M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) (Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Ltd., A Government of India Enterprise) Executing Agency of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi INVITES e-TENDER FOR Construction for Upgradation of Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical College, Kanpur (U.P.) Under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna, Phase-IV (PMSSY-IV) Volume- I Notice Inviting Bids & Instructions to Bidders Tender No. HITES/IDN/GSVMMC-KNP/2017-18 B-14A, Sector – 62, NOIDA (UP) -201307 Phone no: 0120-4071500, Fax no: 0120-4071513 (Feb, 2018) Tender No. HITES/IDN/GSVMMC-KNP/2017-18 Page 1 Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) as Executing Agency of MoHFW, Government of India invites Item Rate bids through e-tendering from eligible contractors/firms for the following work under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) Phase-IV: Last date to Name and Estimated Completion upload bids description of Bid Security Cost Period through E- work tendering Construction for Upgradation of Ganesh Shankar 20.03.2018 up to Rs 115.00 Rs 105 Cr. 16 Months Vidyarthi 15:00Hrs Lakhs Memorial Medical College, Kanpur (U.P.) For details, please visit www.hllhites.com/tenders, HLL e-tender portal https://etender.lifecarehll.com and CPP portal, https://eprocure.gov.in. Corrigenda / Amendments, if any, will be notified in these websites only. HITES reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason or incurring any liability whatsoever. Vice President (ID) HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd VICE PRESIDENT (ID) HITES Newspapers: 1. Hindustan Times (All Edition) - English 2. Navbharat Times (All Edition) - Hindi 3. The Hindu (All Edition) - English Tender No. HITES/IDN/GSVMMC-KNP/2017-18 Page 2 M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) (Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Ltd., A Government of India Enterprise) Executing Agency of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (Detailed NIT) Tender No. HITES/IDN/GSVMMC-KNP/2017-18 Dated 24.02.2018 The Vice President (ID), M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES), (Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Ltd., A Government of India Enterprise), B-14A, Sector – 62, NOIDA (UP) -201307 as Executing Agency of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, (MoHFW), Govt. of India, New Delhi invites on line Item Rate bids through e-tendering from eligible contractors/firms on behalf of MoHFW for the following works under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY), Phase-IV, as per amended schedule hereunder: Name and Estimated Completion Date & Last date to Date of Bid Description of cost (Rs.) period of time of upload the opening of Security work Work pre-bid tender tender amount (Months) meeting through (Rs.) e- tendering Construction for Upgradation of Ganesh Shankar 16 (Sixteen 06.03.2018 20.03.2018 20.03.2018 Vidyarthi 105 Cr. Months) at 11:30 Upto at 115 Lakhs Memorial Medical Hrs. 15:00Hrs. 15:30Hrs. College, Kanpur (U.P.) The bidder would be required to register at https://etender.lifecarehll.com. The bid document will be available online as per schedule above for submission of the bids; the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities. The bidders are required to submit Bid processing Fee, EMD and documents as described in Section-II, Volume-I and Checklist as per Annexure-I to the office of The Vice President (ID), M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES), B-14A, Sector – 62, NOIDA (UP) in respect of above works before date and time fixed for opening of bid either by speed post/ registered post or by hand, failing which the bid be declared non-responsive. All forms and formats are given at the end of Volume-I. Bank Details of HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. are as under for the purpose of preparation of Bank Guarantee only: Name of Beneficiary: HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. Bank: HDFC Bank Limited, Sector-18, Noida, Current Account No. : 57500000119955 IFSC Code: HDFC0000088 Tender No. HITES/IDN/GSVMMC-KNP/2017-18 Page 3 The complete set of Tender Documents comprising six Volumes I, II, III, IV, V & VI shall be made available, as per schedule above, on website of HITES www.hllhites.com/tenders/, e- tender portal https://etender.lifecarehll.com and CPP portal https://eprocure.gov.in. The interested applicants/contractors/firms may like to attend the pre bid meeting which will be held at the Office of The Vice President (ID) M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES), B- 14A, Sector – 62, NOIDA (UP) in respect of above works, as per schedule indicated above. HITES reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason or incurring any liability whatsoever. Prospective bidders are advised to regularly scan through website of HITES www.hllhites.com/tenders/, e-tender portal https://etender.lifecarehll.com and CPP portal https://eprocure.gov.in, as corrigenda/amendments etc., if any, will be notified on these portals only and separate advertisement will not be made for this. Bidders are advised to check all these websites regularly as at times, it is not possible to upload data on a particular website due to some technical glitch. The Vice President (ID) M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES), Executing Agency Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India Tender No. HITES/IDN/GSVMMC-KNP/2017-18 Page 4 DISCLAIMER This document has been prepared by M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) as Executing Agency of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, (MoHFW), Govt. of India. The information is provided to prospective Bidders, who are interested to Bid for Construction for Upgradation of Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical College, Kanpur (U.P.) under PMSSY (Ph.-IV). This document is neither an agreement, nor an offer or invitation to perform work of any kind to any party. The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with information to assist the preparation of their Bid. While due care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained herein, and is believed to be complete and accurate, neither any of the authorities/ agencies nor any of their respective officers, employees, agents or advisors give any warranty or make any representations, expressed or implied as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document or any information which may be provided in association with it. Further, HITES does not claim that the information is exhaustive. Respondents to this document are required to make their own inquiry/ survey and will be required to confirm, in writing, that they have done so and they did not rely solely on the information given herein. HITES reserves the right not to proceed with the Project or to change the configuration of the Project, to alter the timetable reflected in this document or to change the process or procedure to be applied. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the Project further with any respondent. No reimbursement of cost of any type or on any account will be made to persons or entities submitting their Bid. Tender No. HITES/IDN/GSVMMC-KNP/2017-18 Page 5 Definitions 1. “Application” shall mean the response submitted by interested parties. 2. “BID/Tender” shall mean documents issued by M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) to the prospective Bidder. The word “Tender” is synonymous with “Bid”. 3. “Bid Security/ Earnest Money” shall mean the amount to be deposited by the Bidder with the Tender. 4. “Bid Validity” shall mean the period for which the Bids shall remain valid. 5. “Bidder” shall mean the party participating in the Tendering process pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of this document. The word “Tenderer” is synonymous with “Bidder”. 6. “Contract Agreement” shall mean the agreement to be signed between the Successful Tenderer and the competent authority of M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) / their authorized representative. 7. “Contract Price” shall mean the financial bid of the Successful Tenderer as accepted by the Client. 8. “Date of commencement of work” shall mean the date of Start as specified in the Schedule “F” or the date of handing over of the site, whichever is later in accordance with the phasing if any, as indicated in the tender document. 9. "Defects Liability Period”/“Maintenance Period" means the period after completion of the Project during which the MoHFW or his authorized representative / Engineer-in-charge/HITES that will notify to the Contractor any defect noticed in the work and the Contractor is liable for rectification of such defects. Proof of dispatch of letter notifying the defect/ intimating the representative of Contractor at site on the last date of Defect liability period will make the Contractor liable for rectify all such defects. 10. “Employer/Principal Employer” means M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) as Executing Agency of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. 11. “Engineer in Charge” (EIC) means the Engineer Officer as mentioned in the schedule “F” hereunder, as authorized by M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES). 12. “Evaluation Committee” shall mean the committee constituted by M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES) for the evaluation of the bids. 13. “GST” shall mean Goods and Service Tax. 14. “HITES” shall mean M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd., appointed by MOH&FW as a Executing Agency for the project. 15. “ITB” means Instructions to Bidders 16. “Letter of Award” shall mean the letter issued by the M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd.
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