w Georgia. Tech Alumnus Volume X. FEBRUARY, 1932 Number 5 Trustees' Final Report Alumni Foundation — Coach Clay Resigns «- Sports Employ Tech Men — Library Addition *~ Coaching Staff Announced Published at (Atlanta, $a. by the AdiionQl (Alumni Association oP QeorgiQ School of (^technology. ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAR. 22, 1923, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT ATLANTA, GA., UNDER'ACT OF MAR. 3,1879. M ANNOUNCING A NEW TELETYPEWRITER SERVICE THE BELL SYSTEM offers to the public a new service, which distinguishes it from existing Teletypewriter Service. Any subscriber to private line teletypewriter service, is that any this service may be connected, through the subscriber may ask for any other subscriber teletypewriter "central," to any other sub­ and be connected immediately. scriber, whether he be around the corner or Further information about this new develop­ across the continent. Subscribers can type ment in nation-wide communication will be back and forth by wire, for short or long furnished gladly by your local Bell Telephone periods, just as they now hold conversations Business Ofhce. by telephone. This important development for the busi­ Teletypewriter Service provides two-way communication. ness world parallels the other progress which is Speed of connection is as fast as telephone service. A typewritten record, one or more copies, is produced constantly being made in the telephone art. simultaneously by both sending and receiving machines. Material transmitted may be recorded on forms if Messages, inquiries, reports—typed in one desired. office—are instantly and accurately repro­ Teletypewriters are like ordinary typewriters in appearance. duced on the other subscriber's teletypewriter. Teletypewriters can be operated by any one who can Typewritten copies made by both sending and operate a typewriter. You can use Teletypewriter Service any time you need it. receiving machines are available for permanent A most economical form of record communication. records. The principal feature of this new AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Georgia Tech Alumnus Published every month, during the College year, by the National Alumni Association, Georgia School of Technology R. J. THIESEN, Editor J. P. INGLE, JR., Asst. Editor E. L. DANIEL, Business Mgr. LOUIE BRINE, Assoc. Editor J. E. NASH, Asst. Bus. Mgr. NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD ROBT. T. JONES, JR., '22 President R. D. COLE, III, '22 Board Member A. L. LOEB, '13 Vice-President G. T. MARCHMONT, '07 Board Member J. J. SPALDING, JR., '11 Vice-President J. T. MONTAGUE, '14 Board Member ED. C. LIDDELL, '22 Treasurer F. M. SPRATLIN, '06 Board Member R. J. THIESEN, '10 Secretary Office of Publication GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY ATLANTA, GA. Entered as second class matter March 22, 1923 at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March 8, 1879 Volume X. FEBRUARY, 1932 Number 5 HEARTFELT THANKS Georgia Tech alumni, stu- EMPLOYERS Big business men and Georgia TRUSTEES - • dents and friends, through­ BIG BUSINESS Tech employers, in particular, sure­ out the nation and the ly you will employ efficient Georgia world are and ever will be sincerely grateful to the Tech men, everything else being equal - and, when retiring and all former trustees of the institution and, they beat equal as they do as a general rule and will with respect akin to affection, will always honor them be worthy of more than their hire; what an opportunity for their faithful, constructive, and self-sacrificing for you and your business. service to education in general and to the Georgia school of Technology in particular. The Georgia Tech Alumni Association can supply big business, growing business, and business that The growth of the college under its officers and should grow, with the names, addresses, and qualifica­ trustees has been remarkable. Starting with two tions of men - he men, clean men, those who know buildings and five acres of land forty-five years ago, and who will keep everlastingly at it and will produce the plant has developed into one of twenty-seven big business for your business, if given half a chance. buildings and forty acres, practically in the center Men of this type, some younger, some older, experienced o! Atlanta and, withal, it has rightfully merited its in their lines and allied lines of engineering and com­ slogan—"A Technical College with a National Repu­ merce are available through our offices. tation." There are no charges to anyone for our employment In their final and quite conservative report which bureau services and it's more than a service with us - it's is printed on the following pages of this issue, the that personal warmth of shoulder to shoulder that's trustees have estimated the monetary value