EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Space-Time Coding and its Applications—Part II Guest Editors: Dirk Slock, Vahid Tarokh, and Xiang-Gen Xia EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Space-Time Coding and its Applications—Part II EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Space-Time Coding and its Applications—Part II Guest Editors: Dirk Slock, Vahid Tarokh, and Xiang-Gen Xia Copyright © 2002 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. This is a special issue published in volume 2002 of “EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing.” All articles are open access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Editor-in-Chief K. J. Ray Liu, University of Maryland, College Park, USA Associate Editors Kiyoharu Aizawa, Japan Jiri Jan, Czech Antonio Ortega, USA Gonzalo Arce, USA Shigeru Katagiri, Japan Mukund Padmanabhan, USA Jaakko Astola, Finland Mos Kaveh, USA Ioannis Pitas, Greece Mauro Barni, Italy Bastiaan Kleijn, Sweden Raja Rajasekaran, USA Sankar Basu, USA Ut Va Koc, USA Phillip Regalia, France Shih-Fu Chang, USA Aggelos Katsaggelos, USA Hideaki Sakai, Japan Jie Chen, USA C. C. Jay Kuo, USA William Sandham, UK Tsuhan Chen, USA S. Y. Kung, USA Wan-Chi Siu, Hong Kong M. Reha Civanlar, USA Chin-Hui Lee, USA Piet Sommen, The Netherlands Tony Constantinides, UK Kyoung Mu Lee, Korea John Sorensen, Denmark Luciano Costa, Brazil Y. Geoffrey Li, USA Michael G. Strintzis, Greece Irek Defee, Finland Heinrich Meyr, Germany Ming-Ting Sun, USA Ed Deprettere, The Netherlands Ferran Marques, Spain Tomohiko Taniguchi, Japan Zhi Ding, USA Jerry M. Mendel, USA Sergios Theodoridis, Greece Jean-Luc Dugelay, France Marc Moonen, Belgium Yuke Wang, USA Pierre Duhamel, France José M. F.Moura, USA Andy Wu, Taiwan Tariq Durrani, UK Ryohei Nakatsu, Japan Xiang-Gen Xia, USA Sadaoki Furui, Japan King N. Ngan, Singapore Zixiang Xiong, USA Ulrich Heute, Germany Takao Nishitani, Japan Kung Yao, USA Yu Hen Hu, USA Naohisa Ohta, Japan Contents Editorial, Dirk Slock, Vahid Tarokh, and Xiang-Gen Xia Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 445-446 On the Capacity of Certain Space-Time Coding Schemes, Constantinos B. Papadias and Gerard J. Foschini Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 447-458 Space-Time Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation for Wireless Data Communications, Welly Firmanto, Branka Vucetic, Jinhong Yuan, and Zhuo Chen Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 459-470 On Some Design Issues of Space-Time Coded Multi-Antenna Systems, Hsuan-Jung Su and Evaggelos Geraniotis Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 471-481 Space-Time Trellis Coded 8PSK Schemes for Rapid Rayleigh Fading Channels, Salam A. Zummo and Saud A. Al-Semari Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 482-486 Blind Identification of Convolutive MIMO Systems with 3 Sources and 2 Sensors, Binning Chen, Athina P. Petropulu, and Lieven De Lathauwer Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 487-496 Maximum Likelihood Blind Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coding Systems, Hakan A. Çırpan, Erdal Panayırcı, and Erdinc Çekli Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 497-506 Pilot-Symbol-Assisted Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded OFDM Systems, King F. Lee and Douglas B. Williams Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 507-516 Low-Complexity Iterative Receiver for Space-Time Coded Signals over Frequency Selective Channels, Noura Sellami, Inbar Fijalkow, and Mohamed Siala Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 517-524 Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Detection of Multiple Antenna Systems over Dispersive Channels via Sphere Decoding, Haris Vikalo and Babak Hassibi Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 525-531 Linear Equalization Combined with Multiple Symbol Decision Feedback Detection for Differential Space-Time Modulation, Genyuan Wang, Aijun Song, and Xiang-Gen Xia Volume 2002 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 532-537 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2002:5, 445–446 c 2002 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Editorial Dirk Slock Mobile Communication Department, EURECOM Institute, 2229 route des Cretes, BP 193, 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France Email: [email protected] Vahid Tarokh Department of EECS MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Email: [email protected] Xiang-Gen Xia Department of ECE, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA Email: [email protected] This is the second part of the special issue “Space-Time Cod- of blind identification of a convolutive MIMO system with ing and Its Applications.” In this part, there are ten papers more inputs than outputs. It considers the problem in the covering capacity of space-time coded systems, space-time frequency domain where, for each frequency, it constructs code designs, decoding methods for space-time coded trans- two tensors based on cross-polyspectra of the output. In- missions, and MIMO systems. novative solutions are proposed to resolve frequency depen- The first paper by