Descriptive Catalogue of mainly Visual Material on Varanasi kept in the Banaras Archive of the South Asia Institute ed. by Jörg Gengnagel and Birgit Mayer-König 6.2003 [Compare with Gengnagel 2011, Appendix 1: „List of religious and topographical maps of Banaras”] This is a list of religious and topographical maps, views, panoramas, paintings and pictures which have been collected by the research project on “Visualized Texts – Religious Maps and Divinatory Maps” which is part of the interdisciplinary research project on “Visualized Space: Constructions of Locality and Cartographic Representations in Varanasi (India)” sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft during the years 2000–2002. This collection does not claim to comprise all the relevant material of its kind. Nevertheless it provides a large number of the various types of maps and other visual representations collected during the last years. The material may be interesting to historians of religious cartography, cultural geographs or other scholars working on cartography, Varanasi and related topics. While the topographical maps are listed in chronological order, the list of the religious maps follows typological criteria. Copyright remains with the respective institutes and authors. All the material listed is available at the South Asia Institute. At present the Banaras Archive is located in the Department of Classical Indology, room no. 308 (Contact no.: 06221-548817). The material is identified by individual numbers: BA- stands for Benares Archive and its religious maps, BA-A- for similar materials refering to other sites than Varanasi, BA-B- denotes views, paintings, photographs of Varanasi, BA-T- topographical maps. Drawings were prepared by Niels Gutschow and his team of graphic artists wherever noted. For bibliographical details see the “Banaras Bibliography” (Jörg Gengnagel & Axel Michaels) at: http://www.sai.uni-heidelberg.de/abt/IND/publikation/bibbanaras/bibbanaras.php: Coute & Leger 1989, Gengnagel 2000, Glasenapp 1928, Gole 1989, Grönbold 1982, Gutschow 1993, 1994, Lannoy 1971, 1999, Michaels 1993, 1994, 2000, 2001, Pieper 1979, Schwartzberg 1992, Singh 1988. 1 1. List of Religious Maps (BA1-BA28, 22/6/2002) AM Axel Michaels, B Bengali, D Devanāgarī, E English, H Hindi, JG Jörg Gengnagel, KJB Karl-Joachim Bautze, NG Niels Gutschow, Skt Sanskrit Banaras Title, Contents Collection Place, Date Size (cm, Producer Language, Material, Description, Archive h x w) Script Condition Publication Heidelberg BA1 Pilgrims in Benares New Delhi: National North Indian, 234 x 330 ? Skt, D Painted on cloth, Gole 1989: 65, fig. slides, Museum; acc. no. 63935 beginning 19th c. restored 1998 25; Schwartzberg photos, [corrected for Gole 1992: 489, qq. drawings 61935] BA2 Stylised map of Vārāṇasī London: Rajasthan (?), 2nd ca.90 x 104 ? Skt/H, D Coloured Unpublished big size Victoria&Albert half 18th c. painting on paper, negative, Museum; Cat. No. black script, photos, 09322 IS partly retouched drawings BA3 Saptapurīyātrādi- Paris, priv. collection Banaras, 1873 76 x 72 Jaṅg Bahādur H, D coloured painting Gole 1989: 66, fig. 9 photos prakāśapatra by Jaṅg Siṃha (Citaipur); (print?) on cloth 27; Schwartzberg from Gole, Bahādur Singh Raghunātha Balhe 1992: 491; Gengnagel 2000: pict. 1,2 BA4 Saptapurīyātrādi- Priv. coll. Shashank Banaras, 1873 76 x 72 Jaṅg Bahādur H, D black & white Varanasi City Guide photos JG, prakāśapatra by Jaṅg Singh, Varanasi Siṃha (Citaipur); print on paper 2002: 55 drawings Bahādur Singh Raghunātha Balhe BA5 Kāśīdarpaṇa by Kailāsa British Library No. Banaras, 1st Sept. 79 x 92 Kailāsa Nātha Skt, H, D Lithography on Pieper 1979: fig. 1; CD-ROM, Nātha Sukula 53345.