\i i Winter Sports Ten Pages Coverage The Thresher This Week An All-Student Newspaper For 47 Yaars Volume 51—Number 3 HOUSTON, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1963 LCB Clarifies Position As Students Hold Inquiries: Rice Asks "What Next?" Following Soph Party Raid Police Hit Dance Dean of Students S. W. Hig- University Policy: And Could Again- ginbotham sent the following State Liquor Laws letter to Councilman-at-Large Will Enforce Law Bill Randol: Must Be Obeyed By BILL BROYLES "As a result of the occur- The Inter-College Court and Sadly enough, the rumors were ences at the Sophomore All the Student Association Social true—Flush had flashed. School Party ... it has be- Committee will be given the re- come necessary to call your Three members of the Liquor sponsibility of investigating the attention to paragraph 7 of Control Board, twenty patrolmen, Sophomore Class Party, Dean of the Regulations Governing and assorted newsmen made a Students S. W. Higgenbotham Student Organizations? and grand entrance at the Sophomore said Monday. Student Social Functions dated class party, Saturday night. Jurisdiction on matters of this May, 1963. This paragraph Dodging the toilets and quickly sort is the concomitant respon- THE DEVIL AND GOD—Two itinerant actors portrayed by sets forth the University reg- discarded beercups, the policemen sibility of the two organizations. Michael Cox and John Raymond discuss their roles in a scene from ulations on drinking at student moved rapidly through the crowd, Bill Randol of the Social Com- Archibald MacLeish's Pulitzer-Prize-winning drama, J. B., which social functions. Note that it examining both drinks and I. D.'s. mittee and Jim Edd Jones of the opens tonight in Hamman Hall for a three-day run. does not set aside the regula- LESS THAN TWO hours later, Inter-College Court will lead the Other lead roles in the Rice Players production are Michael tions of the Texas Liquor Con- investigation. Holmes as J. B. and Claudie Pettigrew as his wife. The play was SA President Max. Jaffe was pay- trol Act quoted therein. THIS DECISION was made in directed by David Dannenbaum, speech and drama coach at St. ing $240 in bonds for the release "Please emphasize to all stu- a meeting held Monday, attended John's School. Designer of the contemporary open set was Rice of fourteen of the sixteen stu- dent organizations that these by S. A. President Mike Jaffe, graduate Joe Rider. dents arrested. Two girls were regulations must be obeyed at Sophomore Class President Jim- A symposium on the play will be held in Hamman Hall after turned over to the juvenile au- situdent social functions and my Cochran, Dean Higginbotham, tonight's performance which begins at 7:30 pm, Curtain time for thorities, and were not booked. that the organizations are sub- and. Director of Development Thursday and Friday nights is 8:00 pm. "Why?" one puzzled student ject. to disciplinary action in Howard Thompson. Tickets are $1.50, with a special price to students of $1.00, and asked a policeman. case of violations." may be purchased at the door. Season tickets may be obtained in "You were breaking the law. S. A. President Jaffe remarked that the Sophomore Class will, the Student Center for the student price of $2.00. Wherever the law is being bro- unreleased source. According to probably be dealt with as an or- ken, we will raid," was his an- Knoles, "We checked our files, ganization, but no definite com- swer. and found no record of a license ments on disciplinary action or to sell or serve beer at the place Wiess Moves Some Members Out; A conversation with Mr. H. C. judicial procedure could be made, where the party was held. Knoles of the Texas Liquor Con- as the investigation lias net yet To Receive Plans For New Rooms trol Board gave a more reliable "The information had said that jbegun. answer to this oft-repeated, puz- underage people would be there, j By HUGH RICE KELLY the more valuable members of After the meeting, Dean Hig- zling question—why? and that beer would be served. ! Over the summer Wiess Col- the College were lost in the move. ginbotham drew attention to the We then obtained a search war- | lege adopted a "cutting" program A total of nine members were "WE WILL NOT tolerate or regulations regarding student condone any person under 21 con- rant." • [ similar in some repsects to the finally prevented from obtaining social functions, and said they suming an alconolic beverage at' controversial Hanszen "merit" on-campus housing. The list ex- IN ORDER TO prevent a false J would not be changed. These al- parties such as this, or in any plan. empted officers and others who raid, Knoles and a policewoman I low the serving of beer under public place. If we receive in- Wiess Housing Chairman