July 2015 · Toledo Business Journal · 25 CELEBRATING THOSE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE AREA’S HEALTHCARE! 2015 Healthcare Heroes recognized The healthcare profession is one where Recognition Ceremony, held on June Achievement Award, a healthcare gion. acts of heroism often go unnoticed, because 30, 2015 at the Toledo Museum leader must have left a mark on A hero is usually an ordinary person they happen every day. Healthcare Heroes of Art Glass Pavilion, rec- healthcare through a career doing extraordinary things, distinguished do not act for praise, recognition, or job ad- ognizes the extraordinary (of at least 25 years) of for his or her courage or ability. They may vancement. Indeed, their stories are not al- contributions healthcare heroic acts, compassion, also be someone who is a model for others ways picked up by the local media or com- makes to the quality of honor, and integrity that that has performed a heroic deed and/or tire- municated outside of their organizations. life in northwest Ohio have helped to put our lessly given of his/her time, talent, and ex- Rather, Healthcare Heroes are motivated and southeast Michi- region at the forefront pertise to improve health. by a desire to make a difference in the lives gan. Each honoree has of healthcare. In ad- A Healthcare Hero could be a physician, they touch. received an award for dition, a collaboration nurse, allied health professional, researcher, Healthcare Heroes was launched in the honor. award has been present- administrator, educator, or caregiver that 2008 to recognize the extraordinary impact Healthcare Heroes ed to an area healthcare has gone above and beyond the call of duty. that exceptional healthcare professionals has honored fi ve recipients organization. Healthcare Heroes should demonstrate hon- have on the healthcare industry and on the this year, including a Life- The Healthcare Heroes esty, integrity, humility, courage, and com- quality of life in their communities. time Achievement Award. exemplify the contributions mitment. The Seventh Annual Healthcare Heroes To qualify for the Lifetime Kristian Brown, 13ABChealthcare makes to the re- …continued on page 26 :KRLV " %URZQ %URZQ,QVXUDQFHLVWKHVL[WKODUJHVW LQVXUDQFHLQWHUPHGLDU\LQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV %URZQ %URZQRI2KLRLVORFDWHGLQ 3HUU\VEXUJDQGEULQJVWKHH[SHUWLVHRIDORFDO DJHQWEDFNHGE\WKHSRZHURID1DWLRQDO7RS 7HQ%URNHU • &RPPHUFLDO5LVNDQG/LDELOLW\ • (PSOR\HH%HQHILWV • 3HUVRQDO,QVXUDQFH • 1RQ7UXFNLQJ/LDELOLW\ ZZZEEWROHGRFRPȈ GJMLTD.COM 2266 · TOLEDOTOLEDO BUSINESSBUSINESS JOURNALJOURNAL · JJULYULY 22015015 HHEALTHCAREEALTHCARE HHEROESEROES Heroes Kenneth Bertka M.D., FAAFP, CPHIMS …Continued from page 25 For example, a Healthcare Hero Lifetime Achievement Award may be a healthcare professional who exemplifi es extraordinary quality and Chief Medical Officer and Vice President compassionate patient care; is break- Mercy Medical Partners ing new ground in the healthcare are- na through a new advancement, im- and Mercy Clinically Integrated Network provement of effi ciencies, or through a new initiative; is providing research While a senior at St. John’s Jesuit High School, Dr. and is on the cutting edge of clinical Kenneth Bertka spent a month volunteering in the emer- research to ultimately improve patient gency department at St. Luke’s Hospital. Being able to care; is an accomplished healthcare blend a love of science and service to others made medi- educator that is inspiring the next cine a natural choice for the Toledo native; the experi- generation of healthcare providers; is ence at St. Luke’s sealed his choice. a healthcare leader who exceeds all Four decades later, Dr. Bertka is a family physician expectations when it comes to infl u- who has cared for thousands of patients and their fami- encing growth and development of lies in the Toledo area. Dr. Bertka has spent 29 years in healthcare to meet the needs of the service to healthcare in Northwest Ohio, trying to keep a community; or is a healthcare provid- patient-centered focus and to do ordinary things in a more er making a meaningful contribution extraordinary way. to community health improvement, Besides continuing to provide direct patient care, Dr. Bert- including but not limited to increas- ka has held various leadership positions within family medicine ing access to healthcare for the low nationwide – including an elected position on the Board of Direc- income uninsured. tors of the American Academy of Family Physicians from 2007 to Sponsors for this year’s event in- 2010 – and for Mercy Health. He was Mercy’s fi rst Chief Medical clude: The Hospital Council of North- Information Offi cer, implementing the region’s fi rst computerized west Ohio; Shumaker, Loop & Ken- physician order entry system across the system’s four metro Toledo statewide. drick, LLP; Hylant