Volume 9 No 18 Publishedat UCSD 17thyear of publication May 29th- June Ilth 1984 CenterVote Irregularities ,/ Cast Doubt VOTER TURNOUT STILL AT DOUBT Amidsthighly suspect and irregular conditions.UCSD undergraduatesand graduatesvoted last week by a marginof 54.4%to 45.6%to assessthemselves $75 per quarter in increased fees "to representthe ongoing commitmentof the UCSD Studentbody tocontributeto the construction, operation and maintenence of University Center facilities."The turnoutwas a mere 89 votesabove the administration’sclaim of 20% of the campus population. r Opponentsargued a 25% aurnout and 2/3rd majority was required for ratification. Controversysarrounded the entire weekof votingfollowing a request,May 22rid.by the Committeefor Responsible Spending(CRS) urgingVice Chancellor of UndergraduateAffairs, 3oe Watson, Turnage Over Coffee "To clarifyand reverse the obvious disclosedhe wouldbe out of townuntil afterthe polls closed on Friday.May 25. deviation from established campus regulations by proponents of the This left unanswered, the CRS contentionon the minimum required Early Morning Encounter UniversityCenter regardingminimum turnout,and gave the administrationthe voterturnout for referendums,such as opportunityto reviewthe outcome of the this. which assessa mamlatoryfee." With ’The Director’ CRS cited campus regulations and voting beforerendering a decision. FollowingLt an interviewwith Maior Now Califorma,let me suggestone Similarly. a CRS follow-up memo precedentto indicatea 25~ minimum GeneralThomas K. Turnage.national thing,there are a numberof reasonswhy addressedto AssistantChancellor, turnoutand two-thirdsmajority vote directoro./the Selective Service Srstem. we thinkthat that occurs... PatrickLedden, urging a decisionon the requiredfor ratification of the measure. Ourfir.~t .~’(’heduied interview with the voterrequirement prior to releasingthe n.i.:That’s what i’m interested... The Administration.through ads in the directorn’a.~ cancelled afier he wa.~ resultsreceived no response. Turnage:But one of the reasons,is the UCSD Guardian, set a 20~b turnout pttr.~’uedthrough the Student Center hr a factthat one of themost effective tools requirementwith only a simplemajority The controversyover the minimum 127lootSpectre of Death(no relation to thatwe usein orderto get addressesof requiredfor ratification. (At leastone requirementand the refusal of the the new indicator).Later that night. identifiednon-registrants has been studentpresent at a UniversityCenter administrationto make a decisionin a ./b/lowing.some/unc.r verbal.footwork through the Department of Motor Planning/BuildingAdvisory Committce timclyfashion is just one of the many hi"Turnage ~ PR per.~’on.Terry Knight, Vehiclesin eachof thestates. And all (UCPBAC)recalled discussion at one irregulartiesthat combineto makethe we wereinvited to iointhe director ear(r states,except one has providedthat to theirmeetings specifically mentioning electionresults highly suspect and has the next morningin hi.~ eighthzlloor us Montanahas not providedaccess to the25f,~ turnout and 2, 3rdmajority vote contributed,in the eyesof manyvoters, hotel .~uiteoverlooking San Diego,s thosefiles. requirement.At new indi(’ator press time to makingthe entire process a travesty. nuclearharhor--a.fitting Iocale lor the we wereunable to ascertainhow or who Other irregularitiesplaguing the "di.~cus.~ion"thai en.~ued. The interview n.i.: Montana? was responsiblefor modifying the electionswere as follows: ha., heen editedto a more manageahle Turnage:But we were late in getting requirementdiscussed at the UCPBAC ¯ Failureto providea pollingstation at length; however,care was taken to accessto thosein California. meetingin favorof theless stringent 20% ScrippsInstitution of Oceanography. preservethe z.onlenl anti overall lone. ni.i: Did it help that Edwin Meese’s turnoutand a simplemajority.) Over 10 percent of UCSD graduate brother came into...[the DMV as studentsare in "residence"at Scripps IgnoringCRS requestsfor a written n.J.:Would you like to talk briefly directorin 1982]. Institutiuon.These students were denied opinion..toeWatson. however, admitted abouttherecent registration rates? Turnage:Nothing to do with it. As a that"It appearsas thoughwe have two equalprotection inasmuch as they,being Turnage:Sure. I thinkI can help with matterof factit helpedvery much that conflictingpolicies." in an article UCSD studentsstudying at Scripps, Gov. Dukmeijiancame in here.Because appearingin the U(’SD Guardian,May weredenied equal access to votingin the that.First of alloverall in thenation we enjoy somethingon the order of over underthe previousadministration, they 24. 1984. Watson then left town and UniversityCenter referendum. 