Car- were required for various reasons proceeded the assembled squad in- | certain provisions; e.g., compli- formation of a party like this roll Keilers explained th a t a n to remain on campus. to the hall. "At the time, a po- i ance with the Liquor Control Act taking place, we will take steps "amazingly" low attrition rate of licewoman and I went to the Odd- ! in regard to consumption by All Houston people except sen- to arrest and prosecute any vi- college members over the summer fellows Hall, paid $2.75, and en- ; minors. iors were automatically excluded. olator." prompted drastic measures. Cer- Four Houston students aside terod to verify the information." ' WHEN ASKKD about the fu- tain members of the college were from athletes and officers final- The information leading to the Mr. Knoles had "no trouble" j ture' of Rico social functions. forced off campus to make room ly obtained residence in the col- raid was received Fridav from an (Continued on Page G) Dean II igginbotham replied, "The for the freshmen annually as- lege. | regulations in regard to liquor signed to the college. WIESS RECEIVED a total of | must, he enforced, and the ,,r- THE LIST from which names 35 actual applications complete Kahn's 'Cloak-And-Dagger' Bidding j gani'/atioii will be responsible f• <i were drawn for enforced with- with earnest money over the : the enforcement. Yiolai ion will drawal was drawn up last spring available capacity. Keiler indicat- Adds Nadler Collection To Library result in' disciplinary actio*?!. J: by the Wiess Fellows for use in ed that even more than that I is obvious thai v-'o cannot iio.U By Ml MI MUNSON sitfh an emergency. might have applied had there age iirm. 'to the type oi parlies we have Rice's recent venture into the Keilers maintained that' tlfere been any chance of getting a Other interested parties includ- been having." field of competitive bidding re- was an important difference be- room. ed American, German, and Aus- Theoretically, parties wiil con- sulted in the acquisition for the tween the Wiess system and the Architects are now working on (Continued on Page 4) tinue to be held in the same man- Fondren Library of approximate- hotly-debated Hanszen method of the plans for a new wing for the ner and the social calendar will ly 14,000 volumes. These volumes allocating available college rooms. college, which will provide for an not be altered. The change will constituted the private collection White Is Booked The criteria, he said, were "In- increase of 36 beds. The Wiess be that regulations which, as of Professor Joseph Nadler, inter- dependence and maturity, and an Housing Chairman estimated that Jaffe said, "have been tacitly ability of the individual selected the additional rooms would b e nationally known historian of Without Approval ignored." must of necessity be to make a good adjustment to immediately filled to capacity. "I German literature. enforced, and by the individual off-campus living." could probably fill a whole col- Funds for the purchase of the Of RMC Board organization. library were made av&ilable to "IT WASN'T a blacklist," he lege, if they'd let me," he added. Rice by a special grant from the Fol%k singer Josh White has said, emphasizing that some of W. S. Farish Fund. The entice been signed for a two-perform- Pitzer Announces IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllillllllllllllllllll Harlan Requests cost of the books was covered by ance, one-night stand at Rice this gift, given in memory of the without the approval of the stu- Jones Hours late W. S. Farish. dent group which first consider- New Series On Jones Colleg'e Cabinet voted Aid From Senate The story of Rice's purchase of ed the proposal. unanimously to accept the this private library resembles a Bill Randol, Student Associa- Recent Research present Jones curfew hours of To Publish 'Janus' cloak-and-dagger incident in a tion Councilman at Large, and 11:30 P.M. on weekdays and The University will initiate a mystery novel. However the so- S. W. Higginbotham, Dean of will not request an extension Appearing before the Student new series of lectures on recent lution of this mystery is "not Students, signed a contract this of hours to 12 o'clock to meet Senate last night, Doug Harlan, research in the humanities, sci- week which calls for two per- the new library hours. How- editor of the University's liter- available for publication." ence and engineering for lfHlo-C>4, formances the night of November ever, a request has been ap- ary anthology, "Janus," request- The trail, ending with the suc- President Pitzer announced Mon- 24. proved for late hours during ed a $500 grant to facilitate the cessful purchase of the books, be- day.
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