SECTION ONE ANK TER ONE VOLUME LXV, NO. 5. BED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 12 Rogers New Member Red Cross To Fill R.A.F. Pilots in Visit Of Ration Board Bicycle Regulations Fair Haven to Receive Richard J. Rogers, Sr., assessor of Large Quota Of the borough of Rumson, has been ap- •#>•; Red Bank Home pointed a member of the war price, Sought by Local Council Bayonne Evacuees and rationing, board to succeed Surgical Dressings Lelghton Lobdell, who resigned -last More Workrooms Return To Duty After Call On Red Bank' Body Seeks Co-operation to Be Established ' Borough Designated As Reception Mr. And Mrs. Frank Brand Of Nearby Municipalities Throughout County Center For 1,513 Persons •f- The-Red Bank borough council, In for tho-last time that can with com- •*•;• T-w© pilots in the Royal Air Fore a discussion on proposed bicycle reg- mercial, plates and without owner's Officials of the county Red Cross Fair Haven has been designated as —Ranald Bloor of. Bllston, Stafford- the reception center lor 1,518 per- ulations at a meeting'Monday night, namo and address plainly viBlble on have juBt received an appeal from 1 shite,'England) and H. R, Barron o First Baptist the United States Armed forces for Dr.A.AlfredPodell sons from Bayonne who will be sent decided to communicate with neigh- the tide.will be prosecuted under London—wero guests last Sunday o the atato law. • surgical dressings, and they are now ther* in the event that Bayonne Is the .former's cousin, Mrs. Marilyn R Church To Burn boring municipalities for the pur- . Mayor English said that he had busy establishing special workrooms evacuated. Brand, wife ot Frank Brand, ' pose" of obtaining their co-operation beeri[ asked by the USO financial for surgical dressing work in central To Enter Army The Fair Haven defense council Wharf avenue. In adopt Ion,.of uniform measures. campaign committee to ask local locations in all branch areas. All met Monday night, -with Frederick Pilot, Officer Bloor, son of Mr. am Its Mortgage Councilman Thomas M. Gopsill, mflrShaat/3 to reconsider their dona- volunteer workers of the various Next Thursday J. Burghard, chairman, presiding, - Mrs. Rowland Bloor, before jolnln, chairman of the police committee, tions to that-drive. Officials of the chapter branches are urged to con- and appointed Mrs. Joseph Hunter ' the-'service was a member of thi pointed out that with the revival of drive, ho said, had pointed out that tact branch production chairmen at captain of the womon's emergency police force of Staffordshire, E: Fitting Celebration bicycles aa a means ot transporta- 'ocal,. businessmen enjoyed the pat- once so that work on the quota may Will Be Commissioned drivers' corps. Eligible-drivers will route to America by boat he becam< tion because of gasoline and rubber ronage of servicemen from nearby be started immediately. be Instructed In roadsldo repair, ' blackout and convoy duty, and must acquainted with Mr. Barron an< to Be Held Sunday rationing, Increased trafflo hazards army; poatB and should be aa liberal Mrs, Howard Strauss of Shrews- As Captain at Camp both•'. have been fast friends eve: have arisen. Mayor Charles R. Eng- aa possible In their contributions. have had at.least ten hours ot first Night at the Church bury, recently appointed surgical aid instruction. elnois.. ;.; ••;•:' '., lish and Mr. Gopsill agreed that Dr,^ Edwin Osten was named ^o re- dressing chairman ot the chapter, Is Picketf, Virginia The two. officers underwent train' cyclists should conform with regula- place Dr. Stanley Wllklns as bor- directing the establishment ol work- It was) announced that no mock ing kt.MaxweH field ^t Montgomery tions regarding lights, tall reflectors, ough fire department physician. The rooms. In speaking of the need she air raids or drills will be called tin- 1 First Baptist church of Red Bank etc. Dr. A. Alfred Ppdell.'of 51 East lesa permission has been granted by Alabama, and won thplr wings there has mailed a-very Interesting letter latter was granted a leave of ab- stated that this quota is one of the They. have , been • assigned as In The clerk was instructed to get in sence in order' to accept a commis- largest ever handled by the chapter, Front street, well known physician, tho Army. A school for reconnais- ; to aU the members and friends of has been commissioned as a captain sance agents will be established and structofs ai .the field and after the church telling of an important touch with the governing bodies «f sion In the Army Medical Corps. and the requeBt as a "great emerg- trip to Montreal, during which the; Fair Haven, RUmson, Little