(2.), priv.coll. NG 1876 Sukula; cloth (N.G.) and Singh 1988: fig. 5 prints, (bhādra śu. 13 printed by paper (British (oriented to the drawings, saṃ. 1933) Dḥuṃḍhirāja Śāstrī Library) north); Schwartzberg digital publ. (Vidyodaya 1992: 454, fig. 17.45; Mudrālaya) Gutschow & Michaels 1994: 32– 33; Lannoy 1999: 2 Banaras Title, Contents Collection Place, Date Size (cm, Producer Language, Material, Description, Archive h x w) Script Condition Publication Heidelberg 441, T4; Michaels 2000: 216; Gengnagel & Michaels 2001: www.benares.uni- hd.de BA6 Kāśīdarpaṇa Udaipur: Library of the ? ? ? H, D Painted on cloth Painted copy of BA5? photos KJB, Maharāna of Mewar scanned Foundation No. WC37 BA7 Kāśī Darpaṇa Pūrti- London: British Library Banaras, 1877 64 x 94 for Kṛṣṇacandra H, D Black & white not published, CD-ROM “Appendix to the Mirror of 53345.(4.) and (3) Śarmā by lithography on drawings Singh 1988: Kasī” by Kṛṣṇacandra Vidyodaya Press paper fig. 2-4 Śarmā BA8 Kāśīcitra map of Benares Berlin: Museum für End 19th c. (?) ? ? Skt, D ? Glasenapp 1928, fig. photocopy Völkerkunde 81 JG BA9 Śrī Kāśīcitra Priv. coll. Shashank 1898 [saṃ. 1954] 78 x 72 printing press H, Skt, D Coloured print Varanasi City Guide photo Singh Satyanārāyaṇa of 2002: 25 Baṃgālī Sāhu BA10 A Complete View of the The British Library: Allahabad ,1901 17 x 305 Coloured H, E Detail of a Lannoy 1999: p.513, slide Benares City India Office and lithography by panorama T91 Oriental Collections Durga Pershad P761 BA11, 6 A complete view of the British Library S.T.B. Benares, 1911 17 x 305 Benis Singh E, H / D Coloured print on - slides, Benares City (‘complete’ 53345 (5.) Bookseller, Raj paper photos, corrected for ‘comrle’), Ghat, Kashi drawings panorama NG 3 Banaras Title, Contents Collection Place, Date Size (cm, Producer Language, Material, Description, Archive h x w) Script Condition Publication Heidelberg BA12 All Benares. Śrī Kāśī Bharat Kalā Bhavan, Allahabad, ? Made by Debi H/D Coloured - slides sampūrṇāghāṭa Vārāṇasī around 1900 (cf. Pershad Artist, panorama with (KJB), town hall, railway Bhadurgunj no.215, Pañcakrośī at the photos, bridge) Allahabad, The horizon scanned Artist Press, Allahabad BA13 Panorama of Benares Museum der Kulturen, 2nd half 19th c. (no 80 x 500 ? Coloured - CD-ROM, Basel, railway bridge, painting on thin 14 photos No. IIa 10970 Nepali temple paper, no built c. 1840) inscriptions, 16 parts BA27 Panorama of Benares Museum der Kulturen, 2nd half 19th c. 50 x 220 coloured (blue) (copies not Basel, painting on paper, received) No. IIa_09939 without writing, 3-4 parts BA25 Pilgrim map Priv. coll. Richard Northern India ? ? H (head and Woodcut on Lannoy 1971: XI, fig. photo copy aslīnakśāśrīviśvanāthpurīk Lannoy around 1900 foot line), B paper 42; Lannoy 1999: āyaṃtra-paṃcakośī (legend) 439, T1 BA14 Pilgrim map Map of Priv. coll. AM Varanasi, modern 49 x 75 ? E, H, B, simple, coloured - Original, Kashipuri, baṛā nakśā aslī print on paper, restored by śrī kāśīpurīkā, green-yellow-red Univ. sadāśivacaritra- Library paṃcakośīsahita BA15 Śrī Kāśījī kā citra Bayerische 19th/20th c. 61,5 x 50,5 ? Skt, H,D coloured Günter Grönbold slide, pilgrimage map of Banaras Staatsbibliothek, lithography 1982: 246. In: "Das coloured Munich, cod.hind.16 Buch im Orient", copy, b/w- Karl Dachs (ed.) copy Wiesbaden, 1982. 