-A&E- -SPORTS- Marist's production of Marist slapped around West Side Story is set to Hofstra last week, but it open today, pg. 11 will not be that easy against Wagner, pg. 16 the student newspaper of VOLUME #52 ISSUE #8 Happy Thanksgiving!! NOVEMBER 19^1998 Emergency phbiies need replacements functioning exterior security bySCOTTNEVILLE phones and replace them widi Staff Writer four modern radio transmitting Running from a frenzied drunk, models. hearing him close in with thun­ Leary said some of the current dering footsteps would be a security phones are archaic and harassment victim's worst night­ are riot reliable. mare. "A couple phones are a piece Getting' to one of the five of junk," he said. "Three phone Marist "Blue Light" security haven't worked right for a year.',' phones and finding it dead . The five phones are currently might make things worse. located in the Beck Parking Lot, Director of Safety and Secu­ in the Hoop Parking Lot, behind •v Circle photo/Joe Scotto rity, Joe Leary, and Telecommu­ Gartland Common's "E" block, Students find the asphalt payed on top of the previous gravel makes traveling past the nications Analyst, Bill Cook, library construction'much easier and safer. The paving isa result of student concerns. are working to remove the mal­ ... please see PHONES, pg. 4 Pavement intakes travel easier by KRISTINABRTltr not fflWe'olignial'plan^Beritzen ^fouhd the gravel'path^unsafe. Gallery displays work of - '.SiaffWriter " said it is more convenient and - "I have a depth perception The rocky road is over for safe for people to travel on. problem and even in full day­ those traveling on campus. Safety of the gravel path was light I had trouble seeing 1997 Marist graduate The gravel path in front of a big concern for students ac­ where I was going," she said. the library construction now cording to Linda Cooper, direc­ Kalyoussef said she needed has asphalt over it, making it tor of Special Services. Many help to get across the path be­ smoother and more accessible students in wheelchairs and cause there was nothing to for everyone. those with visual impairments hold onto and she felt un­ Before the paving, the had difficulty getting across steady walking on the gravel. gravel path had sparked con­ campus because of the gravel She often found alternate cerns and complaints. Ac­ path. routes to get to where she had cording to Marist's Physical 'There was a problem with the to go. Plant department, the paving gravel path because students "I would have to go through was done because of student couldn't tell when the ground the Student Center to get to complaints about the safety level changed," she said. "This Champagnat or anywhere else and limited access the gravel was not safe for them." on the south end of campus," path caused. Copper said she had heard she said. 'This was definitely Tom Beritzen, project man­ many concerns about die prob­ an inconvenience," ager for Pavarini Construction lems the path was causing. Al­ Now that the path has been Company, said the asphalt though the-Office of Special paved, Kalyoussef and other Photo courtesy of Browning Kay Services dui not complain to students said they find it Kay's Garden PaintingssX\tm is his second in the Marist gallery paving was done in-house by Marist and not by Pavarini. Physical Plant, she said Physi­ much more convenient. byTHEAGMMINO an exhibit by '97 alumnus, "The original gravel path cal Plant was aware of the prob­ Junior Sarah Papineau, said Staff Writer- Browning Kay. was in the plans to get around lems and cofnplaints. she sees a noticeable differ­ the site during the construe- . Hanneh Kalyoussef, a visu­ ence with the new path. Grey stent has been besieged The show, entitled Garden tion, but the asphalt was not," ally impaired student, said she "I feel the new path is safer by bright purples arid yellows, Paintings,- is scheduled to run until Nov. 25. The oil paintings he said. had problems getting from one arid easier to walk on," she warm oranges and lively greens.- on canvas are a series of land­ Although the asphalt was end of campus to the other and said. The Marist College Art Gal­ scape scenes from Kay's back­ lery, located in Greystone's yard- basement, is currently featuring Art gallery Director, Donise Evacuation policy strands disabled English, said the paintings have byBENAGOES 11:30 a.m., Quinn, who did not l^EEKLVFOLL mid-twentieth century qualities. News Editor know how to evacuate, was "They're really related to forced to remain in the building. American modernism from the , With the blare of a fire alarm The alarm was caused by a 1940s or 1950s we can say," she comes the inevitable sound of INSIDE burnt bagel in the Dyson coffee said. "They're very bold." students racing to get to the shop and no damage was re­ Kay was originally a business nearest exit. But for some dis­ ported, but Quinn said real or TODAY: Do you smoke major, but he changed his major abled students, getting out of not, this is an important issue. Mosty Cloudy cigarettes? toartinhiss.ophomoreyear. He the building is a race against the "If the alarm had been real, it hi: 54° said he decided to follow his clock. would have been a dire situa­ lo:28° truedream. Junior Bill Quinn, who is con­ tion," he said. YES NO "Chasing after that has just fined to a wheelchair, was in his Cheryl Whitley, associate pro­ Community. 