Cronología de lanzamientos espaciales 1 Cronología de Lanzamientos Espaciales Año 1965 Copyright © 2009 by Eladio Miranda Batlle. All rights reserved. Los textos, imágenes y tablas que se encuentran en esta cronología cuentan con la autorización de sus propietarios para ser publicadas o se hace referencia a la fuente de donde se obtuvieron los mismos Eladio Miranda Batlle [email protected] Cronología de lanzamientos espaciales 2 Contenido 1965 Enero 18.03.65 Voskhod 2 (Voskhod-3KD #2) 11.01.65 Kosmos 52 (Zenit-2 #21) 18.03.65 DMSP-3B F2 (OPS 7353) 15.01.65 KH-4A 16 (OPS 3928) 21.03.65 Ranger 9 18.01.65 1965-003A 23.03.65 Gemini 3 19.01.65 DMSP-3B F1 (OPS 7040) 25.03.65 KH-4A 18 (OPS 4803) 19.01.65 Gemini 2 25.03.65 Kosmos 64 (Zenit-2 #22) 22.01.65 Tiros 9 21.01.65 OV1 1/ ABRES 6* Abril 23.01.65 KH-7 15 (OPS 4703) 30.01.65 Kosmos 53 (DS-A1 #3) 03.04.65 Snapshot SECOR 4 (EGRS 4) /1965-027E Febrero 06.04.65 Intelsat-1 1 (Early Bird) 10.04.65 Luna (5d) (E-6 #7) 03.02.65 OSO 2 17.04.65 Kosmos 65 (Zenit-4 #6) 11.02.65 Titan 3a 23.04.65 Molniya-1 1 11.02.65 LES 1 28.04.65 KH-7 17 (OPS 4983) 12.02.65 Kosmos (54a) (DS-P1-Yu #2) SSF-B 1 (OPS 6717) 16.02.65 Pegasus 1 / Apollo 103 (BP 26) 29.04.65 Explorer 27 (BE C) 17.02.65 Ranger 8 29.04.65 KH-4A 19 (OPS 5023) 20.02.65 Kosmos (54b) (DS-A1 #(6)) 21.02.65 Kosmos 54 (Strela-1 #9) Mayo Kosmos 55 (Strela-1 #10) Kosmos 56 (Strela-1 #11) 06.05.65 LES 2 22.02.65 Kosmos 57 (Voskhod-3KD #1) LCS 1 25.02.65 KH-4A 17 (OPS 4782) 07.05.65 Kosmos 66 (Zenit-2 #23) 26.02.65 Kosmos 58 09.05.65 Luna 5 (E-6 #8) (Meteor-1 GVM #2 Test) 18.05.65 KH-4A 20 (OPS 8431) 20.05.65 DMSP-3B F3 (OPS 8386) Marzo 1965-038A 25.05.65 Pegasus 2 02.03.65 Atlas Centaur 5 Apollo 104 (BP 16) 03.03.65 Surveyor-SD 1 25.05.65 Kosmos 67 (Zenit-4 #7) 07.03.65 Kosmos 59 (Zenit-4 #5) 27.05.65 KH-7 18 (OPS 5236) 09.03.65 SECOR 3 27.05.65 OV1 3 Dodecapole 1 29.05.65 Explorer 28 (IMP C) Poppy 4 (NRL-PL 142) Solrad 7B Junio GGSE 2 GGSE 3 03.06.65 Gemini 4 Surcal 4/ SURCAL 2B 08.06.65 Luna 6 (E-6 #9) Oscar 3/ 1965-016A 09.06.65 KH-4A 21 (OPS 8425) 11.03.65 Transit-O 3 (NNS 30030) 15.06.65 Kosmos 68 (Zenit-2 #24) SECOR 2 (EGRS 2) 18.06.65 Transtage 5/ Ballast 12.03.65 KH-7 16 (OPS 4920) 24.06.65 Transit-O 4 (NNS 30040) 12.03.65 Kosmos 60 (Luna (5c)) (E-6 #6) 25.06.65 KH-7 19 (OPS 5501) 15.03.65 Kosmos 61 (Strela-1 #12) SSF-B 2 (OPS 6749) 25.06.65 Kosmos 69 (Zenit-4 #8) Kosmos 62 (Strela-1 #13) Kosmos 63 (Strela-1 #14) 18.03.65 1965-021A Julio Eladio Miranda Batlle [email protected] Cronología