KEEP FAITH by buying Jnkpenbent - leakr WAR BONDS ,1,, XXXVI.—No. 42 '.t BviTy TliurmlHy WOODBKIDCK, N. J., THURSDAY. NOVEMRKR :il), 19M n]t<| • [ i «,S 111 it' iW St., WooillirldKti. N, ,1. , Wnoillu I'IKP. N. PRICE FIVE CENTS dividual Becomes U. S. Citizen At Front Gl's Do Something But Fight Wars, Lost Pup Finds Court Test WOnDHKIDCiK - She's a cute Privitle Franc Skivbiill, No. dop,s not apprnvi. of doffs and this, manner the dog wandered away. Hid Sales pup ;in Knirlish sitter. U133H8R, Drawer 1004-A, YaS- one has upecial privilpjjp tn stny ] They searched nnd ailverlLsvd in Tomorrow Anil •die was very much lost ntnl Station, New Hnv.-n, Conn., which just till the end i>f this week." the local papers with n<i results. woe-l)e((iil)(' because she had lost read ns follows: Records rcveak'd dog licence her master. Mrs, Olsen said she lihi'w her "Wo have found an English pet No. C5(t was issued to Thomas .!. Badly But her tail is wiijrgiii1 a^nin for ter with a Woodbridne Dog license .ion would he very happy'that hi* On Recount Olsen, 17 Warren Street, Kiirds. pi't was found and she phoned him «he i' hack home—and if the lit- for 1944, No. fft>0. Could you The Clerk's office got in touch with immediately to eftII for the dog. tle dofjuie could talk she would please tell me who owns the da* and whether or not they still live Police Chief George E. Keatinc The Knglish setter, which, by the McElroy And Desmond ,fy #50,33/ ^ «ny many thanks to a G. I,, sta- in Woodbridgc. who sent an officer to that nddreas. way, answers lo the name oi' d $266,000 Quo- tioned ut Yule University, up New To Present Arguments nimr "Enclosed are stamps enough to There Mrs. Olson told the officer "Minnie" is very happy Joo . Report Reveals Ilavin way who made it all pos- send your reply via Special Deliv the dog belon/bd to her son, hut they tell me that PrivaU' In 2nd Ward Dispute it all started the other (lay when ery. It i» imperative that I have n Thomas, who now resides in Dev- Kranc Skirball \* kind of lont>- nlillHIIKir - Woodliridnc the Township Clerk's Office re- quick reply as the welfare of the on, Conn. He recently took the tmmi- and wishe.t that the Univei- WOODBRlTKiE-Thi. quratifti 1 fity approved of doR». HI1 ; Sixth Wai [,onn total reived a special delivery from dog is in danger. The University pooch to his now home and in Rome over whether Ihe Supreme Court , ,'M.7.r> but thi.s does ti'it or the Court of Common Plua* hji jurisdiction to issue an election .. ,1 ihr municipality's giul Shell Post-War recount order, will be nigjed be- s; ,nnil is almost in sight, Town Teachers Studying Advisability fore Judisc Klemmer Kaltelwen i KVMI Buntenbach, general Job Plan Told in New Brunswick tomorrow morn- in '•., Imlny. ing at ten o'clock. ,, 11 ;i?nn the total seeing so Of Organizing Into A. F. Of. L Unit The hearing is Hiecessary due to SKWA REN- -The Shell Oil Com- ihiit Vulcan Detinniue, the faetjhnt after C. Wesley pany announced today a post-war ( hrintensen , d e f e H t e d Second ....•, hiis allocated $750,000 employment plan under which it Federation Speaker To Wmii candidate, received an order , and a Imlf million dollnr will K'vc joh.s to all personnel cur- for H recount from Judge mum- in liasc lo the Towtishiji, rently in military service, will re- Address GroupTaesday; Dog Has Gruesome Hunting mer Kalteissen, Andrew- i . i bunds are 2 per cent tain all regular employes who have Opinion Is 'Divided' mond, attorney for Willian ___ ,i bonds, and not Scrips V, stayed on/luring the wur, and will ren, successful candidate, filed an j wnrh the government is continue "to the fullest "possible WOODBRIDGE —The Wood- Discovers Body Of Perth Ainboy Man, Discharged ; ordqr to show cause why the ord*r , •!i.|iviflunls to purchase," extent" the employment of the hridge Township Teachers' As«oe - should not be vacated. |i,: -i•nliiich said. new pcopl« who temporarily re- ation has no definite plans to join GI, Deep In Iselin Swamp; Suicide Note Found i il,nili,rP Township is expeot- placed those in service. the American Federation of Teac!