atlantic Union Janet "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." VOL. XXV SOUTH LANCASTER, MASS., MARCH 3, 1926 No. 9 to their congressmen. Will all John F. Quayle. GENERAL ARTICLES those who are able to go out William E. Cleary. and secure signatures please send David J. O'Connell. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY DAY to their conference officials at Emanuel Celler. Sabbath, March 6, has been headquarters for petitions, and Anning S. Prall. set apart as Religious Liberty they will be forwarded immedi- Samuel Dickstein. day throughout America. A ately. Christopher D. Sullivan. program has been prepared for There is a very critical situa- Nathan D. Perlman. our churches and it is very much tion on in congress. The church John J. Boylan. desired that pastors of churches organizations are lining up solid- John J. O'Connor. and all elders as well give con- ly in favor of this Sunday law. Ogden L. Mills. sideration to the religious liberty It would practically close up John F. Carew. interests on this special Sab- the offices of our headquarters Sol Bloom. bath. in the General Conference and Firoello H. LaGuardia. The need for the religious publishing house here if it be- Royal H. Weller. liberty collections and for care- came a law. Anthony J. Griffin. ful presentation of conditions up- We are having the names of Frank Oliver. to-date are greater than ever. the representatives in congress Benjamin L. Fairchild. Just now there is pending in con- from your state published in the. J. Mayhew Wainwright. gress a bill for Sunday legisla- Union paper so you may know Hamilton Fish, Jr. tion which is very sweeping in where to send your petitions and Harcourt. J. Pratt. its nature, and it is being backed letters of protest. Kindly ad- Parker Corning. by a stronger organization and dress them in care of the House James S. Parker. combination of churches than Office Building, Washington, Frank Crowther. ever before. The advocates of D. C. Try to send them to the Bertrand H. Snell. such legislation are determined representatives from your own Thaddeus, C. Sweet. that they shall not be defeated district. Your post master or Frederick N. Davenport. longer in carrying through their banker will tell you who your Harold S. Tolley. measure. Our responsibility in representative is in congress. Walter W. Magee. enlightening the people and hold- Some of the members of the John Taber. ing up the standard of liberty committee have expressed them- Gale H. Stalker. can not be ignored. It is hoped selves as favoring a Sunday law, Meyer Jacobstein. that the services in our churches so it is necessary for us to work Archie D. Sanders. Sabbath, March 6, may be of earnestly to set forth the rea- S. Wallace Dempsey. such a nature as to greatly aid sons why such a law should be Clarence MacGregor. the religious liberty cause dangerous, so they may change James M. Read. throughout our field. The money their minds on the subject. We Daniel A. Reed. raised for this purpose is used are sure that you will not fail us partly in the home field to sup-- in this crisis. MASSACHUSETTS ply religious liberty literature for C. S. Longacre, Senators our state officials and leading General Secretary. William M. Butler.. editors, and partly in maintaining 4> 4* ."rederick H. Gillett. the work in the General Depart- NEW YORK Representatives ment. Senators /Alen T. Treadway. E. K. Slade. Jar:-.-s V`,'. Wa,lswortli, enry W. Bowles. 4, • Koval S. CI mei n(1. I rank H. Foss. SUNDAY LAW ('RISIS PENDING .R^,-*resenta4ives George R. Stobbs. IN CONGRESS Robert L. Bacon. Edith Nourse Rogers. A Sunday hea, ing is sche.!uled John J. Kindred. A. Piatt Andrew. before the District House Com- George W.. Lindsay. William P. Connery, Jr. mittee for March 4. We have Thomas H. Cullen. Harry I. Thayer. prepared petitions for our peo- Loring M. Black, Jr. Charles L. Underhill. ple to secure signatures to send Andrew L. Somers. John J. Douglass. 2 ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER George Holden Tinkham. in May, and to make the size of sage. The reading of the "Re- James A. Gallivan. each "Review" whatever would be view" each week is a means, a Robert Luce. necessary to bring the news of the stimulus, of keeping the be- Louis A. Frothingham. conference to its readers. When liever's love and zeal for this Joseph W. Martin, Jr. this is done, you see, it means a faith burning brightly and his Charles L. Gifford. daily bulletin, and what is more, faith and courage strong. It also it will not cost the subscribers to wonderfully helps to keep one RHODE ISLAND the "Review" one cent extra. Here- well informed and intelligent of Senators tofore when they