r, ■ / ■ ■ -.^.’il.l';. .it/ • \- , ; / '■' '.:v ■/ •; ; ":1 .. ,,. t •' f. mi>AT,AUGDB¥ii: H io Weather M M P n s iK a R Fnruast af V. a Wealhss Bm riO l FOtTBTmr Hanrlrrater Cttrafttg Hmtlb- 3. liM Fair and ood tooigfat. Low I to ee. Sunday moatly srany ^ torlata, driving in heavy txafSc RdbeM R. OoMtai **0^ Dr. Hany U. Leonhaidt 4 Tbn- nride up of wnptoyes of the Arina PORRM 13,621 Utile trinperatore ehanga.' High < ner S t, ah o la aaalatent prof essor INo Arrests Made on B. Oentor St. near the Center, AL to Install toe 70's. were involved far an adcident Diauraiioe Oo. of psyob(Sogy at the University of Grafawn M past oonmandar o f —sound ar MUM* i Haiitord, been elected for a In T w o Criaslies PoUoe aaid that WlUiam L. Mc- Railroad Pbat, New Haven. •Bde projeetaea. MaiuhieUar^A €Uy o f VUlage Charm one-year term to the ooundl of di­ OoUum, 31, of 164 School St„ at- State A ides (•■tor <rf O ilvuy Cburoh, Am m s * The IxwtaBajUon oeremoniee wm rectors of the newly formed tion- Ijkt injuries nor arreats and only temptod to make a left turn, while' WELDON DRUO oC Ood, « « prMKii Sunday The inataSation of Depariment be foBowed by a buffet and danc- 901 Main 8h—M . IB : Page M PRICK SEVEN CENTS neoUcut Fkyobologloal Associa­ a Mn. Vtaglnin F. itoheita of faV. The perao la Invited. YOt- t.YTTIt, KfO. MS (TON PAGE8--TV SECrnONw^UBURraA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 10,1968 . iMn. la tlM oatdoor cha{>el .at tion. la tiM vebicUiar damage waa ze- Wfapping mas making a right tuim. of Connecticut offlcera o f toe XTattad Methodiat Cbnreh. R t 44A., I pertad by poMoa yeaterday far their She stepped on her brakes to Amerioan Legton for 1968-64 wUl Walter O. Parker Jr., son of Mr. MIgatkrn ef two minor aocir avoid atxtoing the McOodum cor. be held tomorrow at 8 pm. at toe end Ml*. WUter G. Paricer, 10 [derda, one Invotvlng toree va- ’nien, a tru^ operated by Bu­ Uiiworto-OoeneU-Quey Post on Oadat Slrad Dixon o f tba Salva- Oolentam Rd., recently completed, gera M. DIckenam, 31, of 344 Mc­ liBonard St. BOB’S n Ajrmy wUl be in diarge ot nine weeks of recruit training at' u ._ito faroadoaatB eponeorad by the One accldeat oocurted at about Kee S t, foUowing at toe rear of. The oeremoniee win include the toe Naval Training Center, Great the Roherts " car, waa unaUe to inetallatlon of Frartcia Oarrie o f WELDINB SERVICE Priest Knifed^ Maheheater Hinlaterial AaaodaUoa Inkee, III. 5:M pm. on Keeney at, eaat of on atntian WXNF Sunday at 7:36 S t, vdien J oae^ Pavan, 67, stop and struck her vehicie far the Wethersfield aa departmental com­ liiiiiMirtlatri Bmergeney Bervloe! right rear bumper. mander, and Hugh Graham of New Kefauver Dead, pan- and daSy at 7:30 a-m. and o f 433 Keenly S t, attempted to The Rev. Eiarie Ouster, piastor of Damage was sUght Haven aa senior vice oommaader, ELECTRIC — OAS 6:Mpjm> North Methodist Church, wUl con­ mefce a right turn into hie drive- wny. Jhinee I,. Baker, 47, of 146 No arreat was made by police by a autte of oSloers headed by 643-2408... *49-7578 duct a service Sunday at 6:40 am: national executive oommitteeman ttchard Im Flake, ftre control in toe chapel at Manchester Me­ EDgh St, driving at toe rear of who completed an accident invecr- Wridlng from 7 AJl. to i PJI* dan aeoond cImb, aon o f Mr. the Faven car, rrdaoonstrued toe tigettion of a Tuesday two-<»r Joseph G. Leonard of Stamfbrd. No Job too Mg or too amalL Youth Is Held morial Hospital. The Rev. James d n . LekMa' O. FUke, 333 L,. Ransom, pastor of The Prehby- 1 Nghta and attempted to crash at toe Manchester Shopping Garris and Graham were elected and St, la attendiiw the on the right when toe cd- Paikade perking lot. to the top state poets at the Located In The terlan Church, will serve as hoe- HARTFORD ROAD NEW YORK (AP)—Rob­ Stntoa Navel Fire Cfcntrol pMal chaplain nex weric. iirion occurred. A vebiole operated by Mrs. Mary Legkm’e state convention, held Technician School. Great Lakea, Both oars were aknost etopped H.. Patood of innilson was struck July 16-20 at Hartford. ENTERPRISES ert C?harleB Burger, 18, a for­ Senator’s Heart Oarria has been past diatilct At 370 Hartford Rd. a t Richard A. Prior, formerly of 14 Rotory Speaker on fanpaot and only minor fender in toe left front (broadside) by a MaBobeater mer mental jmtient, was Arch St, has been assigned to D damages was noted by poUce. vriiicle driven by Raymond F. oommander of toe Hartford Dis­ charged with murder today in ‘WlMUan U FMtman Jr., aiiroan Gerald F. RichsnlMn, vice At 9:15 laat night toree mc- Moerte, 64, e f Bast H arford. trict, and peat oommander of the Company of toe 2nd Trainhig R a ­ president of Aurora (Bt) OoBege, the slaying of a Roman Catho­ aoBcantioe, son of Mrs, Winona V. iment of toe United Statee Army r t f Hum , 10 Frederick Rd., repoTt- wia apeak TMeaday at 6:30 pm. lic priest. , ruly 23 to the Aviation Elee- Training Oenjkr, Infantry, at Fort at a meeting of the Rotary Oito at Police In suburban Yonkers, _.