The Star Is An Intelligent, Progressive'JNewspaper TELEPHONE 365 SECOND STAR ?LrIX pfJL EDITION Business Office m?LSSc JLtMf VOL. XVII. HONOLULU, HAWAII FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909. No. S429 OHIO SUNK, THREE LIV ARE LOST (Associated 1'rcss Cable to T7ic Star.) There promises to be something ot a to revert to the general fund, and the department Is stir at the meeting ot the City and voai not allowed the SEATTLE, August 27. Tha steamer hcre for W,th During a rainy month, when It Is 0hl' whIch lett Valacz' Supervisor rumor has it that Road lmposslble to do any work on the roadg 12S passengers and a crew of 82, struck what, ' HIGHER. WAGE ASSOCIATION "WILL PASS INTO LABOR UNION ON Wilson wants to know what's ho is not able to spend tho entire a rock near Ketchikan and is a total For some time there has been a $14,000 and so does not get tho ad-- ! loss. Purser Stephens, wireless oper-boilln- g AMERICAN PLANS AND MAKE DEMONSTRATION IN 1010 WANT- - of Ideas as to where and how vantage of whatever he does- notjatori llag sent word ot tuQ disaster, Supervisor or Overseer stood spend; whereas, Inasmuch as ho ED TO SHOW THIS YEAR, BUT CONSPIRACY ARRESTS AND PRO- tho Road haSi,.Threo wore drowned as tho ... .wi . inM. mi,-- h mnnhinJv Passengers SECUTION INTERFERED WITH HEADQUARTERS PLANS. ed his department, and now there it would be to the convenience ot the steamer went down. comes tho fight to tho finish as to road department if ho was to save so whether or not there is to be a safe much each month from the monthly The Ohio has been In Honolulu sev- as any army transport. and sane disposition of funds or a allowance to pay off the debt for m eral times Nothing has been arranged for any Arrests and conspiracy prosecutions, of arbitrary allotment wjiereby chinery, etc., he Is not permitted to sort ot celebration or observance of however, have taken some of the mill-Lab- or the feet and hands of the Road Su- - do this on account ot tho hard and Day, this year. Labor Dav falls tant enthusiasm out of the leaders of pervlsor are tied. fast rule established by the Board of AIRSHIP on Monday, Septemer G, and through-- tho movement for higher wages, at Wilson is not contemplating putting Supervisors that he can spend only out other parts of the United States least temporarily, and the stage has In his resignation, or anything like $14,000 a month, and unless he spends there will bo demonstrations ranging not been reached where the Higher that, as far as can bo ascertained, but it all he Is obliged to put the balance all the way from the parade of many Wage Association gives its energy to it Is understood that the situation re- - back into the general fund. In this MEN MAKING thousands to the procession of a few the new organization contemplated. solves itself Into the proposition ot a and other ways Is his department tied dozen in small towns, augmented, per- - The Higher Wage Association has good and useful man, one who knows so that it cannot do its best worl, haps, by the contribution of the fire not yet made its will, even, though his business, being materially handi- - and it is reported that at tonight's . brigade and the police department. It nas attempted so to do-- As exclu-I- n capped through a false idea of economy meeting there will arise a protest that i slvely announced in Tho Star when RECORDS Honolulu there is no sufficient on the part o-- the rsoard. will result In Wilson's either being the first move in was de-p- body of organized labor to undertake that dirction Wilson, it seems, is allowed $14,000 allowed a decent leeway or his er (associated Press Cable to The Star.) a procession or anv other show of made, it is the intention of the leaders month, but unless he spends all claratlon that the Supervisors can take of tho Japanese Higher Wage Assocla- - force, eo there will be no marching that money during the month it has the consequences. RHEIMS, August 27 Henri Far-ma- n throuch tho nrinclnal streets of the tlon to practically reorganize and form has made a record of 1JS.0C miles city, no beer nor pink lemonade at a labor wnlon on the plah3 of labor with a biplane. the end of the line of marcn and no unions that exist in the United States speeches concerning the glorious inde- - generally. It is the plan not only pendenco of labor, if it exists, or the to organize the Japanese plantation LESS DHNI arbitrariness of capital, it capital is laborers, but to organize the Japanese COLORED ever, arbitrary workers In all branches of trade, into