have ordered the the world progress of this great Peter G. Gerry. daily bulletin it meant the subscrip- work. It helps to establish new Jesse H. Metcalf. tion price of the "Review" plus one ones in the faith and keep the Representatives dollar for the bulletin. This year older members well rooted and Clark Burdick. they save the one dollar on this grounded in the message. I have Richard S. Aldrich. item. You see, this means that all often said that I believe that the Jeremiah E. O'Connell. the General Conference news will weekly visit of the "Review" ac- be published in the "Review" this complishes more in the home CONNECTICUT year instead of issuing a separate than the work of any one preach- Senators "General Conference Bulletin" as er. In my opinion the "Review George P. McLean. in the past. Furthermore, if you and Herald" is the best, most Hiram Bingham. ordered the "Life and Health." for helpful, and important publica- Representatives one year along with the "Review" tion outside of the Bible and E. Hart Penn. you may have it for $.25 instead of "Testimonies" that our people Richard P. Freeman. $.75, the regular subscription rate. can read. John O. Tilson. To sum it all up, this is our offer: The weekly reading of the Schuyler Merritt. "Review and Herald" (Contain- "Review," I believe, would help James P. Glynn. ing the General Conference news). to save many a discouraged soul $2.75 from leaving the church. Every NEW HAMPSHIRE "Life and Health" .25 new member of the church needs Senators the "Review" to help establish George H. Moses. Both for one year 3.00 him in this faith. This good Henry W. Keyes. In order to avoid missing any of church paper is of inestimable Representatives the special numbers he sure and value in helping all to a better Fletcher Hale. get your order to us within the understanding of this wonderful Edward H. Wason. next six weeks. Better still, sub- message and its world-wide scribe now. work. ,1t the present time many SO. NEW ENGLAND Southern New England Book and Bible House of our church members are not 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. subscribers of the "Review." President 5 -f Whitmore St H. U. Wendell, Sec.-Treas. Hartford, Conn. Atlantir 33nivn Crattrr t3, 4' SPECIAL OFFER Published weekly except during conference, when RHODE ISLAND DISTRICT published daily by Would you accept a gift of $1.50 Vor over 1-Avilty-one years if some one should offer it to you? have been a subscriber and read- ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE We are making the offer, will you er of the "Advent Review and OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS accept it? Sabbath Herald," our good de- at The regular prices for the "Re- nominational church paper. South Lancaster, Massachusetts, U. S. A. view and Herald," "General Con- sincerely thank God for the great Subscription Fifty Cents a Year ference Bulletin," and "Life and encouragement and inspiration MARGARET E. RYDEN - - EDITOR Health" are as follows: which I have received from week "Review and Herald," i yr. $2.75 to week and from year to year Entered at South Lancaster, Mass., as second-class matter. Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of "General Conference Bulletin" I.00 from the reading of the "Re- postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October "Life and Health," I yr. .75 view." 3, 1917, authorized February 20, 1919. ' I have a burden on my heart Approved advertisements will be published in the Total $4.50 to see every commandment keep- GLEANER at the rate of twenty-five cents for twenty However, we have a letter this er in the Rhode Island District words or less, and one cent for each additional word. a reader of our church paper. Each group of initials or figures counts as one word morning from the manager of the Co-h and reference must accompany copy for all ad- Review and Herald Periodical De- I have observed one thing in vertisements , partment telling us that it has been my years of experience in voted by their board to publish the church work. it is this, the faith- The GLEANER is sent to persons out- "Review" five times a week during ful reader of the "Review" sel- side the Atlantic Union only upon re- the time of the General Conference dom gives up this precious mes- ceipt of the subscription price. ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER 3 Why is this? At the small cost are under the direction of Elder first meeting will be held at 3 p.m., of $2.75 a year, I believe that S. R. Haynes. March 24, at the City Temple, 122 nearly every one can afford to Brother William Schaeffler, our West 76th Street.
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