RADIAN IAS ACADEMY (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Nellai & Trichy) www.radiannews.pbworks.com To receive Daily FREE GK, Current Affairs, Exams Notifications, Results Alerts for TNPSC Exams Create this sms from your mobile JOIN RADIANTNPSC and send to 09870807070. TNPSC Special Typist Exam-2009 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 11.10.2009 1) °Ã¡ðº¢ «¨ÁôÒ¸û ÀüȢ ÌØ a) ¨Åò¾¢Â¿¡¾ý ÌØ b) §¸¡ŠÅ¡Á¢ ÌØ c) «§º¡ì §Áò¾¡ ÌØ d) ¿Ãº¢õÁõ ÌØ The committee on Panchayat Raj Institution is a) vaidyanathan Committee b) Goswami Committee c) Ashok Mehta Committee d) Narashimham Committee 2) 2001-¬õ ¬ñÎ ¸½ì¦¸ÎôÀ¢ýÀÊ þó¾¢Â¡Å¢ø Áì¸û ¦¾¡¨¸ «¼÷ò¾¢ ´Õ ºÐà ¸¢§Ä¡Á£ð¼ÕìÌ a) 224/ºÐà ¸¢.Á£ b) 324/ºÐà ¸¸¢.Á£¢.Á£ c) 423/ºÐà ¸¢.Á£ d) þÅüÚû ±Ð×Á¢ø¨Ä. The density of population in India according to 2001 census is a) 224 per sq.km b) 324 per sq.km c) 423 per sq.km d) none 3) e-mail ±ýÈ¡ø ±ýÉ? a) Á¢ýÉÏ «ïºø b) Á¢ý «ïºø c) Ē¾¡Ã½Á¡É «ïºø d) Á¢ýº¡Ã «ïºø What is meant by e-mail? a) Electronic mailing b) Electronic mail c) Example mail d) Electrical mail 4) '¬ŠÀ¢¡¢ý' þý §Å¾¢Âø ¦ÀÂ÷ a) §ÀẢð¼Á¡ø b) «…¢¨¼ø º¡Ä¢º¢Ä¢ì «Á¢Äõ c) «º¢§¼¡Á¢§É¡·¦Àý d) þÒ ÒÕ·¦Àý The chemical name of ‘aspirin’ is a) Paracetamol b) Acetyl salicylic acid c) Acetaminophen d) Ibuprofen 5) '«¨Á¾¢ô ÀûÇò¾¡ìÌ' «¨ÁóÐûÇ þ¼õ a) §¸ÃÇ¡ b) ƒõÓ & ¸¡‰Á£÷ c) ¾Á¢ú¿¡Î d) ჊¾¡ý ‘Silent Valley’ is located at a) kerala b) Jammu & Kashmir c) Tamil Nadu d) Rajasthan 6) ÒÅ¢ ¦ÅôÀÁ¡¾ø «¾¢¸Á¡¸ ¸¡½ôÀÎõ ¸ñ¼õ ±Ð a) ¬Š¾¢§ÃĢ¡ b) ¬º¢Â¡ c) ż «¦Á¡¢ì¸¡ d) ¦¾ý «¦Á¡¢ì¸¡ In which continent is global warming so common? a) Australia b) Asia c) North America d) South America 7) ̧ǡɢí ӨȢø ĒÕÅ¡ì¸ôÀð¼ Ó¾ü À¡æðÊ¢ý ¦ÀÂ÷ a) ¼¡Ä¢ b) §À¡Ä¢ c) åÀ¢ d) Å¢øÄ¢ First cloned mammal produced by cloning method was named as a) Dolly b) Bolly c) Ruby d) Villy 8) ¾Á¢ú¿¡ðÊý ¾ü§À¡¨¾Â §À¡ìÌÅÃòÐ «¨Áîº÷ a) ¾¢Õ.Ó.¸.Š¼¡Ä¢ý b) ¾¢Õ.¾¢.¦Ã.À¡Ö c) ¾¢Õ.§¸.±ý.§¿Õ d) ¾¢Õ.«.