de lanzamientos espaciales 3 09.09.65 DMSP(65-072A) 02.07.65 Tiros 10 10.09.65 DMSP-3B F4 (OPS 8068) 02.07.65 Kosmos 70 ((DS-A1 #4) 18.09.65 Kosmos 86 (Strela-1 #25) 12.07.65 KH-7 20 (OPS 5810) Kosmos 87 (Strela-1 #26) 13.07.65 Kosmos (71b) (Zenit-2 #(25)) Kosmos 88 (Strela-1 #27) 16.07.65 Kosmos 71 (Strela-1 #15) Kosmos 89 (Strela-1 #28) Kosmos 72 (Strela-1 #16) Kosmos 90 (Strela-1 #29) Kosmos 73 (Strela-1 #17) 22.09.65 KH-4A 24 (OPS 7221) Kosmos 74 (Strela-1 #18) 23.09.65 Kosmos 91 (Zenit-4 #12) Kosmos 75 (Strela-1 #19) 30.09.65 KH-7 22 (OPS 7208) 16.07.65 Proton 1 17.07.65 Samos-F3 4 (OPS 8411)/ Ferret 7 Octubre 18.07.65 Zond 3 19.07.65 KH-4A 22 (OPS 5543) 04.10.65 Luna 7 (E-6 #10) 20.07.65 Vela 5 05.10.65 KH-4A 25 (OPS 5325) Vela 6 05.10.65 OV1 2 ORS 37 / ERS 17 SPP 29* 23.07.65 Kosmos 76 (DS-P1-Yu #3) 14.10.65 Molniya-1 2 30.07.65 Pegasus 3 14.10.65 OGO 2 Apollo 105 (BP 9A) 15.10.65 LCS 2 OV2 1 Agosto 16.10.65 Kosmos 92 (Zenit-4 #13) 19.10.65 Kosmos 93 (DS-U2-V #1) 25.10.65 Gemini 6 03.08.65 KH-7 21 (OPS 5698) 25.10.65 GATV 6 (TDA 2) SSF-B 3 (OPS 6761) 28.10.65 KH-4A 26 (OPS 2155) 03.08.65 Kosmos 77 (Zenit-4 #9) 28.10.65 Kosmos 94 (Zenit-4 #14) 10.08.65 SECOR 5 (EGRS 5) SEV 11.08.65 Atlas Centaur 6 Noviembre 11.08.65 Surveyor-SD 2 02.11.65 Proton 2 13.08.65 Transit-O 5 (NNS 30050) 04.11.65 Kosmos 95 (DS-U2-V #2) Dodecapole 2 06.11.65 Explorer 29 (GEOS A) Tempsat 1 08.11.65 KH-7 23 (OPS 8293) Surcal 5 OPS 6232 Long Rod 12.11.65 Venera 2 (3MV-4 #3) Calsphere 2 / 1965-065B 16.11.65 Venera 3 1965-065L 18.11.65 Explorer 30 (SE A, Solrad 8) 14.08.65 Kosmos 78 (Zenit-2 #25) 23.11.65 Kosmos 96 (Venera (4a)) 17.08.65 KH-4A 23 (OPS 7208) (3MV-4 #4) 21.08.65 Gemini 5 / 26.11.65 Kosmos 97 (DS-U2-M #1) Gemini 5 Evaluation Pod 26.11.65 Asterix (A 1) REP 27.11.65 Kosmos 98 (Zenit-2 #26) 25.08.65 Kosmos 79 (Zenit-4 #10) 29.11.65 Alouette 2 25.08.65 OSO C Explorer 31 (DME A) Septiembre Diciembre 02.09.65 Star-Rad 2 (OPS 3373, FTV 1602) /NNN 6501 03.12.65 Luna 8 (E-6 #11) 03.09.65 Kosmos 85 (Zenit-4 #11) 04.12.65 Gemini 7 03.09.65 Kosmos 80 (Strela-1 #20) 06.12.65 FR 1 Kosmos 81 (Strela-1 #21) 09.12.65 KH-4A 27 (OPS 7249) Kosmos 82 (Strela-1 #22) 10.12.65 Kosmos 99 (Zenit-2 #27) Kosmos 83 (Strela-1 #23) 15.12.65 Gemini 6 Kosmos 84 (Strela-1 #24) 16.12.65 Pioneer 6 17.12.65 Kosmos 100 (Meteor-1 #1) Eladio Miranda Batlle [email protected] Cronología de lanzamientos espaciales 4 21.12.65 Kosmos 101 (DS-P1-Yu #4) 22.12.65 Transit-O 21.12.65 LES 3 24.12.65 KH-4A 28 (OPS 4639) LES 4 27.12.65 Kosmos 