2 been a great experience," Kay "Human Behavior in the Social fessor of psychology, stayed Features 5 31 69 said. Environment" class last Tues­ with Quinn during the alarm. A&E 11 day located on the Dyson ... please see ARTIST, pg. 4 They went to the elevator, but it Opinion 9 This is an unscientific survey taken from 100 Center's second floor. When Marist students. the fire alarm went off at about ... please see FERE, pg. 3 Sports.... 16 THECIECEE NOVEMBER 19.1998 News PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 19.1998 munity PAGE 2 prs iii^y be off to Rome JAKARTA, Indonesia — At byGINAMASULLA Security least 11 people died last week in Staff Writer IN YOUR OPINION the worst confrontations in Briefs malfunctioning smoke detector. Jakarta since May"when 32 years The Marist Singers are plan­ -compiled by Scott Nevikj What are you thankful for? <. of authoritarian rule^ended with ning to perform in front of their An unidentified barefoot male ihe resignation^foraieriPresk biggest audience yet. Student Government was spotted running around The Marist Singers hope to In an effort to promote alcohol 'deh&SuHi^o:%^t^" \:£s .:-?"'-' outside Donnelly Hall Nov. 13 ;;rSttfdentewej^^me/f6refront travel to Rome next semester awareness, the Student Government Classes were disrupted Tues­ at 4:25 a.m. The figure dashed and attend a canonization cer­ Association have been sponsoring -of'pir^sS^fJweek^&mand- a series of workshops this Novem­ day, Nov^10, when a burned ba­ into Donnelly wearing dirty - that?ttie'Pepple's ^Consultative emony for Father Marcellin ber. The workshops nave dealt with gel in Dyson Cafe caused a rags and a hospital identifica­ . A%eimj3ly|(l^R),; thevhighest Champagnat. Champagnat, who a variety of alcohol related issues.- smoke alarm to blare and the tion band. ;.legisla&yebbdy(instiluted^per founded the Marist Brothers in evacuation of the building at 1817, will be sainted at the ;The last workshop will be held A security guard who. ap­ political reform^;. ';. '• \;:>^'f--- ;' on Tuesday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m.; in 11:35a.m. proached the man said he was ."Marines have, long !backed the Vatican sometime this spring. theP.A.R./ - '. : No damage was reported and "incoherent and wild." Town students:wlio have led;protests . His legacy includes service in Judge Ronald McGaw; from the students were promptly allowed and City of Poughkeepsie po­ to Remand the country/s'politi- education and assistance to the Poughkeepsie City Court,-will be to return to class: lice were notified as the man ran cfans iriu-pduce^more, radical re­ poor. - speaking about the legal aspects of towards the wooded area near forms,than they- appear :wi~Uing Lyndie Boggs, U:S. ambassa­ alcohol related crime.V >: ; A blue Dodge Neon was leak­ theGrotto. " to "a^cejpt:;TheMPR" went some dor to the Vatican, invited the Literary Arts Society <." ing gasoline onto the Upper When officers arrived, the distance to meeting student de­ Singers to a reception following The Literary Arts Society is now Hoop Parking Lot Wednesday, man was subdued and cuffed. "Family, good My health, family, mands but-refused to remove Champagnat's canonization. accepting submissions for their lit­ Nov. Ilat4:40p!m. The police said the character friends, good times; education, friends the military from politics. While there, the Singers hope erary magazine, The Mosaic. If you The fire department was noti­ had been wanted in connection and lo sing for an audience with the have any prose, poetry, short sto­ fied and promptly hosed down and my health." Pope, perform in a church in ries, artwork, or photographs that to a previous, undisclosed inci­ girlfriend." MOSCOW —Russian engi­ you wish to submit, please put the lot. A leaking fuel hose was • dent off-campus. neers hauled the long-delayed Rome and sing at the themin the L.A.S. club mailbox in found to be the problem. Pat McDonald Kevin Lundy iirst module of (lie International ambassador's reception. SC369. ' Another fire alarm sounded in senior senior Space Station to the launch pad Keri Dixon, Marist Singers' Pope's schedule and health, the to start saving money," he said.
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