1592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 2 Donald K. Hitman Richard L. Welden- The Clerk read the resolution, as and the good people of Virginia have *Edmund P. Jacobs bacher, Jr. follows: started desegregation. This, therefore, John F. Nowell Alan F. Wentworth should be a day for sober refiection. Are *Arthur L. Rehme Harry Zehner, Jr. Resolved, That effective January 3, 1959, Robert saman Luther A. Youngs, Ill the Chairman of the House Delegation of we not witnessing increasing heroic hon­ Guy B. Townsend the United States Group of the North At­ esty in the South and increasing cow­ lantic Treaty Parliamentarians' Conference ardly hypocrisy in the North? *Toshiko Motomatsu (Reserve omcer) to is authorized, until otherwise provided by be a permanent lieutenant (junior grade) May I say that the Powell type of law, to employ a cler'k to be paid from the amendment is just as applicable to the and a temporary lieutenant in the Nurse contingent fund of the House of Representa­ subjec~ to Corps of the Navy, qualifications tives at a rate of basic compensation not to denial of Federal funds in New York therefor as provided by law. exceed ~6,000 per annum. City because of segregation there as it is in any other area in defiance of the The SPEAKER. The question is on Supreme Court. Also, I concur with the CONFffiMATION the resolution. president of Notre Dame, Father Res­ Executive nomination confirmed by Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, on that I burgh, a member of. the Civil Rights the Senate February 2, 1959: ask. for a division. Commission, that in the North some MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION · The question was taken; and on a di­ areas practice discrimination in housing vision there were-ayes 56, noes 8. Maj. Gen. Keith R. Barney, U.S. Army, to more than many areas in the South. be a member of the Mississippi River Com­ So the resolution was agreed to. Legislation to remedy this has been in~ mission. A motion to reconsider was laid on the traduced by me and the number of the table. bill is H.R. 1053. It will prohibit discrim­ • • ..... • • ination prior to construction and during THE NATION'S ACTIVITIES AND AC- the lifetime of publicly financed housing HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . COMPLISHMENTS IN THE AERO­ by putting guarantees in the application for FHA insured mortgages. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1959 NAUTICS AND SPACE FIELDS­ MESSAGE FROI-4 THE PRESIDENT The House met at 12 o'clock noon. OF THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. STATEHOOD FOR HAWAll The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, NO. 71) Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ D.D., offered the following prayer: The SPEAKER laid before the House imous consent to address the House for Joshua 1: 9: The Lord thy God is With the following message from the President 1 minute and to revise and extend my thee whithersoever thou goest. of the United States, which was read remarks. Most merciful and gracious God, help and, together with the accompanying The SPEAKER. Is there objection us in this moment of prayer to gain a papers, referred to the Committee on to the request of the gentleman from vital and vivid sense of Thy guiding and Science and Astronautics and ordered to Massachusetts? sustaining presence. be printed: There was no objection.· Grant that our minds and hearts may Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, for 60 years be inspired with a more filial trust in To the Congress ot the United States: Hawaii, the beauty of the Pacific, has Thee and a more fraternal attitude to­ Transmitted herewith, pursuant to been waiting for Congress to set the date ward all the members of the human section 206 (b) of the National Aeronau­ for the ceremony that will join her with family. tics and Space Act of 1958, is the first the United States. It has been a long Give us the glad assurance that there annual report on the Nation's activities "engagement," but the organ has started is a supreme spiritual power in the uni­ and accomplishments in the aeronautics to play. As she comes up the aisle, verse working for justice and peace and and space fields. This first report covers radiant as a star, the hearts of all who righteousness, however feeble and frail the year 1958. live in freedom will go out to the lovely our own finite efforts may be. The report provides an impressive ac­ bride. Hear us in the name of our blessed cumulation of evidence as to the scope But wait a moment. The prospect that Lord. Amen. and impetus of our aeronautical and the Territory of Hawaii will be admitted space efforts. Equally impressive is the to statehood is such a happy one that we The Journal of the proceedings of report's description of the variety of fall in love with its possibilities. Thursday, January 29, 1959, was read fields being explored through the inge­ To be more prosaic, we admire the and