-~_~,_.~_- _. _ December 17,19116, Volume 23 Number 45 Offkial Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association ---- _ Lamar Alexander William S. Cohen Alex fioll Merlin Olsen Joe Romig Wilma Rudolph NCAA announces six Silver Anniversarv J award winners A governor, a U.S. senator, a former sity, track; William S. Cohen, Bow- Silver Anniversary awards are part of set a school record in 1961and finished was chosen by his fellow governors as all-pro defensive tackle and an Olym- doin College, basketball; Alex Kroll, the College Athletics Top XII, which second at the Southeastern conference one of the two most effective gover- pic champion are among the six re- Rutgers University, New Brunswick, also honors six of today’s top student- meet. He also competed in the 440- nors in the nation. He pioneered a cipients of the NCAA’s Silver football; Merlin J. Olsen, Utah State athletes. yard dash. %I .2 billion Tennessee better-schools Anniversary awards. The awards ho- University, football; Joe Romig, Uni- Following are biographical sketches Alexander has been governor of program and pushed through legisla- nor former student-athletes who have versity of Colorado, football, and of this year’s honorees: the state of Tennessee since 1978 and tion for a $3.3 billion road program led distinguished lives after outstand- Wilma Rudolph, Tennessee State Uni- is the first governor from that state to providing funding for 288 highway ing college athletics careers 25 years versity, track. Lamar Alexander serve two successive four-year terms. projects. ago. Presentation of the awards will be A Phi Beta Kappa at Vanderbilt, He has brought more than $1.2 billion He received the 1986National Con- Recipients of this year’s awards are made January 7 during the NCAA Alexander earned two letters in track. in Japanese investments into Tennes- servation Achievement Award given Lamar Alexander, Vanderbilt Univer- honors luncheon in San Diego. The He ran on a 440-yard relay team that see, creating nearly 8,000 jobs. He by the National Wildlife Federation. He was appointed by President Rea- gan to chair the President’s Commis- Team penalty rescinded sion on Americans Outdoors, currently studying what Americans want to do outdoors in the next for positive drug tests generation and how to provide for Actions on issues related to the tive Co&ttee was advised that the those needs. He has also served as Association’s drug-testing program proposition violates the provisions of chair of the National Governors As- and to the recommendations of sports Constitution 64, which state in part sociation. He is active with the Boy committees dominated the December that legislation may be enacted Scouts and works on numerous com- 8 meeting of the NCAA Executive through resolutions only if such a munity projects. Committee, which was held in Kansas conclusion is not inconsistent with Will&n 3. Cohen City. the constitution, bylaws or other leg- A James Bowdoin scholar, Cohen After reviewing Proposal No. 114 islation of the Association. was a three-year starter on Bowdoin’s for the 1987 Convention, the Execu- On the advice of the parliamentar- See NCAA, page 4 ian, Alan J. Chapman of Rice Uni- versity, NCAA President John R. Davis, Oregon State University, will Information In the News rule Proposal No. 1 I4 out of order, since it conflicts with the authority of network San Diego fare the Executive Committee set forth in San Diego offers a variety of Constitution 5-2-(c)-(5) and with ex- enjoyable experiences for the vis- ecutive regulations regarding team established itor. Page 5. ineligibility sanctions. As a result of the expansion of the Scholars During the same meeting, the Ex- computer facilities in the NCAA’s The NCAA announces its post- ecutive Committee adopted a new national office, a computer-based graduate scholarship winners in executive regulation, which addresses electronic network has been estab- football. Page 6. in part the concern of sponsors of lished for use by Association member Proposal No. I 14. The new regulation institutions, conferences and affiliated Basketball stats relates exclusively to Bylaw 5-2 and organizations. The season’s first basketball applies only to NCAA championships The NCAA Communications Net- notes and statistics in all divisions. conducted between January 15,1987, work will be available for use January Pages 10-12. and September I, 1987. It says: I, 1987. “A student-athlete who tests posi- The network has been established Champions Toby Tolbor phoro Championships results in Divi- tive prior to, during or subsequent to Previews through an agreement with Dialcom, sion 1 men’s soccer, Divisions II an NCAA championship shall be Inc., an electronic communications Vermont all-America Dean Kelbpreparesfor a semon of NCAA and III football, and Division II ineligible under the provisions of By- company that has assisted other asso- women’s volleyball. Page 13. law 5-2 and all applicable executive skiing competition. The indoor track semen aCro is previewed in ciations in development of similar see Team, page 16 this issue. See pages 8-9. See Information, page I7 Eligibility concerns