West Central Minnesota Seed Mixes (see page 4) Prices are subject to change. Please call or visit our website for current prices. Short, Dry Upland Prairie Mix Ć*UDVVHVĆ)ORZHUV Mesic Prairie Mix Ć*UDVVHVĆ)ORZHUV Moist Prairie Mix Ć*UDVVHVĆ)ORZHUV Deluxe Prairie Mix Ć*UDVVHVĆ)ORZHUV Lakeshore or Prairie Package Prices (see page 5) /DNHVKRUHRU3UDLULH0L[ /DNHVKRUHRU3UDLULH0L[ Garden Package Prices (see page 6) 5DLQJDUGHQ³1DWXUDO6SRQJH´ %XWWHUIO\ 3ROOLQDWRU*DUGHQ %LUG:DWFKHU¶V*DUGHQ 5DLQJDUGHQ )RUPDO:LOGIORZHU*DUGHQ Photo Credits: Photos on front cover: 5RZă6KRUHOLQH5HVWRUDWLRQDW7KH/RGJH RQ'HWURLW/DNH 5RZăDodecatheon amethystinum Cypripedium parviflorum, Mertensia virginiana 5RZăViburnum trilobum0RUQLQJ6N\ *UHHQHU\SURSDJDWLRQKRXVH Photos on back cover: 5RZă6KRUHOLQH5HVWRUDWLRQDW7KH/RGJH RQ'HWURLW/DNH Finzel A. J. Sally Highway 28, State 56267 44804East Minnesota Morris, 5RZăAdiantum pedatumIURQGXQIXUOLQJ Sisyrhinchium campestre /DNHDQGJUHHQKRXVHSKRWRVE\6DOO\)LQ]HO 2WKHUIORZHU3KRWRVE\1LF0F3KHH Flower & Grass Prices (see pages 8-31) We offer quantity discounts on projects! Please inquire! 6-pk Flowers / 12-pk Grasses ´SOXJV ´SOXJV @ @@ QRPL[ PDWFKGLVFRXQW PD\EHOLPLWHGTXDQWLWLHV Mix & Match Discount for 6-packs: @ SDFNV HDFK 3.5” Pots @ U QRPL[ PDWFKGLVFRXQW PD\EHOLPLWHGTXDQWLWLHV UU 0L[ 0DWFK'LVFRXQWIRU´SRWV @ SRWV HDFK 5.75” Pots @ U QRPL[ PDWFKGLVFRXQW PD\EHOLPLWHGTXDQWLWLHV 0L[ 0DWFK'LVFRXQWIRU´SRWV @SRWV HDFK Bulbs & Roots & Corms Seed Packets HDFK QROHVVWKDQVHHGVSHUSDFN 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHIRUFXUUHQW DYDLODELOLW\ Flower & Grass Key: SOIL PREFERENCE : :HW0RLVW6RLO +\GULF 0 0HGLXP 0HVLF ' 'U\6RLO ;HUL[ SUN REQUIREMENTS ) )XOO6XQ 3UDLULH 3 3DUWLDO6XQ 6DYDQQD 6 6KDGH :RRGODQG Welcome to Morning Sky Greenery About our products . At Morning Sky Greenery, we take care to produce high quality native plants that adapt easily to harsh environmental conditions. Our plants are not heavily forced for quick sales and mass market. Rather, they are carefully grown: hand watered & fertilized, acclimated and even overwintered to ensure their healthy growth when placed in a natural setting. We grow our plants using integrated pest management (IPM), which means that we use a variety of methods at our production facility to control insects and diseases. We do not rely on highly toxic chemical pesticides and herbicides to grow them. Our plants are grown in a variety of containers. The advantage of these container-grown plants is that they may be transplanted in the spring, summer, and fall. They may be kept in their own containers until you have the time to plant them. These plants are available in ´SOXJSDFNV SODQWVSHUSDFN DQG³SOXJSDFNV SODQWVSHUSDFN 7KH\DUH DOVRDYDLODEOHLQ´ ´SRWVTo find the sizes of individual plants, please look in the product columns of the plant list inside this catalog or on our website. If we do not carry a particular size you are interested in, we will custom grow large orders in the size pot you prefer. In our continuing efforts toward environmental stewardship, we wash and reuse pots from a variety of sources, so pot sizes may, in some cases, vary slightly. Our plants are typically shipped to you through UPS or other major carrier. However, please inquire about special delivery of shoreline and other large projects. We pride ourselves on individual customer service. Our dedicated, informed staff is happy to work with you to find the right plants for your individual needs. We encourage you to call or e-mail us with your questions. Free In-House Consultations By Appointment! www.MorningSkyGreenery.com Morning Sky Greenery’s Our website can help you choose the right plants for Quality Statement your project. View full-color photos of our plants so you know what to expect when they are mature. You 3URYLGLQJTXDOLW\ FDQDOVRVRUWSODQWVE\ÀRZHUFRORUVRLOW\SHVDQG plantVZKLFKKDYHD sun requirements! beneficial impact on 6KRUHOLQHUHVWRUDWLRQSURGXFWVERRNVQRWHFDUGV RXUHQYLURQPHQWLVRXU DQGJLIWFHUWL¿FDWHVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHIRUVDOHRQ our website. priority. 3OHDVHFKHFNRXUZHEVLWHIRUXSGDWHVRQLQGLYLGXDO :HJXDUDQWHHDOOVHHG SODQWDYDLODELOLW\,IZHJHWJRRGJHUPLQDWLRQZH DQGSODQWVZLOOEHWUXH KDYHPRUHYDULHW\DQGPRUHSODQWV to name. Inside catalog photos, sketches, and artwork by Sally Finzel with a special thanks to D. Stengel. Catalog designed and printed by Minuteman Press, Ham Lake. 1 *R:LOG Table of 3ODQW1DWLYHV Contents Our Promise To You... How to Order . Visiting Information . 3 Morning Sky Greenery offers exclusively Prairie Seed Mixes . 4 nursery grown stock. No plants are dug from the wild with the exception of a limited Lakeshore or Prairie Packages . 