Established 1865 VOL. 33, NO. 26 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2018 Lights, camera, demolition! Cast of upcoming TV show crashes Lions Club derby The Homedale Lions Fourth of July Demolition Derby is ON PAGE 2 going international this year, Above: Friends and volunteers gather at the Homedale boat dock during the fi rst full day A rundown of the and mayhem most likely will main event and other of the search for Adrian Monreal. Below, counter-clockwise from left: Sheriff Perry Grant, ensue. events surrounding the Chief Deputy Lynn Bowman, Police Chief Jeff Eidemiller, and Posse member Travis Hyer A group of seven drivers discuss search efforts before launching a boat Thursday morning. from two states and a Canadian Homedale Lions Club province have signed up for Demolition Derby. Community rallies after next Wednesday’s 37th annual smash-up, and they’re bringing Mormon, is the ringleader for a TV crew. a group of derby veterans who Snake River boating accident Jim “Gumby” Simko, also known as the Stormin’ –– See Derby, page 5 Homedale High graduate’s body recovered Sunday Numerous vendors Even as it was breaking because of trag- edy, Homedale’s heart shone through with teamwork. ready for Marsing’s Hundreds of volunteers flocked to the town’s Snake River boat dock for four days Third of July event last week after a recent the town’s Chamber of Com- Homedale High School Lions BBQ, merce, will include vendors graduate went missing af- both old and new. ter the boat he was in was Course, nearly two miles west of Homedale, Sandbar shuttle The Sandbar Restaurant swamped last Wednesday according to sheriff’s Chief Deputy Lynn make return with a Cause will provide night. Bowman. shuttle service to Island Park The body of the 19- “We would like to extend condolences to Marsing’s annual Third of from the high school gymna- year-old man, identified the family and friends of Adrian,” the sher- July Fireworks Extravaganza sium parking lot. Handicap Adrian Monreal by the Owyhee County iff’s offi ce wrote in Sunday’s press release. is set to run from 6 p.m. to parking only will be allowed Sheriff’s Offi ce as Adrian Monreal Rubio, “In addition, the tireless efforts of all vol- midnight on Tuesday at Island in Island Park. Other visitors was recovered from the water Sunday morn- unteers to give peace to the family are greatly Park. ing across the river from River Bend Golf –– See Accident, page 16 The event, coordinated by –– See Marsing, page 5 Local golfer reaches Volunteers skim across the Snake prestigious jr. tourney River west of the Homedale boat Daniel Uranga’s golf career keeps drawing dock on Thursday him to the southeastern United States. (foreground) as Two and a half years after visiting Augusta Homedale Police National for the USGA’s Drive, Chip and Chief Jeff Eidemiller Putt Nationals, the 16-year-old has qualifi ed searches the riverbank for the oldest junior golf national tournament near Helton’s Island in the U.S. in a boat piloted by Although he lost a playoff at the Trusted Homedale resident Choice Big I Junior Qualifi er last Wednesday, Kevin Ensley. –– See Golfer, page 17 Daniel Uranga Subscribe today On Page 15: Fourth of July means Avalanche will arrive July 5 Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered Sage-grouse proposal, Pg. 3: Commissioner/rancher chimes in directly to you each Wednesday Only $31.80 in Owyhee County Grand day in Grand View, Pg. 9: Annual festival set Saturday Call 337-4681 Jr. Olympics bound, Pg. 17: Adrian’s Babcock to run relays Obituaries, 6 • Commentary, 18-19 • Looking Back, 20 Page 2 Wednesday, June 27, 2018 Busy derby day descends on Homedale next week th in demolition derbies at either through the Homedale [email protected] for Lions’ 37 annual fundraiser Meridian Speedway and in Lions Club Facebook page parade entry information. crowns Fourth full of activity Emmett about 30 years ago, (click the “Tickets” link on • The inaugural Believe and he also toured with a the left side) or at Ticketbud. Pulling Sled truck pull will With an action-packed logs because of the impact monster truck series. com (search for 37th annual be held at 1 p.m. at the evening planned, the start of another vehicle. In both Needham plans to enter a Homedale Lions Club fairgrounds. Registration time of the Homedale Lions instances, spectators were 2006 Dodge Charger, which Demolition Derby). will run from 10 a.m. to noon, Fourth of July Demolition injured. triggered a quick vote by Ticket prices (including and there are categories for Derby has been moved up. One log will remain in the Lions Club membership service charges) range from stock and modifi ed pulling