> Mr. Desmond argued a Justice of the Supreme Court is the only ;w ,, ,: , $2<!O,0O0 in Series K Development of many new uses ers, an affiliate of the American ISELIN—A hunting dog that by the gunfire hit featurei were . :,•;• iii date the total sold for petroleum was given as the Federation of Liihcr, according: to member of the state judiciary who refuted to leare the woodi not recogniiable. has authority to order such a re- '..,• , :i. is $r)IU:H.2B. Of the reason for Shell's statement at this officer's of the (fioup. about IL half-mils in buck of r On Kupcha't body, police count. Leon E. McElroy, attorney , , ...,n:ii, $ln,01H.7, > was sold time. "Petroleum molecules," says However, Mrs. Miriam Bulder- Raphael'* farm here and acted found a tuicide note addretted for Mr. Christens«n, however, ,, :... I nfflce and $14,725 in the company, "instead of serving ston, president of the Teachers in luch a itrange manner that maintains the law was changed in |- .;.: , llnpi-lawn and Keasbey only as fuels and lubricants, are to hit titter. Mill Ann Kupcha, Somewhere in New CaMonin, Private Michael Kcndre, of Wood- Association, admitted a spoakei hit matter, Joteph Fodor, Zieg- 1U3C to permit the Court of Com-* , .in I* i the chairmanship of now being reformed by scientists in which he mid he wai "no t bridge, ii shown bring tVorn into citizenihip by Dr. Henry B. from the American Federation of ler Arenue, Avenel, wai forced nion Pleas or the Supreme Court ,, , lUch/.e. The Fords total to serve as the starting point for good to anyone and in the way." : Hazard, Philadelphia, rpprV»cntalive of the Department of Jui- Teachers will attend a teachers to investigate, wit responsible to IIHVO jurisdiction on such mat- n '; both Series E und othir tice Immigration and Naturalization Service. new industries which create new meeting Tuesday in the mid; for the finding of the body £f The authoritiet learned the jobs," tern. |, •<>••.!. VS'i. toriuin of School No. 11, John Kupcha, 22, 483 Miller Perth Amboy man had been giv- I The last recount held In th« SJ:T, By Women Specifically, the announcement Mrs, Balderston stressed tht Street, Perth Amboy, yeitcr- en a \litabilily discharge from Township was in 1934 whrn I,, ui,|,n'^ organization* serv- cited as one example a process by fact the "speaker would be presen day. the Army on January 25 and which allyl chloride can be made Charles Alexander defeated John n •'](• VV<Kidl)i"id(fn National Kendre, Fighting In Caledonia, only to Rive us information." Kupcha, officially litted by lince then hai been very de- from "an abundant petroleum ma- Unofficially, it was leurned Hasjey. At that time, according ]< , !<-r the chairmanship of Coroner Joieph Cottello at a • pondent. to Mi. McKlroy, it was necessary ! terial." This process, discovered there is a divided opinion awonir • i P. t'-liii'K of Sewaren, tuicide, had thot himtclf in the In order to remove Kupcha't Adopts Flag He's Protecting and -developed by Shell research, the teachers as to the advisabil- for Mr. Hnssey to make applica- f :.| .>L':i,.r)iri,7B worth of head with an automatic rifle. body the police and coroner will provide, allyl chloride com- ity of joining n labor union. But. tion for a recount to the Supreme • i.it.•. Their sales were ili- Captain John Egan and Lieut. were forced to use a farm tract- Court. mercially for post-war use in con- all were in agreement that "i Local Man Takes Citi- Detective George Balint mid or ai the ipot where the body struction materials, plastics, Phar- won't hurt any to find out wha Mr. Warren defined Mr. Chri:(. Dies For Country the mun't (ace wat to mutilated WAI found it twamp. i i'lull nt' Woodbridffi', zenship Vows At Pa- maceuticals, insecticides, finishes the speaker has to say and whal tensen by one civilian vote but the I' (irinil, chairman; work- and soil fumigants. the 'Federation has to offer loc:. soldier ballots gave the fornw a T K. .li>ne«, Mrs. R. (i. cific Battle Ground Company officials snid before teachers," lead of eight votes, ,1i W. K. Gar in, Mrs. H. L the war Shell's employment was (N|it-rlft| tu li,il<*|irlMlriil-l.t>!iilt r) Last June, Carteret teacher Avenel Youth May Be Included \li,. Niii'l Kittcll, Mr;. about 28,000. (Continued on Vtujc 2) \ llnrfs, Mrs. John V. NEW CALEDONIA - Natural- UrbanAwarded S. K. Schoonover, Mrs. ization (if an Amerji-an i-itizeii In Eisenhower Bond 'Envoys' ••HiMiii, * 1,012.70. under any circtimetsiu'es is note- worthy. Hut vvhen forci(rn-horn Legion Posts And Auxiliaries Church, Mrs. Alber' Air Citation ft. I.'s already pledged to protect iriiiaii, $75. Broadcast Says Kras- Sicily and Western Kurope. Tht' the flag' of the United Slates in itliers were ill the front, of 111" : •,:•;!' Adalh Israel, Mrs. nowski Coming Home To ni tir lnil<M><'iiilrii1-l,raiirrl battle, are sworn to citizenship in Seeking Christmas Box Gifts hive across France nnd Belgium k'" in, cliuirnian; workers, AN EIGHTH AIR FORCE the South Pacific Base Command, Help Put Drive Over and were in Hie units to break FIGHTER STATION, ENGLAND.
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