Silver, ency demand for surgical dressings In the Medical Cbrps of the Army of two men will be trained to know the service that will be held in the ,3 Exempt firemen papers were various types of bombs and their made the;stop-off at Red Bank,havi Shrewsbury borough and township* granted to William McKnlght and for the country's armed forces." the United States. He is leaving for church Sunday,.July 26, at 7:30 p. m. RICHARD'J. ROGERS, SR. active duty at Camp Plckett, Vir- method of operation. returned to Alabama. ' The letter begins with these words, and Mlddletown township. .; Vernort I>ey, members of Weatalde Mrs. Strauss stated, "The work on hose company. ginia, next Thursday, July 30.- Word has been reeoivad that the During their visit to this' dectio: "Lot mo Introduce you to Old Man week becauso of ill health. Mr. Lob- Councilman Gopsill also warned surgical dressings has been decen- state defense council has Issued spe- they, were entertained at thoRacquo Mortgage," A picture.of an old man dell recently underwent an operation tralized so all women In the county cial armbands for utility repair and .Tennis, cjub, Club 21 and othei making an entry In a great book at a New York city hospital. may participate In this necessary crews and newspaper reporters New York.cluba and places of «n called "First Baptist Church Mortg- Edwin D. Bransome and Frederick work which Is of primary Importance which aro to be recognized by all tertnlnment. and wore guests at i ago Account" holds the reader's at- H. Douglas will continue to serve on in the Red Cross service to. the Unit- air raid wardens. dinner given by, Mw.\ Herbert Leh. tention the moment the letter. IB the board and have not resigned as Merchants Trust Teller ed States armed forces. National Red Crosa officials consider the Mon- Landlords will be required to reg- mahj wife of the governor of New opened. The- letter goes on to say, was reported, it was stated by the ister their rental unite a^the Wil- York, at her Park avenue home. "He has just made the Loat entry borough clerk, Albert A. Kerr, Jr. mouth County chapter so active and efficient that it Is sending an official low street school from August 3 to Mrs, Brand waB unaware that he: in the book and Is about to close It. 7, inclusive, from 1 to 8 p. m. Volun- cousin was to visit her and the, a: Identifies Bank Crook instructor to give a two-day course If he does not look any too happy, in surgical dressings." teers will oervo as registrars, and will well as her mother, Mrs. Enocl at least that Is not the way we feel. Dutch Playground assist In filling out registration Davles of Montreal, who was visit- Wo Are Happy About the Whole Mrs. Herbert D. Wright, county forms. Rental units include houses ing her and Mr. Brand, were sur- Thing and We Are Going to Cele- chairman of volunteer special ser- new rented, or to be rented, apart- prised and delighted. Curing dinne brate. ., ' To Be A Feature At Fred O. Comstock Picks Out vice, has sent notices to branch ments or available rooms. This Is It was remarked that three greal chairmen notifying them of the new In order to effect a celling, price On First BaptlBt Church has Just paid as countries engaged la the war on thi quota. In her notice she stated that rents of March 1. the'last oent of a $7,000 mortgage. Asia, namely: tb,ei -United States, Notorious Swindler each month the quotas will be In- This Is cause for rejoicing and we United Victory Fair All predatory bird and animal per- England and" Canada, were repre- creased, and that It is very import- Intend to do a bit of it Sunday even- mits must bear the signature of the sented at the .table. ' , George C, Nickersoh of Boston, ant that all branch members start ing at 7:30 p. m,' chairman of the defense council be- Tho two young officers were de Novel Benefit August 15 Bought -by authorities in several work at once. The coat of the work- fore they can became effective, it For a great many years the church Red Cross Branch states for mailbox thefts,' forgery rooms, equipment, upkeep, findings lighted with-Red. Bank and its In- ; was announced. habitants and' expressed the hop- has had this mortgage,.upon-it • but to Aid Red Cross—Plan and Opening fake checking accounts, such as bags, tapes and other items, Attending Monday'a meeting were that they might be able later ti now It is fteeand olear of every cent -was erreated at Long Branch last will be the responsibility of the Mr. Burghard, Edgar V. Denise, AT-, of Indebtedness through tho splendid To Open Surgical weekend positively identified by branches.
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