I A 0 I 1 SOCIETY o OF"F"ICIAL PUBLICATION A m3Razlne devoted to the study of Horatio Alger. Jr•• hIS life, works, and Influence on the culture of AmerlCK. 1832 - 1899 VOLUME XXXII MAY-JUNE 1994 NUMBER 3 Convention Issue 'In Search of Treasure' -- See Page 3 . Members: . 1 er SOciety the To HoratlO A g ttnest greetings to 'ety whO d roy wa Alger SOCI 1 leased to en {the Horatio . \994 annua 1 am p d officers 0 •<is {or their members an . Grand Rapl have gathered In NIU extends a convention. { m Michigan and ~ou will ssman ro 1 am sure that {ortner cOngre{ Grand Rapid~, .c attractions As a .dent 0 d hlston warm welcome longtime res~anY cultural an enjoY. ~e has to offer. through hard Michlg . and succesS -- See Page 5 nterpnse . Alger " .d ls o{ {ree e hich HoraUo d his bOO.s The I ea erseverance. w me since 1 rea work and P inUuenced ated have advOC 'th { Horalio as a yOU . pbilosopbY 0 eed" and { furthering. the "Strive and succended. Your goal 0 d the spint o{ higbly cotnm r Jr .• an is to be and Jim Lawrence: ~~:e American Dream . es {or an enjoyable sincere wlsb a son's tribute accept mY 1 Jf ~~:::SS(UI meetl~ fr. '1'.IY! -- See Page 23 'Remember that the game is the thing' -- See Page 17 Page 2 NEWSBOY May-June 1994 HORATIO ALGER SOCIETY To further the philosophy ofHoratio Alger, Jr. and to encourage the spirit ofStrive and Succeed Owt for haifa century guided Alger's Presitlent's coCumn undaunted heroes - lads whose struggles epitomized the great American dream and flamed hero ideals in countless millions of young Americans. The 30th annual convention of the Horatio Alger OFFICERS oci ty is over, but will be remembered for a long time. MARY ANN DITCH PRESIDE T Thanks to the hard work and graciou nes of our ho t , JOH CADICK VICE-PRESIDE T Chris D Haan and Milt Ehlert, the convention was a MURRAY D. LEVI TREASURER wonderful experience for everyone. Friendships wer ROBERT E. KASPER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ren wed, the food was excellent and, needless to ay, ROBERT COLLMER (1995) DIRECTOR there wer plenty of books. By Sunday, departing mem­ BOB HUBER (1995) DIRECTOR ber had big tacks ofbook under their arms and bigger JESSICA CADICR (1995) DIRECTOR mil . omplete convention highlights are included in CHRISTINE DE HAAN (1996) DIRECTOR BARf J. NYBERG (1996) DIRECTOR thi is ue of ewsboy. JOSEPH T. SLAVI III (1996) DIRECTOR Th 1995 convention will be ho ted by Richard L. MILTON F. EHLERT (1997) DIRECTOR Pop (PF-740) in historic Corning, ew York. Dick has NEIL J. McCORMICK (1997) DIRECTOR had pr viou xp ri nc a ho t of the 1986 orning JOHN R. JUVI ALL (1997) DIRECTOR ries Book nference and the 1995 H.A.S. convention LEO MBOa" BEN ETT EMERITUS promi to b another gr at gath ring. W hope every- RALPH D. GARD ER EMERITUS on will be able to attend. We ar currently eking a ho t for the 1996 conven­ Newsboy, the offiCial new letter of th Horatio Alger tion. PI a e contact u if you would like to volunteer. Soci ty. i publi hed bi-monthly (six i sues per year). Member hip fee for any 12-month period is $20. with orthern lllinoi Univer ity wa chos n in a vote of ingle is ues ofNewsboy costing $3.00. Please make all all m mber pre ent during the annual bu iness meet­ remittance payable to the Horatio Alger Society. Mem­ ing a th national repository for the Horatio Alger ber hip applications. renewals. changes of addre sand Society. The univer ity wa ably repre ented by Samuel other corre pondence should be ent to Executive Sec­ T. Huang, urator of Rar Bo ks and Sp cial ollec­ retary Rob rt E. Ka per. 585 E. Sl. Andrews Drive. tion . Thanks to th hard work and per everance of the Media. PA 19063. m mb r of the Repo itory Re olution Committ e, the Newsboy is indexed in the Modern Languag Horatio Alger S iety now has a repository that will Association's International Bibliography. honor and trea ure the works of Horatio Alger, Jr. Huang outlin NIU' plan and goal on Page 5. BOOKS RECOMMENDED BY B.A.S. The new officer and director elected at the annual -HorattoAlger.Jr.. A ComprehensiveBibliography. byBobBennell (PF-265). bu in s m ting ar listed in th masthead at the right -HoratioAlg r or. TIle American H ro Era. by Ralph D. Gardner of thi column. A a pecial note, Carl Hartmann (PF­ (PF-053). 