Heart to Heart When the Crunch Comes t only took a look and Peter down the net." Luke 5:5 and to death." Luke 22:33. Yet, when immediately remembered the He was a man of great faith. When the crunch came Peter emphatically word of the Lord, how He had He saw Christ walking on the water, announced three times, "I do not said to him, "Before the rooster he said, "Lord, if it is you, command know the man." In other words, "I I me to come to you on the water." have nothing to do with Him, He and crows, you will deny me three times. And Peter went out, and wept bitter- Matt. 14:28. At the voice of Christ he I are not friends: I deny having any ly." Luke 22:61, 62. stepped out of the boat and walked connection with Him." Is it possible Before this experience, Jesus had upon the water. that Peter had good intentions and said to Peter, "You cannot follow me Peter was a man of spiritual meant what he said about dying for now." John 13:36. He was not in a fit insights. When Christ asked the disci- Christ but didn't know himself? state to follow Christ, because he had ples, "Whom do you say that I am?" Notice how Christ used the word not yet confronted the problem of Peter was able to answer, "You are "deny" twice. He said to Peter the self. the Christ, the son of the living God." first time, "Deny self." The second Peter's life story has been very And Christ said, "Blessed are you, time He said to him, "Thou wilt deny meaningful to me. His life, so full of Simon Bar-Jonah; for flesh and blood me." For us, the question is which of failures yet changed through the con- has not revealed this to you, but my the "deny's" we will choose. We must verting power of the Holy Spirit. This Father who is in heaven." Matt. 16:13- either deny self or deny Christ. There gives me hope. However, I must 16 are two great powers fighting each remember that before Christ could If Peter were living today, I would other—the self-nature in the power of bring about a change in Peter's life it consider him a mature Christian. Yet, sin, and the Christ-nature in the was necessary for Peter to humble there was much lacking in his life. power of God. Either of these must himself and weep bitterly. When there was questioning among rule within. Peter had a certain devotion that the disciples as to who should be the Peter denied his Lord three times, was admirable. When Christ called greatest, Peter was there. He thought and then the Lord looked upon him. him to forsake his nets and follow that he had a right to the very first That look of Jesus broke the heart of Him, Peter did not hesitate. place. He had left his boats and his Peter, and all at once there opened up Afterward he could confidently say nets, but not his old self. before him the terrible sin that he had to the Lord, "I have forsaken all and In speaking to Peter, Jesus said, "If committed and the depth into which followed you." Luke 5:11 any man will come after me, let him he had fallen. It was then that Peter He was also a man of ready obedi- deny himself, and take up his cross went out and wept bitterly. ence. When Christ said to him, and follow me." Luke 9:23 Self must The same God who led Peter to "Launch out into the deep, and let be utterly denied. Later, in speaking repentance will give us the strength down the net," (Luke 5:4) Peter, the to Peter again, He said, "Before the to choose to deny ourselves and veteran fisherman, was convinced rooster crows twice you will deny me come to Him. that this request was an exercise in three times." Luke 22:34. Jesus made futility because they had been toiling this statement shortly after Peter all night and had caught nothing. made the profound remark, "Though However, in trusting obedience he all should forsake you, yet will I not. responded, "At thy word I will let I am ready to go with you to prison 2 Messenger / August 1996 — Cover :"Canoeing on the Waskesiu River" by Deryk Bodington, Calgary, Alberta. Deaf Ministry Growing In Canada By Pastor & Mrs. John Blake Volume 65, No. 8, August, 1996, Oshawa, ON eaf Ministry is alive and B.C. Conference camp meeting, and June Polishuk / Copy Editor growing in Canada, but it travel across Canada visiting the Allan Colleran / Art Director has great challenges! It is deaf, promoting and helping orga- Robin Carby / Associate Art Director estimated that there are nize. CONFERENCE EDITORS D Don King / Alberta 66,700 deaf in Canada. At the Ron Watts / British Columbia moment we are aware of only about Dan Jackson/ Manitoba-Saskatchewan 20 baptized SDA deaf, though we Robert Lehmann / Maritime David Crook / Newfoundland know that there are also many older M. Lekic / Ontario