5 number of plants acquired from rescue Raingarden Packages . operations. Wildflower Garden Packages . Most of our seeds are either collected from Wildflowers . our own nursery stock, or with landowner Ferns and Woody Plants . permission from local prairie plants. We are Grasses, Sedges, Rushes . careful not to deplete any area of its natural source of seed. Seeds we cannot collect Order Form & Info . Centerfold ourselves are purchased from reputable Shipping & Returns . Centerfold wildflower and grass producers. Our plants Native Garden Suggestions . are source identified. Specific information about the origin of any of our seed and plant Plant Suggestions . stock is available upon request. Prices . Back Cover Flap 0DLO3KRQHRU)D[\RXU2UGHU Please fill out the form in the center of Mail completed order forms to: this catalog for mail or fax orders, and to reference for phone orders. Morning Sky Greenery Make sure that you specify which plants (DVW6WDWH+Z\ you want, quantity, and pot sizes. In- 0RUULV01 structions and shipping information are Phone/Fax: on the order form. 3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH Our website has a fully functional shopping cart, and our plants, seeds, and shoreline products are all available for order online. You can pay with your Visa, MasterCard and Discover card online, or choose to mail us a check after you place your order. www.MorningSkyGreenery.com Photos on inside front cover: (Kristen Kearns): Row 1 - Silene regia, Grindelia squarrosa, Leopard Frog. Row 2 - Carex sp. grown in 12-packs, Dragonfly, Monarch butterfly on Liatris ligulistylis, Row 3 - Monarch caterpillar on Asclepias incarnata, and Tradescantia ohiensis Photos on inside back cover (Kristen Kearns): Row 1 - Aster ericoides, Liatris cylindrical with pollinator Row 2 - Vernonia fasciculata in seed, Garter Snake, 2 Filipendula rubra, Row 3 - Lobelia siphilitica and Eutrochium purpureum Visiting Morning Sky Greenery We invite you to visit our nursery during our regular drop-in hours. However, if you need extra help choosing plants, or would like to visit outside of these hours or would like to schedule a tour, please call or e-mail to make arrangements. We have voice mail and a fax machine available when we are not. Please give us time to pull large orders, at least two days if possible. You may wish to plan a Morning Sky Greenery second visit to pick (DVW6WDWH+Z\ up your plants. 0RUULV01 Drop-In Nursery Hours www.MorningSkyGreenery.com We are open year round by appointment. Directions to our Nursery However, we do have drop-in retail hours :HDUHORFDWHGRQ(DVW+LJKZD\WZR during the growing season.* miles east of Morris and six miles west of Cyrus. Look for the Morning Sky Greenery sign and SPRING HOURS our historical stone schoolhouse on the north May 1 through June 15th side of the road and you have arrived! Monday - Saturday:DPSP Visit our website for more detailed online directions. Open Memorial Day weekend: Saturday only! 9 a.m. until Noon Sally J. A. Finzel, SUMMER HOURS Proprietor Monday - Friday: DP1RRQ /RFDWHGLQWKHKHDUWRIWKHSUDLULH UHJLRQRIZHVWFHQWUDO0LQQHVRWD FALL HOURS Morning Sky Greenery has been JURZLQJQDWLYHZLOGIORZHUVDQG Please call or visit our website for current hours. grasses since 1992. We are All other hours by appointment.* LPSUHVVHGZLWK WKHEHDXW\ *Native plants are unique! If you need a YLJRUDQG lot of assistance or a consultation please usefulness of call ahead so that we have someone WKHVHQDWLYH knowledgeable to assist you! plants. Go Wild - Plant Natives! 3 3UDLULH6HHG0L[HV We have a variety of standard west central Minnesota seed mixes available*. We recommend a total of 8 lbs. of seed per acre, or 3.5 oz. per 1,000 square feet. It is essential that flower seed is sown with grass seed (at least 30% grasses). Our Standard seed mixes are also available by the scoop at our nursery. If you are interested in custom seed mixes specifically for your region please contact us for more information. * Flowers and grasses listed in each mix may vary slightly depending on availability. 2SHQEDFNÀDSWRYLHZSULFHV Short, Dry Upland Prairie Mix Formulated for a sandy or dry, gravely soil type and full to part sun. Intended for planting in a large DUHD)ORZHUVDQGJUDVVHVDUHXQGHU¶WDOO Flowers: Amorpha canescens, Ceanthous americanus, Chameacrista fasciculata, Coreopsis palmata, Echinacea angustifolia, Lespedeza capitata, Liatris aspera, Penstemon grandiflorus, Petalostemon candi- dum, Petalostemon purpureum, Potentilla arguta, Pulsatilla nuttalliana, Ratibita columnifera, Rosa arkan- sana, Rudbeckia hirta, Verbena stricta, Zizia aptera. Grasses: Bouteloua curtipendula, Bouteloua Gracilis, Schizachyrium scoparium. Mesic Prairie Mix Formulated for a medium soil type and full to part sun. Intended for planting in a large area. Flow- HUVDQGJUDVVHVDUH¶WDOOZLWKVRPHHYHQWDOOHUVSHFLHV Flowers: Aster laevis, Aster novae-angliae, Astragalus canadensis, Coreopsis palmata, Desmodium ca- nadense, Galium boreale,
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