RUSSIAN WHEAT SEEDS TURKEY TREADS CAUTIOUSLY DELIVERED TO ArMENIA ON QUESTION OF ARMENIAN PAGE 3 PAST PAGE 4 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia SEPTEMBER 24-29 2010 THEMA ARMENIA’S VIRTUAL “Quote of EXHIBITION HALL the week” AWARDED PRIZE FOR IN- “AZERBAIJAN CONTIN- NOVATIVE SOLUTION AT UES TO REJECT THE PRO- EXPO 2010 SHANGHAI POSAL TO COME TO AN AGREEMENT ON NONUSE OF FORCE OR THREAT OF FORCE. THIS GOES AGAINST THE UNDERPINNING PRINCI- PLESOF THE UNITED NA- TIONS.” EDWARD NALBANDYAN RA FOREINGN MINISTER Upcoming Events rmenia’s virtual exhibition hall Armenian pavilion, featuring mod- Aat Expo 2010 Shanghai was els of famous architects world- October 5: Armenia marksTeachers awarded a special prize for inno- wide, aims to invite people to day vative solution established by the construct the City of the World. chief sponsor of the exhibition, Das- In Apricot Garden, visitors can em- October 8: Prime Minister of Leba- sault Systemes S.A., a leading com- brace the blossoming apricot trees, non visits Armenia pany specializing in 3D software. taste the unique apricots of Arme- Armenia-projected virtual exhi- nia and enjoy the magical sounds October 11: President of Slovenia bition hall will be available on of Armenian Duduk flute made Danilo Türk Visits Armenia the internet for years to come. of wood from the apricot tree. To mark the Independence Day In Gold & Silk, visitors can dis- October 16: Armenia Celebrates the of Armenia, the Armenian flag cover many interesting facts about Day of Alphabet and Translation was raised at Shanghai Expo ancient trade relations between Ar- 2010 exhibition on September 21. menia and China, enjoy the unique Following the ceremony, the Ar- mastery of Armenian jewellers. USEFUL LINKS menian delegation, led by Prime Over 2 million visitors have been • www.president.am Minister Tigran Sargsyan was in- welcomed into the Armenian pa- • www.gov.am vited to the official reception hall. vilion since the exhibition launch. • www.parliament.am At Expo 2010, Armenia was rep- • www.mfa.am resented by the City of the World September 27, 2010 • www.armenpress.am pavilion, featuring Apricot Gar- www.panarmenian.net • www.panarmenian.net den and Gold & Silk highlights. • www.matenadaran.am ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA HEADLINES OF THE WEEK ArAm IsAbekyAn’s personAl exhIbItIon in ArtIsts’ UnIon of • SEPTEMBER 24: Ratna Sahay ArMENIA gives high assessment to implemen- menia” party Gagik Tsarukyan, many cul- tation of IMF program in Armenia tural and public-political figures attended the AH exhibition. Armenian Prime Minister Tigran • SEPTEMBER 25: RA NSC dis- Sargsyan, congratulating the guests on open- cusses border security issues ing of Aram Isabekyan’s personal exhibi- AH tion, noted that Aram Isabekyan is an artist • SEPTEMBER 25: OSCE MG and intellectual with distinct civic position, a Field Assessment Mission sched- person who brings up generations. “Visiting uled for October 4-14, 2010 this exhibition you will be sure, too, that the AH upbringing of our young people is in trust- • SEPTEMBER 27: Armenia, Belarus worthy hands and his art will encourage all to boost cooperation in various fields of us in that regard,” Mr. Sargsyan noted. AH Karen Aghamyan, chairman of Armenian • SEPTEMBER 28: RA budget expen- he personal exhibition of Aram Isabeky- Artists’ Union, noted that today is a holiday ditures grew 7.1% in January-August Tan, rector of RA State Academy of Fine for everybody, as a very interesting exhibi- 2010 as result of state debt servicing Arts, opened today in the Armenian Artists’ tion opens. Artist Aram Isabekyan noted that AH Union. About 106 paintings and 30 graphic the works painted over 42 years are exhib- • SEPTEMBER 28: Bako Sahaky- works were exhibited.Hovik Abrahamyan, ited. He expressed gratitude to all those who an: NKR independence and secu- speaker of the National Assembly, Armenian have supported him to hold this exhibition rity are not subject to compromise Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, Armenian and issue his album. The exhibition will be AH Healthcare Minister Harutyun Kushkyan, open till October 6. • SEPTEMBER 29: 25-year-old NA member, Chairman of “Prosperous Ar- September24 2010, www.panarmenian.net Armenian Marina Avetian wins Miss TourismAH pageant in Turkey • SEPETEMBER 29: Armenia’s food in- New terminal to open in Zvartnots Airport in 2011 dustry can presentAH its traditions to world “Air transportation volumes in- • SEPTEMBER 29: Hen- creased 10% over the past 8 months. rikh Mkhitaryan makes debut As of September 22, passenger flows in UEFA Champions League increased 13.5% compared with the BAN KI-MOON: WITHDRAWAL OF same period in 2009,” Hakobyan told SNIPERS WILL STRENGTHEN TRUCE reporters in Yerevan. BETWEEN KARABAKH AND He also informed that a new terminal AZErbAIJAN meeting all international standards rmenian Foreign Minister Ed- will open in Zvartnots Airport in 2011. Award Nalbandian met with UN Asked to comment on the Airport’s Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on recent ban on Armavia national