Group; Gilmore, hospitals in 2004 and 2005. Dr. Bertka also has led the development of Mercy’s clinically Jasion & Mahler, LTD; and Tech- More recently, Dr. Bertka has been the physician lead for im- integrated network in northwest Ohio since 2013. The network of Solve. Toledo Business Journal is the plementation of the patient-centered medical home model of care more than 480 physicians and nurse practitioners promotes the In- media partner and Kristian Brown, across all Mercy primary care practices in Ohio and Kentucky. stitute of Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim – improving qual- 13ABC, is the host and emcee for the Mercy has more than 100 patient-centered medical home practices ity and patient service, improving the health of the community, and event. recognized by the NCQA, the largest number in any health system reducing the total cost of care. CONGRATULATIONS! You are each a winner, as your Congratulations to all the 2015 extraordinary service to the Candidates and Award Recipients. community sets you apart. SPONSORS: July 2015 · Toledo Business Journal · 27 To all our Healthcare Heroes: Your caring spirit inspires us all True heroes just do it. They don’t expect praise or recognition. They give every patient everything they’ve got every day. And they come back tomorrow to do it all again. Often these acts of heroism may seem to go unnoticed. So once a year we take this time to tell our heroes we did notice. We saw the hope you gave that patient who had given up. We saw you hold that patient’s hand in the middle of the night. We saw you take extra time to help that patient choose the course of treatment best for them. Congratulations to our 2015 heroes. You show us the best of what healthcare can be. You keep the promises we make to our patients. In you we see the care we all aspire to. Mercy is proud of all that our people do to make lives better here in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. mercy.com A Catholic healthcare ministry serving Ohio and Kentucky 3682TOLADV (6-15) 2288 · TTOLEDOOLEDO BUSINESSBUSINESS JJOURNALOURNAL · AAPRILPRIL 22015015 Brian Byrd © 2015 ProMedica Deputy Chief Toledo Fire & Rescue Department Toledo Fire & Rescue Depart- ment Deputy Chief Brian Byrd not only helps save lives on the job. He is raising awareness about prevent- able diseases and working to make sure African American men – who typically do not seek primary health- care for themselves – are getting health screenings. In 2013, Byrd established the African American Male Wellness Walk in Toledo to Congratulations to our help promote exercise, as well as encourage men to visit a doctor annually and “know their numbers.” Byrd coordinated 715 health screen- Toledo emergency communications opera- 2015 Healthcare Heroes! ings and analyzed the data to show results for tions; including 911-call taking and dispatch- blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, ing for both police and fi re. He also serves as Thank you for everything that you do to improve the health body mass index and other categories at last Lucas County Coordinator for the Ohio Fire and well-being of our communities. We are proud to have you year’s 5K walk/run event. Chiefs’ Emergency Response Plan; proxy for as a part of the ProMedica team. Byrd is chairman for this year’s African the Fire Chief on the Lucas County Emergency American Male Wellness Walk in Toledo, Medical Services Policy Board; and proxy for which is scheduled for August 15 and modeled the Fire Chief on the Lucas County Emergency after an event in Columbus. He also has been Communications Board. invited to speak in other cities about the To- Additionally, Byrd is involved in various ledo project as events are created nationwide. organizations and initiatives, including the Sal- More information about the National African vation Army Advisory Board; State of Ohio Iracema Arevalo, MD American Male Wellness Walk Initiative can Emergency Medical Services Board; Toledo be found at www.aawalk.org. Community Coalition, Quality of Life Task ProMedica Memorial Hospital As Deputy Chief of Emergency Medical Force; community Gang Violence Task Force; Services and Communications, Byrd provides and Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big oversight of all EMS operations and City of Sisters of Northwestern Ohio. M.Ed Kay Smith, CNM David Pollick ProMedica Bay Park Hospital Health Commissioner Sandusky County Health Department Howard Stein, MD Managing the Juvenile Cancer ProMedica Toledo Children’s Hospital Cluster Investigation in the Clyde area – all while working with dis- traught families whose children were sick or dying – has been the most challenging undertaking in David Pollick’s professional career. Having children he met pass away during the Suzette Valiton investigation
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