PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. "GOING TEACH YE ALL NATION'S. • • • AND liHlIOLD 1 AM WITH VOTi ALL DAV>, KVKN TO THE fJONslMNf \'ffr)\ or IIIK WdFn.U; —M., x^vui. 19. 20. VOL VII. PITTSBUllGH. vS.VTURDAY. .SEPTEMHEIl 7, I8o0. NO. 2 TUK I'lTTSHl K(;H CAl'llOLIC :ind to teed himself upon merely 'locusts ami tlependence of soul than voiir ancestors, O rived from Ireland's poor. To manv of our I- TKIMKI) AM> IMlU.ISlIKn K\KK\ >.MIin)AV wild honey.' And havinir thus mortified his Knglishmen' It was then, before littleness of readers will occur the par:dlel tde;i of lh« body and subdued his spirit, he comes forth mind and base selfishness became the characier- blessinirs heaped upon this i-ountrv by the H\ from the recesses of the desert, and he pre:ich- isiic features of the human raee, that the Keli- Fn-nch refu^rees, and which hav« flowed ever .IV* OK I'OltTtK, es, what he had already practiced—penance gioiis Orders of the Catholic Church became sinci^ so abundaiUh uimn it, from the lime (trrnrr of I food strrrt (iiul l'irp:in >i/fri/. for the remission of sins. so irrr-at fivorites with every nation bearing when C;itholicism w;is fearfully on tbe wane (Kiilr.iiirc ciii Viryin .-Mlcy.) "What a ."plendid picture is given us of this the luime of Ciiristian. And how well ami in this ('ountrv, but which seems to have been great m;in in the Divine words of the Saviour? how faithfully they preserved the trust reposed resuscitated ;done by the fulfilment of the 'J'lic passage must be cjuoted from the (iospel in them, history too strtuigly atujsts. 1 mean evanpelic;d counsel, "I was hungry, and ye 'i"Kl{.MS. —(Matt, xi.) ',\nd wht.n they went their not the chronicles kept bv those men who ga\e me to eat; I W:IH ihirslv ;ind ye gave me (INVIIIIIIILT IX «llVA^rr.) way. .lesus began to say to the multitudes con- commenced their demolition, but bv the annals to drink; I was a str;ini{er, and ve took ine cernintr .lolin; What went vou out into the written by even I'roiestant historians." in." I <"npv fnr Mill- vcar. -••i on .< CcipicK fur oni- year. 5 00 desert to see.' a reed shaken with the wind? With these jroldeu days of summer h:irvesi. "Olil Kngiishiuenl you often exclaim againat .* (^^()^e^s for one y«Hr 8 00 But what went you out to see? a man clothed FathiT Scallv contrasts the i)resent wintry and the poor Irish who flock to your towns ;ind in soft irarments.' Behokl! they that are cloth- de.«olate aspect of this spiriluallv l)enit:hted cities in search of a morsel of food and a patch '. 0 Oopios for oil'- y<"ar 1.5 UO ed in soft garments live in the houses of kings, isbmd. of raiment—you forget that your :ilins to the.«e No '>ril«r will be Hltrmlf.l to unles-s it is .irroinpaiiiwl Hut what w^ent you out to see? a prophet? ".\t the present moment the Hntish Nation poor ones of Christ bring down the ph-ntitul with !tic iiiDiirv. Y(.'a, I tell you, and more than a [irophet. l'\)r is one vast congregation of all classes of men, showers of (Jod's holy grace and mercy. Re- this is he of whom it is written. Behold. I send —nobles, gentry, merchants, traders to every dining in your spleiidiil m:insions, and eating my ;uigel before thy face, who shall [irepare corner of the world, men ul the highest science.of the land's t'rmtfulness, the aspect of a poor thy way before. Amen, I say to you. there and (d" the most jierfeci skill in mechanics; sipialid Irish pauper ;ilarms and disgusts you. SELKCTIONS. hath not arisen among them that are born of farmers of the tirst inteUijr<"iice and industry. Know vou not lh;il the Redeemer who pur- women, a irreater than .lohii the Btiptist.' and biborers of all grides, Tlirm as to Reli- chased for your immorUil souls eternal glory, '•What a irniiid testimony is this in favor id gioii, Kngland beats out the whole world for often times comes to vour door in that lowly the retirtMi life of the Recluse! Here we h;iv(,' variety. Think of any sect that ever existed garb' -What you do' said he, -to the least of EN(il-.