DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY NHS BOARD PUBLIC MEETING A meeting of the Dumfries and Galloway NHS Board will be held at 10am on 6th June 2016 in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries. AGENDA Time No Agenda Item Who Attached / Verbal 10.00am 39 Apologies L Geddes Verbal 10.00am 40 Declarations of Interest P Jones Verbal 10.05am 41 Previous Minutes P Jones Attached 10.10am 42 Matters Arising and Review of Actions List P Jones Attached QUALITY & SAFETY ASSURANCE 10.20am 43 Improving Safety, Reducing Harm E Docherty Attached 10.35am 44 Healthcare Associated Infection Report E Docherty Attached 10.50am 45 Equality & Diversity Update C Sharp Attached PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE 11.00am 46 Performance Report J White Attached 11.15am 47 LDP Submission 2016/17 J White Attached FINANCE & INFRASTRUCTURE 11.30am 48 Financial Performance Update K Lewis Attached PUBLIC HEALTH & STRATEGIC PLANNING 11.45am 49 Regional Planning Update J Ace Verbal 12noon 50 Public Health Governance M McCoy / Attached A Carnon GOVERNANCE 12.15pm 51 Board Agenda Matrix J Ace Attached 12.25pm 52 Board Dates 2016/17 – (September – March) J Ace Attached 12.30pm 53 Board Briefing J Ace Attached NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 1 of 2 Time No Agenda Item Who Attached / Verbal 12.35pm 54 Committee Minutes Committee Attached Area Clinical Forum – 23rd March 2016 Chairs Staff Governance – 25th January 2016 Healthcare Governance Committee – 14th March 2016 Person Centred Health & Care Committee – 8th February 2016 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 12.45pm 55 EU Referendum: Guidance on activities during L Geddes Attached the 28 days before the EU Referendum DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 20th June 2016 (Special Board) @ 1.30pm – 4pm in the New Boardroom, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries 1st August 2016 @ 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries 3rd October 2016 @ 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries 5th December 2016 @ 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries 6th February 2016 @ 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 41 DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY NHS BOARD NHS Board Meeting Minutes of the NHS Board Meeting held on Monday 4th April 2016 at 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4TG. Minute Nos: 1-32 Present Mr P N Jones - Chairman Mrs P Halliday - Vice Chair Mr J Ace - Chief Executive Mrs K Lewis - Director of Finance Mr E Docherty - Nurse Director Dr A Cameron - Medical Director Mrs M Cossar - Non Executive Member Mr R Allan - Non Executive Member Mrs G Cardozo - Non Executive Member Mr R Nicholson - Non Executive Member Mr J Beattie - Employee Director Apologies Dr L Douglas - Non Executive Member Ms L Bryce - Non Executive Member Ms G Stanyard - Non Executive Member Mrs J White - Chief Officer In Attendance Ms C Sharp - Workforce Director Ms M McCoy - Joint Interim Director of Public Health Mrs L Geddes - Corporate Business Manager Mrs L McKie - Executive Assistant (Minute Secretary) Mrs V Freeman - Acting Head of Strategic Planning Mrs T Saunderson - Senior Communications Officer 1. Chairman’s Welcome The Chairman welcomed Board Members to the NHS Board Meeting thanking other colleagues for their attendance. 2. Apologies for Absence Apologies as noted above. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 1 of 11 3. Declarations of Interest The Chairman asked members if they had any declarations of interest in relation to the items listed on the agenda for this meeting. It was noted that no declarations of interest were put forward at this time 4. Minutes of meeting held on 1st February 2016 The NHS Board approved the minute of the previous meeting held on 1st February 2016 as an accurate record, with no amendments. A discussion was held around the use of job titles or members names within future NHS Board meeting minutes. The Corporate Business Manager was asked to produce a minute template, which would give guidance on the level of detail, layout and use of names etc within minutes for all Board Committees and Board meetings. Action: Corporate Business Manager 5. Matters Arising NHS Board Members noted that no items were put forward for discussion against this item. 6. Involving People Improving Quality - Patient Experience Report The Nurse Director presented the Involving People Improving Quality - Patient Experience Report to Board Members, highlighting the Board’s performance at the end of Quarter 3 with a steady reduction in the number of complaints received throughout the year to date. It was noted that the Associate Medical Director would be undertaking a piece of work to improve the recording of patient experience information through the DATIX software. An audit has recently been undertaken on the Complaints Process currently in place within the Board. The report highlighted a number of recommendations to help enhance the existing service. A Short Life Working Group has been established to review the current system and to suggest changes that would mean an even more patient focussed service. A Non-Executive Member questioned the figures within the report around the complaints being acknowledged within a specific timeframe and asked for assurances to be provided on their accuracy. The Nurse Director advised that the figures were reflected within the internal audit report and were accurate at the time of reporting. