With Regard to the Symbolism of the Neo-Eneolithic Art in Carpatho-Danubian rea MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI NAŢIONALE ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA FASCICOLA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE HISTORY - ARCHAEOLOGY SERIES TOM XXIII 2013 ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA SERIA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE COMITETUL ŞTIINŢIFIC/SCIENTIFIC COLEGIUL DE REDACŢIE/ COMMITTEE EDITORIAL BOARD: Acad. Ioan Aurel-POP (Cluj-Napoca) Director /Director Nicolae BOCŞAN (Cluj-Napoca) Conf. univ. dr. Gabriel MOISA Ioan BOLOVAN (Cluj-Napoca) Al. Florin PLATON (Iaşi) Redactor-şef/ Editor-in-Chief Rudolf GÜNDISCH (Oldenburg) Prof. univ. dr. Antonio FAUR Toader NICOARĂ (Cluj-Napoca) Secretar de redacţie/ Editorial Secretary Anatol PETRENCU(Chişinău) Lector. univ. dr. Radu ROMÎNAŞU GYULAI Eva (Miskolc) Ioan SCURTU (Bucureşti) Membrii/Members Gheorghe BUZATU (Iaşi) Prof. univ. dr. Barbu ŞTEFĂNESCU Waclaw WIERZBIENEC (Polonia) Prof. univ. dr. Sever DUMITRAŞCU Prof. univ. dr. Viorel FAUR Prof. univ. dr. Ioan HORGA ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA. Prof. univ. dr. Mihai DRECIN FASCICOLA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE / Prof. univ. dr. Ion ZAINEA ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA. Prof. univ. dr.Sorin ŞIPOŞ HISTORY - ARCHAEOLOGY SERIES Lector. univ. dr. Florin SFRENGEU Manuscrisele, cărţile, revistele pentru schimb, precum Lector. univ. dr. Mihaela GOMAN şi orice corespondenţă se vor trimite pe adresa Lector. univ. dr. BODO Edith colectivului de redacţie al revistei „Analele Asist. univ. dr. Laura ARDELEAN Universităţii din Oradea”, seria Istorie – Arheologie. The exchange manuscripts, books and reviews as well as any correspondence will be sent to the address of the Editorial Staff. Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés pour échange, ainsi que toute corespondance, seront adresses à la redaction. Responsabilitatea asupra textului şi conţinutului articolelor revine în exclusivitate autorilor. The responsibility for the content of the articles belongs to the author(s). The articles are published with the notification of the scientific reviewer. Revista este indexată în baza internaţională de date EBSCO. The rewiev is indexed in the EBSCO international database. Address of the editorial office: UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA Department of History Str. Universităţii, nr. 1, 410087 Oradea, România Tel/ Fax (004) 0259 408167 e-mail: [email protected] The review is issued under the aegis of the University of Oradea ISSN 1453-3766 CUPRINS CONTENT SOMMAIRE INHALT STUDII STUDIES Constantin-Livian RĂDOESCU ♦ With Regard to the Symbolism of the Neo- Eneolithic Art in Carpatho-Danubian Area ◄► Cu privire la simbolismul artei neo-eneolitice în spaţiul carpato-danubian .............................................. 9 Florin SFRENGEU ♦ “Acts of Violence” in “Gesta Hungarorum”, the Work of Anonymus ◄► “Acte de violenţă” în “Gesta Hungarorum”, opera lui Anonymus ………………………………………………….…………………………. 32 Răzvan Mihai NEAGU ♦ The Bishops of Oradea and the Popes of Avignon in the 14th Century ◄► Episcopii din Oradea şi Papii de la Avignon în secolul al XIV-lea ……………………………………..…………………………………………. 41 Ioan CHIRA ♦ Voivode Iancu de Hunedoara and his Attempts to Help the Byzantine Empire ◄► Voievodul Iancu de Hunedoara şi încercările sale de a ajuta Imperiul Bizantin ………………………………………….………………….. 61 Sorin ŞIPOŞ ♦ The Fate of a Book: Silviu Dragomir, Studies and Documents on the Romanian Revolution in Transylvania in 1848-1849, volume VI ◄► Destinul unei cărţi: Silviu Dragomir, Studii şi documente privind Revoluţia Românilor din Transilvania, volumul VI……………………………..…………… 80 BLASKO Barbara ♦ The Vidoni Family in Debrecen (1884-1950) ◄► Familia Vidoni în Debreţin (1884-1950) ………………..……………………….. 94 Daciana ERZSE ♦ Some Considerations Regarding the Early Phase of the Anglo- Boer War (October 1899 - February 1900) ◄► Câteva consideraţii privind faza timpurie a războiului anglo-bur (octombrie 1899 - februarie 1900)……………… 101 Radu ROMÎNAŞU ♦ Portrait of King Ferdinand I Reflected in the Writings of Some Contemporaries ◄► Portretul Regelui Ferdinand I reflectat în scrierile unor contemporani ……………………….…………..……………………………. 109 Mihai D. DRECIN ♦ Iosif Lissai - Executive Director (General) of the Bank “Albina” in Sibiu in a Transitional Period (1915-1920) ◄► Iosif Lissai - director executiv (general) al Băncii “Albina” din Sibiu, într-o perioadă de tranziţie (1915-1920) ……………………………………………………………… 116 Maria ROŞAN ♦ General Information Periodicals Published in Maramureş in the Interwar Period ◄► Periodice de informaţii generale publicate în Maramureş în perioada interbelică ………………………….………………….. 125 Monica POP ♦ The Romanian - English Relations since the Establishment of the Royal Dictatorship until the Munich Pact ◄► Relaţiile româno-engleze de la instaurarea dictaturii regale până la Pactul de la München ……….