1888. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 8977 Mr. SPINOLA moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill was Mr. MAISH. The gentleman says he has no objection to my with· passed; and n.lso moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the drawing it. table. Mr. KILGORE. None whatever. The latter motion was agreed to. ORDER OF BUSINESS. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PUBLIC PROPERTY. Mr. TOWNSHEND. Mr. Chairman, the bil~.s we have mlt!ked for Mr. TOWNSHEND. I call up from the House Calendar a bill (S. consideration to-day are of such a character as perhaps would be o~ 2fl19) to make enlisted men of the Signal Corps responsible for public jected to by the gentleman from Texas or other gentlemen, who have property. declared that they do not wish bills of this class to be passed without The bill was read, as follows: a quorum. I will therefore move that the committee now rise. It is Be it enacted, etc., That, from and after the passage of this act, every officer of useless to present bills and have to withdraw them because of the ques- the Signal Corps, every non-commissioned officer or private of the Signal Corps, tion of no quorum being raised. and all other officers, agents, or persons, who now have in possession, or may hereafter receive or may be intrusted with any stores or supplies, shall quar­ The motion was agr~ed to. terly or more often, if so directed, and in such manuer and on such forms as The committee accordingly rose; and Mr. CRISP having resumed the may be prescribed by the ChiefSignnl Officer, make true and correct returns to chair as Speaker pro tempore, Mr. McMILLIN reported that the Com­ the Chief Signal Officer of all Signal Service property and all other supplies and stores of every kind received by or intrusted to them and each of them, or mittee of the Whole House on the state of the Union haTing had under which may, in any 01anner, come into their and each of their possession or consideration sundry bills, bad come to no resolution thereon. charge. The Chief Signal Officer, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, is hereby authorized and directed to draw up and enforce in his bureau a BONDS OF DISBURSING AND OTHER OFFICERS. system of rules and regulations for the government of the Signal Bureau, and of all persons in said bureau, and for the safe-keeping and preservation of all Mr. TOWNSHEND. Mr. Speaker, I now call up the bill H. R. Signal Service property of every kind, and to direct and prescribe the kind, 8873, with Senate amendment, a bill in relation to bonds of disburs­ number, and form of all returns and reports, and to enforce compliance tllere- ing; or other officers, and to monthly payments of the Army. with. _ The Senate amendment was read. Mr. TOWNSHEND. I suppose there will be no objecHon to the Mr. TOWNSHEND. This bill is one that will probablypro>oke some passage of this bill. It simply provides that officers of the Signal considerable discussion, and as i.here is but little time now remaining Corps shall be responsible for property intrusted to them. As it is of the hour, not enough to consider the bill, I ask unanimous consent now the Chief Signal Officer is held responsible for all property, no mat­ that it may go over until the next honr, and that the morning hour of ter where it may be. I ask the bill be put upon its passage. to-day may be considered as having expired. The bill was ordered to a third reading; and it was accordingly read The SPEAKER p1'o tempore. The morning hour has expired. the third time, and passed. Mr. Mcl\HLLIN. I move that the House do now adjourn. _ ll!r. TOWNSHEND moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill - The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that was passed; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the ayes seemed to have it. · the table. Mr. HOLMAN. I demand a division. The latter motion was agreed to. The House divided; and there were-ayes 45, noes 16. The SPEAKER pro tempore_ The bill (H. R. 9907) on the same sub­ · So the motion was agreed to; ·and accordingly (at 1 o'clock and 53 ject will be laid upon the table. minutes p. m.) the House adjom.:ned. There was no objection, and it was so ordered. FRESH .Affi IN ENGINE-ROOMS OF STEAMERS. PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCED .AND, REFERRED. J Mr. TOWNSHEND. How much time have I remaining? Under the rule private bills of the foRowing titles were introduced The SPEAKER pro temp01·e. The gentleman has ten minutes. and referred as indicated below: Mr. TOWNSaEND. I will yield to the gentleman from Texas [Mr. By Mr. HOL1\1AN: A bill (H. R. 11511) granting a p:msion to George CRAIN] to introduce a bill. Pulskamp-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. CR.A.IN, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. 