A Message From Your . Executive Secretary At the annual Council meeting held Nov. 6, 1953, the members voted to establish a "Texas Tech Day" in order to stimulate interest in Tech. The Executive Board of the Ex-Students Association was author­ ized to set the date and make plans. The purpose of a "Tech D ay,, is to bring exes together each year for common enjoyment of tradition and heritage of Texas Technological College. The meeting will be held each year on the Saturday following the first Monday in May. The date this year falls on May 8th. Know­ ledge that thousands of exes are meeting simultaneously will add signif­ icance. We are planning to have meetings only in towns in your district that have thirty or more exes living there. As this is the first year we have attempted to hold reunions over the country simultaneously, we feel that we cannot handle all towns to begin with. On the inside back cover of this magazine is a list of the towns in your district that we hope will hold meetings this year. You can be of invaluable service in helping make our first meeting of "Texas Tech Day" a success. Will you plan now to attend the meet­ ing in your city or the city nearest .you? If you do not know the person to contact in your· district, write this office for additional information. Since a wide time span is represented by our exes, programs are being planned with the thought of holding interest for all ex-students. Our common love for the College and our interest in its present and future welfare will be emphasized. If there is anyway this office can help you, please feel free to call upon us. Sincerely, L. C. Walker Executive Secret:uy EX-STUDENTS* ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President......... ....... .. .................. Jack Maddox, '29 Vice President.. ............... ................. .Hart Shoemaker, '41 2nd Vice President..... ........... .. .............. .... Harold Huffman, '39 Director................. Vol. 5 No. 2 April 1954 .................. Paul New, '42 Director................ .. .................. Robert Work, '37 CONTENTS Director............ ..... .................. Ralph Blodgett, '41 Immediate Past President..... ... .. ................. D. M. McElroy, '35 FEATURES Rep. to Athletic Council.... ............ Engineering Show 3 ..................Yancey Price, '35 Ex. Secretary................. Champion Cagers 5 .................. L. C. Walker, '49 Outstanding C. E. Grad 6 * Sororities Installed 8 LOYALTY FUND Grad Gets. Grant ···----···--·-------·---·---·--------· -··--·---·- ·--.. ---··---·-· ·--···-· ....... 12 TRUSTEES KeDJ>eth Leftwteh Charles McNeeae Ralph Bloclptt Don Wooten lames Whlteelde George Lansford DEPARTMENTS 0. B. Batllfl D. M. McElroy Hugh Bowland Jack llladdox L . c. Walker Observin' Sports ·-----------------:·--------·-------·--------·---------·---- ·--- ·--- ··---- --------- 4 Chapter Chatter 7 THE *COVER Bear Our Banners ·---·-------------··------·-----·------·--·------·-·-.. ·--·--·--·· ......... --·-- 10 Armed with slide rule and t e x t b o o k s, the engineering studen t follows the path of Tec:hsans In Service --------·········---·····---·---·····--------·--···-······-··---···- 14 over 2,000 alumni of Texas Tech who have received de­ Hitc:hin' Post -----··---··--···------·--·-·----··---------·----·-···--·-.. ·-·---··-·---···--·-·-··-·--·· 16 grees from the Division of Engineering. See story on page 3 concerning the 22nd annual Published In February, April, June, Augu1t, Sei;t6mber, October, November and December Tech Engineering Show. by the Ex-Student. Aasoclatlon of Texaa Technological College, Lubbock, Tau. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Lubbock, Texas. Change of address: New address should be sent to the A.uociation * offices 30 days prior to date of issue with which it is to take effect. PHOTO CREDIT Subscription rate: $3 per year. Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: pages 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Advertising rates on 1equest: All advertising is handled through the Bill Stucker: page 8 Association offices. T ech : others Managing Editor 0. G. Nieman 2 Texas Techsal'l. The Techsan Salutes POLK ROBISON, coach of the Border Conference champion Tech basketball team, has been head coach at Tech for 11 years. This year's Raider squad, one of the finest in the history of the college, .went to the NCAA playoffs after capturing the circuit title with 11 victories and one defeat. For guiding the Raiders through a 20-4 season's record and the con­ ference crown, Robison was select­ ed the outstanding coach in the Boder circuit by a poll conducted by the Arizona Daily Star. Jim Reed, Tech sophomore, joined the coach in the spotlight by being voted the conference's most valu­ able player. Thus football and basketball coaches and players on each squad from Tech were named to the con­ ference's highest honors. In foot­ ball, Coach DeWitt Weaver was named "coach of the year" and Quarterback 'Jack Kirkpatrick was named the most valuable