HOTBLa. tfOTKLO. llt.TH * IIOTr.I.H. _I uoTrxa. Broadw.y, 73d to 74th Street, pPSEfDOWNTOWN HOTEL MAJESTIC Overloolung the Hadson River Fronting Central Park at The HOTEL ANSONIA U 17 itoriea high, Its H'est 72nd St. Gateway AlfitTafJr^ la open on all four Bldra and every room u which an outalde room. We have a .'cw rnrdiutn SPE.ND the winter montha in a luxurioua auite in thia Two hoteli possess and largr slxe houaekeeping apurtntrnti auit- magnificent hotel. Get away from the carea of every requirement of the person able for familifa or for partiea of buairant men wiahing to live together, which will be houaekeeping. with inclinations toward modern rented by thV year or for the aeaaon unfur. Antwer the living problem by residing In thil refmed environ¬ conveniences and comfortable nished o'r fully furnlsh»*d, with or without ment. full hutrl aervice, Including electrlc ligtit Since leasing this property, a vear and a half ago, Mr. Copeland life. and artirliiiil rt-frigrratlon, thua ertabling |.«. Towniend has esuMnhed a hlghly desirable patronage, and the Eaeh hotel aims at supremacy tron» to have their ineala aervrd from the hotel is tnjoying the greatest prosperity in its history. b Hotel in their own private dlning-rootm W1* comfort. in service. with Get the habit of a bracing walk around the lakes and reservoir Si'iwn great in the park before breakfast. Eaeh hotel preient* accom- We tti«- have a limlted numlier of non- The Hurricane Deck on the roof (open until cool weather be- furniture the The watchword of the BELL.E- "t a m » housekeeplng apartmenta af two and three gins) is the mou delightful place to modations and equa raaaaa with private bath, whii;h will he and dance a hot summer CLAIRE ia PREPAREDNESS.- leMae or for the dine away of which is found only in the to rented on yearly v««m, evening. The famous Hawaiian keeping everything up the either unfurninhi'd or fully furnlshed, with of Look: Lilten" finest and most exclusive character. to \*f*e./J Band. lately 'Stopi homes of minute, alwaya ready give full hotel service. / '"~~- '' Pl- which offers ihe finest Eaeh hotel has a restaurant in connection gueata the beat aervice. Our rentala are moderate and our aervice U the market affords, by masters in the art of cooking. No matter how much praiae of the higbest order. prepared for The ratea are exceedingly reasonable and monthly and yearly we receive from gueata giv- Our cuisine Is dainty, the prices reasonable, and them fine roomi, good food, we make a spccialty of servlng Club brrakfuti concessions are made. ing In the and an all-around aatiafactory or breukfasta a la carte apartrnenti with. district.one is located in extra for aervice. One is convenient to the downtown service, nevertheleaa. it ia our de- out charge the residential district. Eaeh is in a class by itself. aire TO DO MORE FOR THEM. A complete Turkiah Bath and Hydro-Therapy to J'stnblUhinent is now in operation, Including a Investigate or write for particulars. Consequently we prepare well equipped Gyinnasium and a very large Swlrn- do better by them than they ex¬ ining I'ool, the water In which is purlfted by the R. MANAGER pect or demand.i. e., the roomi lltra Violet Rays and constantly Wing changed. CLAUDE NOTT, of condition The Hotel is situated two blocks from Rivcralde are kept in the pink Drive and Central Park, and the Subway Kxpreai all of the time. and money ia Station and all surface car lines and the Rlveralde liberally expended for thia pur- buhi-s are at our door. HOTEL pose. In the kitchen. methods and LONGACRE equipment are improved con- 47TH ST. OFF BROADWAY stantly, for, after all ia said and A Moil Coareaieal Locatioa. done, it ia THERE the founda- Tlir l.r»t Milur In X>a turk, IhiIIi In .. unil , -,K.xirii* Hratiiuri4.it. tion of a good hotel ia built. ,.*. 150 Roobi witk private aata aad ikower .. $1.50 a real home hotel as £>l gnoreto 100 Rooat. with private batk aad ikower... $2.00 particularly ^otel Hotel Bretton Hall the BELLECLA1RE ia. TO Special rates for conven- There are some suites yet to be at 72d Street. 3T. Broadway BROADWAY SS tion parties. rented for the season or by the HOTEL The rate URCEST 4 MOST ATTRACTIVE UPTOWN pp.. year. regular prevails "Tone and Acceaaibility.'' for suites rented the week or Station at Door by Subway for six montha and only a slight Hotel Laurelton A corner. The hub of uptown tranaportation New York a s auperb AU the AdvanUgei of tha Beat diacount is allowed for year Park and Hudaon River. Hotak at Ona-Third Leu Priea 147-149 WEST 55TH STREET, lease. This custom prevails at facilitiea. Midway between Central City A naw atandard of excellence cre¬ SPEC1AL SUMMER RATES FOR EITHER ONE OR Just eaat of Seventh Avenue. the BELLECLA1RE becauae of TWO PERSONS. NDrV-MODERN-REFlNED SURROUNDINCS AND BEALTI- the conviction that all guests are ated by many coatly trnprovementa. entitled to receive equal privi- tha Winter or Room with bath. $2. $2.50 and $3 day. FLUY FL'RMSHED. TRANSILNT RATES Ideal home for privatc leges at equal prices. tha Cuiaine and at- Parlor bedroom and bath. $3.50 lo $5 day Sinele Roob. aad batk.