„ilos Teoliniolon Scfao(d at the Dht, N. J. ^ the Manchester Oountry Club. His where Burger was arrested, Mlarri A ir Terimioal Training topic, wA be •■Unfinished Busi. termed the slaying senseless. The VFW Auxiliary wUl sponsor uptures at 60 Oentar, Olyaoo.'Om. Bsa" They said the youth offered no card party tonight at 8 at toe the breaker was bon in Ter motive for toe fatal stabbing of post home, 606 F. Center S t 2 Days Only! Top Quality Fall Fashions! the Rev. Francis J. MeShane, 42, alBiv, V t, a-aon of the Rev. and Mrs. F. I.. Biohaitopon. was reared in the upper Manhattan apart­ Sabbath eve services win beheld in Southern Callfomia end at­ ment of toe priest’s sister. tonight at 7:30 at Temple Beto tended riementary and high aehool | Burger was returned to New Sholotn. York lor arraignment. N EW C A R toete. Ycxikers Detective Anthony Toc- He Sought He tsoeivad a BJt degrea atl 00, who has known Burger lor two Aurora. OoHege hi 1336, a BJ>. «le- years and aided in toe arrest, grea at Bhiangeiical Theclag'— % e B % H n j g ! RENTALS said, "He wasn’t a bad kid but he Sendnary. NaperviBe. BL, fat 1 had a terrible temper, a very vio­ Nomination • N O TICE < and attended Noriheni Bbtoisl S A V E 2 5 ^ 4 0 % lent nature.” State'Thaoheta OoBege. OdcagDl Burger’s mother Is dead. Al­ TOUB HOUSE Ihealagicai Seminary. Untvenity .V v with VR. Bearfhary'flf State Dean Rusk during their though his father Is alive, he has INSPECTED AND o f Chicaso; Garrett Mbtcjal jfai-[ been living in a foster home in In ’52, ’56 ESTIMATED FOB PAINT aUtate, NoeUiwurtent tfadveealty. I (A P pfaiotofax.) Yonkers as a ward of toe state. PBOBUCMS PRIOR TO - ■ - — ----- iheclogieal I Father MeShane, police said, ROBERT BURGER •¥fEEKLY PAINTINO befriended the youth when they WASHINGTON (AP) He has baen paator eg Advent I met early ’Thiursday at the River- Some nine hours after the at­ Sen. Esrtes Kefauver, D-Tenn., • MONTHLY VERNON faslaUan dntrchea. fas HHwnta, | dale Plzierla In Yonkers. They tack, Father MeShane’ s brother, a tireless investigator of Ohio and OiSfioiwia. and faaa I drove In separate cars to the the Rev. Vincent. MeShane, en­ PAINT and WAIXJPAPB Rusk to Soothe Bonn tered the apartment and found crime and monopolies and •YEARLY VERNON dBCEE at the ooRege, aerrtaig fat vartaM apartment of toe priest’s sister, IMS. DorisMl who was away on a cruise, and toe fully clothed body propped In twice a candidate for the TKL. 648-1653 a sitting position in a closet. Democratic presidential nomi­ 876-3363 Whitd war H ha aerved aa flridl toe slaying followed. dheetor eg ndfatm y . and m toe freedom andf to drum up support for Senate New York <3hlef of DetecUves Burger’s undoing was In driv­ nation died today of a ruptur­ “"soar (w -5 ^ ing a stolen car to the Manhattan OUR LOW r a t e s €t lha Axsertoan Rad| security ratification of toe test ban treaty. Lawrence J. McKeamey quoted ed main heart aptery- He was Otoaa. retaury ef State Dean Rusk - CSiancellor Konrad Adenauer Rusk conferred with Khrush­ Burger as saying he "went ber­ apartment, leaving It there and fSea to Bonn today to rally and Forc^ Minister Gerhard chev for 3H houhs Friday at toe serk and blacked out.” driving the victim’s auto back to 60. Soviet premier’s lavish Black Sea only explanation Yonkers. A tall, soft-spoken, folksy man, a t Rotary 1941, W est German eopprart for the Schroeder were expected to insist ’That waa the to Rusk that too West receive retreat in a relaxed meeting fol­ given for toe two wounds in toe ’The 6-foot-3, 166-pound blond he turned the coonricin oa{f into a Rnrlfar teat ban treaty after lowed by a . fast game of badmin­ youto spent part of last year at personal campaign symbol recog­ 1964. He U aottve far the Rad| such a guarantee before West Ger­ >riest’B chest and one in the back.
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