9102/e 2uIss 9102/e Focus on stamps The Collector’s Magazine Land art + EUROPA – Birds + Fête des Vignerons 2019 (Winegrowers Festival) + 50 years manned Moon landing + much more SPECIAL OFFER for all “Focus on stamps” readers PREMIUM stockbooks Padded leather cover3, clear interleaves, black card with 9 clear strips per page Clear interleaves Black card with clear strips Special offer: CHF 49.90 instead of CHF 64.90 Cover colour / Ref. Stockbook Size Pages Binding Red Green Vlack Blue Excl. slipcase PREMIUM S64 A41 64 DLH2 337 807 332 495 319 358 301 419 1) The format corresponds approximately to A4 format. The precise A4 measures are 230 x 305 mm. 2) Double hinge binding. 3) LEFA = leather fi bre, consisting of leather fi bres and other renewable natural raw materials. ✁ Order form please send to: Tel. 0848 66 55 44 · Fax 058 667 62 68 Post CH Ltd – PostalNetwork – Retail Logistics – Werkstrasse 41 – 3250 Lyss K ___ Ref. 337 807, stockbook, red CHF 49.90 K ___ Ref. 319 358, stockbook, black CHF 49.90 K ___ Ref. 332 495, stockbook, green CHF 49.90 K ___ Ref. 301 419, stockbook, blue CHF 49.90 Delivery only in Switzerland Customer: Method of payment (for new customers - please select only one payment method) If you are already a customer, your usual method of payment will be applied. Last name/First name: Switzerland ❑ with invoice ❑ debit from postal account (IBAN): Street/No.: C H Postcode/City: Credit cards ❑ American Express ❑ VISA ❑ Diners Club ❑ Eurocard/Mastercard® Date of birth: Credit card no. Phone/Fax: Expiry date (month/year) Lupe 2-2019: Schlusskontrolle EN. Nur für internen Gebrauch E-mail: Date/Signature: Anzeige_DIE LUPE_02-2019.indd 4 12.02.19 07:24 Contents and editorial Contents Knowledge and news 4–5 EUROPA – Birds 6–7 Fête des Vignerons 2019 (Winegrowers Festival) 8 100 years International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva 9 Huldrych Zwingli – 500 years Reformation in Zurich and southern Germany 10–11 Land art 12–13 50 years manned Moon landing 14–15 150 years Lake Line + train ferry 16–17 Pro Patria – The Swiss flag 18 Other products 19 Ivo Moosberger, the artist of the “Land art” special stamps, pre- Dear stamp lovers sents his “Willow rod spheres” work of art. While my colleagues were researching topics such as birds in Switzerland and the Photo: Thomas Rathgeb first Moon landing, I brushed up on my French skills and returned to French-speaking Switzerland for this stamp issue. Despite the linguistic barrier, the cooperation was fantastic, and we can now present a beautiful se-tenant whose appeal is not limit- ed to winegrowers and people in Western Switzerland. Maybe the motifs will even encourage people to visit the “Fête des Vignerons”? As someone who absolutely adores nature, I was delighted to find an even more ardent nature lover in the creator of four new motifs featuring natural works of art. It was a joy to mentally explore nature even while sitting at my office desk, and to work with the designer on forms, materials and moods to produce a beautiful, diverse stamp set. I hope we can inspire you to get creative yourself the next time you take a walk in nature. For the current joint issue, meanwhile, there were no linguistic barriers to overcome, and an expert from our partner country of Germany was also on hand to help out with the content on Huldrych Zwingli. This was the ideal scenario for producing a successful stamp on an important and absorbing subject. As you read the following pages, I hope you will be amazed by the results of all the research my colleagues and I have done. Thank you very much for your interest in our little works of art, and I hope you enjoy reading this issue. Signature Isabelle Bühler Stamps & Philately Product Manager Contents and editorial 3 Knowledge and news Issuing programme Issue date: 5 September 2019 / Featured in: Focus on stamps 3/2019 No. Value Description No. Value Description 4 3.70 Special stamps 1 1.00 Special stamp Animals around the world C arl Spitteler 100 years Nobel Prize in 0.85 Giraffe Literature 1919–2019 0.85 Zebra 1.00 Flamingo 4 4.00 Miniature sheet 1.00 Meerkat Limited edition 1 1.00 Special stamp 1000 years Basel cathedral 1 1.00 Special stamp Hand lettering – calligraphy 2 2.00 Special stamps The art of brewing beer 1.00 Lager beer Subject to change. 