• - '.'.'• ANE TEE. (isosd Wasklr. jaunt aa BerooeXriau Hattn at ttn Post* VOLUME XLVl olBu at Bel Bank. N. j, nooer the Art of March Id, 1BTS. Rfc) BANK.N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29,192b. • J&1.50 PER YEAR.\ , '- PAGES 1 WILL OF WM. T.SHERMAN SMASHED AND PAID FOR. PARTY FOR RUMSON GIRL; MBttBinnh Sttftt Ralfrowd—Omttr HJS HORSE TAKEN AWAY. MIDDLETOWN'S BUSINESS. liina Tea Set Presented to—Milt BAND BECOMES POPULAR. MERCHANT FINED Broken in Accident. DETOIJR OFFICIALLY HHED BY RED BANKER'S ESTATE LEFT. WILLIAM VALLEAU LOSES HIS UBLIC MATTERS ACTED ON Emma L, Dixon at a Luncheon. EATONTOWN MUSICIANS WON 1 Early Thursday morning before JTOREKEEPER SOLD I0DINB % •\ HIGHWAY COMMISSION. TO HIS WIDOW. FAITHFUL, BESSIE. LAST THURSDAY NIGHT. Miss Emma L. Dixon of Rumson, FAME AND MAKE MONEY. daylight, George Williams, a col- »ho will wed Werner E. Whipple AND CAMPHORATED.OIL. ")' Mlddlolown OflUWi Grant Permls. After the DeatiToif Mrs'. Sherman ored resident- of Harrison, avenue, The Society for the Prevention of Leooardo Man Complains—Safe fo . Laceville, ^Pennsylvania, • on 'hey Care a Series of Concerts at ilbert E. Langford Did Not Knot**' •Ion" for Uie of Tramp Hollow Residue is te Ge to Their Three applied the brakes on his automo Cruelty to Animals Took It Away be Moved^New Fire' Warden— une 10th, was the guest of honor Various Schoolhouiei, the Most He^at Violating the Law When l f. * Fron»,JStreet for tjetour, lo Daughter. lowered'at the railroad crossing on of Butinesa for Eight Dayi. ' Improvements for Ocean View, last Wednesday at noontime by Neck Last Week. by Inspectors Last November. William T. Sherman, who was in Monmouth street. Mr. Williams > - Permission was granted last William Valleau of Red Bank At the meeting of the Middtctown Miss Minnie Commes at her "parti' Crescent band of Eatontown has Albert E. Langford, a storekeeper i Thursday night by the 'Middletown the hay and feed business at Red was driving east. The brakes did bought a horse yesterday and re- township committee last Thursday hoppe" on Linden place. The ieen much in demand of late at ;• Belford, was fined $100 last township committee. to the .state Bank for many years, executed his not work quick enough. 'The au- sumed his express and carting busi- night a letter was read from Henry :olor scheme was pink and white. 'arious villages and during the past 'ednesday, by Judge WardKromep, [highway commission to uie the will a year ago last May, He left tomobile, crashed through one of ness after having been unable to Niedmeyer of Leonardo. It stated n the center of the table was a wo weeks it has cleared a tidy sum the use of. his estate to his wife, : the Asbury P.ajk district court • Tramp Hollow road, Hubbard ave- the gates and Mr. Williams found carry it on for- eight days. The that the Atlantic Highlands gas ihiptwo feet long made of paper of money by Igiving concerts. At Mary Elizabeth Sherman, for the :cause he sold a bottle of jodlno • ,,nue at River Plaza and West Front himself and his car on the,tracks reason Mr, Valleau had to buy the company had torn, up the road In •QSO petals and inside of the ship each of these performances a short "street west of Hubbard's bridge rest of her life. After the death of nd a bottle of camphorated oil, * with a locomotive rapidly bearing horse and go out of business eight front of his House to put down pipe ,vas a luster China tea set of 21 entertainment was given by Eaton- while'the new Cpoper's bridge Is be- Mrs. Sherman the residue of the es- Jnder one of the statoiaws no onn down o|i him. Mr. Williams re- days was because the society for the and had left tho road in bad condi- pieces, which was presented to Miss town folks, in addition" to the music. ing; built. It was stated thai the tate Is to go to his grandchildren, prevention of cruelty to animals iut a registered pharmacist can soil alized that his .only hopo was to tion. Mr. Niedmeyer said in his let- Dixon as a wedding gift from the The first of these affairs outside of work of building the new bridge Florence, Caroline and Denise drive his car with sufficient speed took hjs horse Bessio away from ter that he had complained to the pods'of. this kind. Mr. Langfoid guests. The ship was made by Miss atontpwn was given at the Port ;ot thirty cents for tho two bottle* 7would be started tarly in May and Baird-1 of Freehold. Mr. Sherman's to crash through the ga£e on the him, which he had been using for company ibout tho road and that a Commes. Pink and white rose nut tMt the job would require about a son-in-law, Ira Baird, and W. Roy oppoilta side of the crossing. Ho his business. representative of the company told tlqnmouth schoolhouse. - Another vhich ho sold. Ho did -not appear' cups were given as souvenirs. va3 given last Wednesday night at court last Wednesday. He stated iyear to complete. .