French River & Killarney : Section 8 (Future Trail – Coming Soon) VermilionVermilion 31 144 LLakeake LakeLake ScienceScienScieccienceienceiencencncce NorthNoN oorrtrthth 55 ConistonConistoConistononn Callumum FFairbankairbank SciScienceScieSciencienccienceiencei ncncee NoNNordordordrd CopperCo r SudburySudbuSudbudburybururyuurryy 67 O LLakeake WWahnapitaeahnapitaet 999 VR 535 FairbankFairbankir k LakeLakLakekeeLauree Laurentian LaurenLaurentLaLauLLaureLaurentia rentree tiianiiaan k Markstayar Legend / Légende CliffCliff 55 37 eek 24 46 r Livelyveelylyy 17 DaisyDDaaisyaaiisyisisysy LakeLLa Lakakee CreekC Markstay-Markstay-WarrenWarrenrenen 5 21 UplandsUplUplandplaplanllanlandlaandsandsds 122 CPC HagarH 8 Waterfront Trail - On-road / Sur la route Town Hall / Hôtel de ville 69 CN 4 RedRe Deer 15 MikkolaMMik 8080 MMcFaMcMcFarlaneFarlaneFarFlFa 13 537537 Lake 55 LakeLa 69 LakeLa Waterfront Trail - Off-road / Hors route Fallsallss WorthingtonWorthingtonortor hingtong 4 3 NaughtonNaugNaugghththtot RRheaultRheauRheaulaultult Washrooms / Washrooms kkee 4 GreaterGGrea Sudbury/Sudbury/y 4019 r TurbineTurbine WhitefishWhitWhiteefishh LongLLon WWanupanupp 535535 Waterfront Trail - Gravel road / RiverR WhitefishW itte Grand SudburySudbury assi NNaairnirn LakeL kee LakeL w w River o e St.. CharlesC Route en gravier Railway Crossing / Passage à niveau entreentntre 17 ElbowElb NepNepewassi n BeaverBeaveB Roundd CCaas 38 Vermiliomimilio LLakeake Waterfront Trail - Proposed / Proposée LakeL SecordSecord StSt.. - CharleCCharlh e Roofed Accommodation / Hébergement avec toiture Ella 10 WhiteWhite A WWavyavy EstaiEEstairere k LLakeake LLakeake Oak 19 36 Alerts / Alertes * Lakee River McVittiesMcVittiesitttie A $ Commercial Area / Zone commerciale mate WestWest 5.0 Distance / Distance (km) LakeLake BBevinevin ewa 39CP ke ArmAAr a LLakeake Burwashrwas er Other Trails - Routes / Wifi / Wifi WWestestt River Bayy KillarneyKilKKiKillarillarneyllarneyarnneyeeyy LakelandsLak LaLakelandLLakelaakkeleelandlananddsds PanachePanaan che MashMashkMMasasashshkshk D'autres pistes - Routes & HeaH HeadwatersHeadwatereadeaeeadwatersadadwdwawaattettersersrs TroutTrout i CN e Lake BearBear t Restaurants / Restaurants i Lakek p WolseleW 21 Provincial Highway / Route provinciale a 637637 olsel 535535 n a a ey W W W W FrenFreene ch River/ SUDBURYSSUDBUU BBUU R Y CCrookedrooked Liquor Control Board of Ontario / Régie des alcools de l'Ontario 17 Rivière des FrançaisFrançaisa 83 Regional Road / Route régionale LCBO Parcaarcccp proprovincialprovincia provincprovinppr inincialcial s TTysonysony LakeL e ountains n LakeL e NoëlNoëlvilleville KillarneyKillKKillarneKillarnill y ai Hiking Trails / Sentiers de randonnées 4 t 38 4 n 13 Ouellettee Hospital / Hôpital u K1 7 Gregorregor Provincialrooovinn Park o 6464 Fr BBayay M 67 Spoon AlbA ban JamotJamJ ot ench River North Mountain Bike Trails / Sentiers de vélo de montagne LLakeake 607607 Attraction / Attraction e 69 y ch AllenA lo 10 C Lakeke Eighteen Mile La Killarneya River Beach / Plage Junction Marker / Marqueur de jonction h 637 Bigwoodo d 607A607A Sout FrenchFrench llins In FrenchFrenchch Parc ay Co let RivRiivere Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature l t Campground / Camping ne e FrenchFrFrerrenchreneenchenncnnchchc RiverRiv RiRiveRiverveer n l t Philipp EdwardEdward IslandIsIsl d a t e PickePickerelckerell 37 PickPi h l VisitorVisisitorisitorssiitoitortorCr Centre/CeC Centreentre/ntre/ntre/ u ck y C t River errele O O O KillarneyKillall rneyy a O u CentreCCentCtd’Ceententreentretrettrrere d’accueild d’accud’accued’acc accuea i l B n O r O PickePickerelc rell n dede la aRi Rivière- RivièrRivière Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l’Ontario e i CPC Information / Renseignements GeGeorgeorge IslaIslandand e t n ParcParPPaarc provincialpropprovinc provinciaroovinciavvincialiia des-Françaisdes-Fdesddees-Fes-Fress-Français-FrançaisFrançai Françaisrançaisançaançaisç s ? n s a r BadgelBBadgeleyey 15 o e e t M t FrenchFreFFrrerenceenchncchhhR RiverRRi RiveRiviivervee CN IsIslandland s W s r a ProvincialProProvovviinciiniincianncnciccialialalal Park Park e GrundyGrunGGrrurundyuundn y Great Lakes Waterfront Trail / Sentier riverain des Grands Lacs v E Viewpoint / Vue panoramique a Lake rthwestthwest BurntBurnt I.I. e B Big BurntBurnt I.I. BustardBustard Key Rivere 522522 Trans Canada Trail / Sentier Transcanadien Little RiverRiver Marina / Marina IslandsIslands KeyKey L Ch y Inlet e 12 HenveyH y InleInlet nv KeyK Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel HenveyHe e P Parking / Stationnement GEORGIAN BAY y ve (fo(formerrmer SquSquaw)aw) Bekanon RiRive IslaIslandand *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Canada g StillStill R *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Ontario