POTTAGEVILLE KING CITY The Gary & Gemma Barclay Barclay Sales Representatives REAL ESTATE TEAM www.WeSellKing.com RE/MAX Realtron Realty Inc., Brokerage Charming 3+1 bedroom bungalow on huge pool-sized lot, 135'x100'. Beautifully appointed home on huge pool-sized lot, 162'x198', gorgeously landscaped Special features include hardwood floors throughout main, finished w/total privacy. Excellent flr plan, 4 lrg. bdrms., huge master suite w/sitting rm, formal direct: 416.274.8288 905.833.0082 basement with marble floors & wet bar. 2 baths & workshop at rear of LR & DR, family rm w/FP, den & breezeway. Fin. w/o lower level, w/games rm, rec rm & Each Office Independently Owned & Operated Call us for a FREE MARKET EVALUATION home. Only mins. to Hwy. 400, tennis court & park. $428,900 more. Sep. spa area. 3 car garage. Mins to GO station & Hwy 400. $999,900 Living, Breathing & Selling in King b 905-738-4445 c 289-221-4564 King Weekly Sentinel Weekly Circulation: 9,300 905-857-6626 | 1-888-557-6626 | www.newspapers-online.com/king [email protected] Maria Ongaro Charity Golf Tournament Sales Representative, 2124 King Rd, Rockford's August 22 – for Disabled Kids Trends Realty Inc. BARANDGRILL 905-833-0400 King Ctity Email us for details [email protected] or check our website rockfords.ca JoeSellsKing.com FREE Thursday, June 6, 2013 Volume 40, Issue 23 INSIDE David Clapp Sales Representative TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL PLEASE RETURN PROOFED Expert Service WITHIN AN HOUR OF Exceptional RECEIPT, Results THANK YOU 905-833-4633 Proofed and Farmers’ (Direct) approved by . 416-938-5345 Date: January 26/12 Markets’ open [email protected] in King for Date of insertion: February 1/12 the summer. Sales Rep.: Jacklyn NTT ❑ KTS ✓ IS ❑ See Page 7 $ CC ❑ OC ❑ SFP ❑ GVS ❑ 120 Set by: JS Summer Maintenance on Air Conditioners David Clapp - Royal Lepage Earlug HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 12x44 905-939-2350 PROOF #1 chomberg January 26/12 SHeet Metal Ltd. www.SchombergSM.com Over 30 Years of Service Excellence Mayor’s mission FOR A to China was ‘eye-opening’ FORFREE A FREEMARKET MARKET experience. EVALUATION, CALL See Page 10 Purebreds strut their stu at kennel club’s dog show REGULAR Some 140 of our best friends gathered at the Nobleton arena over the weekend, for Susan Zacchigna Dave Zacchigna the Aurora Kennel Club’s purebred dog show. Dogs and their owners showed their Sales Representative Sales Representative FEATURES skills and lines for judges during the three-day event. Here, Tori, a 7-month-old Shet- Editorial Page 4 land Sheepdog, gets pampered before the show. West Realty Inc. REALTOR® Independently Owned and Operated Business Page 11 1 Queensgate Blvd., Unit #9, Bolton, Ontario Sports Page 16 Photo by Je Doner 905•857•SOLD (7653) Classifieds Page 20 www.TeamGta.com TOLL FREE 1-866-219-7770 LENARD LIND Our Team STEPS TO LAKE WILCOX! 4 BDRM BEAUTY! SHARON 1/2 ACRE, POOL & IN-LAW! AURORA’S TOP SALES PRODUCER 2012** BROKERAGE TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL Call today for a free property evaluation!* 15105 Yonge St. PLEASE RETURN PROOFED Suite 100, Aurora, ON 905-841-0000 • [email protected] OPEN HOUSE Sun. June 9, 2-4pm, 60 Sylvan Cres., Yonge Curb appeal & more! Entertaining-sized LR & DR! WITHIN AN HOUR OF RECEIPT, www.lhlindrealty.com N. of King Rd. to signs! 2500SF! Quiet child-safe cres! Hard- Updated kitchen w/granite counters & big solarium THANK YOU (2 blocks south of Wellington wood strip fl rs! Smooth ceilings! Gourmet reno’d & upgraded eat-in area! Spacious fam rm! Above-grade sep. on the east side) LENARD LIND kitchen! Spacious family rm w/custom b/i cabinetry! Master entrance 1 bdrm in-law suite! Prof. fi nished open Proofed and Ontario’s only ISO 9001 : 2008 REGISTERED Broker of Record w/inviting ensuite & w/i closet! Partly fi n bsmt w/rec rm & den! concept basement too! Oasis backyard with pool & Residential Real Estate Company approved by . *Some conditions may apply **based on IMS Stats, Aurora O ces 50 ft. prof. landscaped lot w/curb appeal! $798,888 more! 5 car garage & loads of parking! $989,900 Date: February 1/12 Date of insertion: Feb 1/12 Sales Rep.: JD BRTT ❑ KTS ✓ IS ❑ CC ❑ OC ❑ SFP ❑ GVS ❑ Set by: JS Zacchigna Remax mouth 2 - THE WEEKLY SENTINEL - Thursday, June 6, 2013 Thursday, June 6, 2013 - THE WEEKLY SENTINEL - 3 Local opposition to Metrolinx funding options By Mark Pavilons to invest in The Big Move a 1% increase to the HST; We’re playing catch-up re- “The Big Move has been tax. She’s not confi dent The Big Move may be and get the Greater To- a regional 5-cent-per-litre garding transportation in- a comprehensive study that any new taxes will be