SwAmy DEsikan’s SaraNAgathi Deepikai Annotated Commentary In English By Oppiliappan KOil Sri VaradAchAri SaThakOpan sadagopan.org SWAMY DESIKAN’S SARANAGATHI DEEPIKAI sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org SRI DEEPA PRAKASAR (ThiruththaNkaa) Annotated Commentary In English By Oppiliappan KOil Sri VaradAchAri SaThakOpan KavitArkika Simham sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org NigamAntha mahA dEsikar at Thuppul CONTENTS Introduction 1 SlOkams and Commentary 5 SlOkam 1 7 SlOkam 2 11 SlOkam 3 16 SlOkam 4 20 SlOkam 5 23 SlOkam 6 25 SlOkam 7 28 SlOkam 8 31 SlOkam 9 34 SlOkam 10 38 SlOkam 11 44 SlOkam 12 47 SlOkam 13 52 SlOkam 14 56 SlOkam 15 61 SlOkam 16 65 sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org SlOkam 17 68 SlOkam 18 71 SlOkam 19 74 SlOkam 20 77 SlOkam 21 79 SlOkam 22 81 SlOkam 23 85 SlOkam 24 89 SlOkam 25 92 SlOkam 26 96 SlOkam 27 99 SlOkam 28 102 SlOkam 29 105 SlOkam 30 110 SlOkam 31 115 SlOkam 32 120 SlOkam 33 125 SlOkam 34 128 SlOkam 35 132 SlOkam 36 136 SlOkam 37 138 SlOkam 38 141 SlOkam 39 145 SlOkam 40 151 SlOkam 41 158 SlOkam 42 163 SlOkam 43 166 SlOkam 44 170 SlOkam 45 175 SlOkam 46 178 SlOkam 47 181 SlOkam 48 185 sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org SlOkam 49 188 SlOkam 50 194 SlOkam 51 198 SlOkam 52 200 SlOkam 53 202 SlOkam 54 207 SlOkam 55 210 SlOkam 56 215 SlOkam 57 219 SlOkam 58 222 SlOkam 59 225 NOTE: The Sanskrit text in this e-book has been prepared using Sanskrit-99 Font. The Sanskrit-English transliteration of the slOkams has been prepared using the ITRANS scheme. The Tamil text has been prepared using Mylai-Sri Font. ïI> . ïImteramanujay nm> ïImteingmaNt mhadeizkay nm> zr[agit dIipka SARANAGATHI DEEPIKA Introduction his SrI Sookthi has 59 slOkams and SwAmy DEsikan chose the T name of SaraNAgathi Deepikai for this divya grantham. Indeed this magnificent and precious SrI Sookthi of our AchAryan is about the central doctrine of Sri VaishNava SampradhAyam (viz) performance of Prapatthi at the divine feet of divya dampathis; SwAmy DEsikan spent his life elucidating the importance of SaraNAgathi (Prapatthi yOgam) and elaborated on the doctrines and the divya Mithunam (SrI Lakshmi NaarAyaNan) and their united role in accepting the jeevan’s Prapatthi. sadagopan.org sadagopan.org The ThiruththaNkA sadagopan.org Sthala purAnam states that MahA Lakshmi rose out of the Lakshmi saras near the temple and embraced Her Lord. As a result of this display of special affection by His PirAtti, PerumAL’s Svayam JyOthi shone even more brightly for all to see from those times until now. That dIpam and its PrakAsam helps us to banish nescience (darkness) of every Thooppul Temple Gopuram kind. 1 SwAmy DEsikan was born in the sannidhi street of SrI Maragatha Valli samEtha SrI ViLakkoLi PerumAL (Thuppul agrahAram) and the sacred light of DhIpa PrakAsan illuminated the mind of infant SwAmy DEsikan and He became thus garbha SrImAn. SwAmy DEsikan went on to strengthen the MadappaLLI AcchAn SampradhAyam, which is nothing but AchArya RaamAnuja SampradhAyam. Thus, when we participate in nithyArAdhana kaimkaryam for SrI DhIpa PrakAsan and SwAmy DEsikan, we are indeed celebrating Bhagavath RaamAnuja darshanam in all its SwAmi DEsikan Avathara Sthalam glorious aspects. adiyEn recommends a beautiful web site on Thuppul /ThirutthaNkaa being created by Sri Sridhar Lakshminarasimhan of Bangalore (www.desikantemples.net) that would be of interest to you all. This web site is expected to be sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org launched soon. Rg vEdam celebrates those, who give pious samarpaNams to Bhagavath- BhAgavatha kaimkaryam this way: dakshiNAvatAm id imAni citrA dakshiNAvatAm divi sooryAsa: dakshiNAvantO amrutam bhajantE dakshiNAvanta: pra tiranta aayuhu: -- Rg vEdam : I.125.6 Meaning: There are matchless and wonderful rewards for those, who give pious donations through their participations in Bhagavath-BhAgavatha kaimkaryam. For the donors of these gifts, the Twelve Suns shine in the heaven as dIpams to light their way on earth. These blessed souls attain immortality and prolong their worldly lives (post-prapanna lives) and are examples to others in performing dhArmic duties. May 2 we become blessed through our “giving” to noble causes like nithyArAdhanam, performance of adhyayaNOthsavams, vEda PaarAyaNam at the Uhanthu aruLina NilangaL and most importantly to AchArya kaimkaryams. In this sthOthra grantham of sharaNAgathy dIpikai, 18 points are highlighted by SwAmy DEsikan according to VaikuNTha Vaasi Sri V.N.Sriraama DEsikAcchAr SwAmy of blessed memory: The incarnation of Piratti The Supremacy of the Lord over all gods (Para tatthvam) The importance of the Lord’s Six guNams His primacy in AchArya paramparai His undisputed status as our Sarva Vidha Bandhu His avathAra rahasyam His wonderful Sousheelya guNam The route of Bhakthi yOgam The glories of Prapatthi yOgam sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org The five limbs of Prapatthi The Post-Prapatthi conduct of a Prapannan The two categories of Bhagavath AarAdhanam The significance of Bhaagavatha kaimkaryam The exit of the jeevan from the body ArchirAdhi Maargam and travel of the jeevan The status of the Muktha Jeevan in SrI VaikuNTham The seven blemishes to avoid during our stay on earth AvathAram of this sthOthram as the essence of MahAnasa (MadappaLLi AacchAn) SampradhAyam. 