DIRECTORIES AND LISTS EDITORIAL NOTE The directories of Jewish National Organizations and Jewish Periodicals in the United States and Canada, which have appeared regularly in this section, are omitted from the present volume. In their place is published the 1946-47 Directory of Jewish Federa- ations, Welfare Funds, Community Councils and Local Affiliated Agencies. Also omitted from this section is the list of Jews in American Public Service. This list and the directories of national organiza- tions and periodicals, which last appeared in Volume 47 (pages 557-632), will again be published, in revised form, in Volume 49. 1946-47 DIRECTORY OF JEWISH FEDERATIONS, WELFARE FUNDS, COMMUNITY COUNCILS AND LOCAL AFFILIATED AGENCIES Cotnpikd by COUNCIL OF JEWISH FEDERATIONS AND WELFARE FUNDS The present Directory is one of a series compiled annually by the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. It includes 607 communities, 266 of which are part of metropolitan or regional organizations. This compares with 247 communities in the 1939 Directory and 305 in the 1943 Directory, and reflects the development of Jewish communal organization in America. The 607 communities comprise at least 95% of the Jewish population of the United States and about 90% of the Jewish population of Canada. Listed for each community is the local central agency— federation, welfare fund or community council—with its address and the names of the president and executive director. Listed also are the local community service agencies, most of them beneficiaries of, or affiliated with, the central com- munal organization, with their addresses and with the names of their executives. The titles federation, welfare fund and Jewish community council are not definitive and their structures and functions vary from city to city. What is called a federation in one city, for example, may have the title of a community council in another. In the main, these central agencies have responsibility for some or all of the following functions: a) raising funds for local, national and overseas services; b) allocation and distribution of funds for these purposes; 530 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK c) coordination and central planning of local services, such as family welfare, child care, health, recreation, community relations within the Jewish community and with the general community, Jewish education, and care of the aged, eliminating duplication and filling in gaps in service; d) in small and some intermediate cities direct adminis- tration of local social services. The following symbols are used: * — Member agency of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. § •— Receives support from Community Chest. 0 — Denotes that no information was received from the agency for the. 1946 Directory, and the information listed was taken from the most recent files of the CJFWF. In all other cases, the information listed was supplied directly by the community for this Directory. 