MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Resolves, Of the General Court of Massachusetts, PASSED AT THE SESSION BEGAN AND HOLDEN AT BOSTON, ON THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF MAY, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINE. [No title page; caption title provided by Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library] CIVIL FOR THE YEAR 1809-10. , '. HIS EXCELLENCY CElRlS[OPH~~R GORE, GOVERNOUR .. ~+- HIS HONOUR DAVID COBB, LIEUTENANT .. GOVERNoltR~ , COUNCIL~ Hoil. 'EDWARD H. ROBB1Nq,. AltTEMAS WARD, THOMAS DWIGHT, EP,HRAIM SPOON,ER, Pt{ENTISS l\1ELLEN, QL1VER FISKE, NA THAN1EL DUMMER, .WILLIAM PR,ESCOTT, DANIEL DEWEY.- Wa.L1AM TUDOR, Secretary of the State. JOSIAH DWIGHT', 'IreaJurer and Receiver General. SENATE. Hon. HARRISON G. OTIS, Efq. Prejident. County oj Suffolk, Hon. Harrifon G. Otis, Willianl Spooner, lohn Phillips, ' Peter C. Brooks, John Welles. County of EJ!ex, Hon. Enodl Titcomb, , John Heard, John Phillips, Nathaniel Thurnon,­ Ifrael Thorndike, Saluuel Putnam. County of Middleje.-<, I-1on. Samuel Dana, Amos Bond, J. L. Tuttle, Matthew Bridge. Courtty of Hamp.fhire, Hon. Ezra Starkweather, H ugh Me Clallen, Eli P. Afhmun, S. Lathrop. County of Brifiol; Hon. Edward Pope, Samuel Fales. County of Plymouth, Hon. Nathan Willis, Seth Sprague. County of Barnflable, Hon. Jofeph Dimmick. Dukes County and Nantucket, Hon. Walter Folger, jun. County of Worcqfier, Hon. Salem Town, Elijah Brigham, Thomas; Hale, Jon~s Kendall" , SENATE. County of Berkjhirc, Han. Timothy Childs, Azariah Eglefton.:- County of Norfolk? Han., John- ,Howe, Samuel Day. County of rork!) Hon. John "Voodman" Alexander Rice .. I County of Cumberland,' Hon. Lothrop Lewis, ,J ames Means. Lincoln, Hancock, and~ lion. William King, Wafhington Counties, 5 Francis Carr ~ Caunty of J{ennebeck, Han. Jofh ua Culhman. Nathaniel Coffin, Clerk~ Samuel F. M'Cleary, A.!1!flant Clerk. HOUSE OF, RE'PRESENTATIVESo ~ Hon.'fIMOTH,Y BIGELOW, Efq. Speaker; SlJFFOLK. Boflon, Willianl Smith, Benjamin Buffey, Samuel Cobb, John Parker, William Brown, Jofeph Head, Jonathan Hunnewell, ' Ebenezer T. Andrews, William Sullivan, Charles Jackfon, William Phillips, Francis D~ Charming, Francis WFight~ William H. SUlnner, Simon' Elliot, Ephraim'Thayer, Ben jamin R uffell, Jofiah Kntl;PP, Daniel Sargent, Benjamin Wela, Thomas W. Sumner, Oliver KeatingD Jobn Callender, David 'iV eft, Benjamin Whitman, N athanWebb, John T. Apthorp,­ Daniel Mellinger, Charles Davis,. William Walter, ] ames Robinfon, Warren Dutton, Jacob WeBh, George G. Lee, 'Villialn Hammatt, . Jofeph M'Kean. Thomas Dennie, Che/fla, ESSEX. Salem, Vvilliam Cleveland, John Bailey, Jofhua Ward, Afa Hooper, Jofeph Story, Jofhua Prentifs, jUlio Jofeph Winn, William Story. J ofeph Sprague, Lynn f5 Lymy'ield,Jos.Fuller ,3do Benj. Crowninfhield" Aaron Breed, Mofes Townfend, Henry Hallowell, George S. Johonnot, Jofeph Johnfon, juno Nathl. Frothingham, Caleb Downing. John Hathorne, jun. Danvers, Samuel Page, Jofeph Sprague, jun. Nathan Felton, Marblehead, John Prince, Squires Shove. l'J athan B. Martin, Beverly, '1 homas Davis, Phillip Befom, - Abner