A 68km section of the proposed Great Lakes Waterfront Trail follows About these Maps: Highway 637, a remote, seasonally busy Provincial highway that can In this package you’ll fi nd the proposed Great Lakes Waterfront Trail be narrow; travellers should have experience riding with traffi c and alignment joining Sudbury in the north and Highway 69 near Grundy Lake use caution. Provincial Park in the South. With the ongoing 4-laning of Highway 69 and gaps in infrastructure necessary to travel alongside or across the highway, navigation of this proposed route is not possible. It is not legal to travel Trail Runs Along: sections of Highway 69 by bike or on foot north of Highway 64. The WRT The proposed route follows the Highway 69 corridor using mostly rural and continues to work with the Ministry of Transportation and a partnership secondary highways, as well as Highway 637. of local stakeholders to identify and implement solutions to fully connect the route between Highway 522 and Sudbury. The provisional route along Winter Maintenance: this corridor aligns with recommendations for the province-wide cycling Not all roads and trails on the route are maintained for cycling in the network. winter. Recommended for use May to October only. Use at your own risk. Highlights of Section 8: Length: 146km You’ll fi nd dramatic views of the French River, serene views of the Pickerel and get up close to the Murdoch. You’ll fi nd the quaint French River community of Alban, and Killarney, with its close-up view of George Island French River & Killarney Maps: on Georgian Bay with nearby access to amazing hiking and canoeing Map 37: French River Map 40: McFarlane Lake opportunities at Killarney Provinical Park and Point Grondine Park where Map 38: Alban Map K1: Killarney you can travel along the traditional routes of the Anishnaabek people. Map 39: Estaire Collingwood to Sudbury Map 37 of 40 38 Map 37 Trail Length: 16 km M u r d Scale Legend / Légende o c km French River k Waterfront Trail - On-road / Sur la route N R Waterfront Trail - Off-road / Hors route 69 iv e Waterfront Trail - Gravel road / Route en gravier Map r Narrow bridge Trans-Canada Highway / Location ! Pont étroit Route transcanadienne Alerts / Alertes 5.0 Distance / Distance (km) 607 D Municipality of Other Trails - Routes / D’autres pistes - Routes ry Georgian P Railway Crossing / Passage à niveau in French River Bay e B Junction Marker / Marqueur de jonction a y R *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Canada d *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Ontario Municipality of French River Provincial Park Sm Killarney a ll d Yo R u n s g Busy intersection s D a uc Ha ! H k rtley Bay Rd Traversée occupée Bigwood 607A 69 A $ French River French Recollet Falls River French River Provincial Park Bon Air $ P M 14 ile Is la nd R d Highway 522 to Highway 607: 15 km on Hwy 69 er Riv Henvey Inlet Wanikewin l First Nation kere Pic Cantin Lake Highway 69 is a Provincial highway with Legend / Légende a speed limit of 90 km/h with high traffi c Waterfront Trail - On-road / Sur la route volumes including consistent truck traffi c. iver Rd Waterfront Trail - Off-road / rHorsel R route 69 cke La route 69 est une route provinciale sur Waterfront Trail - GravelPi road / Route en gravier Pickerel laquelle la limite de vitesse est de 90 km/h; Waterfront Trail - Proposed / Proposée le trafi c est intense, incluant une circulation M u Alerts / Alertes constante de camions. s k Henvey Inlet r Grundy Lake a 5.0 Distance / Distance (km) t Provincial Park B Other Trails - Routes / D’autres pistes - Routes ay 69 R First Nation d Railway Crossing / Passage à niveau *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Canada *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Ontario © Lucidmap Inc. 2020 400 Elevation Above Sea Level (metres) 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 www.waterfronttrail.org 36 Map updated May, 2020 Collingwood to Sudbury Map 38 of 40 39 Map 38 Trail Length: 24 km M d R Map R u © Lucidmap Inc. 2020 r d iv do Legend / Légende e ck o Location r R o d w Waterfront Trail - On-road / Sur la route t f 69 i r Waterfront Trail - Off-road / Hors route D Waterfront Trail - Gravel road / Route en gravier Trans-Canada Highway / Georgian Route transcanadienne Bay Alerts / Alertes Crooked 5.0 Distance / Distance (km) Lake Rd Other Trails - Routes / D’autres pistes - Routes Dionne Rd Railway Crossing / Passage à niveau Junction Marker / Marqueur de jonction *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Canada Delamere *Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Ontario Delamere Rd Delamere Dry Rapids Rd Voyageur Cycling Route - www.discoveryroutes.ca/vcr
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