ÀÆɢÁ¢ The Transport Minister of Tamil Nadu at present is a) Mr.M.K. Stalin b) Mr.T.R.Balu c) Mr.K.N.Nehru d) Mr.A.Palaniswamy 9) þó¾¢Â¡Å¢ø ±ó¾ Á¡¿¢Äõ º¢Èó¾ Á¢ýÉÏ «Ãº¡í¸õ ¦ºÂøÀÎõ Á¡¿¢ÄÁ¡¸ 2008-õ ¬ñÎ Áò¾¢Â «Ãº¡ø «È¢Å¢ì¸ôÀð¼Ð a) ¸÷¿¡¼¸õ b) ¾Á¢ú¿¡Î c) ¬ó¾¢ÃÀ¢Ã§¾ºõ d) Á¸¡Ã¡‰ÊÃõ Which state of India was declared by the Central Government as the best e-governed State in 2008? a) Karnataka b) Tamil Nadu c) Andhra Pradesh d) Maharashtra 10) §Á ¾¢Éõ ¦¸¡ñ¼¡¼ôÀÎõ ¿¡û a) §Á 31 b) §Á 1 c) §Á10 d) §Á 30 May Day is celebrated on a) 31 st May b) 1 st May c) 10 th May d) 30 th May 11) ¸£ú¸ñ¼ÅüÚû ±Ð º¡¢Â¡¸ ¦À¡Õó¾¢ÔûÇÐ? a) ¸¡ôÀ¢-´¡¢…¡ b) ÃôÀ÷ÃôÀ÷----§¸ÃÇ¡§¸ÃÇ¡ c) §¾Â¢¨Ä-¸÷¿¡¼¸¡ d) º½ø-«Š…¡õ Which one of the following is correctly matched? a)Coffee-Orissa b) Rubber-kerala c) Tea-Karnataka d) Jute-Assam 12) z=8x+5y Á£ô¦ÀÕ Á¾¢ô¨Àô ¦ÀÈ Á¢¸ Ē¸ó¾ò ¾£÷× a) (0,10) b) (5,10) c) (6,8) d) (6,0) The optimal solution for the objective function Maximize z=8x+5y is a) (0,10) b) (5,10) c) (6,8) d) (6,0) 13) «Ä¢¸¡÷ þÂì¸ò¨¾ §¾¡üÚÅ¢ò¾Å÷ a) º÷ ¨ºÂÐ «¸Áи¡ý b) ¿Å¡ô ºÄ¢ÓøÄ¡ c) Ó¸õÁи¡ý d) «Ä¢ º§¸¡¾Ã÷¸û 711 EVR Road, Opp. Anna Arch, NSK Nagar, Arumbakkam, CHENNAI-106. E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 98404-00825, 98404-33955 RADIAN IAS ACADEMY (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Nellai & Trichy) www.radiannews.pbworks.com Aligarh Movement was formed by a) Sir Syad Ahmad Khan b) Nawab Salimulla c) Mohammad Khan d) Ali Brothers 14) ¨¸Ä¡º¿¡¾÷ §¸¡Â¢¨Äì ¸ðÊÂÅ÷ a) ¦ºÂí¦¸¡ñ¼¡÷ b) †÷„÷ c) þÃñ¼¡õ ¸¢Õ‰½¡ d) þẺ¢õÁýþẺ¢õÁý Kailasanatha temple was built by a) Jayangondar b) Harsha c) Krishna II d) Rajasimha 15) 9x 2+30x+25 þý Å÷ì¸ãÄõ a) ± (3x+5) b) ± (3x-5) c) ± (9x+5) d) ± (9x-5) Square root of 9x 2+30x+25 a) ± (3x+5) b) ± (3x-5) c) ± (9x+5) d) ± (9x-5) 16) ¾Á¢ú¿¡ðÊø, Áò¾¢Â Àø¸¨Ä ¸Æ¸õ «¨ÁóÐûÇ þ¼õ a) ¸¡¨ÃìÌÊ b) ¾¢ÕÅ¡å÷ c) ÌõÀ§¸¡½õ d) Å¢ØôÒÃõ In Tamil Nadu, Central University is located at a) Karaikudi b) Thiruvarur c) Kumbakonam d) Vilupuram 17) ºÁ£Àò¾¢ø ÀòÁ‚ Å¢ÕЦÀüÈ ºã¸ §ºÅ¸¢ a) Åºó¾¢ §¾Å¢ b) º§Ã¡ƒ¢É¢ ÅþôÀý c) ¸¢Õ‰½õÁ¡û ¦ƒ¸ó¿¡¾ý d) Å¢ƒÂÄðÍÁ¢ The women social worker who was awarded ‘Padmashree’ recently is a) Vasanti Devi b) Sarojini