Mil It Is not, however, so much a mat-- separate unions which will all be un- - ter, of what will not be doing this der one general management. This a of preaching ,s year, as what will be doing next year, takes time and takes lot ED TATION An interview this morning with lead- - throughout the islands and means that 11EP1S1 ac- - m era of the recent Japanese strike agl- - nothing, so far, has really been tation for higher wages reveals the complished. At least not enough has fact the organization of Japan- - been accomplished to. effect the death that ' L. McCandless has filed a repli- - to plaintiff by deed qt, 21, DUKNLU - ni.n'.V.i.nintin. ii, ... i. nf iha Vtiahiw W.itr( AssnrinHon and U .October - 1839. The plaintiff concludes his re-tl- e, ganization of Japanese in all lines of the birth of the Japanese Labor Union, cation to the answers of W. It. Cas- Associated Pre Cable to The SJar.l labor, all under ope headquarters, as This however, Is expected to be ed trustee, Rose Williams, Annie "'Jf1'0" ,thu!: ...... SOPERTONGA, August 27. An es- - by the Higher Wage Asso- - fected within the ensuing year and, Spalding, Georglana Williams, Henry m named in said deed, or any or one which is now about to die and While there will bo nothing of a either caned colored convict who killed elation Williams, Edward Williams, and Geor- - of understood they were pursuers whose ashes It is promised these monstration on this year's Labor Day, tilenli that of his and wounded three, giana Wright, defendants to his suit conveying only Interests In said was by mob. labor organizations will rise, is to be a year hence may see some eight or their killed and burned a for accounting. iatHis Which thev had inherited from in a position to throw thousands upon nine thousand organized Japanese He admits that Joshua R. Williams the CHAMPION. in tho lino of march for a borers, plantation and otherwise, in said Kaalkaula Williams; denies STILL THE . was not in his lifetime seize?! of any he so understood or represented; (Associated Cable to The yea.-- organized according that Press Star.) C. M. imper-mornln- g. Labor Day parade next a lino of march, Ro- - Cooke died at five o'clock this ing quietly into deep sleep, so Interest in tho lands described in denies said grantors did in- - rc- - It was hoped by certain members of to the mainland American plan and that not NEWPORT, August 27. Lamed Expected at any hour for a ceptlble that it was difficult to fix tho yal Patent 7C2, Land Commission to convey any - ' the headquarters of the Higher Wage carrying tho American and Japanese tend other interest in tains the championship, having de- week past, tho event removes a man exact moment. Award 2012, and that after Williams' 6aI(1 lallds by 8aId Association that some sort of a demon- - flags at the head ot the procession, deedi and denies featod Clothier today. who was easily chief among tho princes I an iwo-imr- inter- - in-- ThorB wl be a falriUy 8erVce at the Higher Wage Association is ueaui unuiviueu that he participated in any such ! ! stratton might be made this year. Tho "The rsr itt nnif Invwln ntnn nnmrmmrl 4n of business In Hawaii. This estimate probablly Yxa house this afternoon, and a a imiMrw ntnnn woe vpt ' anifl nn nflinnr" nr tnnr ia,uu (Assoclatcd to The ' .Uv-- tlmt t nnf nnit ' Press Cable Star.) is justified in part by crape upon the r ta Castle as trustee for decedent's heirs, ..That i,q denies iq - bHc funera, at Centrn-- Union church no otheru.bshow of labor forces, sinco organization to a Star reporter this,,tZ . that it nnpossi- NURENBURG, August 27. Count closed doors of thrco. establishments , , eses on information and be- - ,ncorae inlnn o.,n.. nrtr.,nnn. tim i.nrtv mom. mmtn w it win ibt Mo to tell what hag tcen real. Zeppelin has de'scended for repairs to Honolulu, having an aggregnto capital sara vv. ;timo being cremated. .Interment or sort of parade on this holiday, Labor matter of the past, though in its place , " Jeu uj u. asue, trustee, hs airship. of between three and four million dol- were sold to Honolulu Sugar Co., aum ?i343-3- the ashes will be in the plot of the Day, it would bo a grand idea for the will rise an organization on American from sald of so recolved lar's, with tho career treated hy Castle as - which dead man's Hawaiian Mission Children's Society in organized Japanese plantation laborers plans that will represent tho Interests we' PPty by him as aforesaid.- denies that any YOSEMITE, August 27.
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