Correspondence – Disabled Folder Citation: Collection: Records of the 1976 Campaign Committee to Elect Jimmy Carter; Series: Noel Sterrett Subject File; Folder: Correspondence – Disabled; Container 77 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Carter-Mondale%20Campaign_1976.pdf • FROM THE DESK OF • FROM THE DESK OF (iJ • FROM THE DESK OF • FROM THE DESK OF ® Lyle Taylor � -� ;t�. � -���J �..-'Lt' . OJ �� 7f�� • FROM THE DESK OF Lyle Taylor /�'........-- ciZt; � af� Spina Bifida Association of America P. 0. Box 5568 Madison, Wisconsin 53705 July 1, 1976 DIRECTORS President Peggy Miezio Jimmy Carter 209 Shiloh Drive · Madison, Wisdonsin 53705 P.O. Box 1976 Atlanta, Georgia JOJOl 1st Vice President Sandra Helton 9 Mountain Avenue Dear Mr. Carter, Montville, New Jersey 07045 2nd VIce President The members of the Spina Bifida Association Thomas Tapke 2141 Sylved Lane of America, which is comprised of over 100 chapters Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 throughout the country, are vitally interested in Secretary this election year in your views on the questions Anna Tandy 104 Festone Avenue which directly affect the lives of children with New Castle, Delaware 19720 disabilities and their families. Mary Breukelman Denver, Colorado �he organization's bimonthly publication, the SBAA PIPELINE (a sample is enclosed), is distributed Esther Cummings San Jose. California to parents of children with spina bifida, their friends and relatives, adults with spina bifida, and Patricia Ekern Naperville, Illinois professionals in medical, allied health, education and social service fields. Barbara Metz North Brunswick, New Jersey We would like to be able to include with our Stanley Person New York, New York August/September issue your comments on plans to meet the needs of children with disabilities in areas Elizabeth Pieper Scotia, New York such as: Federal support for educational programs for disabled children, Federal policy toward services Barbara Riley Norristown, Pennsylvania and research in the field of disabilities, national health insurance benefits for people who are disabled, Jack Shurman Woodmere, New York architectural barriers, alternatives to institutional living, and vocational rehabilitation. Kent Smith Elmhurst, Illinois Thank you for your attention to this request. Treasurer Wayne Killingsworth 1719 Imperial Crown Houston, Texas 77043 Medical Advisory Committee Sincerely, Anthony J. Raimondi, M.D. Chairman Nonprofit Organization �� Peggy Miezio President Rune 21,1976 Dear Hr. Cai:ter, I am a quadraplegic who would like to know how you would support spinal injury research as president of the United States. I, hope your support will be more than vocal as was John F •. Kennedy1 s Commitment to spinal injur,y research which led to man walking on the moon. I would like ve� much to once again walk on this earth. Thank you. Sincerely, Robert K. McBride Rt.2. Nora St. Lisbon, Ct. 06351 • HEN:HY M. JACKSC'tN. WASH •• CHAIRMAN FRANK CHURCH. IDAHO PAUL J. FAi,NIN, ARIZ. LEE METCALF, MONT. CLIFFORD P. HANSEN, WYO. .J. llENNE":'T JO HNSTON. LA. M ARK 0. HATFIEL.D, OREG• .JAMES ABOUREZK. S. OAK. JAMES /\, MCCLURE, IDAHO FLOYD K. HASKELL. COLO. PE'NEY F. SARTLETI', OKLA· JOHN Gl-ENN, OHIO RJCHARO STONE, FLA. DALE PUMPERS. ARK. COMMITTEE ON GRENVILLE GARSIDE. SPECIAL COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS WILLIAM J. YAM NESS. CHIEF COUNSEL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 Jun� 29, 1976 Mr. �le G. Taylor 15515 52nd Avenue West Edmonds, HA 98020 Dear t4r. Taylor: Thank you for your three follow-up letters on spinal cord regeneration since we visited in my office in late May. ' The Appropriations Committee advises me that $10 �illion has been added to the budget of the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke, a significant portion of �tJhich \'rill be used for spinal cord regeneration research and training. I was happy to play a' role in this budget increase. With best wishes. Sincerely your , ���- Henry M. Jack on, U.S.S. Ht4J :ct ' )_' - L .. ._:: _ VI�REH G, MAGNUSON. WASH •• CHAIRMAN JOHN 0. PASTORE, R.I. JAMES B. PEARSON, KANS. VANCE HAR1'KE, IND. ROElERT P. GRIFFIN, MICH. Plill.IP A, HART, MICH. HOWARD H. DAKER, JR., TENN. tfOWARO W, CANNON, NEV. TED STEVENS, A�SKA RUSSELL B. LONG, L.A. J, GLENN BEAI..L, JR., MO. FRANK E. MOSS, UTAH LOW::L.L. P. WEICKER, JR,1 CONN. E:RNEST F. HOLLINGS, S.C. JAMES L. BUCKLEY, N.Y. DANIEL. K. INOUYE, HAWAII COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE JOHN V. TUNNF.Y, CALIF. ADLAI E. Si'E'IENSON, IL.L. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 WENDELl. H. FORD, KY. JOt-IN A. DURKIN, N.H. MICHAEl. PERTSCHUK, CHIEF COUNSEL S. LYNN SUTCUFFE, GENE:RAL. COUNSEL July 14th ARniUR PANKOPF, JR., MINORITY COUNSEL 1 9 7 6 Mr. Lyle G. Taylor 15515 - 52nd Ave. West Edmonds, Washington Dear· Mr. Taylor: The Senate has now approved, 75 to 17, the health appropriations bill for Fiscal 1977 and I1m sur·e you wil1 sna·re my own pleasure at how this might help to expand our research efforts on regeneration, as well as spinal cord injuries. Enclosed is a copy of our Report that was adopted by the Senate and you will find our recommendations pertaining to the National Institutes of Health starting on page 39 and for the Neurological Institute on pages 52-54. Our proposals would expand the funding available for stroke and nervous :system trauma by $5,797,000 -- an increase of over 30% in that activity -- and some $4.3 million of that is to expand research on spinal cord injury-central nervous system regeneration areas v1here progress I appears highest.. That would, according to NINCDS officials, include nerve growth, nerve sprouting, the molecular mechanisms of transport of substances to the nerves, and the effects of hormones and of nerve growth i:' factor on growth and regeneration in the central nervous system. ' I ; ,, Overall, our rec·Fnmendations for the NIH are $491 above what the President had requested and about $354 million greater than the current t level of their expenditures. Although these are substantial amounts, it f I would provide a modest 14% increase in their activities which span the t entire spectrum of diseases that plague man. While the bulk of the addi­ i- tional funding will help expand their immediate research capabilities, an i f. ;:_ equally important activity we would expand is the training of those who ' are ca�able of doing this highly sophisticated work. I hope that President ' Ford will ultimately agree with the Congress and approve this measure. I should certainly add that all that you have helped do and 11Spark11 might well have a beneficial impact upon the White House and their decision in this rnatter. I would also call your attention to our recommendations in respect to the programs of the Rehabilitation Services (pages 109-110). That increase of $6 million would provide funds to better support the existing spinal cord injury system centers and to establish additional model spinal cord injury projects. That increase would also allow for expansion in areas of special emphasis such as rehabilitation engineering and international research. ,., / Page Two· Mr. Taylor 14 July 1976 Once again, I do appreciate your personal concerns and efforts to see that greater attention by the public and public officials is drawn to these specia1 needs in spinal cord injury and especially in the area of regeneration. I would hope that you would also help us to secure more adequate funding for all biomedical research, along with the training of health care delivery personnel and those future research scientists who will make those breakthroughs that we are all praying for. With best regards, I remain �;;y, '·l WARREN G. AGNUSON,� �u. S. S. WGM/wfr ,�, ; ; � �LQ � � 'Ffrv >r)-fl7· � � :rr � � rrY) .. ��·.;·._!rn :303, 'i:VS Colln<;;dic;•t ,:,,·e<we, N.Vr'. "(202) 735··<·?:65 ·,.,�.'.�sh;r:g�on1 D.C. 20036 �/f./7-�> � -'":c_ : .... .,··. \. ,:;;.�;;.�,"'-''"·�-:;:_����: t � ['�-�-=�"����-·· August :20, 1976 1·1 s • r·.J a :c y K i n g Mary King Associates 2000 P Street, N.W. Wash ing ton, D.C. 20036 Dear Hary: I was pleased to have our brief meet ing a week or so ago, and I look forward to working wi th y o u, L o: tl :i_s e , a nd ·i:h e o t h e r rru� Hi 1) (� :c s of the ampai n s a f . c g t f .• Presently, I am contacting individuals involved in disahil�ty throughout the country obtaining thei r consent to part ic ipai:e in various phases of the campaign. Some will be involved in a i:ype of s.peake:cs bu1:eau, o t: h ers •dill be available .::1s c·.·,;sult:ant:s to local and state staffs, and others will he involved with �he Democratic Committee in the "Get Out the Vote" campaign . In spite of these efforts, I and many of us who are interested s till feel that we are functioning without acceptance and directi � n from the Carter campaign people, It is most unfortunate that even in t his effort people with disabilities must fight to exercise their rights to be involved.to share and participa�e. However, we are familiar with this stance, and because we believe in our principle and rights, we will continue. Attached is an article from the New York Times of August 19, 1976 which gives me grave concern and which can hav� a negative effect. o� the campaign efforts;�� Disabled people and p�rents of disabled children. have: worked hard for - many .y_ears to receive good public education and to be mainstreamed� Mr� Shanker, one of the first supporters of Governor Carter in the at·tached .
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