1946-47 DIRECTORY OF JEWISH FEDERATIONS, WELFARE FUNDS, COMMUNITY COUNCILS AND LOCAL AFFILIATED AGENCIES ALABAMA ALABAMA CITY (see Gadsden, Ala.) ATTALLA (.see Gadsden, Ala.) BIRMINGHAM •United Jewish Fund (includes Enaley, Fairfield, Tarrant City), org. 1937, 700 N. 18th. St. J. Smolian, Pres.; Mrs. B. A. Roth, Ex. Sec. BIRMINGHAM HEBREW SCHOOL, 1700 N. Seventh Ave. David T. Feidelson, Pres. IFEDERATION OF JEWISH CHARITIES, 700 N. 18th St. BETH EL HEBREW SCHOOL, 2179 Highland Ave. Felix Shevinsky, Pres. SEWELOWITZ HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION, 700 N. 18th St. Max Hurvich, Prea.; Mrs. B. A. Roth, Sec.-Treas. *YMHA, 700 N. 18th St. William P. Engel, Pres.; Benjamin A. Roth, Ex. Dir. DOTHAN "Jewish Welfare Fund Committee (includes surrounding communities), org. 1942 P. O. Box 742. Meyer Blumberg, Pres.; Herman I. BliU, Sec. ENSLEYJjee Birmingham, Ala.) FAIRFIELD (see Birmingham, Ala.) FLORENCE (see Muscle Shoals Area, Ala.) GADSDEN Federated Jewish Charities (includes Alabama City, Attalla), org. 1937, P. O. Box 244. Merlin Hagedorn, Pres.; Hugo H. Hecht, Sec. MOBILE 0*#Federation of Jewish Charities, org. 1914, Paul May, Pres.; Nell R. Hess, Sec, 6 N. Pine St. LADIES HEBREW BENEVOLENT, Mrs. R. Bowman, 467 Michigan Ave. ORTHODOX FEDERATION OF CHARITIES, I. Prince, Government and Royal Sts. UNITED HEBREW CHARITIES, I. Prince, Government and Royal Sta. MONTGOMERY •Jewish Federation, org. 1930, 120 Clayton St. Simon Wampold, Pres.; Mrs. Regina Rosenfeld, Ex. Sec. 531 532 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK MUSCLE SHOALS AREA •Jewish Federated Charities (includes Florence, Sheffield, Tuscumbia), org. W33, Philip Olin, Chmn.; Louis Rosenbaum, Co-Chmn.; Morris Shipper, Treas.,T/o Shipper Cotton Co., Florence, Ala. SELMA •Jewish Welfare Fund (includes surrounding communities), org. 1936, Arthur Lewis, Chmn.; Seymour Palmer, Sec, c/o Kayser's. SHEFFIELD (.see Muscle Shoals Area, Ala.) TARRANT CITY (see Birmingham, Ala.) TUSCALOOSA •Federated Jewish Charities, org. 1939, Mose Temerson, Pres.; Mrs. S. Wiesel, Sec- Treas., 1610 Alaca Place. TUSCUMBIA (see Muscle Shoals Area. Ala.) ARIZONA PHOENIX •Jewish Community Council (includes 33 surrounding communities) org. 1940. 128 N. First Ave. Harry Rosenzweig, Pres.; Julius A. Graber, Ex. Sec. JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE BUREAU, Rabbi A. L. Krohn, Chmn. TUCSON pIMewish Community Council, org. 1942, 33 West Congress St. Robert Kissel, Pres.; Albert Wagner, Ex. Dir. TUCSON CHAPTER OF NATIONAL WELFARE BOARD, Mrs. L. Levy, Sec, 2702 E. Fourth St. #TUCSON JEWISH WELFARE, P. O. Box 2015. Mrs. L. Levy, Sec. YOUNG PEOPLE'S HEBREW ASSOCIATION. Jack Rappaport, Sec. ARKANSAS ENGLAND (.see Little Rock. Ark.) FORT SMITH StJewish Charity Fund, org. 1921. 20 S. Sixth St. Louis Cohen, Pres. HELENA Federated Jewish Charities (includes Holly Grove, Marvell), org. 1934, P. O. Box 162, David L. Meyers, Sec.-Treas. HOLLY GROVE (see Helena, Ark.) LEVY (see Little Rock, Ark.) FEDERATIONS AND WELFARE FUNDS 533 .ITTLE ROCK ^Federation of Jewish Charities (includes North Little Rock and Levy), org. 1912, 710 Pyramid Bldg. Henry E. Spitzberg. Pres.; Mrs. Louise S. Thalheimer, Ex. Dir. 