car- the sidelines of the 65th session of the The civil aviation in Armenia is dy- rier’s flights, Hakobyan said state UN General Assembly in New York. namically developing, according to agencies are not empowered to inter- At the request of the UN General Secre- Sahak Hakobyan, head of the General fere into a conflict between two enti- tary, Mr. Nalbandian briefed on recent Department of the Civil Aviation. ties. trends in the Karabakh conflict settle- September 29, 2010 www.panarmenian.net ment, the RA MFA press service reported. Ban Ki-moon noted that he supports the withdrawal of snipers from the contact TIGRAN G. MARTIROSYAN WORLD WEIGHTLIFTING CHAMPION line, what will considerably strengthen the rmenia’s Tigran G. Martirosyan truce between the parties to the conflict. Aclaimed double gold in both clean Edward Nalbandian said he is of the same and jerk and total in men’s 77kg cate- opinion, expressing hope that Azerbai- gory at the World Weightlifting Cham- jan will accept the offer made repeatedly. pionships in Antalya, Turkey. Marti- Referring to developments around the rosyan combined 173kg in the snatch Armenian-Turkish normalization with- and 200kg in the clean and jerk to in a year, Nalbandian expressed grati- win gold with a total weight of 373kg. tude to Ban Ki-moon for the UN’s China’s Lu Xiaojun won silver with unbiased assistance in this process. 370kg. Egypt’s Tarek Yehia finished Edward Nalbandian left New York for Boston third with 356kg. to deliver a speech at the Fletcher School of September www.panarmenian.net Law and Diplomacy and to meet with repre- sentatives of the Armenian community there. September 26, 2010 www.panarmenian.net 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA YEREVAN HOSTS 8TH AWARD CEREMONY TIMED TO FrEEDOM OF AZErbAIJAN ASKS CATHOLI- INFORMATION DAY COS OF ALL ArMENIANS TO Freedom of Information Center (FIC). ASSIST RETURN OF AZERI Golden Key nomination was SUBVERSIVE DEAD BODY set to award organizations, me- dia and citizen who abode by their right to receive information. Rusty Lock award was extend- ed to organizations and media whose work lacks transparency. At the ceremony, the head of FIC Shushan Doydoyan specifically noted the progress in information freedom re- ported over the last 5 years in Armenia. Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarg- n September 28, Yerevan hosted syan, who also participated in the cer- atriarch of Moscow and All Rus- Othe 8th award ceremony timed emony, emphasized the importance Psia Kirill conveyed Chairman of to the Freedom of Information Day. of openness and transparency in the the Caucasus Muslims Clerical Of- The ceremony was organized by the work of governmental institutions. fice Sheil-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pa- September 28, 2010 www.panarmenian.net shazade’s request to Catholicos of All Armenians His Holiness Karekin II to NalbAndian, ZbogAr dIscUss Slovenian PresIdent’s assist return of the dead body of Azeri UPCOMING VISIT TO ArMENIA serviceman Mubariz Ibrahimov, who was killed at Chaylu settlement during an Azerbaijani subversive attack. rmenian Foreign Minister Edward ANalbandian met with his Croatian “His Holiness Karekin II informed counterpart Gordan Jandrokovic on the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan sidelines of the 65th session of the UN about the request,” head of the infor- General Assembly in New York. The mation services of Holy Etchamiadzin, two men noted that the two countries Rev. Father Vahram Melikyan said. Presidents’ mutual visits last year have “Unlike Azerbaijan, Armenia observes created good prerequisites for devel- humanitarian law norms and transfers opment of the Armenian-Croatian bodies to the opposite side. It stands economic, political and cultural coop- ready to consider any request of the eration. The same day, Minister Nal- kind,” he said. bandian met with Slovenian Foreign At Mr. Zbogar’s request, the Armenian September 27, 2010 www.panarmenian.net Minister Samuel Zbogar to discuss Minister briefed on latest develop- details of Slovenian President Danilo ments in the Karabakh conflict settle- Turk’s official visit to Armenia next ment process, RA MFA press service RUSSIAN WHEAT SEEDS DELIVERED TO month. reported. ArMENIA September 23, 2010 www.panarmenian.net ArMENIA'S INDEPENDENCE DAY MARKED IN KUWAIT AND INDIA On September 23, Kuwait hosted a reception with participation of repre- sentatives of the Foreign Ministry of Kuwait, Armenian community, as well as ambassadors to this country and diplomats, the RA MFA press service reported. 000 tons (16 vans) of Russian wheat seeds On September 21, Calcutta hosted an 1have been already delivered to Ayrum event dedicated to the 19th anniversary station in Armenia. By 8 pm, the cargo of Armenia's independence. Besides, will reach Masis station, Railvneshtrans an exhibition of works by students of press service told PanARMENIAN.Net Armenian gymnasium was organized The Armenian government has ap- rmenia's Independence Day was and a film about Armenia screened.
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