!r ' w t - ■■■ i^TWENTir-EICHT THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1962 i A vm ce Doily Net Press Run The Wssther ' ' ' ilattd|p0tpr ^Mtiiitg 1|rralb Poreeaat of U & W «gtM r Bunaa . F w Sm WtMdc TEaM M u e k i4 ,lM i PaHly c|Iondy, mild tcMlglit. l«Mr 4S-80, Satnrday Mine doodlnew, Park Free . 13,556 rhanoe of .boiMra toward' after­ Rear Of Store IhiBlMr « f die Audit noon or ovealng.' Hgh in ite. Bm 'bub o f ObeuIutlMi Manche$ter~—A Ciiy ojf ViUnge Charm w g o o d / ^ e a r VOL. LXXXI, NO. 152 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 80, 1962 (CSUMifled AdrertMng on Page 26) pfiiCE FIVE CENTS AND THIS MAN THINKS HIS Wifi IS GENERAL ELECTRIC THE SMARTEST MEAT SHOPPER EVER! COMBINE TO BRING YOU A FANTASTIC You, too, can gain a reputation for getting the Over Post as U.S. Justice In today's supermar- best of roasts and steaks within your budget. , keU, the purchase of meat has become sort Our meat people are delighted to help you of on Impersonal, cello­ phane-packaged opera- become a meat expert. State News \ Stvirt of speculation ' tion. AccortJlng to Kowalski ■Walter Ames, a mar­ -DAY SAUE‘ ’ RAMA ket out on Garvey Blvd. in Los Angeles, 3 0 Roundup at least has a largo President Held Set Lashes at banner on the window proclaiming: "Look! We Have Live Butch­ Officer’s Attack LOOK!ers! Come In and See On Court Appointee Them!” YOUR CHOICE On Driving Law Secretary TheWE clipping, HAVE shown LIVEabove, waa Brings Acquittal By RAYMOND J. CBOMTJEY .^haiMtion, Kennedy said Thursday WASHINGTON (AP) - - sent us by a former customer who WASHINGTON (AP) — he would name a gucce.aor ahort- Secretary of Welfare Abra­ Just moved to Los Angeles. ly, Thia was taken. to mean he ham A. Ribicoff said today ha MERIDEN (AP)—A Cir­ President Kennedy was be- had aomeone in mind, because it It Is BUTCHERSprinted here to remind you ieved today to have practical­ would, rather be a senator ,that Pinehurst. too. offers old cuit Court jury acquitted a takes time to winnow possibilities,; ly made up his mind on a Su­ Some laivyers speculated that from Connecticut than a Su­ .fashionedCome customIn and meat See serviceThem in motorist charged with drunk­ a modem up to date meat depart­ en driving and reckless driv­ preme Court appointee to suc­ since Kennedy has an eye to his­ preme Court Justice. ment. ceed retiring Justice Charles tory, he might name a legal lum- Ribicoff made the comment . i; ing yesterday after hearing lnar>' such aa: When asked If he would be inter­ ofPrinolpo priMn. < J a p t .^ r ig u « waa ^ fu rl^ r IdontUled. The I f you are looking for a place that the arresting officer had Evans Whittaker. But he kept ested in filling the Supreme Court priaontm oro oeotad In the background. (A P Photofcx. via radio^ from Havana). 1. Paul Abraham FYeund, 64, to buy high quality m eats...fa­ published a newspaper article lis own counsel amid a swirl latv porfeasor and legal hlatorlan SBCRJBTARY RIBICOFF seat to be vacated by Juatlee mous brands... attacking the state’s motor of speculation. at Har\'ard, author of "On Under­ Charles Evans WhiiuUctr, The many names figuring In the standing the Supreme Court." and Rlblcoff-'hoa been mentioned aa 1,100 Admit Counts vehicle laws. NOT PRE-CELLO WRAP­ The Jury acquitted Francis E. guesswork Included two Cabinet other works about the high tribu- a possibility for President Ken­ t/.So, Soviet Agree NUand, 22, Meriden, a soldier now members—Secretary‘s of W elfare' nal,- Kennedy— la reported.... to have U.S. to Breed nedy's first appointment to th* -< PED BUT CUSTOM CUT . Of Invading Cuba, stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. Abraham A. Rlbicoff, 81, former offered him the post of*'solicitor court and la known to have dia-. come to Pinehur.st. Compare Niland wag arrested Feb. 2 b>' governor of Connecticut and Sec­ general at the start of the admin­ ouseed the matter with th* Preit- the quality, trim and price Havana Papers Say Patrolman John J. DeMulniers. retary of Labor Arthur J. Gold­ istration but FVeund Is said to Flies for War dent racently. and you will be back week a f­ The authorities Mid Nilond's berg, 53, of Chicago. have turned It down. Archibald An authoritative source rsport- . B ^ V A n a (A P ) — Havana's auto akldded after ..a ’"pedestrian Ribicoff, however, was authori­ Cox is now solicitor general. ed earlier that Ribicoff had told ter week. Geneva stepped Into hi»,P*th and he ap­ tatively reported today to liave 2. Eugene Victor Rostow, 48. Oil Texas Flies