97~ of registrationcompliance. And saidthe files weren’t available to us. Yet, repeated attempts to contact him continuedon page 3 whilewe’re pleased with that, we stillopt theywere giving them to othersources, for,uh, the ultimate. you know.because according to the law n.i.:i’ve heard the figure for San Diego the informationthat we request- of the currentregistration rate--which nothingmore than the addressonly-- you’renot too happy about--of62%, and we providethe nameand the social and thatyou havespecified that there securitynumber and so forth,all we were werelanguage and culturalbarriers that doingwas askingfor the social security i eed number.Now, after it was reviewedby are involved.And I note that you’ve workingon that partlyby your being Gov. Dukmeijianand his staff,that here... informationbecame available to us. Turnage:That 62r,~didn’t come from Now because of the delay, the me... response-the catch-uptime--is slower. butit’s workir’~. n.J.:OK... n.i.:Do you expectthe IRS to provide Turnage:I didn’tsay that.And, matter namesor addressesin thefuture? offact. if I hadto giveyou a figureright now of the currentyear birth group of Turnage:Well. we haven’t required SanDiego I don’tthink I could.I don’t thator requestedthat from the IRSfor have accessto that-Ihave accessto some time. And one of the reasonswe that.but thatis not importantto me. haven’t--wedid initially in theprocess, Other than the fact that I know in andit’s authorized by law,and I RS does California,and | know that for the this not just to us--butthe kind of overallyear birth groupsthat we’re information we were seeking-once interestedin, San Diegohas something again, no tax information-we found just in the excessof 90f,~.And, for outthat, once again, because of theages Californiaas a whole,it’s something on theorder of about90t~. continuedon page3 2 3 FU/X KY L9 JOLL/ e.ntinued from page I and that is .vwci/ica//vauthorized by LETTER have alreadyspent your many self- design. The U.C.S.D moratorium of statute,h~ the Congress.So, I haveno stubbornessis renderingyour creative promotingthe proposal.1hen. they TurnageInterview concerns about it because the talentsas meaningless. inlormationis not being abused.Wc The Nausea. .lean-Paul Sartre dressthe ballot box up in thatredundant textualizedthis feeling by turninginto a BetsyRoss design. How sill)’. by Ramblin’ Rosie of the youngmen ~ho we wereinvolved don’tprovide it to othersources and so Look at the new Stonehengebehind lorth.And. what we arcalter, however. OIIman Says Our workableemotion. His battlewith sell- What will it take to stop campus withit lot of themwere not in~ohed in Cluster Library; we are already I,et’sstart with the IInixersitx (’enter ncu indi(a/orspecial issue from the we’realter compliance with the law and actualizationwas purelydesperate, as he apathy?If you, likeShaw. wish to be cot|nterin hisstore because it contained puttingin a 1040.So theI)MV files and consideredancient. refcrcndunlseam.., l o sltxAssistant Vice we’lluse those dc~,ices that arc a~,ailable Paper Is Good attemptedto controlhis own meansof livedby eventsthen I am sureyouwill be (’hancellor,I omm) Iucker,employed "too much misinformation,"while graduationlists and commercial lists and --MathewJ. Cronin to us lav~fulb,in orderto achievethat. productionand developan authentic quitecomfortable in another bureaucratic some questionabletactics would be an Ica~ing behind a stack at lommy othersources wcrc much marc ef[ecti~,e type of politics based in social to us.So that’swh\ we’re doing it this n.i.: I had heard at one poinl that ,lusta quicknote to tellyou and your understatement.Forget the factthat he luckcr’spamphlets. Corlcw, of course relationships.He advocateda type of way. SelectiveService lists were used to track comradesjust how good I think your utili/cdthe entire Student Center staff, sccspassage of thereferendum as critical pallswhere the interaction of individuals down fathers delinquent on paperis - oneof thebest I’ve seen in a includinghis personalsecretary and to hisquest for larger space and ol course did not originatefrom ego’s need to be [ W/letTinhUge/ai/.~ to mention is I/lat child...[supportpayments] long time. And I especiallylike the custodialstaff to passout literature the a higherpaying job for himself. heard(hello administrators), butrather a[ierrelwated!v pre.~.~ttring the IRSto Turnage:l"hat:~ authorizedby law combinationof hard hittingMarxist entirese,,enth week: forgetthat he Others,not as ambitiousbut merit a fromgood faith,where group politics provtth"/i.~l.~’ (!/11a111¢’3 wilholll .~t/(’(’e.~.~-- analysisand quitefunny radical humor. collaboratedwith two studentsto form mentionat most for theirpucrilism, also.Specifically authorized by law. transcendsindividual desire. Nausea short~?/ a onc-timemail-out by IRS Forme it works,and
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