dominate championships proposals (Editor’s Note: This is the fifth in a dent-athlete on the team tests positive The next proposal, No. 115, would which the Central Intercollegiate Ath- of playing- and practice-seasons series of articles presenting the pro- in the Association’s drug-testing pro- rescind the Executive Committee’s letic Association seeks to reestablish amendments is No. 122, submitted by posed legislation for consideration at grant. earlier decision to delete Executive the Division II Men’s and Women’s the Atlantic Coast Conference. It the Association’s 81st annual Conven- Specifically, the resolution says that Regulation 1-3-(d), effective August Indoor Track Championships. would establish specific playing and tion. This installment reviews thepro- ineligibility or other sanctions would I, 1987. That regulation permits cer- This proposal was listed errone- practice seasons in all sports by as- posals in the championships and be levied only against the individual tain numbers of Divisions II and III ously in the Official Notice of the signing each to a specific season: fall, playing-seasons groupings.) student-athlete involved, and it directs student-athletes to advance from their Convention as being a Division II- winter or spring. It defines those Two controversial issues-drug test- the NCAA Executive Committtee to own national championships to the only matter. Instead, it must be voted seasons as beginning September 1 (or ing and Divisions II and III advance- present an amendment to Bylaw 5-2 Division I national championships in upon by all delegates voting together, the first day of fall classes), October ment to certain Division 1 champion- at the 1988 Convention that would certain individual sports. with a two-thirds majority required I5 and February 1, respectively. ships~highlight the grouping of eight affirm that stance. ~~ Division Il Steering Committee for approval, per Constitution 5-8-(f). The proposal also would require championships proposals for the 1987 As reported elsewhere on this page, objects to losing the advancement Those championships were aban- the last practice or contest in each NCAA Convention. the proposal will be ruled out of order privileges and has submitted its pro- doned in Division 11 at the 1985 sport to occur not later than the end Members of seven different Divi- inasmuch as it would contradict some posal to reestablish the regulation. Convention, but Divisions I and III of the NCAA championship in that sion I conferences have submitted a existing provisions in the executive All divisions will act in a common declined to eliminate theirs at the sport. It then suggests reductions in resolution (Proposal No. 114) that regulations, and a resolution cannot vote, majority required for passage. 1986 Convention. the permissible numbers of contests would prevent any eligibility sanction be inconsistent with any portion of Another key proposal in the cham- Playing seasons or dates of competition in Division I against an institution’s team if a stu- NCAA legislation. pionships grouping is No. 117, in The major proposal in the grouping See Eligibility, page 4 The NCAA Comment Proposals would open door- a little -on enforcement procedures By Tom Witosky accused of rules violations. the NCAA enforcement department’s only the business of the member insti- mally.. made public.. the. accusations Des Moines Sunday Register This not only would force earlier longstanding precedent of public si- tutions. against their football programs. Iowa The door of secrecy shielding the disclosure of any penalties imposed lence by authorizing the enforcement Neither proposal scheduled to be State and Louisiana State disclosed NCAA’s enforcement procedures against a school, but also would re- director to comment publicly to cor- voted on at the NCAA’s 81st annual the number of allegations and their would be left slightly ajar under two quire much fuller disclosure of the rect uerroneous or incomplete infor- Convention next month in San Diego nature. proposed changes. committees deti- NCAA ofkials mation made public by an institution would change that posture greatly. Niland said that several committee One proposal would make the now release only a summary of the subject to an infractions case.” But several officials, including Niland, members disapprove of the range of NCAA publicly disclose ail Commit- findings as well as an announcement Thomas Niland, the second-high- said they represent important steps ways schools handle disclosure of tee on Infractions final reports once of the penalties. est-ranking member on the NCAA’s toward openness. allegations. The wide variance from the panel has notified the school The second proposal would break Committee on Infractions, said, The two proposals are among four complete openness to complete se- “There has been substantial increase from the infractions committee to crecy also applies to disclosure of in the public interest across the coun- streamline the Association’s enforce- penalties and the infractions commit- try in college athletics and our en- ment procedure.
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