thcde- inerniiig papers said today Kennedy ha did not want a court plied his brakes. The pedestrian told Kennedy he does not wont lawyer-ecmiomist, dean of the Yale appointment because he preferred an -Of 'the more than 1,100 prison­ Bv JOHN BECKUER was not hit. The road waa de­ the assignment, preferring to run Law School and brother of Walt to seek a Senate Mat. ers on '^ o l for participating In scribed os Icy at the time. for the Senate in Connecticut Whitman Rostow, chairman of the WASHINGTON (AP) The Police oold Niland refused to State Department’s policy plan-1 government la hatching plana to Ribicoff hoc been laying tha the crushed Cuban invasion lost Ribicoff once served as a poitre groundwork for months to teak More April have admitted their guilt. take a chemical test for drunken­ court Judge In Hartford. Goldberg nlng coimcil. ' | produce 75 million flies a week The press accounts oaid the ness. the Democratic nomination for the has had no judicial experience, Some thought that Kennedy Senate at the July 13-14 Connec­ NBT RBT m iT CMMB president of the tribunal. Comman­ The Mldier claimed that he had although he haa practiced law ex- might name a Negro to the Su It is also planning to odd to the ■nv ticut atatet convention, though ho NT owBi u m • • • Sogreement before the end of next der Augxuito HSrttne* Sanches, (Hily one beer to drink and that tenaively especially in the labor preme Court for the first time, but iron, bamboo and other curtains By ENDBJE MABTON haa never formally announced. 'Mnpner to permit the Soviet Un- told the priooiMrs Thursday, the he had heard the test sometimes field. others felt he would wait until later dlriding nations, a fly curtain bo- WASHINGTON (AP) — Hw Indicated intoxication when only tw'sen Mexico and tha United A t his news cbnference Thurs­ M O R R E L L Geneva dialogue on Borlln be­ lolr to Mve t*w:e and allow the first day Of the trial, they could In announcing Whittaker’s re­ t h i^ Weetem power, to carry out state tlvNc/caae. small amounts of alcohol had been tirement because of physical ex- (Continued on Page Twelve) States. day the- Presldant declined to •a* E-Z-CUT A tween Secretary of BUta Deaja O m r commitments In Berlin. consumed. There are no plana, however, to Bwer a newsmen’s question on Ruak and Soviet Foreign Mtn-» The papq Hoy said admitted During the trial DeMUlnlers ad­ change the name of that song to whether Ribicoff might be named "having Invaded thetr fatherland, leter Andrei A. Gromyko produc­ i^Though Gromyko agreed further mitted under questioning by Nl- "the flies ot Texas ore upon you," to the bench, talks were necessary and though having participated in on invaelon ed only one tangible reeult: The lond's lawyer, Jooeph F. Noonan, end the program 1* not Intended to Ribicoff hts withheld say out- HAM both he and Soviet Premier prepered. mrganlsed, trained and fi ­ that he waa the author o f on ar­ Frondizi Still Prisoner stimulate the sale of fly swatters. more tacit than expnwaed under- ;ri|^U*bhouncement oUhla eaadl- Khniahthev said there Was no nanced by Yankee Imperialista, and ticle published under a pseydonym ■WM*t"The goverilment' has " In •taadlng that tha tolke must. con-. deodUhS fo the Berlin talk., su- Mid they did not want to make dacy for the Smate, ssiying (ffily Unue. ‘ir. In a Bridgeport weekly Newspa­ mind U eliminating a livestock that he would accept a drMt. How­ .(^ r it o ^ e -informanu h.re cau- any furthwr declaxatians." per. 1 peat—the sorewwonn fly—that 1* AuthoritatiTe Murcee repcMfl^ . ■ — blight change Ita The. press .opeounts sold the pris­ ever, he has told various political thU Mid the vtwo: foreign iidlfiy In the article, Desaulnlen de­ costing oattlsmsn about $126 mil leaden that he ifianned to run ssren CHUCK ROAST oners faced a court tribunal whose scribed the stats’N'. driiitken JItiv- Guido Takes Oath lion a ysar. In Ita larviU stage the leader* agreed on the,prlnelplr 4 « it It meant fighting for th* nomi­ the Benate meinbera eat on M>ng benches in a ing laws os ‘‘bockw _ , fly feeds on th* flesh of cattle. It continued tfUoi. but def “ Im r^hdll court •'Within'd prison nation in a. primary. V U hole or yiouee F( also wrote that th* **DruBken dnV- can kill a newborn colt in a week. Butt Half NO MEAT CUT IS KINDER “ janiteday on hie compound. er la the most coddlisd CtllhtiiM In The idea U not new. U waa used u, Western n^smen,: oorred from Congresaf^M* '*Mii!iif^‘*Khwalakl ivo.'' Chairman J.
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