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SPIRITUALISM.—A. brief history of Spiritualism is here dealt How Christ's Coming Will Affect the Nations Id with, and then a fuller discussion of its modern phase is given. Heralds of His Coming Manner of Christ's Coming SUNDAY.—An excellent contribution to the literature being Nature and Object of Christ's Coming scattered far and wide on the Sabbath question. Signs of Christ's Coming THE BETTER LAND.—The Bible says a great deal more about Total, 71d. ad the home of the saved than most people are aware of. The whole fist of tracts 6d. post free. BOOKS WORTH READING. BIBLE READINGS A really remarkable book an- THE MYSTERY A book of profound interest to every for the swering nearly 3,000 questions - UNFOLDED. Bible student. A vast field of Bible on religious subjects by direct truth is here traversed, the princi- HOME CIRCLE. quotations from the Word of pal themes being the inspiration of the Bible—the Leviti- God. The readings are contributed by more than a score cal sanctuary—the seventy weeks of Dan. ix.—the fall of of Bible students ; they are of immense value to Sunday- Babylon, Egypt, Tyre, and other Hantite kingdoms—the school teachers, ministers, and all who love to study God's kingdom of David and Solomon and what it foreshadows— Word. We earnestly commend this book to every Christian the prophetic visions of Daniel—the prophecies relating to who wants a "thus saith the Scriptures" for what he Israel—the resurrection—the seven churches—the seven believes. seals--the woman and the dragon of Rev. xii. The object of the book is to give in bold outline a comprehensive view THE GREAT Twenty centuries of church his- of the whole teaching of the Bible. This is an entirely CONTROVERSY. tory in one compact volume. new book, having only just come from the press. It is Church histories are usually of pfofusely illustrated with original engravings and is well such a voluminous nature that few people have the time or indexed. courage to read them. Here, however, the interesting facts, as they concern the great struggle between good and THE SCHOOL A simple, reliable book on health, evil, are brought together in one volume. Beginning with OF HEALTH. intended for the use of everybody in the fall of Jerusalem the history of the Christian church is the home. Technical names and traced through all its dark experiences of the first cen- phrases known only to medical men are avoided, and in a turies ; its relation to the great apostasy and the struggles wonderfully simple yet remarkably comprehensive way which finally resulted in the Reformation. The terrible the author instructs his reactors in the broad, fundamental scenes of the French' Revolution and the beneficent life- principles underlying bodily health. • In his preface he states giving influence of the exaltation of the Scriptures afford that if the homes into which this book enters are made lessons of the deepest significance in church history. sweeter and more wholesome, and the children are better cared for, if the housework is done with fewer back- OUR PARADISE If you want to know what the aches, and the roses bloom a little longer in the cheeks of. HOME. Bible says about this most inter- the wife and mother, and if the head of the household esting question get a copy of this finds himself carrying his burden with greater freedom as book. Many people think this is a subject upon which we the result of the adoption of the health principles taught can on I y speculate, bolt the Bible gives us sufficient informa- in this book, then its mission will have been abundantly tion to thoroughly establish our faith in the reality of the fulfilled. Surely this is a worthy object, and where is the future life and the home of the saved, and to dispel the home that would not be benefited by the possession of darkness and error that exists on this important question. such a treasure? 400 pages, well illustrated. A handy The book is well illustrated with original engravings. book for reference. Your PRESENT TRUTH agent can supply you with any of these books, or you may write direct to the publishers :— INTERNATIONAL TRACT SOCIETY, LTD., STATTORIgGIIIIEP14.h' The Present Truth A Weekly Family Paper Devoted to the Teaching of Scripture Truth. VOL. 28. WATFORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1912. NOS. 51 and 52. Let Us Be Kind. Let us be kind ; I assure you, Miss Bennet; you Around the world the tears of time are us be kind ; LET falling, will receive it quite safely." The way is long and lonely, And for the loved and lost these human And human hearts are asking for this For the last time Muriel returned. hearts are calling ; •blessing only— Let us be kind. " Sophie," she said in a low voice, That we be kind. • To age and youth let gracious words be We cannot know the grief that men may "you won't take my material, and spoken ; borrow, have it made into a dress yourself, Upon the wheel of pain so many weary We cannot see the souls storm-swept by lives are broken ; and send it to me when it's old and sorrow, But love can shine upon the way to-day, They live_ in vain who give no tender worn, will you ? " token ; to-morrow ; Let us be kind. " Really, Miss Bennet," and Let us he kind. Sophie's face flushed crimson, " I Let us be kind : Let us be kind ; This is a wealth that has no measure; The sunset tints will soon be iuthe west ; don't know what you mean ! This This is of heaven and earth the highest Too late the flowers are laid then on the is a respectable place of business; treasure ; quiet breast; Let us be kind. Let us be kind. I am sure none of us would dream A tender word, a smile of love in meet, And when the angel guides have sought of doing such a thing. •I think, too, ing, and found us, A song of hope and victory to those re- Their hands will link the broken ties of you might know me better than treating, earth that bound us, even to suggest it." A glimpse of God and brotherhood while And heaven and home will brighten all " Ah, dear•, forgive 111(' if I have life is fleeting— around us ; Let us be kind. Let us be kind. —Selected. seemed rude," and Muriel laid her hand gently on the girl's ..arm. " Don't you see what I mean, what The Old Worn Dress. I am trying to show you ? You are "ANYTHING I can do for you in who came eagerly forward to serve like that dress ; you are chosen, town, mother? I'm just off." her. bought, paid for by One, but you Muriel Bennet's bright face " You must help me choose won't acknowledge it. • You are looked in at the open window of material for a new dress, Sophie," keeping back .the life that is His by her mother's sitting-room. said Muriel, after greeting her right, and using it just for your- "Why, dear, aren't you very kindly; and they were soon busy. self. Are you going to wait till it early ? "-asked Mrs. Bennet: The selection was made at last, is old and worn before You give it to Him ? " " Well, you see, mother, I want and the bill paid. to go to Simpson's before the " I think I'll ask you to send the Like a flash, Sophie saw it all. shop gets crowded to choose that parcel for me," said Muriel. "You Her face quivered and she turned new dress material, and if po'ssible, could let me have it to-day? ". away with a sob, and Muriel, I want to have a little talk with " Oh, yes, Miss Bennet.; you shall thankful that they were still .alone Sophie. She is in that department have it early this afternoon." in that part of the shop, slipped now. You remember I told you " You will be quite sure to send quietly away.—Selected. about her ? " it, won't you, Sophie ? You won't Sophie Marshall, gay and thought- forget about it, or let it be lost ? " less, was a member of Muriel's " Why, no ! " exclaimed Sophie. " Managing a Husband." Bible class—the only member " I can promise you that you will ONCE in a : while one finds in about whom Muriel did not feel have it this afternoon:" a magazine an article under the happy.
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