4 Banaras Title, Contents Collection Place, Date Size (cm, Producer Language, Material, Description, Archive h x w) Script Condition Publication Heidelberg BA16 śrī kāśī viśva-nāthpurī ki Oxford, Ashmoleian modern 68 x 50 ? H,D simple, coloured similar to BA6,7,8,9,23 photos JG yaṃtra paṃcakośī ādi Museum print on paper yātrā saṃyukt pilgrim’s map of Benares BA17 aslī nakśā viśvanāthapurī collection Ako Nakano, first half 20th c. 69,5 x 48,5 ? H,D woodcut b/w, ink similar to BA6,7,8,9,23 photos JG paṃcakośī yātrā sahita Zürich on paper pilgrimage map BA18 Map of Kashi aslī baḍā private coll. AM; Va r a n a s i, c a . 49 x 75 by Gauri Shanker E, H, B coloured offset Gutschow&Michaels two nakśā kāśī kṣetra kā Richard Lannoy 1970 Prashad (Gaya); print on paper 1993: pic. 8 [= originals, dvādaśajyotī liṅga śiva printed in Bhārgav Lannoy 1999: 518, restored by avatāra sahita, pilgrim’s Āphseṭs T100; Prakāśak Bābu the Univ. map of Benares press,Macchodarī, Mādhoprasād, Library Vārāṇasī Bukselar, Gaya]; Michaels 2000: pic. 1 BA26 Map of Kashi aslī baḍā BA modern A5 Puja Publications. E,H,B coloured print on two nakśā kāśī kṣetra kā Va r a n a s i paper (offset?) originals dvādaśajyotī liṅga śiva avatāra sahita, pilgrim’s map of Benares BA19 Map of Kashi aslī baṛā private coll. NG modern 33 x 48 Kailash Pustakalay, H,B,E coloured original nakśā kṣetra kā Gaya lithography dvādaśajyotī liṅga śiva avatāra sahita, pilgrim’s map BA20 kāśī dhām darśan private coll. NG modern 33 x 48 Chandra Art Cards, H,D coloured two Gyanwapi, lithography originals Va r a n a s i 5 Banaras Title, Contents Collection Place, Date Size (cm, Producer Language, Material, Description, Archive h x w) Script Condition Publication Heidelberg BA21 ‚Śrī Kāśī Pañcakośī BA Banaras, modern 56 x 43,5 Upasana, Bhadaini, Skt,H,D coloured (yellow) Couté & Léger 1989: several Tīrthadarśana‘ - Kashi Va r a n a s i offset print on 109 oiginals Panch-Koshi and its paper Temple BA22 Saptāvaraṇa- collection Shashank ? 25,5 x 21,7 ? Skt,D b/w ink on paper photos and vināyakayātrāpatram Singh, Banaras, copies JG BA23 Kāśīcitra priv. coll. Aditya Banaras, 1940 91 x 69 Sub-Engineer H,D b/w painted on drawings and copy BA, Shankar Bhatt (Head Govindacarya cloth commentary NG drawings Priest of the Piśāca Vandopadhyaya NG Mocana Temple) BA24 Pañcakrośī kā mānacitra BA Varanasi, 1982 33 x 38 produced by Svāmi H,Skt,D simple black and originals [saṃ. 2048] Śivānanda red print on paper and Sarasvatī, drawings Dharmasaṅgha, NG Durgākuṇḍa, artist: Rameśa Kumāra Miśra „Śāstrī“ nd th BA28 Śrī Kāśīpaṭa (Picture of Völkerkunde Museum 2 half 19 c. 22 x 400 coloured painting (copies not Kāśī) der v. Portheim- on paper, no received) Stiftung, Heidelberg, inscriptions Cat. No. 38349 6 2. List of Topographical Maps Part of the material was collected by Sadānanda Das and Stefan Schütte.
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