C. B. Papadias and G. J. Foschini is dent scaling and permutation ambiguities. The paper by H. in the area of capacity issues of space-time coded MIMO A. C¸ ırpan, E. Panayırcı, and E. C¸ ekli considers the problem systems. This paper considers some capacity issues of some of blind estimation of space-time coded signals along with space-time coded systems. It proposes attainable capaci- the channel parameters. In this paper, both conditional and ties that mean the capacities achieved by different tech- unconditional maximum likelihood approaches are devel- niques with the use of progressively stronger known encod- oped and iterative solutions are proposed. The paper by K. ing/decoding techniques. F. Lee and D. B. Williams considers space-time coded or- The second three papers are in the area of space-time thogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems code designs. The paper by W. Firmanto, B. Vucetic, J. Yuan, with multi-transmit antennas. In this paper, a low complex- and Z. Chen presents a design of space-time turbo trellis ity, bandwidth efficient, pilot-symbol-assisted channel esti- coded modulation by proposing a new recursive space-time mator for multi-transmit antenna OFDM systems is pro- trellis coded modulation. The proposed scheme is less than posed. 3 dB away from the theoretical capacity bound for MIMO The final three papers are in the area of decoding/ channels. The paper by H.-J. Su and E. Geraniotis consid- demodulation of space-time coded systems. The paper by ers some detailed design issues and tradeoffsofaspace-time N.Sellami,I.Fijalkow,andM.Sialapresentsalowcom- coded MIMO system. The paper by S. A. Zummo and S. A. plexity turbo-detector scheme for space-time coded fre- Al-Semari presents an 8PSK trellis space-time code design quency selective MIMO channels. The paper by H. Vikalo that is suitable for rapid fading channels. They propose two and B. Hassibi presents a sphere decoder for sequence de- approaches or their design: (i) to maximize the symbol-wise tection in multiple-antenna communication systems over Hamming distance between signals leaving from or remerg- dispersive channels. The sphere decoder provides the ML ing to the same encoder’s state; (ii) to partition a set based on sequence estimate with computational complexity compa- maximizing the sum of squared Euclidean distances and also rable to standard space-time decision-feedback equalizing the branch-wise Hamming distance. (DFE) algorithms. The paper by G. Wang, A. Song and X.- The next three papers focus on the topic of channel esti- G. Xia introduces linear equalization to reduce a convolutive mation for space-time coded systems. The paper by B. Chen, MIMO channel to a flat MIMO channel that may possibly A. P. Petropulu, and L. De Lathauwer addresses the problem be only partially known. Detection of differential space-time 446 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing modulation becomes hence feasible. Multiple symbol deci- Xiang-Gen Xia received his B.S. degree in sion feedback detection is considered for improved perfor- mathematics from Nanjing Normal Univer- mance. sity, Nanjing, China, his M.S. degree in mathematics from Nankai University, Tian- jin, China, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Dirk Slock Engineering from the University of Southern Vahid Tarokh California, Los Angeles, USA in 1983, 1986, Xiang-Gen Xia and 1992, respectively. He was a Lecturer at Nankai University, China during 1986–1988, a Teaching Assistant at University of Cincinnati, USA during 1988– 1990, a Research Assistant at the University of Southern California, Dirk Slock received the engineer’s degree USA during 1990–1992, and a Research Scientist at the Air Force In- from the University of Gent, Belgium in stitute of Technology during 1993–1994. He was a Senior/Research 1982. In 1984, he was awarded a Fulbright Staff Member at Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California, scholarship for Stanford University, USA, during 1995–1996. In September 1996, he joined the Department where he received his M.S. in Electrical Engi- of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware, neering, M.S. in Statistics, and Ph.D. in Elec- Newark, Delaware, USA, where he is currently an Associate Profes- trical Engineering in 1986, 1989, and 1989, sor. His current research interests include communication systems respectively. While at Stanford, he developed including equalization and coding; SAR and ISAR imaging of mov- new fast recursive least-squares algorithms ing targets, wavelet transform and multirate filterbank theory and for adaptive filtering. In 1989–1991, he was a member of the re- ff applications; time-frequency analysis and synthesis; and numeri- search sta at the Philips Research Laboratory, Belgium. In 1991, he cal analysis and inverse problems in signal/image processing. Dr. joined the Eurecom Institute where he is now Associate Professor. At Xia has over 80 refereed journal articles published, and four U.S. Eurecom, he teaches statistical signal processing and speech coding patents awarded. He is the author of the book “Modulated Coding for mobile communications.
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