September 16, 2009 www.dvidshub.net (search phrase: Expeditionary Times) Vol. 2 Issue 37 Drawdown in progress Service members remember 9/11 STORY AND PHOTO BY metal worker and SGT . RYAN TWI S T fabricator with the EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S STAFF 514th, and a Shel- byville, Ind. native, JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq – On who ran the half Sept. 11, 2001, Presi- marathon earlier dent George W. Bush that morning, was said, “Freedom it- in high school when self was attacked the attacks occurred. this morning by a Watching the events faceless coward— of that day and 80th reaches out to help Freedom will be defended.” knowing the number Even after eight years, most of lives affected, and units with amnesty day service members say they can re- ended, motivated member exactly where they were him to join the Army, Page 4 and what they were doing when he said. the attacks happened. Hodges said when “I was in history class watch- not deployed, he and ing a movie on the TV,” said Spc. his family spend time Thomas A. Richards, a machin- together on Sept. 11. ist and metal fabricator, with the Richards said his 514th Maintenance Company family barbeques out of Fort Drum, N.Y. “I was and spends time to- Border support shocked because I thought I was gether as well. watching a movie and then found “Everybody needs out it was CNN.” to remember the Service members observed a people who lost their moment of silence at 8 a.m. at lives,” said Richards. Holt Stadium, many of whom participated in the Air Force Half Spc. Thomas A. Rich- Marathon earlier that morning. ards and Chief War- Richards, a Dutton, Ala. na- rant Officer 2 Troy L. tive, was one of these. He said the Feuston, both with the events of 9/11 were one reason he 514th Maintenance Mississippi Guardsmen joined the military. Company out of Fort Drum, N.Y., bow their The run was a meaningful and make the Harbur Gate run heads during a mo- fun way to remember 9/11, he ment of silence Sept. Page 12-13 said. 11 here on Joint Base Spc. Craig W. Hodges, also a Balad, Iraq. AF Half Marathon keeps memory running STORY AND PHOTO BY SPC . LI S A A. COPE A day at the pool EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S STAFF JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq – Roughly 600 runners participated in the Air Force Half Marathon Sept. 11, at Holt Sta- dium on Joint Base Balad, Iraq. Staff Sgt. Peter F. Galan, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the reception, replacement, return to duty, rest and recuperation, and rede- ployment/casualty operations in the finance op- erations cell for the 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), and Staff Sgt. Travis Donmoyer, a technical en- gineering NCO for the 13th ESC, trained together for two months Warfighters compete to prepare for the half marathon. Galan, a Wittier, Calif. native, and Donmoyer, an Annville, Pa. native, completed the 13-mile run in 1 hour 49 minutes. in Labor Day raft race Runners take off from the starting line at 5 a.m. Sept. 11, during the Galan said they have a similar running pace and push each Air Force Half Marathon at Holt Stadium on Joint Base Balad, Iraq. other to be better. Page 16 “We said we were going to finish together and we finished to- They began with smaller distances of 2 to 3 miles and gradually gether,” said Galan. worked their way up to the full distance, said Donmoyer. Galan and Donmoyer started running together in January, “A good way to motivate each other is talking smack,” said mostly 5Ks, and started training for the half marathon in July. SEE RACE ON PAGE 2 PAGE 2 EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S September 16, 2009 Balad Blotter Chaplain’s corner... September 3 - September 8 BY MAJ . PETE R ST R ONG time they are standing out in broad daylight for all to BRIGAD E CHAPLAIN see. Breathe in, breathe out. You are blessed. Stand MAJOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT: 304TH SUSTAINM E NT BRIGAD E up. Go for a walk. You are blessed. Sleep in peace at A complainant telephoned the law enforcement desk and reported a vehicle accident at a loca- night. You are blessed. Enjoy the privilege of living in tion. A patrol arrived on scene and determined hat I am looking for is a freedom. You are blessed. the accident to be a major vehicle accident. The “Wblessing not in disguise.” I once knew a person who when asked, “How are operator stated that while driving on Victory -Jerome K. Jerome you?” always responded with