PARTNBbRSHIP European Union Bulgaria - Turkey IPA Cross-border Programme Municipal Administration Municipal Administration ОМ1ШНЛ Stambolovo Ahmetbey <t»MM>m«o M* Joint Strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational environment in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Ahmetbey 2012- 2014 MUNICIPALITY OF STAMBOLOVO The current strategy has been elaborated within the project 2007CB16IP0008-2009-1-012 "Friendship across borders for a common European future", Acronym: FRIENDFUTUR, co-funded by EU through the Bulgaria - Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme (CCI number 2007CB16IP0008) Stambolovo, 2012 Joint Strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational environment in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Ahmetbey 2012- 20 1 2 2014 The current strategy has been elaborated within the project 2007CB16IP0008-2009-1-012 "Friendship across borders for a common European future", Acronym: FRIENDFUTUR, co-funded by EU through the Bulgaria - Turkey I PA Cross-Border Programme (CCI number 2007CB16IP0008). Page | 2 Author: „Advance Corporation" Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria ™ Е CDL -SЕ o o Joint Strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational environment in the <L> municipalities of Stambolovo and Ahmetbey. Е Е OS (/> o 2cГ) <bCD OJ 0o) .9- O fa CM o o ro 041 s sf 8 ® ll OCO -c o UJ q: Z> F з LL D Z Ш a. ts= O00 >- o Ь° 09: < (O . m S 3 o ° 4= CM PARTNB—RSHIP 2012 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 BASIC DEFINITIONS 5 Pa9e I 3 SECTION I: 6 I. MUNICIPALITY STAMBOLOVO 7 1. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE 7 2. EDUCATION 7 l| 0 i 3. CULTURE 12 =3 = c O 4. SPORT 15 е ~ 1 | 5. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 16 £ | 6. CIVIL SECTOR 16 ° ™ to Q. II. MUNICIPALITY AHMETBEY 17 f S •O "S 1. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE 17 § ф Oir СЛ(Л 2. EDUCATION 18 sz1 3. CULTURE AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 19 Ф 4. SPORT 20 ^ | T- 13 5. CIVIL AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 21 ° O) 1 III. CASE STUDY 22 I' П2З § °> SECTION II: 24 g ^ ± ш IV. MAIN OBJECTIVE 25 S £ V. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 25 |f VI. TARGET GROUPS AND SCOPE 25 VII. ACTIVITIES FOR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVES 26 £ ^ VIII.EXPECTED RESULTS 30 .jf ^ IX. MECHANISM FOR MONITORING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY 30 a 8 X. CONCLUSION 31 i JraD L Lz> XI. USEFUL LINKS 31 Ф o •o Z TOo: CD . ^ HI c «1 I |§ » O P « o £ < g - m 3 Ф 2з ! So hF ^"3 м° PARTNBS Joint Strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational environment in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Ahmetbey 2012- 2012 2014 INTRODUCTION Child development and protection of their rights is a cross-border priority, requiring concentration of resources, constant political and public attention and maximum coordination of policies. The current joint strategy for improvement of social services for children and for improving the cultural and educational situation in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Pa9e I 4 Ahmetbey, is a document that sets out the priority areas and actions for the welfare of children in the cross-border region covered by the two municipalities. The Strategy is elaborated in fulfillment of Activity: "Elaboration of joint strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational" within the project: c - 2007CB161P0008-2009-1 -012 "Friendship across borders for a common European future ". | f ш _ The strategy was developed after assessing the situation of children in the two communities. § o E The strategy is consistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, laws and oI fc9 "> I regulations, research and national strategic documents: the National Development Strategy as for child 2008-2018, the Joint Memorandum on Social Inclusion of the Republic of Bulgaria and the National Report on Strategies for Social Protection and inclusion of the Republic of % £ Bulgaria for the period 2006-2008; Operational Programme "Human Resources ° | Development" (2007-2013), the National Strategy for Demographic Development of Bulgaria « m (2006-2020), the National Integrated Plan for Implementation of the UN Convention on the 9- O Rights of the Child (2006-2009) National Programme for school Education and Preschool education and training (2006-2015); Strategy for Educational Integration of Children and | e= Students from Ethnic Minorities (2004-2015); National Plan for integration of children with £Tсм- a >3t special educational needs and / or chronic diseases in the public education system, the 9 l~ Framework Programme for Equal Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society, National oi TO' Programme for integration of Refugees in Bulgaria, National Social report 2011-2012 of the s t Republic of Bulgaria; strategy to overcome the vulnerability of some