mr. Graham »-' ', iiicrn now because it 16 to 1; District 3. No. W School. HIM. "Mr. Booz Is receiving owt^ mean risking final Madison Retorts to Mroz Observance Today Fire Hazards Countenanced *300 nno of the tax-pavers* moftHF 46 to 2; District 7. No, 11 School, for this ?pwer and he should be 40 to 2; Barron Library. 54 to 1. able for that money to take timf Ward 2, Keasbey School. 21 to 5; Marks YomKippur In New Homes, Poreda Says out to talk to us. I will not be ft . ••anguine at the pros- Howlawn School, 61 to 13; Dis- Charge of Laxity on Sewer mrty to a meeting behind closed ' WOODBRIDGE—DlsplayliiK what looked like a thin, round, piece i t as yet I have no trict 4, No. 7 School, 50-2; District WOODBRIDGE—Irked over a charge that he had failed, accord- doors. What I have to ask, wlll>».; 9, No. 7 School. 73-3; No. 14 WOODfBRIDGE — Today, the of zinc, Anthony Poreda, Republican candidate for the Second Ward asked in public." v as to their out- ing to a statement made by Commltteeman George Mroz, to report Township Committee post, chawed the specimen is of material being School, 4fi-10; Iselln flrehouse, on the conditions of the Wedgewood Avenue sanitary sewer and the Jewish people of the community "It does not have to be behind used in chimneys In several of the developments, He made the charge 1 lic offer, of which Vt74fi; School 15, 250-7; School are observing Yom Kippur, the closed doors, the public can come, * Coddington Avenue storm seiver. Township Engineer Howard Madison at a meeting of the Town Committee Tuesday night. an outgrowth, came 16. 185-11: nrehouse, 195-5. read a statement addressed to the committee at the Township meet- Day of Atonement, and services the mayor answered. i'inn a source of un- Ward 3, Port Reading School, According to the Township building code, Mr. Poreda said, the build- "I feel the questions should be ing Tuesday night as follows: are being held throughout the day er must have a flue of tile or ablc integrity and I 31-1; Hagaman Heights, 13-3: "At your meeting of September, asked at a time convenient to all," at Adath Israel Synagogue In cement, and lined Inside. Revaluation Decision y transmitted it to Avenel School, poll 2, 29-9; Avenel 21, 1954, at which I was not pres- the Republican chairman replied. School poll 9, 50-5; Avenel flre- Ronson Land Rexoning Woodbridge and Sons of Jacob "These chimneys," he said, dis- Quifiley. We ap- ent, statements were made and Is Left Hanging in Air "I therefore again make this re- house, 72-4 and Sewaren School. published in a dally newspaper Synagogue in Avenel. playing the material, "are a fire quest. I request that Mr. Booz be d the plan with one 47-3. Is Held up for 2 Weeks which disturbed me very, much, Yom Kippur began at sunset hazard. Oh, not immediately, of WOODBRIDOE — Although present at the next meeting, Oct<K id irrevocable deter- These referred to the Wedgewood course, but In three or four years ber 19. I have some technical WOODBRIDGE — The ordi- last night with the singing of the Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley hoped ii--to etain for Wood- Avenue sanitary sewer and the they will be burned through. This that a decision "would be made questions that he can perhaps nance which would have Ve- Kol Nidre service. The day is Tuwnshit) a ratable Coddington Avenue storm sewer, zoned the Ronson property was skimpy thing, even if It is lined, is one way or another on the as- answer best. If, however, Mr. Boos Stultz is Elected (Continued on Page B) , beyond the value of "Here are the facts; Wedge- held up for another two weeks marked by a complete fast, and no good." sessment problem" at the Town wr had lost when wood Avenue: On March 29, 1954, at a meeting of the Town Com- repentance is its keynote. Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley cpn- Committee caucus last week, he By Kiwanis Club I submitted a written report to mittee, Tuesday. Yom Kippur teaches the Jew tended the chimneys passed the yesterday said that no definite passed US up. It Is Mr. Mroz. On March 30, 1954, I decision has been reached. Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley said that the .Almighty is not only a! State fire code and the Veteran's possible—even crob- wrote to Mrs. Nash. Shortly after Administration, Prayers for Peace WOODBJRIDOE — D. Kent he was asking for a continuance Judge but also a Merciful Father, "I am only one man on the hat we can achieve Stultz, who has served as secre- March 30 I had one or more tele- .of the ordinance until the,next . ','11 inu code. Is better than the committee," ihe mayor »id, H : rt l*Jfcention«i Ijv the fettle, 'W tary for the past several years, phone conversations with ' Mr. regular mating, because aoU» State's," Mr: >orefla said, "then "and the other six know my e\n this day shall atonement be Asketf by Sisters was elected president of the Stocfcel, attorney for Mrs. Nash, thing 'has come up which I am the builders should be made to live opln|on on the subject. I've and I had verbal conversations Woodbrldge Kiwanis Club for 1955 not at liberty to discuss." made for you, to cleanse you; up to odr code. I wouldn't want spoken my piece, now it Is up WOODBRIDaE — During a [I V. is because of these de- with Mr. Mroz and explained the "However," the mayor said, from all your sins shall ye be this miserable thing on my house to majority." <\t the annual election of officers entire matter, ceremony in the Chapel of The M;I ints that Mayor Qulp- meeting held in the Log Cabin, "I should have more details at clean before the Lord" (Leviticus and neither would you, Mr. The mayor would not predict Little Servant SUiters of the Im- 1:< il for a postponement Tuesday night. "Coddington Avenue: On June the end of the week and if this 16:30) The Jew believes that the Mayor," when definite action will be ta- maculate Conception, at St. i.ii action on the pend- Two vice presidents were elected 7, 1954,.I submitted a written re- deal Is completed it will be a Lord, in His Mercy realized that Continuing his attack on al- ken.
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