the words, “I’m blessed!” Loop heading North, the steering column failed That was irritating to hear. It sounded kind of preachy to operate and forced the vehicle into Bldg Some people wouldn’t recognize or holier-than-thou. It was a little too chirpy for my 3930/DRMO Fence line. The damage to the ve- a blessing if it came up and hit ‘em taste. But it was true. hicle consisted of the windshield cracking in 20 over the head with a 2”-by-4”. If blessings appear to Right now you may not be feeling very blessed. You places, the front bumper being severely dented, be disguised, it is only because we are not able to see are having problems with your health or your financ- the undercarriage leaking fluid and the vehicle was not operational. The damage to the prop- them for what they are. Blessings are simple acts of es. A relationship may be on the rocks. You feel down- erty consisted of 30 feet of fence line and five God intended to bring joy and delight to the receiver. hearted and discouraged. Do not despair. Take a mo- steel posts. The beauty of a flower, the song of a bird, the warmth ment to think of the many blessings you do have. You of the sun – these are all gifts that remind us we are may be surprised to discover the list is much longer LARCENY OF UNSECURED PRIVATE PROPERTY: loved and cared for. than you think. Remember, you may not feel blessed A complainant entered law enforcement desk Why do you think blessings are so hard to see? but that does not change the fact that you are blessed. and reported a larceny had occurred at a loca- Are they dressed in camouflage? Do they hide behind How are you? “I’m blessed!” Yes, you are. We all tion. The complainant stated he left the location trees and under bushes? Of course not. Most of the are. at 8 a.m. and was not sure if he locked his room door. The complainant returned to the location at 5 p.m. and noticed that it was unsecure. The complainant opened the door and noticed that MARATHON: A property was missing with no signs of forced entry. race with a little ASSAULT: A victim entered the law enforcement desk and reported that an assault occurred at a location. extra meaning for The victim stated that he entered the location and the subject began to verbally abuse him. The subject grabbed the victim’s left wrist and service members shirt and pushed him. RACE FROM PAGE 1 HELPING HAND: Galan. “It’s all in good fun and it keeps us go- A complainant called the Defender Control and ing.” reported having one white male, in a tan flight At 8 a.m., while some participants were still suit, detained for not having a restricted area badge. The patrol advised the subject of his running, a Sept. 11, 2001 remembrance ceremo- Article 31 rights. The subject acknowledged his ny, including prayer and a moment of silence, was rights and agreed to make a written statement. held at Holt Stadium. The subject said he was unaware of the restrict- Galan said he was already serving when the ed area badge procedures and was unaware he Pentagon and World Trade Center were at- was supposed to be brandishing his RAB on his tacked. person while within the restricted area. “I was on my way to Kuwait for a rotation when the towers got hit,” said Galan. Donmoyer said the attacks contributed to his NIPR: 443-8602 SIPR: 241-1171 decision to join the military. “I enlisted in the Army exactly a week after Email: [email protected] 9/11,” said Donmoyer. “I don’t think anyone out here can say it doesn’t mean something to them.” EXPEDITIONARY TIMES 13th ESC Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Paul L. Wentz Expeditionary Times is authorized for pub- 13th ESC G2, Security Manager 139th MPAD Production Editor Spc. Lisa A. Cope lication by the 13th Sustainment Command Lt. Col. Angelo Williams, 13th ESC Staff Sgt. Robert E. Fafoglia [email protected]. (Expeditionary). The contents of the Expedi- [email protected] [email protected] tionary Times are unofficial and are not to be Spc. Michael V. Camacho considered the official views of, or endorsed 13th ESC PAO, Managing Editor 139th MPAD Layout and Design [email protected] Maj. Raul Marquez, 13th ESC PAO by, the U.S. Government, including the Depart- Sgt. Jayson A. Hoffman [email protected] [email protected] ment of Defense or Operation Iraqi Freedom. Contributing Public Affairs Offices Expeditionary Times is a command informa- 13th ESC PA NCOIC 139th MPAD Photo Editor tion newspaper in accordance with Army Staff Sgt. Joel F. Gibson, 13th ESC Sgt.
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