approved. nuity of American scientists, engineers, courage and loyalty of that fateful day, and technicians. December 7, 1941, when Hawaii took the MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT The report makes clear that the Na­ first staggering blow in defense of free­ tion has the knowledge, the skill, and the dom. We remember how her sons and A message in writing from the Presi­ will to move ahead swiftly and surely in daughters fought with supreme devotion dent of the United States was communi­ these rapidly developing areas of tech­ to our common heritage until the final cated to the House by Mr. Ratchford, one nology. Our national capability in this victory was won. of his secretaries. regard has been considerably enhanced In fact, we have much to learn from by the creation and organization of the Hawaii, with its school attendance that MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE National Aeronautics and Space Admin­ is far above the national average. More istration. than 38 percent of the Territory's 2-year A message from the Senate, by Mr. The report sets forth a record of solid budget for 1955-57 was appropriated for McGown, one of its clerks, announced achievement in a most intricate and ex­ public schools. There are 250 Christian that the Vice President had appointed acting enterprise. In this record the churches on the island of Oahu alone. the Senator from Utah [Mr. BENNETT] Nation can take great pride. All faiths enjoy freedom of worship in and the Senator from Vermont [Mr. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER. the islands. AIKEN] as minority members on the part THE WHITE HOUSE, February 2, 1959. Hawaii has an alert and intelligent of the Senate of the Joint Committee on electorate, fully qualified for the respon­ Atomic Energy, pursuant to title 42, CIVIL RIGHTS sibilities of representative government. United States Code, section 2251, to fill More than 88 percent of the registered existing vacancies. Mr. POWELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask voters went to the polls in 1958. Hawaii's unanimous consent to address the House economy is strong and is developing rap­ CLERK FOR NORTH ATLANTIC for 1 minute. idly. Its living standards are among The SPEAKER. Is there objection TREATY PARLIAMENTARIANS' the best. The Territory does a business to the request of the gentleman from of almost $2 billion a year. Hawaii has CONFERENCE New York? contributed more than $2% billion in The SPEAKER. The unfinished busi­ There was no objection. Federal taxes since becoming a Terri­ ness is the further consideration of House Mr. POWELL. Mr. Speaker and col­ tory. Hawaii is no longer a second-class Resolution 36, which the Clerk will re­ leagues, today the Civil Rights Commis­ petitioner. It is we who are privileged port. sion started hearings in New York City, to have Hawaii's human, and spiritual, 1959 CONGRESSIONAL ,RECORD- HOUSE 1593 and economic resources joined with ours served a very fine purpose. These hear­ authorities in respect to milk originating in the Union of the sovereign States. ings showed deficiencies in the bill then within their respective jurisdictions. We, in the continental United States, before the Congress and pointed the NEED AND RECOMMENDED PRINCIPLES FOR FED• have made many errors in our time, but way to modification and development of ERAL MILK SANITATION LEGISLATION-0FFI• none has embarrassed us more in the a better and more acceptable bill. CIAL STATEMENT AND RECOMMENDATION OF eyes of the world, than th~ pretexts and The bill which I am introducing today THE ASSOCIATION OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL the delays that have been put in the way has been drafted so as to conform to the HEALTH OFFICERS, OcTOBER 24, 1958 of Hawaii's recognition as a coequal recommended principles adopted by the NEED AND RECOMMENDED PRINCIPLES FOR FED• member of our Federal Union. Association of State and Territorial ERAL MILK SANITATION LEGISLATION 1 Twenty separate congressional hear­ Health Officers. This association, as its Background ings have exhaustively investigated Ha­ name indicates, is composed of State The Association of State and Territorial waii's fitness for statehood. One suspects and other sanitation officials and health Health Officers and the Conference of State that these have been repeated so that officers. It has studied this matter care­ Sanitary Engineers, in the interest of facili­ the investigators could enjoy the obvious fully and has developed and adopted a tating the ft.ow of high quality milk in inter­ charms of the islands. set of recommended principles for Fed­ state commerce and of preventing the use Public opinion, since 1941, has been eral milk sanitation legislation. These of milk sanitation requirements as trade bar­ recommended principles were formally riers, enlisted the cooperation of the overwhelming in its endorsement of Ha­ U.S.
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