Varadappan c) Krishnammal Jagannathan d) Vijayalakshmi 18) ¿ÁÐ ¿¡ðÊý Å£Ãò¾¢ü¸¡¸ ÅÆí¸ôÀÎõ Ē¡¢Â Å¢ÕÐ a) ÀÃõ Å£÷ ºìá b) Á†¡ Å£÷ ºìá c) Å£÷ ºìá d) «§º¡¸ ºìá India’s highest award for gallantry is a) Paramvir Chakra b) Mahavir Chakra c) Vir Chakra d) Ashoka Chakra 19) Ēĸ ͸¡¾¡Ã ¿¡û a) ²ôÃø, 7 b) §Á, 7 c) ƒ£ý, 7 d) ƒ£¨Ä, 7 World Health Day is a) April 7 b) May 7 c) June 7 d) July 7 20) ¾ü¦À¡ØÐ Áì¸Ç¨Å¢ø ĒûÇ ĒÚôÀ¢É÷¸Ç¢ý ±ñ½¢ì¨¸ a) 530 b) 545 c) 547 d) 537 The strength of the Lok Sabha at present is a) 530 b) 545 c) 547 d) 537 RADIAN IAS ACADEMY (Chennai, Madurai, Nellai, Tuticorin, Kovai, Trichy & Salem etc) RADIAN BOOK HOUSE – Competitive Exam Books Available with Discounts. HO : 711 EVR Road, Opp. Anna Arch, NSK Nagar, Arumbakkam, CHENNAI-106. Ph:98404-00825/98404-33955. MADURAI : 32 Press Colony, Opp. Mattu Thavani Bus Stand, Madurai - 625 004. Ph:93441-00065 / 94430-04712. NELLAI : 11 A Post Office St, PalayamKottai, Tirunelveli-627002 : Ph:94427-68933 / 96775-50415. TUTICORIN: 1/28 Shanthi Apts,Meenakshi Puram I Street,Near old Bus Stand,Tuticorin-2. Ph:95971-38802/94425-41564 TRICHY :33-D Marsingpet Road,Opp. St. Anne’s Girl’s HSS, Beema Nagar,Trichy-1. Ph:99435-22212/94449-54954. SALEM : Gayathri Complex, Opp. Govt Arts College, Salem-7: Ph: 94434-94150/94433-49160. KOVAI : 98404-00825. DAILY FREE SMSES To receive Daily FREE GK, Current Affairs, Exams Notifications, Results Alerts for UPSC-IAS Exams Create this sms from your mobile JOIN RADIANIAS and send to 09870807070. To receive Daily FREE GK, Current Affairs, Exams Notifications, Results Alerts for UPSC-IAS Exams Create this sms from your mobile JOIN RADIANTNPSC and send to 09870807070. To receive Daily FREE SMSes on Aptitude, English Tips for BANK, SSC, RRB Exams Create this sms from your mobile JOIN RADIANAPTY and send to 09870807070. 