[THE '/< i/i VOL XIX.. 19th YE.AR. No. .15. DUNCAN. B. C.. THURSDAY. U IU ST 28ili. 1910. SubseriptloB 11.50 Yearlj, U AdTUC* GOOD WORK WEIR IX RIVER MINING IN COWICHAN UNITED JWRMERS OX S.kLT_SPRIXG Round Tript Prom Scuttle* WHl ruheriet Officialt and Cowiehan J. R. Brown, Vernon, Succeeds W. E. (Council of Duncen Board of Trade Benefit Whole luUnd Indiana Disagree McTaggart As Secretary VUiu lilanders Developments On Mount Brenton May Entail The Victoria and Island Develop* Previous to this year the local In­ At the call of Mr. R. A, Copeland. | Mayor Pitt's launch stole out of tnent association is to be conuratu* dians. under a special arrangement Lumhy. president of the United Farm-1 Maple Day last Thursday afternoon Erection Of Concentrating Plant— laied on its success in carryins made some five years ago. were al* [ of British Cnlumhia. a meeting of . with a party rif iremhcr.s of the c. without hitch the arrangements for lowed lu have certain weirs in the! |the provincial direciorv of the Cil (if Ulliiv.r tt-nr.l r.( Tr.ia.; ^*nt on Progress On Mount Sicker the edification and instruction of the | Cowichai River, subject to certain ! ____ .ciaiion w-., held in Kamloops last viewing Sait Spring Island and ren­ National Editorial association. In This year the Minister] • i Saturday afternoon and evening, dering what service they could lo the with the application of Mr. E. J. Messrs. George Clark. Sidney: J. L this connection tributes have been of Marin* and Fisheries. Ottawa, has Contrary in reports in the Victoria movemcm which is there afoot to ­ paid to the excellent work of Mr. laid down that no weirs are to he press the annonneement of the I’altner. hy his agent. Mr. J. O'Rourke. Pridliam, Kelowna: W. E. Chappie, ward* forming a Gulf islands Board XV. A. Mc.Adam. the association's allowed. for a license to take and use SOI I Arm-trong: Waller Shipley. Canoe: of Trade. blinding of the Lenora property on commissioner. Some weeks ago a weir was placed second feci and.lo store 1 second foot C. W. Greer. Kamloops: J. R. Brown, .ArranKemcnis for their reception Mount Sicker by Mr. G. D. B, Turner, Now comes the announcement that I the river near the Quamichan re­ of water out of the Chcniainus river, j Vernon; and W. E. Smith. Revel-toke, had been made by the I*lands Agricul ­ was made exclusively in The Cow- the V. 1. D. A. have at length serve. On Friday last Mr. Al present there is little to he said were present, tural and Fruitgrowers' association, Galbraith welcomed to Duncan Mr. jichan Reader in its issue of July 24ih. apart from the fart that ticvcioptncm j AinalgaiBation A^roved the president. Mr. G. W, Dean, and cceded in establishing aif arrange ­ G- M. Calhcart. .Alherni. a native of The information contained in the work is being carried out on claims I .Af'er the disposal of routine huso secretary. Mr. E. H. Slrectcn. welcom- ment with the C, P. R. hy which the Glasgow, and a returned soldier, who Canadian Mining Journal was gleaned on Mount Brenton. The indications ' ness. President Copeland recounted g the party at Vesuvius Bay. whole island will receive further bene­ fit from tourist travel. -This is des­ has just been appointed a fisheries from till- source and last week end point to the existence of a consider- ' the step- leading up to the confer- By special invitation lliry then tno- officer to have charge of the Cowiehan ; was «1ecmrd of sufficient importance cribed by Mr- McAdam in the follow ­ ■aide body of ore. bin this is expected ence at Vancouver of representatives lo/ed to the James seed farm at the ing letter;— River between the railway bridge at to he noticed hy our esteemed con- to he a low grade prnpo.iiion. entail- ' of the Farmers' Institute Advisory Central Setlleinent. and spent some ‘We take pleasure in advising that, Duncan and the sea. |temp<irarie» in I'nc capital. jing concentration on -he spot as it | Board and of the United Farmers viewing the lorty acres of vege- The two officers on that day toured .A certain amount of misinformatHin ' would not pay to ship. This accounts ' «pecting the nmalgamaiion of the i lalile. field and flower sved* which this through the kindness and co-operation the district which Mr. Calhcart will has suh.seguenlly been published in for the water applications. | organizations. The re-iill of the con- enterprising family of .ecdsmen- of the passenger officials of the C. P. supervise. On the Qua [\icloria and one retraction has al ­ Chemaimis ' fcrence and the corn-spondv farmers have esialdislivd there. Mr, R.. we