3 “ApramEyam hi tatt tEja:” is the SrImath RaamAyaNa PramANam for the matchless tejas (JyOthi) of MahA Lakshmi. This tejas is acquired by the Lord through the elevation caused by the union with MahA Lakshmi. He transforms thus into DhIpa PrakAsan. She Herself states Her implicit relationship to her Lord in terms of His JyOthi: “AnanyA RaaghavENAham BhAskarENa PrabhA YatA” That most merciful Maragatha Valli thAyaar shines as PrabhA for the “Sun” at ThirutthaNkA divya dEsam and helps Him acquire the ThirunAmam of SrI DIpa PrakAshan. SrI Maragatha Valli thAyAr is thus the svaroopa-niroopaNa vaibhavam for DIpa PrakAshan. ïIman! ve»qnawayR> kivtaik›kkesrI , vedaNtacayRvyaeR me siÚxÄa< sda ùid . srImaan ve~nkaTa naathaaryah kavitaarkikakEsarI | vEdaantaacaarya varyo mE sannidhattaaM sadaa hrudi || sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org 4 slOkams and Commentary sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org shrI LakShmi HayagrIvar (Thooppul) Courtsey : Kumudham - Bhakthi Magazine 5 sadagopan.org DEsikar in ThEr—Thooppul ThEr—Thooppul DEsikar in 6 SlOkam 1 pÒapte> Stuit pden ivpCyman< pZyiNTvh àpdn àv[a mhaNt>, mÖaKy s<viltmPyjhTSvÉav< maNy< ytIñr mhans s<àdaym!. PadmApatE: stuti padEna vipacyamAnam pashyantviha prapadana pravaNA mahAnta: | madvAkya samvalitamapi ajahat svabhAvam mAnyam YatIshvara MahAnasa sampradAyam || Meaning: My speech with blemishes is admixed with the blemishless and sacred fragrance of the samprahdAyam of Prapatthi VidyA; that fragrance arises from my connection to the MadappaLLi AacchAn (PraNathArthiharar), who learnt sakala Saasthra arthams from sadagopan.org sadagopan.org AchArya RaamAnujA Himself, while serving as the kainkaryaparar at sadagopan.org His kitchen (MadapaLLi). The essence of that MadappaLLi AacchAn SampradhAyam has been included in this sthOthram about ViLakkoLi PerumAL. It is fair to say that the MadapaLLi AacchAn SampradhAyam has taken the form of this sthuthi. Even if this sthuthi is made up of passages associated with my imperfect speech, the glory of this eulogy however is not diminished. May the great ones, who have unshakable faith in Prapatthi as the means for mOksham, recognize and celebrate the sacred sampradhAyam! Additional Comments: First Line: PadhmaapathE: stuti-padEna vipacyamAnam SwaAy DEsikan starts the sthOthram with a statement that it is a sthuthi about the consort of MahA Lakshmi (PadmA PatE: stutipadam). PadhmA is SrI Maragathavalli thAyAr and Her Pathi (Lord) is DIpaprakAshan. SwAmy DEsikan says that the Sriya: Pathi 7 blessing us with His archA form at ThirutthaNkA is the focal point of this sthuthi. To remind us of the dvaya manthram and its rich relationship to SrI DEvi signified by this manthra rathnam, SwAmy chooses to address the Lord as PadhmA-Pathi here. The nithya SamyOgam of Periya PirAtti (MahA Lakshmi) with her Lord is behind all the anugrahams of Prapatthi. The significance of SrI shabdam (PadhmA here) preceding the Lord or qualifying the Lord is seen from the SrI VishNu SahsranAmams (612-621) that celebrate the power of this nithya yOgam of PadhmA and Her Pathi: shrIda: shrIsha: shrInivAsa: shrInidhi: shrIvibhAvana: shrIdhara: shrIkara: shrEya: shrImAn lOkatrayAshraya: The importance of SrI DEvi in our sampradhAyam is pointed out by Sri NadAthUr AmmAL in His magnum opus, Prapanna PaarijAtham to underscore the importance of PrapannAs performing AarAdhanam for SrI DEvi: gurUNAm vishrama sthAnam IshAnAJagatOsya ca MahiShI dEvadEvasya divyA nityAnapAyini Elaborate commentary on this important slOkam on LakshmI Tatthvam has been provided by Srimath U.Ve. V.S. KaruNAkarAcchAr SwAmy in the special issue of SrI HayagrIva PriyA (October 2001). The five reasons for such AarAdhanam are covered here. SwAmy DEsikan also of the MadappaLLi AacchAn sampradhAyam salutes the divya dampathis as being at the very top of AchArya sadagopan.org sadagopan.org sadagopan.org paramparai: gurubhyascca tat gurubhyascca namOvAkamadhImahE vruNImahE tathrAdhyou DAMPATI JAGATAAM PATI Padhmaa Pathi united with His consort as divya Mithunam(divine couple) is recognized and saluted as the joint head of this universe. To pay obescience to SrI DEvi directly or indirectly is SadAchArya SampradhAya kramam. We see this in AchArya RaamAnujA’s sharaNAgathi
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