necessary, but forcing resi- ronto and Hamilton Area gas tax; business parking frastructure and we have over fi ve years. And it ap- dedicated to Metrolinx and dents to pay ever-increas- (GTHA) moving again.” levy; toll lanes and amend- to get moving, she said. pears the study groups may simply be gobbled up ing taxes, is not the pre- The Big Move’s next ments to development She doesn’t think there have looked at every angle in provincial coffers. ferred way to go. wave of projects will charges. is enough money to be possible of how to dramat- As well, the term “rev- Metrolinx, the govern- transform the region by “Metrolinx is recom- found in trimming the fat ically improve the system enue tools” means “new ment agency created to building new light rapid mending that we have ded- and looking for ineffi cien- and lesson the gridlock. taxes,” she said, adding improve transportation in transit in Mississauga, icated funds,” said Bruce cies within the govern- But it’s going to cost $50 the government has liter- the Greater Toronto and Brampton and Hamilton; McCuaig, Metrolinx presi- ment. She likes the diver- billion. ally blown billions. Hamilton Areas, present- new bus rapid transit in dent and CEO. “We are sity of ideas presented by “They should call it the “So it’s hard to see an ed its investment strategy Halton, Peel, Toronto and also recommending that Metrolinx and she favours ‘Big Root Canal! It’s going credibility” in fi nancial to support over 400 kilome- Durham; subway expan- these funds be placed into “spreading the hurt.” to hurt.” management, Munro not- tres of new and enhanced sion with the Relief Line a transportation trust fund If the gas tax is deemed ed. The suggestion about transit, along with im- and the Yonge Subway to create certainty that The appropriate, she prefers Munro says an HST increase would be provements to roads and Extension into York Re- Big Move projects are de- to see it across the board, Liberals lack a joint federal-provincial highways. gion; major enhancements livered and to provide the and not just in the GTHA. credibility mechanism and it’s doubt- “Congestion is getting to GO Transit as well as accountability and trans- There are other jurisdic- York-Simcoe MPP Julia ful Ottawa would go along worse every day. It’s hav- improvements to munici- parency GTHA residents tions in Canada, she point- Munro agrees the need is with it. ing an increasingly nega- pal transit projects, roads demand and deserve.” ed out, that use gas taxes there, but doesn’t place a As well, the govern- tive impact on both our and highways, and active to fund various projects. lot of trust in the fi nan- ment tossed up a rebate quality of life and our transportation options. Councillors agree To a degree, people do have cial responsibility demon- mechanism which would region’s economy,” said The investment strate- on the need a choice in the amount of strated by the Liberals at be complicated. Robert Prichard, Metro- gy is designed to support a King Mayor Steve Pel- gas they use. Queen’s Park. Munro said her riding linx board chair. “The $16 set of transit and transpor- legrini said there’s no She doesn’t think a 1% She pointed to a Lib- constituents say they feel billion of new transit be- tation projects that com- question we need good hike in the HST will hurt eral promise about no the pinch and would not ing built today will deliver prise the next wave of The transit, which will help too much and at least it’s new taxes and then points support a new gas tax. real results for commut- Big Move. The investment free up our roads. Howev- fair because it’s extended to the provincial health See ‘Tough’ on Page 23 ers, but we cannot stand strategy includes funding er, the gas tax is unfair and across the province. She still. We need to continue recommendations, such as it’s something he opposes. would also like to see Pellegrini pointed out someone examine busi- King is at the border of ness sources of revenue. the GTA and people to the Schaefer added the civic Black bear cub, north of us will benefi t action campaign – your32. SPECIAL the most. Even King City’s com – refers to the 32 min- GO line is fi lled with com- utes which will be saved une mom visit King muters from the north. when the Big Move is Spa Pedicure He understands that funded and is in place. By Mark Pavilons J Metrolinx has to fi nd the There will be many people Includes: relaxing foot soak, nail clipping and clean funds, which ultimately who will look at their lives up, exfoliation, foot masque, massage & polish A couple of families come from you and I, the today, how they live it, and in rural King had a pair taxpayers.
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