GANDHI CENTRE for Atomic RESEARCH Kalfai(KAM ICC-100 1988

GANDHI CENTRE for Atomic RESEARCH Kalfai(KAM ICC-100 1988

O CO o w «- 0) 6" Biennial Activity Report of Metallurgy Programme-1985 and 1986 Edite: by C. Maiitkc P. R. Sreenivosan P. Murahedhcran M. T. Shyamsunder P. Kuppusami N. Sampath A. K. Bhaduri 0. M. Sreedharan GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENEFCY GANDHI CENTRE FOR ATOMiC RESEARCH KALFAi(KAM ICC-100 1988 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY Biennial Activity Report of Metallurgy Programme-1985 and 1986 Edited by C. Mallika, P.R. Sreenivasan, P. Muraleedharan, Ai.T. Shyamsunder, P. Kuppusami, N. Sampath, A.K. Bhaduri and O.M. Sreedharan Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam 603 102, Tamil Nadu, India FOREWORV I have, gxzat pk.aiu.xz in thz Biennial Activity Uzpoit o{\ thz Mztalluxgy Pxogxammz oh the, Indka Gandhi Ce.ntxz faoi Atomic hot the. 1985 and 1986. Thii xzpoxting pzxiod maihi the. f,iut two oh thz izcond decade oh thz Pxogxammz. Thz pziiod hai izzn iomz itxuctuxal changzi in thz oxgani- iation oh thz Pxogxammz. Thz activitizi oj thz "Radiomztalluxgy Laboxatoiy havz come undzx thz Viviuon fax Poit-lxxadiation Examination and NVT Peve- lopmznt [VPENV) oh thz Mztalluxgy Pxogxammz. Thz doxmation oh VPENV ii a xzcognition not only oh thz impoxtancz oh NVT in Poit-lxxadiation Exami- nation but aiio oft thz zxczllznt contxibutiom ^xom tkii taboxatoxy to both V.SV in NVT and to impoxtant pxactical applicatiom in out powzx xzactoxi, hzavy watzx pxojzcti and in FBTU. With thz completion o& thz comtxaction o^ FBTH, thz Quality Contxol S Inipzction Wing hai now become a paxt ofa thz Pxogxammz and hai bzzn xznamzd ai thz Quality Enginzzxing Section. NVT activitizi faxm a majox componznt o{> thz activitizi o& thii Section olio. Along with NVT, wzlding mztalluxgy, low cycle f/xtiguz, cxeep and cxzzp iatiguz intzxactioni, itxuctuxz-pxopzxty coxxzhtiom, thzxmodynamia and coxxoiion mztalluxgy oh alloy itzzti with xzipzct to thzix compatibility with aquzoui and liquid iodium znvixonmznti continue to fee the majox thxubt aizai oh thz Pxogxammz. I would likz to makz a ipzcial mzntion oh iomz oh thz baiic xzizaxch contxibutionb from thz Pxogxammz: thz obizxmtion oh unihoxm and homogznzoui diitxibution oh voidi in cyclically dzhoxmzd 304 SS, thz xolz oh gxain boundaxizi and pxecipitation in dynamic itxain agzing oh 316 SS and thz dztzxmination oh thz activitizi oh componznt mztalb in 316 and 304 SS by mztaitablz EMF mzthod. It ii intzxziting to notz that thziz oxiginal and exciting hindingi havz come hl0Yn 0(X1! itudizi on matzxiali oh pxactical intzxzit fax thz Fait Bxzzdzx Uzactox Pxogxammz. Looking to thz hutuxz, it ii pxojzctzd that thz activitizi will *ee an zmphaiii on zvaluation oh matzxicdi pxopzxtizi and bzhavioux in iodium znvixonmznt, high xziolution and analytical micxoicopy oh xzactox matzxiali and thz inhhzncz oh axadiation e^ecti on matzxiali. Poit-ixxadiation zxami- nation oh FBTU (Sue* pini and Sub-aiizmblizi and ixxadiation zxpzximznti in FBTV. ai paxt oh thz dzvzlopmznt tziting oh (Suefi and matzxiali hoi PF8T? and othzx tfufrwe Fait Bxzzdzx Rzactoxi will bz activitizi oh top ptioxity. lndigznoui dzvzlopmznt oh ipzcial itzzti with optimiizd compoiitioni h01 application in PF8R, and KSV zhhoxti in h&bxication tzchnology xzlatzd to dzvzlopmznt oh thz hincd pxoducti axz among othzx axzai that ihould xaczivz incxzaiing zmphaiii in oux activitizi in thz next (Jtve to