WINTER EDITION | 2015 5750 Executive Drive, Suite 100 • Baltimore, MD 21228-1979 410.788.1066 [email protected] • www.nasw-md.org Fax: 410.747.0635 NASW-MD, through advocacy, education and collaboration with diverse stakeholders and guided by its Code of Ethics will: Promote social justice, promote the social work profession, support professional development of social workers and advance professional social work standards. 2015 Annual Conference: Social This special edition of The Maryland Social Worker Work Paves the Way for Change mails to all 12,000 licensees Pre-Conference Forensic Social Work: At the Interface of Social Work and the Legal System in the state, not just NASW-Maryland Chapter BY JENNI WILLIAMS members! Have you s you know, social workers will cel- considered joining NASW and ebrate Professional Social Work A Month in March. The 2015 An- want to know more about nual Conference theme, Social Work Paves the Way for Change coincides with the 60th member benefits? Anniversary of NASW. At that time, the National Association of Social Workers SEE PAGE 2 FOR MORE (NASW) will also begin an eight-month INFORMATION! celebration of its 60th anniversary which will end in October, the month NASW Dominic Carter The Honorable was founded in 1955. Cynthia Callahan The theme “Social Work Paves the Way for of Technology near BWI Airport. Change” was selected to convey what NASW Our keynote speaker for this year’s con- and the social work profession have done over ference will be Dominic Carter, a tele- the past six decades to bring about positive vision political commentator and author changes in society and for individuals. who has been in the journalism field for The National Office has posted a list looks forward to celebrating NASW’s 60th over 25 years. He is a contributing writ- of Social Work Month activities on their birthday at our 2015 Annual Social Work er for The Huffington Post, and speaks pub- website, which can be found at www.so- Month Conference on Thursday and Fri- cialworkers.org. The Maryland Chapter day, March 26-27 at the Maritime Institute CONFERENCE Continued on page 3 L H A S I U R E R T Calling All Students! ma PAID LEASE E Y ANIELLE OUCHARD P B D B , NASW-MD will be an opportunity to visit legisla- Whitaker, DSW, associate professor and .S. POSTAGE T Permit #5507Permit Baltimore, MD U Non-Profit Org. OARD TUDENT EPRESENTATIVE daD B S R tors, tour the capitol, sit in on committee Associate Dean for Academic and Stu- meetings, or attend a workshop. dent Advancement, Howard University n Wednesday, February 25, 2015, Advocacy Day is FREE for members School of Social Work. A very inter- social work students from across of NASW and there is a nominal fee for esting agenda has been organized with O Maryland will be descending on non-members, but you must register to presentations on such topics as: Investi- Annapolis in order to learn more about attend. Students and faculty planning to gating the Role of Mobile Applications in So- the legislative process in our state. This attend Advocacy Day are encouraged to cial Work; Community Service Options after is a yearly event, provided so that in the contact their legislators to schedule an Graduation; What Are Graduate Schools of future, as professional social workers, the appointment if a one-on-one meeting is Social Work Looking For?; and How to Get students will understand how to lobby desired. Remember, every voice counts. Licensed in Maryland. In addition, there and influence policy on behalf of their For more information on Social Work will be a panel of social work profession- clients and their organizations. First Students’ Advocacy Day and to register als speaking about the various specialties thing in the morning, we will convene for the program, contact the Maryland social work students can choose from. in the Senate building to hear about cur- Chapter office or visit our website at The price of this event is nominal (to fit rent issues of interest before the General www.nasw-md.org and watch this space student budgets) and includes lunch. Fi- Assembly, the NASW legislative agenda, for a report after our successful event! nally, the vendor area will have graduate and there will be a special guest speaker- school representatives from UMB, Mor- Adrienne Ellis, LGSW, director of the Student Conference NASW gan, and Salisbury as well as a number of out-of-state MSW programs. For those Maryland Parity Project. At noon, stu- NASW will be holding its bi-annual ready to graduate, employers will also dents will have the opportunity to join a Student Conference on Saturday, April be present to speak with you! Please visit huge rally on Lawyer’s Mall which is be- 11, 2015 at UMBC. The keynote ad- www.nasw-md.org for more informa- ing