…….. 138 Antonio FAUR ♦ Unpublished Documentary Testimonies about the Jews from Hungary and Northern Transylvania Crossing the Border into Romania (in the summer of 1944) ◄► Mărturii documentare inedite despre trecerile evreilor din Ungaria şi Transilvania de Nord (în vara anului 1944), peste graniţă, în România ………………………………….…………………………………………. 145 Penka PEEVA ♦ The Soviet Bloc Policy of Neutralizing Nato in the Balkans in the 1950s ◄► Politica Blocului sovietic de neutralizare a NATO în Balcani în anii 1950 ………………………………………………………..…………………… 153 Ion ZAINEA ♦ Exclusions from the Romanian Labour Party in the years 1951- 1952. The case of Aleşd raion committee, Region Crişana ◄► Excluderi din Partidul Muncitoresc Român în anii 1951-1952. Cazul comitetului raional Aleşd, regiunea Crişana ………………………….……………………………….. 165 Mihail ILIEV ♦ America’s Jazz Ambassadors: Missions to USSR – 1962 and 1971 ◄► Ambasadorii jazzului din America: misiuni în URSS - 1962 şi 1971 ……………………………………….……………………………………….. 172 Mihaela GOMAN ♦ Considerations on the Mission of the Historian in the Minds of Ammianus Marcellinus ◄► Consideraţii cu privire la misiunea istoricului în concepţia lui Ammianus Marcellinus ………………..…………. 184 Gabriel MOISA ♦ Romanians’ Historiography in Hungary About the Beginnings of the Romanian Community in the Trianon Hungary ◄► Istoriografia românilor din Ungaria despre începuturile comunităţii româneşti din Ungaria Trianonică ………………………………………………………….. 188 With Regard to the Symbolism of the Neo-Eneolithic Art in Carpatho-Danubian ea RECENZII BOOK REVIEWS BODO Edith ♦ The Bihor County Rural World after the Theresian Urbarial Regulation (1771-1820) ◄► Lumea rurală din Bihor după reglementarea urbarială tereziană (1771-1820), Editura Univerităţii din Oradea, Oradea, 2011 (by Ioan CIORBA) ………………………………………………………… 197 Antonio FAUR ♦ A Decade of the Existence of the Jews in Bihor County (1942- 1952). Historiographical and Documentary Contributions ◄► Un deceniu din existenţa evreilor bihoreni (1942- 1952). Contribuţii istoriografice şi documentare, Cluj – Napoca, Editura Mega, 2012 (by Anca OLTEAN) ...… 202 Joseph S. NYE Jr., The Future of Power ◄► Viitorul puterii, (traducere Ramona Lupu), Editura Polirom, Bucureşti, 2012 (by Silviu PETRE) ..….. 206 IN MEMORIAM In memoriam Barbu Ştefănescu (Sorin Şipoş) …………………...………. 213 The Chronic of the History Department Scientific Activity in the Academic Year 2012 ◄►Cronica activităţii ştiinţifice a Departamentului de Istorie pe anul 2012 (Radu ROMÎNAŞU) ………………………………...………………. 219 STUDII STUDIES WITH REGARD TO THE SYMBOLISM OF THE NEO- ENEOLITHIC ART IN CARPATHO-DANUBIAN AREA Constantin-Livian RĂDOESCU Abstract. The spiritual connotations of the neo-eneolithic art are related not only to magical-religious practices, but also to the ability of the artistic representations in order to give force on the symbolism which is emitted into the institutionalization process of the new faith. The manner in which the figures were shaped, the attitudes that they release etc., is nothing but an artistic expression of a way of manifesting the sacred through the communicative function of symbols. The artistic representations reflect a particular aspect of the religious manifestations. Thus, this is the reason why determining the functionality of the neo-eneolithic anthropomorphic pieces raises a number of problems due to the typological and morphological variety. Key words: neo-eneolithic art, signs, symbols, religious themes. The spiritual life of the prehistoric communities seems to be a combination of cultural practices, amongst the most diverse ones, integrated into a system of ideas and religious beliefs, articulated around some symbols which were worshipped by the entire community. The artistic representations, engraved with such decorations, also reflect a particular aspect of the religious manifestations. This is the reason why determining the functionality of the neo- eneolithic anthropomorphic pieces raises a number of problems due to typological and morphological variety. Thus, we find artistic representations used during some processions where the entire community would attend (the monumental statues), but also some pieces which proved the existence of a familial, domestic cult, as it is the case of the anthropomorphic handle covers or the perforated idols who could be used as amulets. During the current state of the research it is almost impossible to determine precisely which parts were, or were not used while conducting certain rituals, reason why the multiple functional hypotheses of these artistic representations could be a step in trying to explain the complexity of the religious phenomenon. Among the most basic symbolic forms found in the Neo-Eneolithic art we can include
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