'Jewish Welfare Fund (includes England, North Little Rock, etc.) ors. 1930, 710 Pyramid Bldg. Henry E. Spitzberg, Press.; Mrs. Louise S. Thalheimer, Ex. Dir. VIARVELL {see Helena, Ark.) NORTH LITTLE ROCK {see Little Rock. Ark.) PINE BLUFF ejewish Federated Charities, org. 1941, Maurice Cohen, Pres.; Rabbi M. Clark, Sec, Temple Anshe Emeth, 121 S. Popular. CALIFORNIA ALAMEDA {see Oakland, Calif.) ARVIN {see Bakersfield, Calif.) BAKERSFIELD •United Jewish Welfare Fund of Kern County (includes Arvin, Delano, Shafter, Taft, Wasco). org. 1937, 1600 H St. Oscar Rudnick, Pres.; Rabbi J. A. Levy, Ex. Sec. JEWISH CHARITIES, P. O. Box 1046. Rabbi J. A. Levy, Ex. Sec. BERKELEY (see Oakland, Calif.) CHICO {see Sacramento, Calif.) COLTON {see San Bernardino, Calif.) DELANO {see Bakersneld, Calif.) EMERYVILLE {see Oakland, Calif.) FRESNO Jewish Welfare Federation, sponsors "United Jewish Welfare Fund (includes Fresno, Kings, Madera and Tulare Counties), Temple Beth Israel, Calaveras and N Sts. Dr. H. M. Ginsburg, Pres.; Rabbi David L. Greenberg, Ex. Sec, P. O. Box 1328. (Free Loan Committee, Jewish Benevolent Society, Jewish Coordinating Com- mittee) HAYWARD (see Oakland. Calif.) HEALDSBURG {see Petaluma, Calif.) LODI {see Stockton, Calif.) LONG BEACH ^Jewish Community Council, org. 1945; sponsors *United Jewish Welfare Fund, org. 1934, 255 Pine Ave. Irving Schneider, Pres.; Hirsch Kaplan, Ex. Dir. 534 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK LOS ANGELES •^Federation of Jewish Welfare Organizations, org. 1911, 610 Temple St., Leonard Chudacoff, Pres.; Dr. Maurice J. Karpf, Ex. Dir. #CEDARS OF LEBANON HOSPITAL, 4833 Fountain Ave. E. Weisberger, Supt. ^HAMBURGER HOME, 1225 S. Union Ave. Rose Moss, Ex. Dir. #JEWISH BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION, 610 Temple St. Milton Goldberg, Ex. Dir. Camp Max Strauss. JEWISH CENTERS ASSOCIATION, 8008 Beverly Blvd. Meyer E. Fichman, Ex. Dir. BEVERLY-FAIRFAX CENTER, 8008 Beverly Blvd. Milton Malkin, Ex. Dir. MENORAH CENTER, 961 North Alma. M. Tolchinsky, Ex. Dir. #SOTO-MICHIGAN CENTER, 2317 Michigan Ave. Philip Rabin, Ex. Dir. WEST ADAMS CENTER, 2612 Hillcrest Dr. Louis Israel, Ex. Dir. #JEWISH COMMITTEE FOR PERSONAL SERVICE, 610 Temple St. Louis Ziskind, Ex. Dir. ^JEWISH LOAN FUND, 610 Temple St. Max Goldman, Pres. ^JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE BUREAU, 610 Temple St. Freda Mohr, Ex. Dir. #JULIA ANN SINGER DAY NURSERY, 244 North Breed. Anna Sheftelman, Ex. Dir. LEAGUE FOR ASSISTANCE OF JEWISH STUDENTS, 610 Temple St. Rabbi E. F. Magnin, Chmn. #VISTA DEL MAR CHILD-CARE SERVICE, 10219 Exposition Blvd., Palms, Calif. Joseph Bonapart, Ex. Dir. •Jewish Community Council, org. 1934, 939 South Broadway. Charles Brown, Pres.; Leo Gallin, Ex. Sec; sponsors United Jewish Welfare Fund (includes Los Angeles and vicinity). BUREAU OF ARBITRATION, 939 South Broadway. Judge Isaac Pacht, Chmn. BUREAU OF JEWISH EDUCATION, 5322 Wilshire Blvd. Dr. Samuel Dinin, Dir. BUREAU OF JEWISH ECONOMIC PROBLEMS, 939 South Broadway. I. B. Benjamin, Chmn. BUREAU OF PASSOVER RELIEF, 939 South Broadway. Sydney Tannen, Chmn. HILLEL COUNCIL OF JEWISH STUDENTS, 10845 Le Conte Ave. Rabbi B. Harrison, Dir. JEWISH EMPLOYMENT AND COUNSELING SERVICE, 112 W. Ninth St. Irwin A. Newman, Ex. Dir. " JEWISH YOUTH COUNCIL, 2511 Wilshire Blvd. Charles Zibbell, Ex. Dir. KASHRUTH BUREAU, 939 South Broadway. Rabbi O. Zilberstein, Dir. Los ANGELES CONVALESCENT HOME, 610 Temple St. Dr. A. A. Kutzmann, Pres. Los ANGELES EMIGRE SERVICE COMMITTEE, 939 South Broadway. Ludwig Schiff, Chmn. Los ANGELES JEWISH
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