Next Wednesday’s 37th place to allow quick access during the June 20 drivers $21.97 for the covered vehicles. The entry fee is annual derby begins with to the arena in between meeting. The Charger is grandstand (A section) to $35 plus $15 per person for a grand entry at 5:30 p.m., heats, but all spectator areas fuel-injected, so organizers $16.73 for the B section additional support staff. inside the Owyhee County will be fronted by the jersey had to create a waiver for (grandstand side, uncovered) Spectator admission for Fairgrounds rodeo arena. barriers next Wednesday. Needham. In the past, only and $13.58 for the C section the fi rst-time event is free. The gates open at 3:30 Farm Bureau Insurance is vehicles whose engines are (beer garden side). For more information, call p.m. sponsoring the championship fed with carburetors have Derby organizers have (541) 212-4123. Derby organizers continue fi nal again this year, and the been allowed into the fi eld. worked hard to have events • From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to concentrate on safety derby will feature a compact The Lions Club has throughout the day in on the grassy area between upgrades as the event chugs car heat for drivers 16 and decided to give spectators Homedale this year, too. the fairgrounds midway and toward its fi fth decade. older as well as a Power a chance to show their • For the second the rodeo arena, a benefi t The erstwhile boundary Wheels heat for young boys appreciation for the top consecutive year, a parade corn hole tournament will logs that ring the arena and girls. drivers in the event. open to all entrants will be held. The entry fee is $10, fl oor are being replaced this There are some new faces in This year, donation travel west down Idaho and proceeds will help the year with concrete jersey the fi eld this year, including buckets will be placed Avenue from the Homedale HHS cheerleading and boys’ barriers. Homedale residents Alfredo at the front gate and the High School parking lot. basketball programs. Lions Club president Castro, Amy Fossette, and concession stand so fans can The parade will feature Cash prizes include $100 Will Pryor said the addition Jason Puri, Caldwell’s Jose help build the prize money trailered demolition derby for the champion, $75 for of concrete barriers will Mendoza and Craig Bailey, for Twisted Metal and cars, horse entries, classic second place and $50 for cut down on the chances and Greenleaf driver Tom Road Rage awards, which cars, tractors and any other third place. of derby cars leaving the Needham. recognized the hardest hit themed fl oats. Call Johnny at (208) arena. A couple of times Although Needham is new and most aggressive driver Anyone who wants to be 9654428 or Evonne at in recent years, cars have to the Homedale event, he’s during the derby. in the parade can bring their (208) 9193919 for corn hole either jumped the logs or no stranger to derby life. Tickets for the Homedale entry to the HHS parking tournament information. have been pushed over the He said he competed derby are on sale online lot when lineup begins at • The City of Homedale is 8:30 a.m. sponsoring a large fi reworks The parade will push off show that will light up the at 9 a.m. sky above the fairgrounds th Call Elly Wass at (208) after the derby consolation Homedale Lions Club 37 Annual 981-7167 or Larry Wass at heat and trophy presentation DEMOLITION DERBY (208) 941-1813 or email ceremony. WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 2018 Man arrested at Jump BUY YOUR TICKETS ONLINE NOW Creek on felony warrants Homedale Lions Club Facebook or Ticketbud.com A Nampa man is being held cording to sheriff’s Chief in the Owyhee County Jail Deputy Lynn Bowman. after being found in the Jump Satterfi eld was wanted on Creek Recreation Area early a $100,000 Canyon County Saturday morning. warrant for unlawful posses- An Owyhee County Sher- sion of a fi rearm. He also had iff’s deputy was searching for a $25,000 Gem County warrant people in Jump Creek after- for failure to appear to face a Independence Parade hours when he happened upon driving under infl uence charge. 6WDUWVDWDP'RZQWRZQ+RPHGDOH/LQHXSDP++63DUNLQJORW three people just after 5 a.m. Satterfi eld, a second adult in a Chrysler 300 in the popu- male and an adult female were TRUCK PULL lar recreation area. charged with infractions for $WWKH)DLUJURXQGV&KHFNLQWR1RRQ(YHQWDW30 The 35-year-old driver, Wil- being at Jump Creek outside liam Satterfi eld, was found regular hours. Regular hours CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT to have two felony warrants run from 6 a.m.
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