21) §¸¡Å¡¨Åì ¨¸ôÀüÈ¢ÂÅ÷ a) «øÁ¢¼¡ b) Å¡Š§¸¡¼¸¡Á¡ c) «øÒ¸÷ìÌ d) º¡Á¡¢ý Goa was conquered by a) Almeida b) Vasco da Gama c) Albuquerque d) Zamorin 22) §Äº¡É ¾É¢Áõ a) †£Ä¢Âõ b) ¨†ðÃý c) ¬÷¸¡ý d) Ä¢ò¾¢Âõ 711 EVR Road, Opp. Anna Arch, NSK Nagar, Arumbakkam, CHENNAI-106. E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 98404-00825, 98404-33955 RADIAN IAS ACADEMY (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Nellai & Trichy) www.radiannews.pbworks.com The lightest element known is a) Helium b) Hydrogen c) Argon d) Lithium 23) ¸¡Ááº÷ ¨Åì¸õ ºò¾¢Â¡¸¢Ã¸ò¾¢ø Àí̦ÀüÈ ¬ñÎ a) 1920 b) 1922 c) 1924 d) 1930 Kamaraj participated in Vaikom Satyagraha in the year a) 1920 b) 1922 c) 1924 d) 1930 24) þÕ𠦺Âø ÀüȢ ¬öÅ¢ü¸¡¸ §¿¡À¡ø À¡¢Íô ¦ÀüÈÅ÷ a) ¦ÁøÅ¢ý ¸¡øÅ¢ý b) ¸¡÷É÷ c) «øÄ¡÷ð d) ¸¢Ãô Who was awarded Nobel Prize for the invention of dark reaction? a) Melvin Calvin b) Carnar c) Allart d) Krebs 25) 1878 ¬õ ¬ñÎ ¿¡ðΦÁ¡Æ¢ ¦ºö¾¢ò¾¡û ºð¼ò¨¾ ¿¢¨È§ÅüÈ¢ÂÅ÷ a) §†ŠÊí À¢ÃÒ b) ¼ø¦†ªº¢ À¢ÃÒ c) Ä¢ð¼ý À¢ÃÒ d) ¡¢ôÀý À¢ÃÒ In 1878, Vernacular Press Act was passed by a) Lord Hastings b) Lord Dalhousie c) Lord Lytton d) Lord Ripon 26) §¿¡¨Â ĒÚ¾¢ôÀÎòÐõ §º¡¾¨É a) ¨Å¼¡ø b) ±¨Äº¡ c) Ē¢÷ò¾¢Í §¿¡ìÌ d) ¦ÅŠ¼÷ý À¢Ç¡ðÀ¢Ç¡ð The confirmatory test for AIDS is a) Vidal b) Elisa c) Biopsy d) Western blot 27) ¾£À¸üÀ þó¾¢Â¡Å¢ø ¦¿ø «¾¢¸Á¡¸ ĒüÀò¾¢ ¬Ìõ Á¡¿¢Äõ a) ¬ó¾¢ÃôÀ¢Ã§¾ºõ b) ¸÷¿¡¼¸¡ c) ¾Á¢ú¿¡Î d) §¸ÃÇ¡ The state which tops with production of paddy in peninsular India is a) Andhra Pradesh b) Karnataka c) Tamil Nadu d) Kerala 28) «½¢§ºÃ¡ ¿¡Î¸Ç¢ý Ó¾ø Üð¼õ ±íÌ ¿¨¼¦ÀüÈÐ. a) ¸¡ðÁñÎ b) ¦Àø¸¢§ÃÎ c) Ô§¸Š§ÄŢ¡ d) ±¸¢ôÐ The first conference of the Non-aligned Movement was held at a) Kathmandu b) Belgrade c) Yugoslavia d) Egypt 29) ¾Á¢ú¿¡ðÊø ĒûÇ °Ã¡ðº¢ ´ýÈ¢Âí¸Ç¢ý ±ñ½¢ì¨¸ a) 383 b) 384 c) 385 d) 386 How many Panchayat Unions are there in Tamil Nadu? a) 383 b) 384 c) 385 d) 386 30) þó¾¢Â¡Å¢ø Ó¾ý ӾĢø ÐÅí¸ôÀð¼ þâø ÅñÊ À¡¨¾ a) Óõ¨ÀÓõ¨À----¾¡É¡¾¡É¡ b) Óõ¨À-âÉ¡ c) Óõ¨À-¦¼øÄ¢ d) Óõ¨À-¦ºý¨É The first Railway line was laid between a) Mumbai-Thane b) Mumbai-Pune c) Mumbai-Delhi d) Mumbai-chennai 31) þÃñÎ ¿¡½Âí¸û ´Õ Ó¨È Íñ¼ôÀθ¢ÈÐ ±É¢ø ´Õ â ¸¢¨¼ôÀ¾ü¸¡É ¿¢¸ú¾¸× 1 3 1 1 a) b) c) d) 4 4 3 2 Two coins are tossed once.
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