PROCEEDINGS OK THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 67, Number I, November 1977 ON p-SPACES AND ¿¿-SPACES J. L. BLASCO Abstract. In this paper it is proved that when .¥/ is a kR-space then pX (the smallest subspace of ßX containing X with the property that each of its bounded closed subsets is compact) also is a /cÄ-space; an example is given of a kR-space X such that its Hewitt realcompactification, vX, is not a /cÄ-space. We show with an example that there is a non-/cÄ-space X such that vX and pX are kR-spaces. Also we answer negatively a question posed by Buchwalter: Is pX the union of the closures in vX of the bounded subsets of A"? Finally, without using the continuum hypothesis, we give an example of a locally compact space X of cardinality n, such that vX is not a /c-space. Introduction. The topological spaces used here will always be completely regular Hausdorff spaces. If X is a topological space we write C(X) for the ring of the continuous real-valued functions on X, and ßX (resp. vX) for the Stone-Cech compactification (resp. Hewitt realcompactification) of X. A subset M of X is said to be bounded if g\M is bounded for all g E C(X). A space is said to be a p-space if every closed bounded subset is compact. Realcompact spaces (closed subspaces of a product of real lines) and P- spaces (spaces in which every Gs is open) are p-spaces. Write pX for the smallest subspace of ßX that contains X and is a p-space. A real-valued function g on I is called kR-continuous if g\K is continuous in K for all compact subsets K of X. A space such that every kR-continuous function is continuous is called a /c^-space. The associated /<Ä-space of a space X, denoted by kRX, will be X provided with the coarsest topology for which every kR-continuous function on X is continuous. It is easy to see that kRX is a completely regular Hausdorff space. Our work provides the solutions to the following questions: (1) If A' is a kR-space, is pX a kR-space? (2) If ® is the family of all closed bounded subsets of X, does the relation pX = \J{BvX: B E <ft}hold? (3) If vX or pX is a kR-spact, is A"a kR-spa.cel (4) If X is a kR-space, is vX a kR-space? (5) If X is a realcompact space, is kRX realcompact?1 Received by the editors April 13, 1975 and, in revised form, June 29, 1975, October 13, 1975, and February 2, 1976. AMS (MOS) subjectclassifications (1970). Primary 54A05,54C35, 54D50, 54D60, 54G20. Key words and phrases, tt-space, /cR-space, fc-space, bounded subset, kRX, kX, pX, P-space, bornological space, barrelled space, ultrabornological space, complete space, compact-open topology, measurable cardinal. 'This question has been proposed by M. Valdivia. © American Mathematical Society 1977 179 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 180 J. L. BLASCO The answer to question (1) is affirmative. Moreover, if A is a Ä:Ä-space,it is proven that (J {BvX: B E <$ } is also, and that using this fact one has shown that /iA is a kR-space. Question (2) has a negative answer; the example is given of a locally compact space A such that X ¥= U {BvX: B G 'S } 7^ ¡uA. Using an example of Comfort [3], it is shown that the answer to question (3) is negative. Supposing continuum hypothesis (CH), an infinite class of kR- spaces A is constructed such that vX is not a kR-space. Thus question (4) has a negative answer. Further, it is shown that for the spaces A constructed before, kR(vX) is not realcompact and therefore question (5) also has a negative answer. Nachbin [12] and Shirota [16] give the following characterizations for CC(A) (the vector space C(A) provided with the compact-open topology): (NS,) A is realcompact if and only if CC(A) is bornological. (NS2) A is a u-space if and only if CC(A) is barrelled. These characterizations provide examples of nonbornological barrelled spaces, answering a question posed by Bourbaki [1]. Warner [18] characterizes the &A-spaces as those spaces A for which CC(A) is complete (W). Question 5 is related to the following problem posed by Dieudonné [4]: If £ is a bornological space, is the completion of £ a bornological space? T. Kömura and