have been favoured by the es­ ready hern made concerning develop ­ tablishment of the low rate of SIO.OO they iotmd a weir and promptly t the head of connection therewith were laid before Fred James will l>e remembered as ments on Mount Brenton. Copper Canyon and the water divert­ from Seattle for a circuit tour as fol ­ took it out. Returning to Duncan in­ ;he ilircclnrs. exhibited at the Islands Seed It may lie recalled that on July24lh ed to supply power for the concentra ­ Fair in Duncan two years ago. He lows: Seattle to Victoria, thence hy formation was laid against Charlie ollowvtl and at E. & N. Ry. to Nanaimo, thence by' Kuckalano. charging liim with a The Leader stated that "should Mr. tion plant which would Ift Imill. lodies was cordially approved. very good word to say for the Turner's c.tliulaluins prove correct. short time The Leader hopes garden tractor, both for keeping down C- r. R. steamer to Vancouver and breach of the fisheries regulations, New Secretary Appointed ircniendoiis impetus will he given to 'to be able to give fiirihcr details con- back to Seattle. Mr. Cathcart returned to the reserve The lircsiclent submitted the corres- weeds and -iipplying power for thresh- properties in the Mount Sicker zone." |ceming this new development. londence covering the resignation of "The tickets for this tour have a,that night and found the weir had return limit of thirty days and permit.been replaced. He took it out again, The article nNo stated that "already a . R. C. Mainguy. B.C.L.S.. N engaged McTaggart as sccrctary-treas- At Gangei prominent engineer was this week [surveying claims on Mount Brenton. The party then motored to Canges, stop-over privileges at all points en He then attempted '.........." and the action of the president n sale daily at Seattle. this Indian but was unable making an examination of the pros-j On The Lenora repting the resignation where a fine memorial to the men of the islands who went overseas was "The attractiveness of such a com- the Indians, it is reported, P«t. in ihc Ch.nmmn, Riv.r h..in- „„ d.vrfopmcn, »nrk irmed- .1. R. Brown, of Vei threatening attitude and erected last year. They inspected the bination water and rail trip at so low Th,. nnn.n... TO Mr. U.W.. .Sd.m. ,, „n .....ji, „„ Unorn elected to succeed him. I,rvt.n..ror. of Sr.iilt, n-ko n.rr.l plant of the Salt Spring Island Cream- a rate should appeal to a large num­ Kuckalano laying himself open to Before adjournment at a late hour. years ago. happens to have been as- j miinlKT of topics of agricultural . under the guidance of ber of tourists and vacationists, and further charge of assault, which it is il. has not yet been laid. .om.rd .i,h ,h. .kmorirnn Sm.liinp portance were discussed and it Mr. Frank Wheeler, manager. although the season is somewhat ad- ....... — -...... — This creamery has 95 patrons and vanccd. we have reason to hope that, The whole matter has been referred „d Mm.ne Corponlron. n .ooenrn ,n confidently fell that the outcome of _________-u..u. U n. Wsnainm who handled some 10.000 pounds of butter through the -necessary publicity that [to Mr. E. G. Taylor, rvh.rh .hr Cnurnhr.m, .n.rrr.1- recent developments, especially those thU association is inaugurating,jurating, setting 'is in charge of this fisheries district, rd Hr I... .,0, brrn coonrclrd w.lh gliding towards amalgamation, would last month. It paid 65 rents last month but expects to do better this forth particularly the up-island aitrac-jand it is likely that (tirihcr develop- Ih.. ronrrrn fo, yr,„ >nd rrpo,., of prove highly beneficial to the l>e*l r this week. .hr O..B.tnh«,m,b,,„K.n.rrr.frd o. month. AH the cream is pasteurized nions. we will succeed in inducing suf- ments may interests of the fan r.lly nrr l.n.rd on .h.. llondrr f,...nd». „„„ 172 degrees Eggs are not handled. ficieni travel for the balance of the Many local farmers ship to Vancou ­ season to encourage the C. P. R. to rh.rfly“,""n conrrrnrd .. Mr. F.. J. Pnln.r.,I’V’™ ' ' “"'i. i> ver. to the D. C Poiiltrymrn's Union maintain the same arrangement dur­ “Y” ACTIVITIES WELCOME HOME ing the entire season of 1920. warehouse with satisfactory result* s Has Condoned “You will appreciate the value of .After a delightful slipper ai thv Har ­ Five Summer Cerape Soldiers En Route bour House, an informal conference this concession by the C. P. R- in its Levensaler's name appears in laid from the old swamp to gX-c water relation to the promotion of tourist c as a witness in connection service.
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