tzn yzaxi. [PLACW RODRIGUEZ) ° Kalpakkam, Hzad, Mtitalluxgy Pxogxammz 19.7.1988. Indixa Gandhi Czntxe. hm Atomic Rzizaxch CONTENTS 1. MECHANICAL METALLURGY SECTION 1.1 Machine compliance determination from strain rate change tests S.K. Ray, G. Sasikala, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.2 Grain size dependence of saturation deformation behaviour of an AISI 316 stainless steel at 1123 K S..K. Ray, K.G. Samuel, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.3 Effect of direction strain rate change on the strain rate sensitivity of an aged AISI 316 stainless steel K.G. Samuel, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.4 Effect of thermal ageing on serrated yielding of an AISI 3 16 stainless steel at 923 K K.G. Samuel, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.5 Tensile properties of three he-ats of nuclear grade 316 stainless steel M.D. Mathew, S. Latha, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.6 Influence of tempering treatments on room temperature tensile properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel R. Sandhya, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao and S.L. Mannan 1.7 Tensile properties of 9Cr-1Mo steel S. Latha, M.D. Mathew and S.L. Mannan 1.8 Anomalous creep behaviour of two heats of 316 stainless steel at 823 K M.D. Mathew, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.9 Rupture ductility and creep damage in an AISI 316 stainless steel in the temperature range 823-923 K M.D. Mathew, G. Sasikala, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.10 Creep-rupture properties of an AISI 316 stainless steel weld metal at 923 K M.D. Mathew, G. Sasikala, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.11 An analysis of the tertiary creep behaviour of an AISI 316 stainless steel in the temperature range 823-923 K M.D. Mathew, S. Latha, G. Sasikala, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.12 Creep-rupture properties of a second lot of twenty percent cold-worked cladding tubes of FBTR M.D. Mathew, S. Latha, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez ii 1.13 Metallographic investigation of the influence of grain size on the creep-rupture properties of an AISI 316 stainless steel K. Laha and S.L. Mannan 1.14 Evaluation of creep properties of thick section 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel B.K. Choudhary, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao and S.L. Mannan 1.15 Cyclic creep behaviour of 2.25Cr-1Mo ferritic steel at 823 K B.K. Choudhary, G. Sasikala and S.L. Mannan 1.16 Effects of strain-induced martensite formation on low cycle fatigue behaviour of 304 stainless steel at 300 K K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, M. Valsan, R. Sandhya, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.17 Significance of welds discontinuities in low cycle fatigue K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, M. Valsan, R. Sandhya, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.18. Effects of prior thermal exposure on low cycle fatigue behaviour of nuclear grade 304 stainless steel K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, M. Valsan, R. Sandhya, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.19 Uniform matrix cavitation during low cycle fatigue of AISI 304 stainless steel K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, M. Vijayalakshmi, M. Valsan, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez 1.20 Strain rate effects on low