Y. Kömura [7], supposing (CH), give an example of a bornologi- cal space whose completion is not bornological, using sequence spaces of Köthe [8]. Since De Wilde and Schmets have proven [19] that A is realcom- pact if and only if CC(A) is an ultrabornological space (inductive limit of Banach spaces), the examples of realcompact spaces A such that kRX is not realcompact provide ultrabornological spaces CC(A) such that the completion is not a bornological space. Thus, our solution to question (5) is another solution to the problem proposed by Dieudonné, in the context of spaces Cf(A). A space is said to be a £-space if each of its subsets which has closed intersection with each compact subset is itself closed.Evidently each &-space is a kR-space, but Pták presents [15] an example (credited to Katëtov) which shows that the converse implication can fail. Another (completely regular Hausdorff) example has been discovered by Noble [14]. In [3], Comfort gives an example of a locally compact space A whose cardinality is N2 such that vX is not a fc-space and asks himself if there exists a space of cardinality nx with the same properties as the former one. In [13] Negrepontis, supposing (CH), gives an example of a space with these properties. We give a different example from the former one, this one without (CH). Question 1. If A is a topological space, let ¡xX be the intersection of all subspaces of ßX which contain A and are /t-spaces. Thus, ¡xX is a /x-space such that A c /¿A <zvX. It can be easily shown that A is a ¡u,-space if and only if A = jiiA, and that A is compact if and only if it is a pseudocompact jit-space. The space ¡xX is unique in the following sense: If T is a it-space which contains A as a dense subspace and every continuous mapping t from License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use p-SPACES AND /cÄ-SPACES 181 X into any p-space Y has a continuous extension f from T into Y, then there exists a homeomorphism of pA onto T that leaves X pointwise fixed. Indeed, let (¡>be a continuous mapping from A"into any p-space 7; then <f>has a Stone extension <J>to the whole ßX into /8K If we prove that E = <¡>~X(Y)is a p-space, then the restriction of <f>to pA is a continuous extension of <£because pA c £. If A is a bounded subset of E, then 5 =<¡>(A) is a compact subset of Y and since <f>~'(.ß) is compact, the subset A is relatively compact in E. Therefore every continuous mapping from X into any p-space Y has a continuous extension from pX into Y, and according to [5, 0.12] the proof is complete. Proposition 1. Let X be a topological space, let ® be the family of all bounded subsets of X, and let E(X)= U {BvX: B E %). If X is a kR-space, then so is E(X). Proof. If /is a kR-continuous function in E(X), and g is the restriction off to X, then g E C(X). If h is the continuous extension of g to E(X) and jtE£(í)~í, then x E ÂvX, A E %, since K = ÄvX = AE(X) is compact, f(x) = h(x) and/ = h. If a is an ordinal, we write W(a) for the set of all ordinals less than a. If M is a set, we denote the cardinal of M by | M |. Theorem I. If X is a kR-space, then so is pX. Proof. If Na is a cardinal larger than 2l,rf|, let <oabe the first ordinal whose cardinal is Ka. We define inductively {Ba: o E W(ua)), where Bx = E(X) and B„ = E(\J {Bs: 8 < o}). Let us suppose that Bs is a A:Ä-spacefor every 8 < o, a E W(ua) and we shall prove that Ba is a /cÄ-space. By Proposition 1 it suffices to prove that W = (J {Bs: 8 < a) is a /cÄ-space. If / is a ^-con- tinuous function in W, let g be the continuous extension to W of the restriction of / to X. If x E fiÄ , c50< a, since g and / are continuous in Bs and coincide over X, it follows that/(x) = g(x) and therefore, g = f. Thus, / is continuous in IP and so W is a kR-space. Let us now suppose that pX j= Ba for every a E W(ua), and we choose a, E W(ua) such that |a,| > \pX\ (we write |a,| for the cardinal number of ox). For every y < a, we choose a point xy E By ~~ \J {Bs: 8 < y}. Therefore \Bn ~ X\> \ax\ because \ax\ = \{xy, y E rV(ox)}\ and xy E B0] ~ X for all y < a,.
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