102) ha r tired a Executive Secretary, a po ition he -TIle FIctional Republic: Horatio Alg r and American Political think Discourse. by Carol Na kenoff (PF-921). • held for 32 years. At least, we it was 32 year; no -Publication Formats ojthe 59 Stories by Horatio Alger. Jr. as n can r member anymor , including Carl, how long Reprinted by theJohn C. Win ton Co.• by Bob Sawyer(PF-455) he ha be n doing this job for the Society. In recognition and Jim Thorp (PF-574). of hi long and devoted rvice, Carl r ceived the Luck -Horatio Alg r Books Published by A.L. Burt. by Bradford S. Chase (PF-412). and Pluck Award at the annual banquet. He will be the -Horatio Alger Books Published by M.A. Donohue & Co.. by la t r cipient of thi award b cu e henceforth it will b Bradford S. Chase (PF-412). renamed the Carl Hartmann Luck and Pluck Award. -The Lost UJe ojHoratio Alg r. Jr.• by Gary Scharnhorst with Immediate pa t pr sident Robert E. Kasp r (PF-327) Jack Bales (PF-258). ha agreed to erve as the new Executive Secretary until Ne1lnboy ad rat s: Full pag . $32.00: one-half pag. 17.00: one­ th nd of time. Send your due, addr chang, etc. to quarter page. $9.00: per olumn Inch (lin h deep by approx. 3 1/21n hes wldel. $2.00. send ads. wllh check payable to Horatio Alg r Society. Lo him at the addres Ii ted on thi page. Robert E. Kasper. 585 E. Sl. Andrews Dr.. M d1a. PA 19063. Th above rat apply Lo all want ad . along wllh ad ofli ring non-Alg r book for Your partic'lar friend, sale. Howev r. It IS lhe polley of lh lloratio AI r Society Lo promote lhe Mary Ann Ditch (PF-861) change of Alger book and related Alger rnateral by provldlng pace free of charge to our members for lh we only of su h maLerial. Send 4657 Mason uch ad or "LeUer to lhe Editor- to Ne1lnboy editor William R. Gowen maha, ebra ka 68106 IPF-706) at 923 Soulh Lake Sl.. Apt. 6. Mundelein. IL 600 O. May-June 1994 NEWSBOY Page 3 'In Search ofTreasure' '94 H.A.S. Convention in review by William R. Gowen (PF-706) t m lil< th annual Horatio Alger Society conven- I tioncomesandgo in an in tant;that'swhathappen when you're having fun. "In arch of Tr a ure," held April 28-May I, 1994 in rand Rapid, Mich., was no different. D pite teady rain which fell during arrival day on Thur day and again all day on Saturday, more than 60 members and guests enjoyed the camaraderie of the weekend, renew­ ing acquaintance in many ca e for the first time since the previou May' convention in Fort Washington, Pa. ur co-ho t, hri DeHaan (PF-773) and Milt Ehlert (PF-702) w nt all out to make "In Search of Treasure" a ucce . De pit unannounced State of Michigan road con­ truction at th 1-96 interchange adjacent to the hotel, the I ction of th Harley Hotel was an out tanding one. The room w re large and comfortable and grouped do ely tog th rand th hotel provided a large, c ntrally locat d ho pitality room. The room used for the emi­ Photo by Joseph T. SIa"", III nar, annual bu in s meting, book sale, auction and Carol Nackenoff (PF-922) autographs a copy of her annual banqu t wa al 0 ideal. book, "The Fictional Republic" for Angelo Sylvester The ho pitality room wa alr ady filled with Partic'lar (PF-928) at the H.A.S. convention in Grand Rapids. Friend upon our mid-afternoon arrival on Thursday. Ralph Gardner already had his donation basket for tho e elusive title that became additions to memb rs' caricature et up and there was already talk of books, collection . books and more books. Friday moming's directors meting in th ho pitality W wer saddened to learn of the serious illness of room had three main topic on the agenda: the site of the 1991 con ntion ho t Bill Mc ord (PF-360), and card 1995 convention, the nomination ofnew officers and the wer bought to be igned by all members pre ent. Two Horatio Alger Repository. w eks after the conv ntion, Bill di d at hi Cat kill, .Y. Potential 1995 convention site wer di cu sed at home ( ee Editor's Notebook on Page 4). length, with the directors finally voting to call Richard L. We al 0 learned of the r cent d ath of longtime Pop (PF-740), whohas had a long-standing offer to ho t memb rs St wart C.
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