of the in the make-up of all Georgia Tech men. Let's Go! college to be over two and three-quarters millions Everybody employed and all wheels turning before dollars, accumulated and devoted to the State of the end of spring - such could be adopted as a slogan Georgia, of which, the State has contributed about and the results would be beneficial both to the employer one-sixth of the amount through appropriations, and to the employed. from the founding of the school to the present time. Surely, a big job has been done, and every honor is Big men, big friends, big business, if you haven't due to all who have had a part in the advancement of a place open right now, then kindly pass these words the institution and in the development of its national on to those who have and write to us when you have prestige. an opening - it should be soon. Georgia Tech men are willing, effective and loyal workers, bear them in A note of love and sincerity is evident throughout mind. the entire report of the trustees and it is certain that the many thousand Georgia Tech men and supporters "We refer with pride to the visible results of our will read the message with profound interest and fostering care and believe that the new board of regents feeling. will preserve unimpaired, and even increase in its In their concluding remarks, the trustees expressed value to Georgia, this institution so dear to our hearts." a confidence that the new board of regents would not So concluded their report, as the trustees retired in suffer our great institution to lose its individuality the midst of achievement but not without the thanks and high national position. of a great commonwealth and our everlasting gratitude. 64 CEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS February, 1932 TECH'S TRUSTEES OUTLINE PROGRESS OF APPRECIATION - If you are employed, stick with INSTITUTION IN FINAL REPORT STAY WITH US us; if you are^ unemployed, we'll stick with you." Alumni and friends of Georgia Tech will be greatly Th fnrptrnin„ w™ the substance of the message ihni interested in the following final report of the Board ine toreg°inS was tne substance of the message that of Trustees: was conveyed to you who recently received notices of alumni dues and it is gratifying to state that the "On this seventh day of January, those of us who reSp0nse has been encouraging and every sincere ap- have served as trustees of the Georgia School of Tech- preciation is your due and honor to acknowledge here, nology, held a final informal meeting in the office of ag wep as ^y letter. the president for the purpose of transmitting the prop­ erty in our care to the Board of Regents as provided It is still most important that we hear from those by section 62 of the act, approved August 28, 1931. of you who have not responded as yet but who can The records of the institution show the following and will "stick with us," which it is sincerely hoped property, estimated and appraised values, accumulated will be done at your earliest opportunity. Remain since the founding of the institution in 1886: united and strong, alumni, and depend upon us to Real estate, estimated value $444,340.00 do our part and gladly. Buildings, estimated value_ 948,500.00 — Equipment, estimated value 866,975.00 by experts to be unusually well arranged for its purpose, Endowment, estimated value... 497,982.68 and indicates the well-deserved favor this institution _ _ _ j^ earned among the business men of Atlanta and Total $2,757,797.68 vicinity. You will observe the economical and business­ like management shown in conducting our summer There are balances due on the Cloudman Dormitory school with over 600 students, and our two evening of $37,500; on the Evening School of Commerce Build- schools with approximately that enrollment each, ing of $24,023.54, and on the Rose Bowl Field, by on a self-supporting basis, without calling on the state the Athletic Association, $55,000, with unrealized for a dollar for the maintence of this extension work, assets to cover in part. "During these years of our care, Georgia Tech has, "Starting with two buildings and five acres of ground, through high scholastic standards, won favor and this college—in reality a technical university—has approbation abroad as well as at home. It is not an grown until it now has forty acres in the heart of At- extravagant assertion, but a mere statement of fact, lanta and twenty-seven buildings with equipment that the Georgia School of Technology is famous all and endowment valued in excess of two and three- over this land, as well as in Europe and South America. quarters millions of dollars, as is shown in detail by The government itself indicated this feeling five years the attached statement. ago by the selection of this school as the only one south ,,-,- .
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