specific groups in the 8 m community of Stambolovo Municipality, Municipal Program for child Protection in 2012. g(—Ot aj m To achieve the operational objectives of the strategy are formulated actions and measures, ^ as well as mechanisms for their implementation. The strategy is structured in two parts. The ®° o o first part presents the situation of children and young people in the municipalities of % => Е ш Stambolovo and Ahmetbey. The second part sets out the main goal and the specific objectives of the strategy and the activities and measures for their implementation, the expected outcomes and mechanisms for monitoring of the implementation of the Strategy. £ -g i § се Z5 ®CD O£ -o Z tr i. ° P o o§ 9: < CD . m "m O PARTNBsRSHIP H * ¥ ¥ ¥ Joint Strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational environment in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Ahmetbey 2012- 20 1 2 2014 BASIC DEFINITIONS "CHILD" A child is any person under the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, it attains majority at an earlier age. (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989, Article 1) Page | 5 "PRE-SCHOOL CHILD' Children trained in the achievable knowledge, skills and attitudes that result from the training and education of pre-school children (3 to 7 years) in main educational fields. "CHILD PROTECTION' A system of legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure the rights of every child "CARE" A set of all actions arising from the rights and responsibilities of parents, guardians, trustees, and o those in which the child lives under a different legal o a) grounds to safeguard his rights and protect his interests Е Е "FAMILY ENVIRONMENT" The family of the child or the adoptive family, grandparents or relatives of the child or foster family in which it is placed pursuant to Art. 26 of the Law on Child Protection ю .S "SERVICES' For the purposes of art. 23 of the Law on Child р<л лm Protection social services in the community under the Social Assistance Act. .9- о < "SPECIALIZED INSTITUTIONS' Type of boarding homes for the upbringing and CL education of children, in which they are permanently separated from their family environment О I- "CHILDREN AT RISK' Child: a) whose parents are deceased, unknown, deprived of о пз parental rights or whose parental rights have limited or §2 «f no child is left to their care; 8 * b) who is the victim of abuse, violence, exploitation, or (^D ш£ any other inhuman or degrading treatment or m о punishment or outside the family; ст> § О c) for which there is a risk of damage to the child's см Ь о physical, mental, moral, intellectual and social FT 3 о QJ development; Q. d) suffering from disabilities and refractory diseases Ф й4 identified by an expert; ТфЗ f) which is at risk of dropping out of school or who has dropped out of school. "CHILD OF PROMINENT A child that has demonstrated lasting capabilities and a: achievements in science, art or sport, exceeding the ID TALENT" 3 achievements of his peers. LaL >> o ° 9 < to . m =3 O 3 CoM PARTNBs RSHIP Joint Strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational environment in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Ahmetbey 2012- 2012 2014 Page | 6 Municipal Administration Municipal Administration Шк№ irk Stambolovo оьшинл Ahmetbey (ttUMIIIHIII • • • I Ш c O o o Е Е Ш o Е o Е ro то 0D) CO CD 01 •D O CD •Q •g in m 2 <л 0O3 (Лo Q- O I* o TO f41 ъ § S> 8 * ^= <D <o £ 5 ** °Г* - 3Ol O o D SECTION I: Ш •o CD •D PROFILE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF STAMBOLOVO q: Z> AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF AHMETBEY ZDI- <DLi . CD Q -O co Щ j? fcc CT> Ш c CO TO bL ° (O o° 9= c < CD CD . 5 o в Й CD 3 O If—- 3 CM° PARTNBS RSHIP Joint Strategy for improvement of social services for children and cultural and educational environment in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Ahmetbey 2012- 2012 2014 I. MUNICIPALITY STAMBOLOVO 1. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Stambolovo municipality is located in the region of Haskovo and an area of 277 sq. km. It is located in the northeastern part of the Eastern Rhodopes and at 22 km. from the district center. Stambolovo Municipality consists of 26 towns. Its terrain is rugged, hilly. On its Page | 7 territory there are more than 80 dams. Along the Arda River are the most fertile farmlands. The proportion of arable land represents 67.2% of the total area of the municipality. The climate in the municipality of Stambolovo is temperate continental. Winters are relatively mild with minimum temperatures from 0 to minus 5-7 degrees Celsius. Summer is sunny and hot, with maximum temperatures reaching 35 to 37 degrees. The average winter temperature is around 0 degrees Celsius and in summer - 25 degrees. According to NSI data, the population of the municipality Stambolovo numbered 6,049 o people, of whom people under working age o 824.
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