Tulane University Legislative Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015 LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITY DISTRICT NOMINATING LEGISLATOR Aguillard April A. Opelousas Representative District 45 Joel Robideaux Aucoin Zachary T. Morgan City Senate District 21 R.L. "Bret" Allain Bacon Mallory T. Alexandria Senate District 29 Rick Gallot Baker Tucker J. Alexandria Representative District 24 Frank Howard Ball Gabrielle A. Covington Representative District 98 Neil Abramson Berger Michelle L. Hammond Representative District 73 Steve Pugh Binder Kelsey M. Mandeville Representative District 89 Timothy Burns Black Zannie D. Prairieville Representative District 58 Edward Price Bolton Christopher Shreveport Representative District 6 Thomas Carmody Boothe Colton G. Ruston Representative District 12 Robert Shadoin Bourgeois Shelby L. Paulina Senate District 18 Jody Amedee Bowers Jacob D. Baton Rouge Representative District 66 Hunter Greene Buisson Collin S. Metairie Representative District 93 Helena Moreno Burkhardt Robert J. Breaux Bridge Representative District 46 Mike Huval Cacamo Cory P. Kenner Senate District 10 Daniel Martiny Campbell Caroline K. Baton Rouge Representative District 69 Erich Ponti Chadha Jaypreet S. Dequincy Representative District 34 A.B. Franklin Champagne Ethan P. Carencro Representative District 39 Stephen Ortego Chen Judy La Place Senate District 19 Gary Smith Chike. Obinna C. Baton Rouge Representative District 67 Patricia Smith Clement Callie E. Iowa Representative District 37 John Guinn Clouatre Miriam K. Brusly Senate District 17 Rick Ward Conlay Madison F Natchitoches Representative District 22 Terry Brown Cordell Robert V. Baton Rouge Representative District 68 Stephen Carter Cuccia Andrea G. Houma Representative District 53 Lenar Whitney Dace Larry New Orleans Representative District 100 Austin Badon Damico Elaine M. Belle Chasse Representative District 105 Christopher Leopold Dang Jessica T. Larose Representative District 55 Jerome Richard Daniels Sonja M. Alexandria Representative District 25 Lance Harris Dauzat Ballie D. Cottonport Representative District 28 Robert Johnson Davison Nicholas W. Prairieville Representative District 102 Jeffery Arnold Delahaye Caroline M. Plaquemine Representative District 60 Karen St. Germain Derouen Tatiana J. Lake Charles Representative District 36 Chuck Kleckley Doolin Kelleen B. Shreveport Representative District 4 Patrick Williams Doolin Liam B Shreveport Senate District 38 Sherri Smith Buffington Dubriel David Baton Rouge Representative District 101 Edward James Emetuche Chinonso O. New Orleans Representative District 97 Jared Brossett Eymard Trever J. Cut Off Senate District 20 Norby Chabert Falgoust Briar L. Des Allemands Representative District 20 Steven Pylant Flynn Trevor R Baton Rouge Senate District 14 Yvonne Dorsey‐Colomb Fontenot Anne E. Lafayette Representative District 49 Simone Champagne Frith Marron E. Lake Providence Representative District 21 John Anders Gallion Calvin Natchitoches Representative District 23 Kenny Cox Gambel Sara L. Hammond Senate District 6 Mack "Bodi" White Goorley Gina M. Shreveport Representative District 7 Richard Burford Granger Kathleen E. San Pedro Senate District 30 John Smith Graves Desmond L. Geismar Senate District 2 Troy Brown Grimsley Bailey M. Lafayette Senate District 24 Elbert Guillory 9/25/2014 Page 1 of 3 Tulane University Legislative Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015 LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITY DISTRICT NOMINATING LEGISLATOR Guice Kelsie Monroe Representative District 19 Charles Chaney Guidry Bradley T. Berwick Representative District 50 Sam Jones Hagmann Joseph B. Baton Rouge Representative District 33 Mike Danahay Hall Lauren E. Baton Rouge Senate District 15 Sharon Weston Broome Hancock Trace A. Benton Senate District 36 Robert Adley Hazlett‐Hutton Jenna New Orleans Representative District 91 Walt Leger Hebert Ryan F. Plaquemine Representative District 88 John Berthelot Hitchens Sheldon R. Deridder Representative District 30 James Armes Honeywell Katherine D. New Orleans Representative District 78 Kirk Talbot Hopkins Rachael A. Baton Rouge Representative District 29 Regina Barrow Ingalls Samuel C. Mandeville Senate District 11 Jack Donahue Jambon Jack F. Galliano Representative District 54 Jerry Gisclair Johnson Jared S. New Orleans Senate District 5 Karen Carter Peterson Johnson Katherine M. Arnaudville Senate District 22 Fred Mills Jones Jennifer E. Lake Charles Senate District 27 Ronnie Johns Joseph Jeffrey J. Lake Charles Senate District 25 Dan Morrish Joseph Jensine K. Hammond Representative District 86 Christopher Broadwater Joseph Jordy W. New Iberia Representative District 96 Terry Landry Joyce Emily C. Slidell Senate District 1 A.G. Crowe Kaiser Earl A. Harvey Senate District 8 John Alario Keith Thomas C. Prairieville Senate District 12 Ben Nevers King Victoria L. Greensburg Representative District 95 Sherman Mack Klagholz Katherine E. Monroe Senate District 35 Robert Kostelka Laborde David C. Lafayette Senate District 23 Page Cortez Lacourrege Kelsey