102 (US-A Test #1) OV2 3 28.12.65 Kosmos 103 (Strela-2 #1) Oscar 4 28.12.65 Kosmos (104) (DS-K-40 #1) Eladio Miranda Batlle [email protected] Cronología de lanzamientos espaciales 5 Enero 1965 Kosmos 52 (Zenit-2 #21) Cosmos 52 was a first generation, low resolution Soviet photo surveillance satellite launched from the Baikanur cosmodrome aboard a Vostok rocket. Its film capsule was recovered after eight days. Launch Date: 1965-01-11 Launch Vehicle: Modified SS-6 (Sapwood) with 1st Generation Upper Stage Launch Site: Tyuratam (Baikonur Foto:DMSP-1A Cosmodrome), U.S.S.R Mass: 4730.0 kg Nation: USA Type / Meteorology Application: Operator: USAF KH-4A 16 (OPS 3928) Contractors: RCA Astro Equipment: ? This US Air Force photo surveillance satellite Configuration: was launched from Vandenberg AFB aboard Propulsion: ? a Thor Agena D rocket. Smearing of highly reflective images was due to reflections within the camera. Gemini 2 Launch Date: 1965-01-15 Launch Vehicle: Thor Augmented Delta- Agena D This was the second uncrewed Gemini test Launch Site: Vandenberg AFB, United States mission, consisting of a sub-orbital ballistic Mass: 1500.0 kg flight and reentry with the primary objectives being to demonstrate the adequacy of the spacecraft reentry module's heat protection 1965-003A during a maximum heating rate return, the structural integrity of the spacecraft, and the 1965-003A was a classified satellite launched performance of spacecraft systems. by the U.S. Air Force. No information is Secondary objectives included obtaining test available as to its mission. results on communications, cryogenics, fuel cell and reactant supply system, and further qualification of the launch vehicle. DMSP-3B F1 (OPS 7040) Mission Profile The flight was launched successfully from complex 19 at Cape Kennedy at 9:03:59 a.m. EST (14:03:59.861 UT) to a maximum altitude of 171.2 km. The spacecraft was run by an onboard automatic sequencer. At 6 minutes 54 seconds after launch retrorockets were fired and the spacecraft cartwheeled into a reentry attitude. The spacecraft reentered the atmosphere and landed by parachute in the Atlantic Ocean 3419 km southeast of the launch site 18 minutes 16 seconds after launch. The landing was 26 km short of the planned impact point. The Eladio Miranda Batlle [email protected] Cronología de lanzamientos espaciales 6 spacecraft was successfully recovered by the two seats equipped with emergency ejection aircraft carrier U.S.S.
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