Chapman, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Thomas Stephens, I David Little. Ifaac .Rea, Newb~tryport, lVlark Fitz, Rqbert RClptoul. Andrew Frothingham, Wenham, Samuel Blan~hard. JOJ1~than Gage, Hamilton, j</hn Safford. Stephen Howard, Mancheflpr, H;enry Story. John Pearfon, Gloucdl~r,Benj! :g. I-Iollgh, John Peabody, Thonlas Parfons, Abner VIf ()od, John Somes, jun. Jofeph Dana. John Manning, Bradford, Samuel W ebfrer ') John Tucker, Thomas Savory. Lonf6n Nafh. Boxford, Thomas Perley. IpJwich~ Nathaniel Wade, Andover, Thomas Kittredge. Jonathan Co.gfwell, jr. Middleton, Jofeph Farley. 'IopsJield, Nath1.Haml1lond. Rowley, Moody Spafford, Salijbury, Jonathan Smith. Thomas Gage. Amejbury, Chriftopher Sargent. Newbury, Jofiah Little, 1-Iaverhill, Leonard White. ~ilas Lhtle, Methu~n, Benjamin Ofgood. John Ofgood, MIDDLESEX. CharlejJowp, David Goodwill, Eafl Sudhury, Jacob Ret;ves • . Peter Tu,fts, jlln. Natick, Mofes Fifk. Timothy ThQwpfon, Sherburne, Calvip. Sanger. John Kettell, Holliflon, Jafop Chamberlain. David Deveps. Hopkinton, Walter M~Farland. Cambridge, John Mellen, Framingham, John Fifk, Samuel P. P. Fay. John Trowbridge. TlffejlCambridge"Sml. Bu.~terfi~ld. Marlborough, Ephraim Barber, Brigbton, Samuel W Pomeroy. Daniel Brigharn. Malden, JonathanQ"kes.. Stow '& Boxborr/ /iug. ToweL Medford, Tinwthy Bigelow. CQvcord, Tilley l\IJerrick. Nathanid RaJI, Bedford, Willi!\m Webber. Nfwt01Z, Timothy J ackfon, Burlingta~zi . Samuel Mu,rdock. Woburn, Sylvanus 1?lympton. ,{!Vatert()wn, Jonas Whit~" Stonepam, John R. Stevens. Thomas. Cl(l~k. Reading, Timothy \Vakefield~ Waltham, David Townfend. Daniel Flint. Wejlown, Ebenezer Hobb~. TiVilmington, Ianles Jaquith. Lincoln, Jq.ibua :aroQk~~ Billerica, Jofeph Locke, Lexington, N ~th~n. Cha~ldler. DQdley Walker .. Sudbury, Willi~n~ B~nt. 'Tewkjkyry, 'iViUiam Simonds" I-IOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Chelmsford, Williall1 Adams" Dra~ut, Daniel Varnum,. Jonathan Perham. Solomon Ofgood. CarliJIe, Paul Litchfield., Dunjlable, Micah Eldredge. fVeflford, Thomas Fletcher, jr. 'I'yngsborough, AClon, Jonas Brooks. Shirley, Nathaniel Holden. Littleton, Edmund Fofier. Pepperell. William I-Iutchinfon. Groton, Jofeph Moors" Y'ownftnd, Abner Adams. Oliver Prefcott. Ajhby, I-IAMPS.HIRE. Springfield, Mofes Chapin, Northfield, John Nevers. Jonathan Dwigh t, jun. Warwick CC:t OrangesJ ofiah Cobb. Oliver B. Morris. Northampton '& Eafihampton) Longmeadr)7.v, Ethan Ely. i·l.fahel Pomeroy, Wilbraham, William Rindge, Thaddeus Clapp, Auguftus;,iiron. Ifaac C. Bates, Morifon, Abnet Brown, '\Villiam.Edwards. Abfalom Shaw. S. Hampton, Lenluel Pomeroy. \ Btimjield, Stephen Pynchon, f;Vcjlha17lpton, Sylvefrer Judd. Philemon Warren. We.flfield, Afhbel Eager, SouthBrimJield( J Th ,. Jedidiah Taylor. and Holland, 5' Olnplon. WrJfl"Springfield, Jona. Smith, Ludlow, John Jennings~ Charles Ball, Palmer, J eire King. Gad Warriner, Ware, William Bowdoin. Elias Leonard. Greenwich, Reuben ColtoN.' Southwick, Enos Foote. Belchertown, Eliakim Phelps, Gran<ville, Ifrael farfons, Jofeph Bridgman, jun. John Phelps. Eldad Parfons. Blandford, David Boies. Pelham, Ifaac Abercrombie. Rziffoll, Granby, :Eli