hosted by the Maryland Behavioral dress, “Latest Trends in the Social Work tion and to register for the conference. Health Coalition. In the afternoon there Workforce,” will be presented by Tracy National Association of Social Workers Maryland Chapter Suite 100 5750 Executive Drive, MD 21228 Baltimore, Page 2 The Maryland Social Worker WINTER EDITION | 2015 proposals for the association, and this month ([email protected]). PI RES DENT’S the National NASW Board of Directors will Finally, March is Social Work Month, vote on recommendations from a board- and the theme this year is “Social Work REPORT appointed modernization task force. We Paves the Way for Change.” I love this will keep members apprised of these matters theme as I feel it speaks to the work each of as they develop, and will share more infor- us does daily as agents-of-positive change mation when it is available. in the lives of our clients and communi- Leaders focus on the future, and as the ties, as well as the work we do in both pol- President of the Maryland Chapter, I’m icy and macro settings. We have much to NASW-MD By Chris Garland, MSW already focused on the Chapter elections be proud of, and a wonderful conference BO ARD OF DIRECTORS which will take place in May. The Chap- to look forward to. In fact, I look forward ter needs YOU to serve on the board. We to greeting you at our 2015 Annual Social C HRisTINE GARLAND are looking to complete our slate of candi- Work Month Conference at the Maritime President Happy New Year! dates soon, and are seeking individuals in- Institute on March 26 and 27, 2015. To- terested in running for the positions (see gether with an amazing planning commit- LLEWELLYN CORNELIUS, Ph.D. complete list on page 8) on the Chapter’s tee and NASW-Maryland Chapter staff, Vice President 015 promises to be an exciting year board of directors. we plan a rewarding and enriching confer- for NASW and the NASW-Maryland ERIN walTon If you are interested, please contact: ence with robust CEU programming. See Treasurer 2 Chapter. The National Office of Daphne McClellan (nasw.md@veri- you in March! NASW is exploring possible restructuring zon.net) or Cherie Cannon, CNLI Chair SANDRA pelZER Recording Secretary you at the General Assembly and train stu- in addition to the administrative changes, OPEN EXECUTIVE dents in Legislative Advocacy. During there will be significant cuts to many of Southern MD Representative DIRECTOR’S March we celebrate “Professional Social the programs the state funds. Governor Work Month” through a public relations O’Malley began the cutting, and we should ANITA ROZAS REPORT blitz, our annual awards ceremony, and expect more to follow from Governor Ho- Western MD Representative our annual conference. In May we make gan. Inevitably, this will mean less money LISA connoRS the rounds of social work schools to con- for many of the programs which our clients DEVON HYDE gratulate the graduates and welcome them depend on. Since many of us work for the Suburban MD Representatives By Daphne McClellan, into the profession. Throughout the year state in one capacity or another, this kind Ph.D., MSW we offer continuing education to help you of change can cause anxiety and concern. REBECCA demaTTIA earn your CEUs, we track the Board of While many of the administrative changes ANGELA BLAKE Eastern Shore Representatives Social Work Examiners and attend meet- are the prerogative of the governor, they Paving the Way ings and workgroups to represent your in- must be approved by the legislature, along ANTHONY ESTREET, Ph.D terests, and our practice committees keep with the budget. Our legislative commit- DONNA WELLS abreast of the ever-changing landscape of tee and our lobbyists will be keeping track JODY TRIPPLE for Change our profession. During the summer, as the of what is happening in Annapolis, but we Metro Baltimore Representatives meetings slow down a little, we make our are also dependent on YOU to let us know DANIELLE BOUCHARD preparations for fall when we return with a what you are hearing and experiencing U ndergraduate Student Representative ow, the month of January flew by full schedule of continuing education and at the local level. Please call our office if and I am finally getting used to conferences. you want to make us aware of budget bills NASW-MD W writing 2015 instead of 2014! All Though many activities continue from and other legislation of concern to you. of our committees are meeting, our annual year to year, it is important to look ahead NASW is your voice in Annapolis. We can O FFICE STAFF conference is planned, and Advocacy Day each January and prepare for any chang- make a bigger (and louder) impact when is right around the corner.
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