player. Winning their first double crown since 1934, the Raiders also became the only team to win both football and basketball titles in the history of the conference. Robison is an ex-Techsan and was 'captain of the 1933-34 quintet, which became the first one ever to win a Border Conference title. He earned two letters and graduated from Tech in 1934 with a B.A. in journalism. T h e former Techsan began coaching duties at· Tech in 1942, serving four years until Berl Huff­ man, whom he had succeeded as coach, returned from service. When Huffman left for New Mexi­ co. Robison took over again. He has served as head coach at Tech for 11 years. The coach was born in Spring­ field, Tenn., in 1912. He moved, with his parents, to Texas in 1926, attended Ranger High School and graduated from Lubbock High School. After graduating from Tech, Robison coached at Burkbur-.. nett and in 1940, went to Houston to do contact work for General Motors. He later worked for Cum­ POLK ROBISON berland Portland Cement Co., at Cowan, Tenn., before Dell Morgan asked him to return to Tech. April, 1954 3 Texas Tech Engineering Show To Be Held Ajril 23 and 24 The 22nd annual Tech Engineer­ Clarence Johnson, architecture from 1926 until his death on ing Show, featuring work of all and allied arts; Carl Cochrane, Christmas Day, 1953. He began the science and engineering de­ t e x t i l e engineering; 0 l i v e r his work at Tech with a very partments, has been set for April Peoples, geology; Ernest Wossum, limited amount of equipment and 23-24. Laboratories will be open chemistry; Cecil A. Dillard, phys­ was faced with many problems. from 2 to 10 p.m. each day to ics; A. A. Hill, military science; During the depression, Prof. exhibit laboratory facilities and Richard Zeeck, air science; Ed­ Hardgrave had very little money student projects. ward Barfield, petroleum engi­ to invest in his work; but, by The Engineers' show· has been neering; and Gerald Myers, agri­ good management and strict eco­ sponsored by the senior engineer­ cultural engineering. Each of nomy, he was able to add equip­ ing students annually since 1929, these directors have an assistant ment from time to time. What he except for the war years of 1943- who will assume the responsibility lacked in equipment, he tried to 46. The attendance at the first of the director for next year's make up for with educational show was 2,100 and has increas­ show. film. The present department of ed continuously since that time. SHOW DEDICATED mechanical engineering, its shops This year's attendance is expect­ This year's show will be dedi­ and sound educational progress ed to reach an all time high, cated to the memory of the late are testimonials to the unselfish according to officials of the show. John Coyne Hardgrave, professor and untiring work of Prof Hard­ The two main purposes of the of mechanical engineering. Pro­ grave. His influence and efforts show are to acquaint the public fessor Hardgrave was a member will long be remembered at Texas with the engineering and science of the Engineering Division staff Tech. curriculums taught at Tech, and to give high school and junior col­ lege students the opportunity to investigate the various types of work offered in the Engineering and Science Divisions. Paul Griffith, senior engineer from Tulia, is general manager Scholars, athletes, and campus the Tech campus April 1-2. His of this year's show. He stated leaders were honored March 17 lecture was given as one of the r ecently that the '54 show would at the eighth annual Recognition American series, directed by the probably have three or four hun­ Service held in the Tech gym. Tech Institute of Americanism. dred different projects to be seen Approximately 2,000 students, Dr. Nevin's work has been rec­ by the public. Griffith also point­ faculty members and parents of ognized nationally and interna­ ed out that a new department students honored attended the tionally, and his listing in "Who's will be added to this year's show. convocation. Who in America" is an extended The agricultural engineering de­ The top scholastic honors were one. partment will have its modern given to Billy Jack Fraley, Abi­ Town Hall shops and equipment available for lene senior in business administra­ the exhibit. tion, and Mollie Jordan, Kaufman An open disecussion of political senior in home economics. They and economic trends in the United Departments participating in States was featured in the Col­ the show are electrical, civil, in­ were honored for the fourth con­ secutive year and r eceived gold lege Town Hall meting, sponsor­ d us tr i a 1, chemical, petroleum, ed by Delta Sigma Pi, on the mechanical, textile and agricul­ keys from President E. N. Jones. More than 300 students and 12 campus March 10. A panel of tlve ture engineering, plus architec­ men from business and industry ture and allied arts, geology, stud en t organizations were honored. answered questions· from the aud­ physics, chemistry, and military ience.
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