deafened who are not counted in this Georges Hermans / Quebec figure. American figures calculate 421,000 deaf in the USA, and esti- mates vary anywhere from 10 to 50 million deaf world-wide. This Issue Back in 1980, the Christian Record was given the mandate to also Heart to Heart include the deaf, along with the Jeff and Melissa Jordan (right) of Andrews University Seminary with Elder and Mrs. Orville Parchment blind. Because the representatives John Blake. Jeff Jordan is the only known who solicit for, and visit the blind, do deaf seminary student in all the Adventist not generally collect for, or visit the Church. Deaf Ministry Growing deaf, the deaf work has an unequal Pastor and Mrs. John Blake 3 So far in 1996, Blakes have made basis. At time of writing, the General Conference has appointed a small two "deaf missionary trips" to visit ADRA Appeal 4 commission to examine the work and deaf and organize those desiring to see if it should be reorganized and work with the deaf; one to B.C. in strengthened. The Deaf Services February, and a four week trip to ADRA-Thank You, Canada Dept. at the Christian Record, in Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan Kay Bacchus 6, 7 Lincoln, Nebraska serves as a pub- in March. lishing house and resource centre Their eastern trip was focused Senate Hearings in producing magazines and books in around the March 16 "Deaf Ministry Newfoundland easy English, and videos in Sign Day" at the Harmony Church in Language. Deaf Services is doing an Toronto. The only deaf ministerial David Streifling 10 excellent job with the small amount student known in the denomination, of funding available—even helping Jeff Jordan, was the featured Plus with evangelistic meetings in various signer / speaker, with his wife, a pro- Canadian Union College 8, 9 countries. However, a staff of only fessional interpreter, voicing his ser- Listeners Respond to VOAR 11 three can barely touch a world need mon to the whole church. Jeff high- Kingsway Establishes of fifty million. (In the world field, lighted his own life story in the deaf Friendship Club 12 there is one full time pastor for the world and brought inspiration to the CHER International 13 deaf, and three paid part-time pas- seventeen deaf present. Jeff is to Healthwise 14 tors). graduate from the Andrews Conference News 15-19 Bulletin Board In Canada, Pastor and Mrs. Blake University this December. Earlier this year he taught a new Seminary Anniversaries. Weddings. Births have decided to augment the work of Obituaries 20 the Christian Record, and work as course in Deaf Ministry with about Classifieds 22, 23 half-time volunteers to develop a 25 students. Yet, because of funding inadequacies, Jeff still has no spon- ministry to the deaf across Canada The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official (they also pastor the Onoway church sorship or placement in view. organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Before leaving Toronto, Blakes Issued monthly, annual subscription price in Canada in Alberta). They publish a newslet- $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Maracle Press ter for the deaf (and those wishing to worked with Marion Rochford, Judy Limited. Second class mail registration number 0912. learn how to work with the deaf), Spadavecchia and others to set up a Address all inquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa. Deaf Ministry Coordinating Ontario L1H 1H8. organize a Canadian Camp Meeting ISSN 0702-5084 for the deaf in conjunction with the Continued on page 5 Messenger / August 1996 3 The 88th ADRA Annual Appeal Making a difference one life at a time. or over 100 years Seventh-day Adventists cess of this program is totally dependent on your have reached out to help their neighbours active volunteer commitment and enthusiasm. Fboth at home and abroad. At a global level, For an effective fund-raising drive, ADRA ADRA has been working for over 40 years to bring Canada recommends that churches begin their cam- positive change to communities in need. ADRA paign in September this year. Net '96 starts in Canada has established programs and sponsored October and will keep everyone very busy with the projects in over 90 countries, and ADRA world- actual crusade as well as follow-up activities. wide helps an average of 10,000 people every day. Once again, this ADRA campaign provides the This year at the start of the 88th ADRA Annual opportunity to work together as a Christian com- Appeal, please keep ADRA in your hearts and in munity to support the programs that share Christ's your prayers.
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