11510) By Mr. LAFFOON: A bill (H. R.11512)forthereliefofW. M. Rhea­ to compel owners of steamers to supply fresh air to the engine-rooms; to the Committee on War Claims. which was read a first and second 'time, referred to the Committee on Also, a bill {H. R. 11513) for the relief of William McGriyer-to the Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Committee on War Claims. ORDER OF BUSINESS. By Mr. J. J. O'NEILL: A bill (H. R. 11514) granting a pension to Fredericka Werheide-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. TOWNSHEND. I move that the Honse now resolve itselfinto Committee of the Whole House ou the state of the Union to consider Also, a bill (H. R. 11515) granting a pension to Charles G. Sanders­ bills reported from the Committee on Military Affairs. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The motion was agreed to. · Also, a bill (H. R. 11516) granting a pension to JulinsSauer-tothe The House accordingly resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, Committee on Invalid Pensions. · Mr. McMILLIN in the chair. By Mr. 0. B. THOMAS: A bill (H. R. 11517) for thp relief of Will­ iam Miller-to the Committee on Military Affairs. MILITARY RESERVATION, PLATTSBURGH, N. Y. By Mr. ATKINSON: A bill {H. R. 11518) granting a pension to Mr. TOWNSHEND. I call up for -present consideration the bill (H. George Chappel-to tbe Committee on Invalid Pensions. R. 11252) to construct a l'Oad from the village of Plattsburgh, N. Y., through and along the Government military reservation in said village. The bill was read at length. Mr. TOWNSHEND. I move that the bill be laid aside-- SENATE. Mr. KILGORE. I do not think I would be in a condition to agree THURSDAY, September 27, 1888. to that to-day unless there is a quorum present. [Laughter. .] Mr. TOWNSHEND. Of course, if the gentleman insists upon a Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. quorum, although I think it a meritorious bill, and if my friend would NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER. examine it he would reach the same conclusion; but I understand the situation, and withdraw the bill. Mr. MANDERSON called the Senate to order and said: The Secre. I yield to the gentleman from Pennsylvania [M:r. MAisH]. tary will read a communication from the President pro tempore of the Senate. NATIONAL CEMETERY, FREDERICKSBURGH, VA. The' Secretary of the Senate [:M:r. ANSON G. McCooK] read as Mr. MAISH. Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to call up for present con­ follows: sideration the bill (H. R. 1907) to provide for macadamizing the road UNITED STATES SENATE, Washington, D. C., Bepte:mher 27, 1888. from the railroad to the national cemetery in the city of Fredericks­ I name the Senator from Nebraska, .Ir. MAl.--nEBSO:Y, to perform the dut-ies of . ' burgh, Va. the Chair to-day. JOHN" J. INGALLS, The bill was read at length. P1·esident pro tempare. Mr. ~IAISH. I move that this bill be laid aside to be reported to Thereupon Mr. MANDERSON took the chair as Presiding Officer for the Honse with a favorable recommendation. to-day. • Mr. KILGORE. Mr. Speaker, I have no objection to having the THE JOURN .A.L. I sense of the House taken upon the motion of the gentleman from Penn­ sylvania to lay this bill aside with a favorable recommendation. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. If everybody votes for it and I against it, I will have to call a quorum. YELLOW-FEVER SUFF.EI:.ERS. If you want to go that far I have no objection. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MANDERSON). The Chair lays Mr. MAISH. The gentleman from Texas will not call a quorum, I before the Senate the amendment of the House of Representatives to · understand. the joint resolution (S. R. 110) in aid of the sufferers from yellow fever. Mr." KILGORE. Oh, yes, I will. [Laughter.] The amendment of the House of Representatives will be stated. - Mr. STRUBLE. That is quite a difference of opinion. The SECRETA& Y. Strikeout all after the resolving clause and insert: Mr. MAISH. Then I withdraw the bill. That the sum of $100,000 be, and t?e same hereby is, app~opriat~d out of ~ny Mr. KILGORE. All right. money in the ·.rreasury not otherwise appropriated, to be Immedi!'.tcly availa- XI.X--562 8978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.
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