E. Slidell Representative District 90 Greg Cromer Landry Mark A. New Iberia Representative District 48 Taylor Barras Laurent Arielle Marrero Senate District 3 Jean‐Paul Morrell Lavergne Sylvie A. Alexandria Representative District 26 Herbert Dixon Lawhorne Sarah D. Bossier City Representative District 8 Jeff Thompson Leblanc Bethany R. New Roads Representative District 18 Major Thibaut Lemoine Andrew J. Dry Prong Representative District 27 C. Lowell Hazel Lormand Amelia Lafayette Representative District 44 Vincent Pierre Macmurdo James B. Baton Rouge Representative District 40 Ledricka Thierry Madden Patrick A. Metairie Representative District 80 Joseph Lopinto Mahfouz Michael D. Marksville Senate District 28 Eric LaFleur Majeste Andrew E. Shreveport Representative District 9 Henry Burns Manning Alia U. Crowley Representative District 42 Jack Montoucet Marcotte Benton C. Shreveport Representative District 5 Alan Seabaugh Martinez Daniel J. New Orleans Representative District 82 Cameron Henry Mayers Reece B. Denham Springs Representative District 64 Valarie Hodges McLean Patrick A. Baton Rouge Representative District 65 Barry Ivey Miguez April M. Metairie Senate District 9 Conrad Appel Morton Michael A. La Place Representative District 57 Randal Gaines Navejar Natasha M. Westlake Representative District 35 Brett Geymann Nesom Wyatt Oakdale Representative District 32 Dorothy Sue Hill Newsom Avery West Monroe Senate District 34 Francis Thompson Ortego Josh R. Covington Representative District 104 Paul Hollis Pass Matthew B. Shreveport Senate District 37 Barrow Peacock 9/25/2014 Page 2 of 3 Tulane University Legislative Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015 LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITY DISTRICT NOMINATING LEGISLATOR Poche Ryan O. Erath Senate District 26 Jonathan Perry Pontiff Olivia L. Baton Rouge Representative District 70 Franklin Foil Pritchard Ruston L. Chalmette Representative District 103 Raymond Garofalo Qayyum Zaib T. Monroe Representative District 16 Katrina Jackson Ratcliff Ellie E. Minden Representative District 10 H. Eugene Reynolds Ray James A. New Orleans Senate District 13 Dale Erdey Raymond Noelle K. Destrehan Representative District 56 Gregory Miller Raynal Gregory B. Belle Chasse Senate District 7 David Heitmeier Reed Reagan D. Covington Representative District 75 Harold Ritchie Rhinehart Diondra M. New Orleans Senate District 4 Edwin Murray Richard Rachael C. Kenner Representative District 79 Julie Stokes Richardson Ashley N. Saint Francisville Representative District 62 Kenny Harvard Ricou Justin B. Shreveport Representative District 1 James "Jim" Morris Rogers Hannah M. Amite Representative District 72 John Bel Edwards Romero Rachel E. Harvey Representative District 83 Robert Billiot Saxon Sean M. Baton Rouge Representative District 74 Scott Simon Scheuermann Nataly L. New Orleans Representative District 51 Joe Harrison Schmidt Brandon P. Lafayette Representative District 43 Stuart Bishop Schoen Elizabeth B. Covington Representative District 77 John Schroder Schulenberg Alyssa M. Baton Rouge Senate District 16 Dan Claitor Sibley Alexander M. Covington Representative District 71 J. Rogers Pope Smith Jane M. West Monroe Representative District 14 John "Jay" Morris Smith William L. Baton Rouge Representative District 63 Dalton Honore Soileau Marvin H. Springhill Representative District 11 Patrick Jefferson Stone Eleanor C. Baton Rouge Senate District 32 Neil Riser Sturdivant Stephanie A. West Monroe Representative District 15 Frank Hoffman Tarpley Malia L. Pollock Representative District 92 Tom Willmott Tauhid Lamiya Lafayette Representative District 31 Nancy Landry Theriot Jacob R. Rayne Representative District 41 Mickey Guillory Thompson Tevin M. Gonzales Representative District 59 Eddie Lambert Thurmon Ryan T. Monroe Senate District 33 Mike Walsworth Trahan Blair E. Hackberry Representative District 47 Bob Hensgens Trettin Katherine A. Monroe Representative District 17 Marcus Hunter Trudeau Jett T. Shreveport Representative District 2 Roy Burrell Varnado Keyana F. New Orleans Representative District 99 Wesley Bishop Vidrine Carl J. Slidell Representative District 38 H. Bernard LeBas Villarrubia Eliane M. New Orleans Representative District 84 Patrick Connick Wadleigh Marshall S. Pearl River Representative District 76 Kevin Pearson Walker Isabel O. New Orleans Representative District 94 Nicholas Lorusso Warren Christopher T. Jonesboro Representative District 13 James Fannin Weir Matthew E. Baton Rouge Representative District 61 Alfred Williams Williams Trinity Shreveport Senate District 39 Gregeory Tarver Wolfe Ryan J. Belle Chasse Representative District 85 Bryan Adams Yerrapragada Sirish Bossier City Representative District 3 Barbara Norton Yesso Abigail M. Houma Representative District 52 Gordon Dove Zeichner Sidney B. Natchitoches Senate District 31 Gerald Long Zhou Wanwei A. La Place Representative District 81 Clay Schexnayder UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED Representative District 87 Ebony Woodruff 9/25/2014 Page 3 of 3.
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