1.00 Dark beer Status: February 2019 Event calendar Focus on stamps publication Month Key Date Location Event details 2/2019 April SS+ 27–28.4 Dübendorf Aerophilately Days May I 2.5 Issue date “Focus on stamps” is a free magazine printed in German, French and Italian. SS+ 4–5.5 Romanshorn 150 years Lake Line + train ferry English: swisspost.ch/focusonstamps TF/E 9 –11.5 Essen 29th International Stamp Fair Published by Post CH Ltd July F 26.7 Focus on stamps 3/2019 – the stamp PostalNetwork magazine Stamps & Philately Wankdorfallee 4 September I 5.9 Issue date 3030 Berne Switzerland October F 4.10 Focus on stamps 4/2019 – the stamp magazine Author Jürg Freudiger TF/E 24 –26.10 Sindelfingen International Stamp Show Total print run 100,000 copies November TF/E 8 –10.11 Luxembourg Multilateral Luxembourg Copy deadline 10.2.2019 rd Dispatch from 21.3.2019 TF/E 6 –9.11 Paris 73 Salon Philatélique d’Automne Stamp issues 2.5.2019 I 14.11 Issue date Contact Center Tel.: +41 848 66 55 44 TF/E 22–24.11 Verona Veronafil 2019 Fax: +41 58 667 62 68 E-mail: [email protected] SS+ 28.11–1.12 Bulle Stamp Day 2019 Website: swisspost.ch/ focusonstamps The right to make updates and changes is Key Shop: postshop.ch reserved. The latest version can always be found I Issue date for stamps/postal stationery The Post CH Ltd General Terms and Conditions at swisspost.ch/stamps. F Focus on stamps (stamp magazine) for the purchase of stamps and philatelic products TF/E Trade fair/exhibition form an integral part of individual orders and are SS+ Sales stand with cancellation service tacitly accepted by each customer who places an order. These Terms and Conditions can be ordered by telephone (+41 848 66 55 44) or by e-mail PhilaNews ([email protected]). They are also available at swisspost.ch/gtc-phila. In addition to the “Focus on stamps” magazine, comprehensive information on the latest developments in the Swiss stamp scene can be found in PhilaNews, which is published monthly on Swiss Post’s homepage: swisspost.ch/philanews 4 Knowledge and news DIGITAL SWAP & TRADE REVOLUTION Join the community! IN PHILATELY FULL STAMP FILE, MANAGE CATALOGUE & VALUE for the German- Full overview of speaking world your collection (DE/AT/CH/LI) – in one application FREE OF CHARGE! SCAN & MATCH Your stamp’s Download now value & detailed free of charge information – from the at one click App Store and Play Store! www.stamp-manager.com Stamp-Manager – the innovative app for philatelists! Even the tradition-conscious world of phil- Try it out for yourself – download the app ately is becoming digitized. As a smart- from the App Store or Google Play and phone or tablet user, you can now enjoy digitize your passion! Manage your collec- Stamp-Manager, an innovative app which tion with ease and access all the features will soon also be available for PC. This app you require with your secure account. enables you to digitize your stamp collec- The app is simple and intuitive to use. Visit tion with ease, and to access it anytime us at: stamp-manager.com and anywhere. You can also use Stamp- Manager to network online with other philatelists, find out what your own collec- tion is worth and increase its value by buying missing stamps, and of course trade and exchange stamps. It’s easy to search for and find items by category and photo in the Stamp-Manager app. Trading values are constantly updated, and the data for the countries currently available – Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria – is continually being expanded. It goes without saying that the Stamp-Manager app pro- vides collectors with all relevant information on each stamp and that new issues are available immediately. Advert 5 Special stamps Golden eagle Sanderling EUROPA – Birds The universally familiar, much-admired king of the skies and an inconspicuous, little-known sandpiper – this is the unlikely pair of birds adorning Swiss Post’s new EUROPA stamps. The birds featured on this year’s Swiss EUROPA stamps could hardly be more dif- ferent. Firstly, there’s the undisputed star among Swiss native birds, the golden eagle, with its wingspan of over two metres; and secondly, a less well-known migrant, the sanderling. Its home is the Arctic tundra, but it can be spotted at Swiss lakes between April and June on its way to warmer climes. More information on this unlikely pair can be found at vogelwarte.ch/golden-eagle and vogelwarte.ch/sanderling. The (temporary) distribution areas of the two birds are printed in a metallic colour on the stamps. Anyone who would like to listen to the birds’ twitters can use the CEE App to scan the EUROPA stamps available in various participating countries this year. “EUROPA Stamps” is the collective term for jointly themed stamps that have been issued by the postal administrations of a number of European countries since 1956. This year, Switzerland is entering its “Golden eagle” stamp in PostEurop’s competition to find the EUROPA stamp with the best design.
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