-•••,--. ,-.--•- White of Little Silver were appoint- acted accordingly and got across An agent for the society with the him that it was up to the township ed executors of .'the will?:-, 'flfh'e wlt> 1 These were also made by Miss 'armingdale. The band .shared the afterwards that he forgot about th« -:k Jlhe'reSidenU of River Plaza, wan'tf just in,'time to escape .the • loco- long name inspected Bessie and said to fix the road.. Clerk Howard W. lommes. A luncheon was served sidewalks put. down on Hubbard nesses were Alston Beekman and Roberts^ was instructed to inform irOflta'with a Farmingdale organi- matter. motive. • the animal was run down and need- by the Hoffmire sisters. The guests Jawnue and oh W«>st Front itrtet in Esther H. Lamb. , /? , • Mr. Williams went to police; headr ed arrest.. The agent said he would the company that it must put the :ation and each party in the transac- Mr.' Langford has had a good deal "order to insure safety for pedestri- '• Mrs. Hannah C. Miller of Asbury road back in as good condition as it .were Mr3.' Roy Smith, Mrs. Howard ;ion realized $72. 1 quarters and reported that he had put the .horse on a rest farm for Ely, Miss Ethel "Moagi Misses Anna 'on his mind" of late, as tho-bayTng" ans while the detour is In use. None Park divided her .estate- among her broken the gates/ He said he was two months or so and then return was before the pipe were put down. The most recent of these enter- iocs. His, ^yife has been very sick :;,of -the detour roads we an' wide as five children in a will she made In and Hilda Merigold, MIBS Jennie tainments -was at the Colt's Neck perfectly willing to pay for tho it'to -Mr. Valleau if the', horse got George W. Bray of Red Bank Trubin and Miss Del Morlatt, Miss ind he. himself has baroly recovered the-Atate'highway and It Is feared 1894., She left f 100.to her daugh- 1 stronger. Mr. Valleau protested owns the building where the com- schoolhouse last Friday night, when from serious injuries which he re«> ter, Caroline' W. Hass of Hackcn- damage done. The matter was Dixon is employed at I. J. Trubin's ''that acctdeiits will occur,, if folks taken up with the railroad com- that he did not think; the horse need- mittee meets. The building is di- iear!y 200 persons were present in :cived a fow weeta ago v,hen he,' (Jfliva-, to walking the roads.; The sack; $60 to her son, Albert 0. store on Broad street The Wed- spite of the fact that there were pany and two new gates were soon ed-special treatment or special rest. vided into two parts by a partition iing will take pl?ce at the home •vas burned by a live-.electric wire< townBhlp^ommltteomon claim, that' Miller of Englewood? I860 to her He said he thought the horse was and. the committee ,now meets in ither attractions the same night in ijt-<:.h'.up;t«'. the:state highways com- daughter; Either'C, Miller of As- at the crossing, Mr.: Williams met of the bride-to-be. The couple -will :n suffering this injury Mr. LaiSgJ the expense-, which amounted to all right... ' the rear part instead of the front neighboring towns and villages. The ford saved the life of Fred Apcl, a mission to lay .sidewalks and-they bury Park, and the rest of the es- live at Laceyville. and played five selections, which f25. ;. -. _ ^ ._ " •/•• The agent replied that the horse part, where meetings were held for Belfdrd boy, who had grVobcd a l|ve .said they would take up this matter tate to her sonB, Frank M, and Taul- several years. In the front part of •were - greatly appreciated,' as was N»ith the* highway commission after man Miller of Aib'ury Park, in equal needed a rest and without further wire. Mr. Langford pulled tin y the buildings is a large safe weigh- CHURCH'S GOOD YEAR. shown by the applause. George "learning from the River Plaza folks share*. ::-'~ •-•v-v . ' • • ado he unhitched it from the wagon, wire out of the boy's hands." In INSPECT FEDERAL" BANK. " jumped astride it and rode away. ng about three tons, which is owned Kuegler and George Britton played spite of the fact that-Mr.
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