E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 No. 138 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER He is the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Somerset, KY, a church of f The SPEAKER. The Chair will recog- nize 15 Members on each side for 1-min- some 2,000 members. PRAYER utes. Although a young man, Brother f Browning has packed into his years an The Reverend Dr. Robert F. Brown- impressive career in service to God and ing, pastor of First Baptist Church, REQUEST FOR LIMITATION OF his people. Somerset, KY, offered the following TIME FOR FURTHER CONSIDER- He just last year finished two 1-year prayer: ATION OF H.R. 2126, DEPART- terms as president of the Kentucky Father, You have been so good to us MENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIA- Baptist Convention, a sure sign of the and we thank You for many blessings TIONS ACT, 1996 esteem felt for Brother Browning by today. Thank You for trusting us to Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, I ask his peers and religious leaders through- make decisions. Help us to be wise. unanimous consent on the defense bill out Kentucky. Thank You for giving us responsibility. today that we have a limitation of 5 But, no wonder to us, his home Help us to be industrious. Thank You hours on the bill and all amendments church members, we have watched his for allowing us to be leaders in this thereto. leadership abilities grow and develop great country. Help us to follow You as The SPEAKER. Is there objection to since he came to us in 1982 following we lead Your people. Thank You for the request of the gentleman from pastorships at three other Kentucky giving us families along our journey. Pennsylvania? churches and receiving his doctorate Help us to be faithful to them. Thank Mr. SANDERS. Yes, Mr. Speaker, I degree at Southern Baptist Theological You, most of all, for Your abiding pres- object. We are talking about $244 bil- Seminary in Louisville. ence, gracious love, strengthening arm, lion. I think we need more debate than In addition to various responsibilities and forgiving Spirit. May we be humble 5 hours. with the State association, he has been recipients and bold ambassadors. Mr. MURTHA. How about 6 hours? called upon by the entire community. Amen. The SPEAKER. Objection is heard. He serves on everything from the Mr. SANDERS. I think it is some- YMCA board to the county solid waste f thing that should be discussed perhaps advisory committee. He is a trustee at in a little while when people get to- Cumberland College. He has worked as THE JOURNAL gether. I do not have an objection to a a volunteer in Africa, Brazil, and Rus- time limit. But I cannot agree to a cer- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- sia. tain time limit now. ined the Journal of the last day's pro- The SPEAKER. The Chair seeks to Brother Bob and his wife Jackie are ceedings and announces to the House accommodate Members, and this has the parents of three wonderful chil- his approval thereof. been an interesting colloquy. The Chair dren: Jason, Amy, and Joshua. Jason is Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- thinks if the gentlemen can get to- a marine, based in California. nal stands approved. gether, the Chair will be glad to recog- Brother Bob is a wonderful preacher. But his greatest gift is his ability to f nize someone at an appropriate mo- ment. counsel, one on one. I can personally testify to the warm and caring love he PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f imparts to those who are so fortunate The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- WELCOME TO REV. DR. ROBERT F. to be in his care. He has been of enor- woman from Texas, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE BROWNING mous importance to me and my family JOHNSON, come forward and lead the (Mr. ROGERS asked and was given in recent months, especially. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. permission to address the House for 1 Welcome Brother Browning to the Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of minute and to revise and extend his re- people's House, your House. Texas led the Pledge of Allegiance as marks.) f follows: Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, the Rev- erend Bob Browning, who offered to- LET US CONTINUE TO SUPPORT I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the THE B±2 United States of America, and to the Repub- day's opening prayer as the guest lic for which it stands, one nation under God, House Chaplain, is my hometown pas- (Mr. DICKS asked and was given per- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tor, friend, and personal counselor. mission to address the House for 1 b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 8599 H 8600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 7, 1995 minute and to revise and extend his re- to address the House for 1 minute and CUTTING MEDICARE TO PAY FOR marks.) to revise and extend her remarks.) TAX BREAKS Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, today the Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given House will take up the Defense appro- Texas. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in permission to address the House for 1 priations bill, and one of the most im- strong support of continuing the B±2 minute and to revise and extend his re- portant amendments will be on the B± program. The B±2 bomber protects our marks.) 2 bomber. Ever since 1980, when Sec- sons and daughters and grandsons and Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, 9 months retary Harold Brown announced that granddaughters, the women and men of ago the American public gave to the we would build a stealth bomber, I the military looking out for this Na- Republicans the opportunity to control have felt that this was the most impor- tion. this House of Representatives and the tant technological breakthrough in When we send our people to battle, Senate. At that time the Republicans modern military history. we want to send them with the best announced that they wanted to give In the Gulf war, the F±117, a stealth very wealthy income taxpayers a huge attack aircraft, was able to penetrate equipment we have available and we want to send them in as small a num- tax break. How are they going to pay the most difficult targets and knock for it under the budget rules? out surface-to-air missiles and radars ber as possible to save lives. This is what the B±2 will do. The B±2 can re- They are going to cut 270 billion dol- without losing pilots and doing it in a lars' worth of benefits out of the Medi- matter of hours. Other airplanes that place many of the fighter planes in a very stealth way. It will cost more per care Program, $270 billion. They are were not stealthy were unable to pene- going to take away from all the senior trate without a large number of sup- individual plane, but when we compare the fact that it can replace 70 some citizens the right to choose their doc- port aircraft. tor. They are going to charge them The B±2 gives us a plane that can planes on each mission, it is worth it. It is cost effective. more. These burdens will fall not only carry eight times as much as the F±117 on the senior citizens but on their fam- Mr. Speaker, at least seven former and five times as far. In a world where ilies, who will feel compelled to have to Secretaries of Defense have noted the we are going to have a smaller U.S. dig down in their pockets to take care B±2 bomber is the most cost-effective military, having worldwide reach, of these people. This is unfair. being able to stop mobile divisions means of rapidly projecting force over But the most unfair thing about all coming from North Korea, say, into great distances. of this, Mr. Speaker, is this: In 2 weeks, South Korea or into the gulf, is a revo- f we will be voting on the Committee on lutionary capability. Let us continue Ways and Means on this program, and to support the B±2. KEEP THE B±2 BOMBER this is the only copy of it that we have, f this blank piece of paper. This stealth (Mr. MCKEON asked and was given attack is unconscionable. HOW TO PROTECT OUR permission to address the House for 1 CHILDREN'S FUTURE minute and to revise and extend his re- f (Mr. BOEHNER asked and was given marks.) SCARE TACTICS REGARDING permission to address the House for 1 Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, today we MEDICARE minute.) will hold an important vote on the fu- (Mr. HAYWORTH asked and was Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, a lot ture of our Nation's bomber force. given permission to address the House has changed over the last 9 months of With this in mind, I would like to for 1 minute and to revise and extend the Republican controlled Congress. outline excerpts from a recent report his remarks.) As Members of Congress went home by the Congressional Research Service Mr.
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