\NI) WITH KKKKRKNCK TO the .Son ot (Jod l)earing evidence to the excel- in the ;iges p.ist or [•resent, ;tnd, if you wish to these, you do to me." Would to (iod! that THE MONASTIC INSTITUri:. lence of the life pursued by those who, (lying see it, you find it in Fiigland. Wonder at everv Kuglishman i-ould duh ap[)reciat<' th*" .?» t^ssai/ upon thr Restoration of Catholirity the world's vain ;ind tr;insitorv pleasures, de- ignorance the most groHs of the Deity. ;ind etlieacy of those prayers .sent up to Heaven by to that Covntrif in itx full i(hn/. By the vote themselves to works of prayer, self-morti- his divine attributes. ;oid you tiud it in Fng- the Irish pauper, whom home tvnmny had fication and penaiute; not because they liave land. sent to the door of the loreigiitir. to ask help Rev. M. Sfally. O.C.C. London: Uurns sinned, so much as to avoid the danger of sin- "This hittfrr is. indeed, a sin-rular feature for and protection from uiU'r ruia. .And, then, and Liiinbert. nine. To any one reading the above beauli- a nation so renowned as England is for :ill ih:ii how Ot'len do ^ on not bj-hold the meek and Father Seally is what thf world would call ful pa.ssajre, it must appear strange, indecni, is great. Vet, looking to the recorded testi- hiunble Irish Priesi moving towards your hap- an enthusiast, if it did not put hiin down as a how it c;imt> to pass that nn.'ii, who profess the mony of (Commissioners of Imiuiry employed py homes to solicit an alms for his Religion madman. He has aeinally written an Ivssay most ardent love for scriptural education, can by <Ht\eriiinent, the assertnui is fully borne .md tor lii>i eountrv? Refuse him not. Oh; in behalf of ihi- .Monastie Insiiniie, anil in favor with such Vehemence and bigotry cry out. out. : pitv him and bless his mission? Mark vou of a return to the cnstotns of those dark aires, •Away with the .Monastic liistittite. and away "Takiiii: a view of the surlace ot Kngland, well, O Fnglishmen of we;ilth! when an Irish when mankind eiinally and proportionately with those who profess its vocatiiin.""' we liiul a rich and luxuriant soil prevailing Priest appro;iches your tiouse to ask voiir divided its time lietvveen its duty to (Jod and to I'ather Si'ally traces monasticism from the throughout; a;id m every dire.iion. from end charily. Heaven alone could tell what a feeling man. and multitudes were found, both of men foutidaliou of'Christianilv. of which it is the to end. and from side to side, we are pleased ol internal suH'ering scizi's upon h;s heart and women, who tied even from the saii'-tuary very essence and crowning fulfilment. to find this rich land dotted (i\<,'r with risiULT Pit\ hmi then, aiii- co.'isole him tor hi.-< r-oun- of a Catholie home and family, to seeliide "Returnintr to our siib|ect. we find lliat the .mil loiiK-estahlished cities and towns. Ficrv Irs's sake." iheinselves from everyihiiiL' bm (iodV most Redeemer, who so fully pr.iised his precursor, tiling in lOlliilaiid is I'alculated to please the The following on the progress K)\ the reli- intimate |irespiice. Then was the lime when .lohn the Baplisl. h.is c-iveii his hiir^iest ;ipprov:il eve mumbiiie. But U) the .searcher of spiritual LHOUS orders in this country, who, with our­ the propheeies of Isaiah and Hzekiel were ftil- to the life otCelibacv Is it wicked, tu' is it tliinijs in this great country, what a sad \ acuiim selves, owe a debt of gratitude especially to fiUcd. and ••llir- eardi" was litirnUij as full of Itlaspheiiiy to sa\'. that "His own diviiu' ix:im- is pn'sented! .S(i imiueiise is the prejxmder- the personal /.cat \ii our present Bishop, will the "glories oi' the I.ofd as the waters eover ple IS thr- corne'r-stone of the .Monastic liisii- aiitig number of those who lliink not in reality interest the readers ut the Cntholii Stdii- the sea;" then was the time when the human tuie? If by this expression I sin—my contri- of a hitun-. that the other class is nearly :ib- dar.l. raee fultilled its appointed purpo.se and liiLrhest tion IS prompt I :un sorry. sori'vd from vision—at Ir-ast 111 most parts of ••Some cigiueeii ceiitiirii!s ago. a city called destinv. and assemlilmu' 111 solenin choir as the ••.Mary, Joseph. PiMer. P.iul, John; all tiie Kiii'land. C.itholicity is niakint: every e\cr- Rone- was the iheatrc id' :dl the P:igan gods, aiii^elp above surpassed .\dam in their ^lory. .Aposdes of Jesus were celibats. .And in this ii(,n. hut yet an immensity is to l>e done to and in that cilv stood one temple, called the and Kve.
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