Dickenfon. Montgomery, AmherJl, Samuel F. Dickinfon. Norwich, .Aaron Hall. Simeon Strong. Che.fler, Sylvefter Emmons. Hadley, Giles C. Kellogg. Chcjletjield, Thomas Mayhew. South Hadley, R. Woodbridge. Middlefield, Erafius Ingham. Sunderland, Nathaniel Smith. -VVorthington, Jona. Brewfrer. Leverett, Rofwell· Field. VFilliamJburg, John Wells. Montague, Nathan Chenery. Hatfield, Ifaac Maltby. \ Wendell, Joihua Green. Whately, ShuteJbury, William Ward. Deetjield, Elijah Arms, New Salem, Varney Pearce, Afa Stebbins. Sanluel C. Allen. Conway, John Williams, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ifaac Baker. Greel'!/ield, Eliel' Gilbert, GoJhen, William White. Gill, James Gould. Ajhjield, Ephraim Willialus, Bernardflon, Geo. Alexander, Thomas White., Leyden, Hez. Newcomb, jun. Cummington, Peter IBryant. Colrain, David Sm!~h, Plaitifield, John Cunningham. Robert L.~c<Clallel1. Hawley, Edmund Longley. Charlemont, Abel Wilder. Buckland, Enos Pomeroy. Heath, Roger Leavitte Shelburne, William Wells. Rowe, John Wells. PLYMOUTH. Plymouth, Zaccheus Bartlett, Ca~eb Briggs, WiIi am Davis, Mooers Rogers. Barnabas Hedge, jun. Wareham, ' Nathaniel Spooner. Carver, Kingfton, John Thomas. Plimpton, Elijah BiiHee. 'Duxbury, Judah Alden, Halifax, Zebediah l'hompfon. Samuel Walker. Abington, Samuel Niles. Marjhjield, John Thomas. Nathan Gurney, jun. Pembroke, Bailey Hall., Hanover, John B. Barfiow. Bridgewater; Nahum Mitchel. Scituate, Cuihing Otis, Middleboro', Samuel Pickens, ,Hayward Pierce. Levi Pierce, Hingham, Hawkes Fearing" / Thomas Wefron, Jonathan Culhing~ Peter Hoar. Thomas Fearing. Rochefler, Gideon Bar1tow, jr. Hull, Benjamin C~lihing. , ' BRISTOL. Taunton, John W. Seabury, Berkely, ApeIlos Toby." Jofiah King, . Freetown, Nathaniel Morton,jr. Samuel Crocker. William Rounfevelle .. Dighton, John Hathaway, llew Bedford, Alden Spooner, George Walker. Seth Spooner, . Rehoboth, Peter Hunt. Samuel Perry, Swanzey, Daniel Hale, Charles Ruifell, .Edward Mafon. Thonlas Nye"jun.. SomerJet, William Read. Dartmoutb, Joel Packard, Attleborough, Joel Read: Caleb Slocum. M ansjield, Solomon Pratt. We)lporL, Abner Browne!, Norton, Bryant Hall. Sylvefler Browne!. EaJlown, John Tifdale. 'Troy, Robert lYliIler. Raynham, Ifrael Wafhburne. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA1tVES. BARNSTABLE. I Barnflable, Jabez HoWland, flarwich" Ebenezer Weeks. Jofeph BliIh, jun. Brewfier, Elijah Cobb. Job C. Davis. Chatham, Richard Sears. Sandwich, Benjanlin Perceval. Orleans, Jonathah Bafcorn. Falmouth, Bralidock Dimmick, Eaflha17l, SatnuelFreeIIiati. James Hinkley. Wellfleet, Beriah Higgins, Yarmouth, John Eldridge, Truro, J ame& Crowel. Provintetowii, Dennis, Judah Paddock. DUKES. Edgartown, Martin Peafe. Chilmark, :Tijbury, John Hancock. NANTUcKET. Nantucket, l\1icajah Coffin, J edidiah Fitch, Uriah Swaine, Daniel Whitney, Shubael Coffin, George Cannon, Archelaus HamlRond, Martin T. Morton. Mic3:]ah Gardner, WORCESTER. }Voretfter, Edward Bangs, Mendon, Jofeph Adams, Ephraim Nlowel', Daniel, Thurber. Abraham Lincoln. Milford, Samuel Jones. Leice.fler, John Hobart. Upton, EzraWood, jun. Spencer,
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