$2.00 Favoritism in granting leaaes. throughout year. DESIRABLE APARTMENTS Doabli Roobi and batk.$3.00 tendance unaurpaaaed for a aelect AiSO EXCEPT10NA11Y Two Roobi aad batk.$4.00 making large reductions in some FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. UNDER YEARLY inatances and forcing higher clientele. Summer ratea for tram- LEASE. FROM 2 to 6 ROOMS. WITH 1,2 or 3 BATHS. J. G. BOGGS, Proprietor. pricea in other inatancea.in aient gueata. other worda, running a leaae J. HULL DAVIDSON, bargain eounter.is not a part of the BELLECLAIRE system. Manager. The BELLECLAIRE plan is to HOTEL ARLINGTON f\x prices on an equable, just 25TH STRliET, NEAR BROADWAY. HOTEL basis, all along the line, so that MOST CESTRALLY LOCATED. # SHERMAN SQUARE the yearly returns, by keeping the Hotel to LOW MONTHLY RATES. BROADWAY (BLOCK FRONT), 70th T0 71rt ST. running capacity, Manhattan Souare Hotel will us a reasonable net Room, run'g- water, uae bath fS0.00 up fflL give 45.00 h 5CK58 WEST 77TH3TREET Room, private bath. up Expreaa aubway atation at the door. profit. FIREPROOF Parlor, bedroom and bath. .. 70.00 up want to live in a hotel ABSOLUTELY If you Opposite beautiful Manhattan Squart WEEKLY RATES. MOST COIW^IiiNT LOCATION UP TOWN where care ia taken as to who Park and Museum of Natural History; half Room, run'g watar, uae bath. 18.00 up shall be its block from entrance to Central Park. Ideal bath. 10.50 up guests.where prices Room, private are uniform.then come and location.quiet, refined, dignitied and u- Parlor, bedroom and bath... 18.00 up Unfurniahed Apartmenta of any number of lect family hotel. Convenient toeverythinj. Wilr. 810 50 perton per xcetk nnd out for yourself just how MraU, per roomi and now leaaed from or addtd to the abovt rtifrg. arrangement being fairly this business ia operated Yearly L^aaea on Fi.irruahed October 1. by the year or longer. and how complete is its servcie. Urifurruahad Apartmenta. Also weekly or transient rates. Alao Furniahed Suitea for the aeaaon. ROBERT D. BLACKMAN. Modarata Summer Ratea Naw ia Effect. Two roomi and bath for one or two VV. VV. WYCKOFF, Manager. persons, »2.S0 per day and up. HOTEL IMPERIAL Superior restaurant a la carte, club _IHOTEL breakfast. Broadway and 32nd Street *>.. ta GEO. W. O'HARIL, Manager. Xearer to Everything Than Anything. Eatire Bleck, 7tk Avaaaa, 124lk to 600 Roorna, Singlatr Ea Suita 125181 Streeti. Sinaje Roomfl.$1.50 par day up Very Acceuiblfl Prkfli Modergte up Within a few mlnuteg' waik of With bath.$2.50 par day N Y. Central Kallroad 8tatlon. One block fr.'ni 'I.'' an.l Subway. loaparial Home Dinner Sarvad Daily all 6 to 9 P. $1.00 eovar. Surface care anl M'jb line to M., par pointa at door. ¦^?i FAMILY AND TRANSIENT WILLARD D. R0CKEFELLER, ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Manager. ALL 0UTS1DE ROOMS KeUllerKUi>r water *. 8lnale room wilh runnlnf 'CPPOSiTt 3RN'AnT atvUK. l70Waai74ih.St. an.l a.ime with ahower.11.50 m Sinfle room with bath. J.oO Paris MARGARET bath (for two per- fo^v, ciass ADVFRTISKMKNTH. AIIVERTIBKMKNT*. Room with 747.4? onlv ni(h class R7%4 97 Columbia HaighU, Brooklya gong). ,"° NewYork" IUT>:rt MOXTII or BEA«ON A£'& French Within t alotia'i throw of tht hirhor. Mfl Bl'tXUL B Restaumnta^\ >lanuft'« almlowg ihow tl.a full Lgnorimg I Unfurnished Intheheartof MIl .,f .Inpa thal paaa M an,t out of tl.a port room on ^%, _<JMrik*nifo IlEMOUNT bull.lli.1 li a dallghlful aoiarlum Dlnlng A.op tha and ByTrasYear Iwelfth floor. a^-Pi Khrrrour guaaU rgn enjuy tlie aunalilnt '>M^ri iDTleoraiini ."¦ "BB . !*¦ «' *u ,h" ."*' Moat Ilellfhtfullr theClty YOUR "^P^ Tur Bill*» around. Tl.a flninclgj diatrict parfactly arrondfod ( mll. Buperb "', in I, jual gcruaa the Tlrtr. Apartmanta N.Y. rii-enery. aaaaaaL. Fall in Ila.aa ara fgmnmly low. Itoar.l 81.1.50 The lateit Stylea DIAMOND ner week. room with bath (two ~ DREJSSES, COATS. SUITS. Larga llreakfaat. 50ri for paraona), $4S par month; two Pvr Annum I iini-h, 50ei SK1RTS. eipecially adapted roomi with bath, $60. At 72 rtdSt. Subvyay Dinner. fll.on. .THE- with self-ad- (Julrt raflnrmai.t.
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