cycle fatigue behaviour of nimonic PE16 superalloy M. Valsan, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao and S.L. Mannan 1.21 Effects of microstructure on elevated temperature low cycle fatigue behaviour of nimonic PE16 superalloy M. Valsan, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao and S.L. Mannan 1.22 Strain controlled fatigue behaviour of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel R. Sandhya, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao and S.L. Mannan 1.23 Evaluation of ageing-induced embrittlement in an austenitic stainless steel by instrument impact testing K.G. Samuel, P. R. Sreenivasan, S.K. Ray and P. Rodriguez 1.24 Instrumented drop-weight test results for a quenched and tempered AISI 403 martensitic stainless steel P. R. Sreenivasan, S.K. Ray, S.L. Mannan and P. Rodriguez iii 2. PHYSICAL METALLURGY SECTION ?6 2.1 Microstructure - a criterion for superconductivity D. Sundararaman and V.S. Raghunathan 2.2 Phase transformations in Ti-6a/oFe and Ti-6a/oFe- 1.5a/oN alloys D. Sundararaman, E. Mohandas and V.S. Raghunathan 2.3 The 748 K embrittlement in Fe-Cr alloys M. Vijayalakshmi and V.S. Raghunathan 2.4 Effect of nitrogen on p-phase instability in a Ti- 35a/oNb alloy A.L.E. Terrance, D. Sundararaman, V.S. Raghunathan and T.S. Radhakrishnan 2.5 Interdiffusion in Nb-Ti system S. Saroja and V.S. Raghunathan 2.6 Analysis of the interdiffusion data in Ni/Fe system Vaidehi Ganesan and V.S. Raghunathan 2.7 Interdiffusion in an AISI 316 L stainless steel/nickel system Vaidehi Ganesan, V. Seetharaman and V.S. Raghunathan 2.8 Quasicrystalline phase in rapidly quenched Al-Mn, Al-Fe and Al-Mn-Fe alloys : Microstructure and the effect of heat treatment V.S. Raghunathan, G.A. Dixit and P. Kuppusami 2.9 Transmission electron microscopy study of an AISI 316 stainless steel plasma-nitrided at 823 K P. Kuppusami, D. Sundararaman and V.S. Raghunathan 2. 10 A comparative study of the plasma-nitriding behaviour of an AISI type 316 stainless steel and a microalloyed steel P. Kuppusami, D. Sundararaman and V.S. Raghunathan 2.11 Electro-migration of hydrogen in zircaloy-2 P. Parameswaran, K. Govinda Rajan, U. Kamachi Mudali and V.S. Raghunathan 2.12 Failure analysis of a boiler feed pump V.S. Raghunathan, H.S. Khatak and S. Vaidyanathan 2.13 Report on the analysis of failed bolts of turbine gland housing at MAPS-1 D. Sundararaman, R.K. Dayal and V.S. Raghunathan 2.14 Failure analysis in the process sea water pump (PSWP) and condenser cooling water pump (CCWP) in MAPS M. Vijayalakshmi, T.P.S. Gill and V.S. Raghunathan iv 3. CHEMICAL METALLURGY SECTION -j 3 -j 3.1 Effect of cold-work on the oxidation resistance of ferritic steels A.S.Khanna, J.B.Gnanamoorthy and P.Rodriguez 3.2 Oxidation kinetics, breakaway oxidation and inversion phenomenon in 9Cr-1Mo steels A.S.Khanna, P.Rodriguez and J.B.Gnanamoorthy 3.3 Effect of various heat treatments on the oxidation behaviour of 2 1/4 Cr - 1 Mo steel A.S.Khanna, R.K.Singh Raman and J.B.Gnanamoorthy 3.4 Application of acoustic emission technique in the study of high temperature oxidation A.S.Khanna, B.B.Jha and Baldev Raj 3.5 Applicability of EPR technique for assessing intergranular corrosion susceptibility of cold-worked type 304 SS N.Parvathavarthini, R.K.Dayal, S.K.Seshadri and J.B.Gnanamoorthy 3.6 Corrosion-microstructure correlation studies on an AISI type 316 L SAW weld metal U.Kamachi Mudali, T.P.S.Gill, V.

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