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 2 of 11 Further discussions were held around the detail within the report around complaints and also progress made in regard to patient experience volunteers. The Nurse Director acknowledged the need to progress the volunteers programme as per the Volunteers Strategy and agreed to bring an update on this back to the next meeting. In regard to the complaints information, it was agreed to include a breakdown of the statistics within all future Patient Experience Reports for NHS Board. Action: The Nurse Director NHS Board members noted this report. 7. Healthcare Associated Infection Report The Nurse Director presented the Healthcare Associated Infection Report to NHS Board Members, highlighting a breaches have been identified against the local target for Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) and Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), however, from a national point of view the Board remains comparable with over Scottish NHS Boards. Concerns were raised in relation to challenges around meeting the national targets set for hand hygiene. Assurances were given to Board Members that work is being undertaken by the Infection Control Team to promote good hand hygiene across NHS Dumfries and Galloway and any areas of concern are highlighted and investigated at the earliest opportunity. A Non Executive Member asked if there would be a significant difference in the reported figures once the single rooms are introduced in the new hospital. The Chief Executive mentioned that evidence sought from other new hospitals showed that single rooms did help minimise infection. Board Members were reminded that they have an open invitation to attend Infection Control Committee meetings and should liaise directly with the Nurse Director for further information. The NHS Board noted the report. 8. Improving Safety Reducing Harm Significant Adverse Events The Nurse Director presented the Improving Safety Reducing Harm – Significant Adverse Events report to Board Members, highlighted that 15 adverse events had been reported between September 2015 and February 2016, 3 of which related to perinatal reviews and a further 4 related to suicide reviews. A discussion took place around the suicide statistics within the report, where it was noted that 6 suicides had been reported in the past 6 weeks, which is a significant increase from 2014/15 where only 7 suicides were reported in year. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 3 of 11 The Nurse Director agreed to report concerns from Board Members to the weekly meeting of the Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Group (QPSLG) for further discussion. Action: Nurse Director NHS Board members noted the report. 9. Register of Members’ Interests The Chairman presented the Register of Members’ Interests to Board Members, highlighting that the following amendments had been received from Gill Stanyard, NHS Board Member: Volunteer Clinical Psychotherapy Placement within Psychology Services at NHS Dumfries & Galloway. Volunteer at Dumfries carers Centre. Volunteer facilitator at the College of well-being and Recovery College, University of the West of Scotland. Student of Psychotherapy at the College of Holistic Medicine in Glasgow. Director of Blue Skies Venture. Consultant to the Penninghame Foundation in Newton Stewart. Member of the Institute of Directors. Member of the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy). The Corporate Business Manager was asked to make the above noted amendments to the register before it is published on the Boards external website. It was noted that although the Corporate Business Manager will review the Register on a six monthly basis, it was the responsibility for all NHS Board Members to highlight any changes to their interests at all other times throughout the year, to ensure transparency and the appropriate governance themes are maintained. NHS Board Members noted and confirmed the report. 10. Scheme of Delegation The Director of Finance presented the Scheme of Delegation to NHS Board Members, emphasising that as part of the governance and approval process for this document, the Audit and Risk Committee reviewed the document on 21st March 2016 and recommended approval to the Board. NHS Board Members approved the updated Scheme of Delegation. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 4 of 11 11. Scottish Parliament Election 2016: Guidance for NHS, Special and other Health Bodies The Chief Executive presented the Scottish Parliament Elections 2016: Guidance for NHS, Special and other Health Bodies report to Board Members, confirming that the guidance has been issued by Scottish Government for Board’s to adhere to during the period of purdah, from 24th March 2016 until the Scottish Parliament Election on 5th May 2016.
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